Youhei Tsubono, Japan
Contents (12/10/2024)
(Fig.1) Quantum mechanics is wrong, useless, just promoting overhyped fake science = (hopeless) quantum computers. ↓
(Fig.1') Short-version of Summary ↓
(Fig.1a) Today's medical researches are deadend, unable to clarify diseases' mechanism at atomic level (= so unable to cure diseases ) due to useless quantum mechanical atomic theory.
Despite extremely long years of researches, many serious diseases such as cancers, Alzheimer, HIV, autoimmune diseases are still incurable.
If we could clarify the detailed atomic mechanism of diseases and biological functions, all these intractable diseases should have already been cured. But they are still far from curable.
It means today's only atomic theory called ( ancient unrealistic ) quantum mechanics failed to elucidate atomic mechanisms of diseases and biological functions even after 100 years of fruitless researches.
An incredible amount of fake news overhyping (already-deadend) quantum mechanics can Not hide the fact that cancers and Alzheimer diseases are still incurable ( this Challenges and the road ahead, this-lower Challenges ).
The 5th paragraph of this news (2023) says
"Another reason quantum biology is Not considered a legitimate field of science"
This-lower-Quantum biology today (2023) says
"physicists of the 20th century believed that quantum effects had No significant impact on biology"
"There is no doubt that quantum biology is still in infancy. Quantum effects in these and other processes like (human) vision, sense of smell, DNA mutations, are still hard to study theoretically or measure precisely."
Overhyped media just repeat hackneyed phrases "quantum biology is a revolutionary field that has the potential (= uncertain future word, so still useless, this 3rd-paragraph )" for 100 years in vain with No hope of curing cancers ( this-lower-challenges ).
Actually, today's medical researches do Not consider the detailed atomic mechanism of biological, enzymatic, antibody reactions due to the useless quantum mechanical atomic theory.
↑ Today's deadend medical researches rely only on macroscopic biological tools such as PCR, plasmids (= bacterial virus ), immuno(= Western )-blotting (= using antibodies obtained by immunizing natural animals ), enzymes originating from natural organisms, Not from being created by humans nor the useless quantum mechanics.
For example, in cloning some genes or synthesizing artificial proteins, researchers insert the isolated natural proteins' DNAs into viral plasmid vectors by PCR. restriction enzymes. ligase, reverse transcriptase, CRISPR, all of these enzymes originate from natural organisms such as bacteria or viruses.
↑ No detailed atomic mechanism was clarified in today's medical and biological researches that cannot cure cancers or Alzheimer, as shown in today's failed clinical trials.
Quantum mechanics is completely useless and Not used in medical and biological researches (= No quantum mechanical Schrodinger equation nor DFT was used in today's biological researches, as shown in this p.2~4-material and method, this p.10-12-method, this p.9-11-experimental procedure, Hyped molecular machine = this p.6-7-methods ).
The so-called quantum biology is a useless pseudo-science irrelevant to actual biology.
As a result, the present only atomic theory = very old impractical quantum mechanics is the
(Fig.1b) Today's deadend science is hidden by an incredible amount of overhyped fake science news about (hopeless) quantum computers that are harmful by misleading us and preventing curing diseases.
Quantum mechanical Schrödinger equations are completely useless, unsolvable for any multi-electron atoms, molecules.
So quantum mechanics has to describe the whole multi-electron molecules and materials as fictional quasiparticle with unreal mass or one-pseudo-electron DFT model lacking real atomic shapes (= No physical meaning, this p.18 ).
↑ This current unrealistic quantum mechanical atomic model hampers medicine (= No cures for cancers, Alzheimer.. ), computer industry (= Moore's law is dead. quantum mechanics was useless for transistors ) and all technologies.
Atomic force (or scanning tunneling ) microscope technology manipulating single atoms has been deadend, No progress, stuck in only one probe tip (= which cannot freely manipulate single atoms for reviving Moore's law or curing diseases ) for 40 years due to this fictional quantum mechanical atomic model preventing useful multi-probe atomic force microscopes.
In order to hide this inconvenient truth of today's deadend science, quantum mechanics needs to create fake scientific targets such as overhyped quantum computers that are useless forever.
Quantum computers are based on unfounded simultaneous calculations using fictional quantum superposition or parallel universes. ← No evidence of quantum computer's fast parallel-universe calculations because of still No quantum computer's speed-up nor advantage in their useless tasks of outputting random meaningless numbers containing a lot of errors ( this 4th-last-paragraph ).
Contrary to the media-hype, today's quantum computers with only less than 1000 qubits (= one qubit can take only 0 or 1 ) are too error-prone to give right answers, so still Not quantum computers ( this 1st-paragraph, this 2nd-paragraph ).
Millions of qubits are needed for a practical quantum computer, which is impossible to realize forever.
This 4th-paragraph (2024) says
"For a quantum computer to be practical, millions of qubits must be accommodated on a single chip. The most advanced quantum computers today have only a few hundred qubits (with hopelessly too many errors ), meaning they can only perform calculations that are already possible (and often more efficient) on conventional (= classical ) computers"
Contrary to the media hypes, physicists already gave up correcting errors of today's error-prone quantum computers (= today's quantum error correction operation just increases errors instead of decreasing errors ).
This news-lower-will quantum computers arrive soon ? (12/16/2024) says
"Google concedes that Willow's error rate is still too high for quantum computing to be useful in an applied setting."
So they tried to make the error-prone quantum computers output random useless numbers into which a lot of errors were hidden to claim (fake) quantum supremacy or advantage based on the unfounded unseen parallel universes ( this 1. ).
This 2nd-paragraph says
"The calculation has almost No practical use—it spits out a string of random numbers... Useful quantum machines are many years away"
See Google Willow quantum computer speed-up is illusion.
The (fake) speed-up of quantum annealing or D-Wave (= fake quantum computer ) is useless, based on unfair comparison with bad classical methods (= good classical computer's methods easily outperformed quantum annealing or D-Wave, this 3rd-paragraph, this p.2-left-last-paragraph ).
D-Wave's (overhyped) claim that they are the only practical quantum computer's company is false (= because D-Wave is still far from practical ), they use (deceptive) hybrid computers, which are just classical computers and No quantum speed-up nor advantage,
↑ The fact that today's (hopeless) quantum computers still cannot replace the ordinary classical computers means there was No quantum supremacy nor advantage from the beginning.
This 2nd-paragraph (2024) admits
"IBM readily admits that nobody has yet demonstrated quantum advantage".
When the overhyped media exaggerate "quantum computers allegedly simulating molecular, protein calculations, medicine or fluid dynamics, these "simulations", calculations or machine learning are conducted by ordinary classical computers (which you use in daily life ) as (misleading) hybrid computers where today's error-prone quantum computers ( this p.1-left-last-paragraph ) with only tiny numbers of useless qubits can do nothing ( this-last-paragraph ).
No quantum advantage ( this 2nd-paragraph ).
This p.3-2nd~3rd-papragraphs say
"hybrid models face several challenges, primarily related to the current
limitations of quantum hardware. Quantum computers are still in the noisy intermediate-scale
quantum (NISQ) era, which means that qubits—quantum bits—are prone to errors, and the
number of qubits available for computations is limited"
The recent hyped research (2024) using 'hybrid' quantum computer (= just classical computer ) used only 5 useless qubits (= just 5 bitstring, one qubit can take only 0 or 1 values = only 25 = 32 numbers can be expressed, which can be easily replaced by classical computer, this-The Anderson model, this p.3-Fig.2 ), which is still Not a (quantum) computer.
This alleged hybrid quantum-classical neural network was conducted only by conventional (= classical ) computer ( this-lower-The Need for real opus, this p.11-last-paragraph )
To hide the inconvenient truth of the already-deadend quantum computers or quantum mechanics, an incredible amount of overhyped fake news stating the baseless "promise" (= such as the meaningless commercialization of cloud quantum computers or something, this 1st,4th-paragraphs, this 2nd-3rd-paragraphs, this-last-3:50 ) needs to be spread every day.
For example, the recent overhyped IonQ has only 36 unstable ion qubits (= each qubit can take only 0 or 1, this p.4-3.2, this-lower-abut IonQ ), which is useless, far from millions of qubits required for a practical quantum computer ( this summary ).
Rigetti also has only 84 error-prone superconducting qubits, which fall far short of millions of qubits required for a pracical quantum computer.
Rigetti's latest research (10/2024) used only 8 qubits as one logical qubit (= just one bit 0 or 1, still Not a computer ) with very bad error rate of 20% even after using a classical computer's decoder ( this 3rd-paragraph ) tried to correct errors, taking much time (~ 25μs = impractical, far slower than an ordinary classical computer's bit speed of ns, or GHz ), as shown in this-p.1-abstract, p.4-right-IV, p.6-VII
(Fig.2) Quantum mechanics has to choose fake trial wavefunctions for unsolvable Schrödinger equations, which cause unreal shapeless atom or fictional quasiparticle due to one spreading pseudo-electron model, which hinders real applied science.
Quantum mechanics tries to explain atomic energy using only (unphysical) Schrödinger equations.
In this Schrödinger equation, the total energy of an atom expressed as the sum of electron's kinetic energy and Coulomb potential energy must be conserved and constant.
Under this total energy conservation law, Schrödinger equation for only one-electron hydrogen atom can give analytical solution, whose energies agree with Bohr's realistic atomic model ( this p.21-last ) including fine structure ( this p.8-4th-paragraph ).
Any Schrödinger equations for multi-electron atoms or molecules including a helium are unsolvable, unable to give right solutions ( this p.21, this p.4-1st-paragraph ).
Physicists have to artificially choose fake trial wavefunctions (= basis sets ) with many freely-adjustable parameters out of infinite free choices and get (fake average) total energy by integrating chosen trial wavefunctions instead of solving the unsolvable Schrödinger equations, which is 'art', Not science.
This 4th-paragraph saysThe free choice of (fake) trial wavefunctions ( this p.22-5.1 ) for unsolvable Schrödinger equations means quantum mechanics is meaningless, useless, unable to predict any energies of multi-electron atoms or molecules ( this p.4-5th-paragraph, this p.1-last ).
This or this 12-13th-paragraphs say
"the Schrödinger equation is far from all powerful..., the Schrödinger equation can't yield an exact description of a helium atom"
↑ It is far better and more efficient to use experimentally-obtained atomic energies instead of wasting too much time in the useless unphysical quantum mechanical equations, which are unable to predict any energies and hampers all the applied science.
We prove Schrödinger equations for multi-electron helium atom and hydrogen molecule ion are unable to get true analytical solutions satisfying total energy conservation law, so quantum mechanics based on paradoxical probability wavefunctions proved to be wrong.
Einstein relativity proved to be wrong due to many fatal paradoxes, which fact also disproves quantum mechanics that heavily relies on the paradoxical relativity.
Electron spin is unreal (= Not real spin ), and the spin magnetic (dipole) energy is unable to explain strong repulsion needed for Pauli exclusion principle where the 3rd electron of lithium (= Li ) must enter the outer 2s orbital instead of entering the inner 1s orbitals already full of two electrons with up and dwon spins.
In order to artificially explain Pauli principle that disagrees with the original electron spin, physicists introduced the ad-hoc rule where the (fake) chosen wavefunctions must be antisymmetric which means exchanging any two electrons (= labels ) must flip the sign of the whole wavefunctions, causing paradoxical exchange energy ( this p.7-8, this p.11 ) unrealistically lacking exchange force ( this p.9-upper ).
↑ As I said, Schrödinger equations for any multi-electron atoms are unsolvable, unable to predict any physical values, so these chosen (fake) antisymmetric wavefunctions allegedly expressing the (unphysical) spin exchange energy also cannot predict nor validate quantum mechanical spin theory.
Furthermore, in this ad-hoc antisymmetric wavefunction, every single electron must be unrealistically spreading over all different orbitals and atoms, which prevents individual atoms from having shapes or boundaries.
Due to this unphysical quantum mechanical rule and useless time-consuming Schrödinger equations ( this p.14-last, this 2.22 ), quantum mechanics has to treat the whole multi-electron molecules or materials as fictional quasiparticle or one-pseudo-electron DFT model lacking real atomic shape ( this p.2-1.1 ).
(Fig.3) Today's only mainstream quantum mechanical approximation = DFT just choosing fake pseudo-potentials and one pseudo-electron density is useless.
Due to the useless, time-consuming multi-electron Schrödinger equations ( this p.2-3, this p.11 ), quantum mechanics has to treat the whole molecules and materials as fictional quasiparticle or one pseudo-electron model called density functional theory (= DFT, this p.18 ) that is equal to fictitious Kohn-Sham theory
This DFT has to artificially choose not only its fictional one electron density wavefunction but also pseudo-potential called exchange-correlation energy functionals ( this 3-5th-paragraphs, this 3rd-paragraph, this p.1-introduction-1st-paragraph )
↑ No universally-correct pseudo-potential or exchange-correlation energy functional is known ( this p.7 ), so the artificial choice of the fake pseudo-potential means this DFT is also useless, unable to predict any physical values. ← DFT is empirical, fake ab-initio theory ( this p.23-lower, this p.11-left-1st-paragraph, this p.21-5.2 )
Of course, in this present mainstream quantum mechanical DFT treating the whole multi-electron atoms or molecules as only one pseudo-electron model (= No physical meaning, this-last-paragraph, this p.2-1st~2nd-paragraph ), individual atoms or molecules can Not have their shapes nor boundaries (= electrons determine each atomic shape or size ), which time-consuming pseudo-atomic model hampers today's technology.
(Fig.4) Quantum mechanical unrealistic atomic model cannot be used for any useful technology.
Quantum mechanical Schrödinger equations for any multi-electron materials including semiconductors are unsolvable, unable to predict any physical values (= just choosing fake trial wavefunctions out of infinite free parameters' choices, this p.21 ).
↑ So it is impossible that quantum mechanics or Schrödinger equations predicted or contributed to discovery of transistors, contrary to the media-hype.
Quantum mechanics hinders computer's technology, as shown in already-dead Moore's law, and hopeless overhyped quantum computers.
Even choosing fake trial wavefunctions for Schrödinger equations for multi-electron semiconductors is extremely time-consuming and unfeasible ( this p.2-3 ), so quantum mechanics has to describe solids and semiconductors as fictional quasiparticle or one-pseudo-electron band DFT model with fake effective mass ( this p.18, this p.2-5, this p.14-2nd-paragraph ).
This p.5-left-lower says
"The problem of electrons in a solid – a many-electron problem....
The many-electron problem is impossible to solve exactly... approximation:
assume that all the interactions are described by an effective (= fictitious ) potential"
↑ So quantum mechanics just choosing fake effective potential and effective mass ( this p.5, this p.6 ) cannot predict behavior of semiconductors , so quantum mechanics was completely useless for transistors and hard-disk.
All the useful technologies such as transistors were accidentally discovered after researchers' trial-and-error approach ( this-lower-trial and error ) and long experience without the (useless) quantum mechanical prediction.
This p.16-1st-paragraph says
"there still is No really adequate quantitative
theory explaining the working of the point contact transistor...., who observed something that
they were not looking for or expecting"
In discovery of hard disk (= giant magnetoresistance ), this site's p.3-2nd~3rd-paragraphs say
"The general
consensus in the 1980s (= quantum mechanics ) was that it was not possible to significantly improve on the performance of
magnetic sensors based on magnetoresistance.
Therefore it was a great surprise when in 1988 two research groups independently discovered materials
showing a very large magnetoresistance (= disagreeing with quantum mechanical consensus ), now known as giant magnetoresistance (GMR)."
↑ Quantum mechanics was completely irrelevant to discovering transistors and spintronics (= hard disk ).
(Fig.5) Quantum mechanics always treating the whole molecules as one useless pseudo-electron DFT model is too time-consuming, and cannot be used for practical atomic force microscope with multiple probe tips manipulating single atoms more freely.
In 1980s, humans invented atomic force microscope (= AFM ) and scanning tunneling microscope (= STM ) observing and manipulating single atoms.
The problem is this atomic force (or scanning tunneling ) microscope had only one (inconvenient) probe tip, which can only carry single atoms that attached (= adsorbed ) to the microscope's tip (by controlling the single tip's voltage, this p.4-9, this p.2-right ) instead of grabbing single atoms by multiple probe tips like robot hand.
Surprisingly, even now in 2024, the mainstream atomic force microscopes have only one (useless) probe tip with No progress for 40 years due to unrealistic quantum mechanical atomic model.
It is impossible to freely manipulate, grab the target atoms or molecules with only one probe tip, so developing multi-probe atomic force microscopes is definitely necessary for useful nano-technology of building nano-devices curing diseases, controlling artificial chemical reactions, clarifying dynamical protein's motion at atomic level.
↑ This deadend situation in atomic force microscope stuck in the useless one-probe tip for 40 years is clearly abnormal (= though they already have the technology, which means they intentionally stop developing useful multi-probe atomic force microscopes ), compared to today's physics wasting too much time and money only on the hopeless, deadend overhyped quantum computers (= No progress ), cryptography, room-temperature superconductivity...
Just to protect the old useless quantum mechanical methods and their old vested interests, academia and scientists do Not even try to make multi-probe atomic force microscopes (= though they already have the technology ) that will make the quantum mechanical methods unnecessary and obsolete, which they fear.
Quantum mechanics has always forced researchers to describe any multi-electron molecules observed by atomic force (or scanning tunneling ) microscopes as fictional quasiparticle or one useless pseudo-electron DFT model ( this p.10-right, this p.4-Figure.4, this p.8 ) lacking individual atomic shape (= having only useless pseudo-potential, this p.10-8., this p.9-AFM image simulation ).
These quantum mechanics, DFT are useless, unable to predict anything, unnecessary, because even its approximation is too time-consuming, hampering nano-technology.
So even if we develop the useful multi-probe atomic force microscopes (= AFM ) manipulating single atoms or molecules freely, today's impractical quantum mechanical shapeless atomic theory such as fictional quasiparticle or one-pseudo-electron DFT model is unable to explain the observed atomic behavior.
The present impractical quantum mechanical atomic model has clearly prevented developing useful multi-probe atomic force microscopes for a long time, though we already have the technology.
↑ Academia, physicists fear that today's impractical quantum mechanical model becomes unnecessary or obsolete by the advent of practical multi-probe atomic force microscopes (= which need real atomic model with shape ), so they have intentionally blocked creating (practical) atomic force microscopes with multiple probes, though they already have the technology.
Today's multi-probe atomic force or scanning tunneling microscopes are used only for measuring electric conductance or transport between two probes, Not for grabbing molecules with multiple probes like robot hands due to unphysical quantum mechanical pseudo-atomic model.
We should immediately build practical atomic force microscope with multiple probe tips (= by replacing today's bulky cantilever with miniatuarized piezoresistive sensor ) that can freely manipulate single molecules and artificial efficient chemical reactions enabling artificial energy-efficient photosynthesis, designing nano-devices curing diseases, and miniaturization of computers, smartrphones to (energy-efficient) atomic scale (= reviving Moore's law ).
(Fig.6) MD unable to treat a real (rigid) molecule as a real (rigid) object with shape takes too much time to move shapeless atoms at short time intervals based only on pseudo-potential U.
To clarify biological functions and disease mechanisms at atomic level, we have to explain and simulate molecular motions at atomic scale.
All AI technology or protein docking methods such as Alphafold based only on experimentally-obtained static protein structure database (= PDB, this p.2-right ) are useless, unable to explain any molecular (or protein ) motion, conformational change or biological reactions ( this-2nd-paragraph, this-lower alphafold3-limitation ). ← effective drug development is impossible
Quantum mechanical unphysical shapeless atomic model allows only the impractically-time-consuming molecular dynamics (= MD ) based only on pseudo-potential called force field (= whose improperly-adjusted parameters give wrong results, this p.5-limitation ) as the only molecular (or protein ) motion simulation method.
This molecular dynamics (= MD ) cannot treat a real rigid molecule as a real object with shape, which is why MD based only on force field potential without molecular shape ( this p.2 ) is impractical, inconvenient and too time-consuming ( this 9th~ paragraphs ).
This very old molecular dynamics (= MD ) has to move all shapeless atoms individually by differentiating the pseudo-potential U called force field potential at short-time intervals (= each time step Δt must be less than 2fs ), repeatedly, many, many times ( this p.17-37 ), which is too time-consuming to simulate actual molecular or protein motions.
Unlike real objects (or real atom ) with known shapes, when two unrealistic shapeless quantum mechanical atoms collide (= overlap of shapeless atoms ) is unpredictable, so each time step of MD simulation must be less than only 2fs (= 2 × 10-15 ), which calculations must be repeated 109 times to simulate 1μs molecular motion, which will take more than days.
↑ MD is impractical, too-time-consuming ( this p.3-right-1st-paragraph, this 3rd-paragraph ).
So this too time-consuming MD cannot explain the much-longer important biological reactions such as allosteric enzymatic reactions, protein folding nor synthesis with minutes ~ hours time scale.
This p.3-left-2nd-paragraph says
"atomistic MD
calculations using empirical force fields typically use time steps
of the order of femtoseconds (i.e. 10-15 seconds), being able to
compute few nanoseconds (= ns ) with a personal computer, but far from
the millisecond to second timescales of domain motions and
allosteric transitions occurring in some enzymes"
Even the latest molecular dynamical (= MD ) researches (in 2024 ) could simulate just less than 200ns (= 10-7 s ) molecular motion ( this p.4-1st-paragraph, this p.12-left ). ← Just 200ns is far from time-scale of biological reaction (~ hours ) or cancer formation (~ years ). ← cancer is incurable.
So the current mainstream quantum mechanical shapeless atomic model, one-pseudo-electron DFT, the impractically-time-consuming MD unable to simulate molecules manipulated by multi-probe atomic force microscopes stalls nano-technology ( this p.2-1st-paragraph, this p.1-left ).
If we stop using these impractical quantum mechanical atomic model, time-consuming MD, and use realistic atomic model with shape, we can definitely explain molecular motions manipulated by the multi-probe atomic force microscopes to build useful nano-devices and clarify dynamical protein reactions to cure today's intractable diseases.
(Fig.7) Quantum mechanical unphysical shapeless atomic model, DFT, extremely-time-consuming MD hamper building useful nano-devices.
By manipulating real parts or objects with shapes, we can design (= predict ) motions of engines and build useful cars, machines, planes.. without quantum mechanics or extremely-time-consuming molecular dynamics (= MD ).
Individual atoms composing macroscopic objects with tangible shapes also should have their shapes, which obvious fact is ignored by the paradoxical quantum mechanics.
Using multi-probe atomic force microscopes, we should be able to measure each atomic shape, design, and build useful nano-devices enabling efficient chemical reactions, artificial photosynthesis and curing diseases.
But the current quantum mechanical shapeless atomic theory, one-pseudo-electron DFT, impractically-time-consuming molecular dynamics (= MD ) hampers nano-technology by preventing simulating atoms manipulated by multi-probe atomic force microscopes.
(Fig.8) Quantum mechanical unreal density functional theory (= DFT ) and molecular dynamics (= MD ) with only useless pseudo-potential lacking atomic shapes hamper technological development.
Today's technology can already observe and manipulate each single atom to potentially design, build useful nano-machines, and manipulate efficient artificial chemical reactions by distinguishing individual atoms through atomic force microscopes (= AFM ) or scanning tunneling microscopes (= STM = irrelevant to the unreal quantum mechanical negative kinetic energy ).
But the present unphysical shapeless quantum mechanical atomic model hampers developing useful multi-probe atomic force microscopes manipulating individual atoms like robot hands.
Even when researchers observe individual atoms with actual shapes by today's atomic force microscopes (with only a single probe tip now ), they are forced to describe those observed atoms as the useless one-pseudo-electron DFT or fictional quasiparticle model lacking atomic shapes.
Examples of relying on this useless DFT in atomic force microscope (= AFM ) experiments are this p.3, this p.8-right-lower, this p.2-right, this p.8-left = DFT uses only artificially-chosen (pseudo-)potential without atomic shape.
↑ It is impossible to manipulate individual atoms or molecules as practical parts with shapes in this present useless quantum mechanical shapeless atomic model (= one-pseudo-electron DFT.. ) that prevents practical nano-technology or curing diseases.
When explaining some molecular motion manipulated by the atomic force microscope tips, researchers have to rely on the impractical time-consuming molecular dynamics (= MD ) lacking atomic shapes (= only using empirical pseudo-potentials called force fields that often failed, this p.2-left ).
Examples of using the impractically-time-consuming molecular dynamics (= MD ) for expressing motions of atomic force microscope tip and target molecules are this p.14, this p.3-left (= only 10ns motion simulation, this p.2-left-1st-paragraph ), this p.6-lower (= only 50 ps motion simulation ).
↑ This current mainstream time-consuming MD is useless, simulating too short molecular motion, unable to simulate much-longer (= ms ~ hours ) protein reactions ( this p.14(or p.12)-1st-paragraph ) or molecules manipulated by (multi-probe) atomic force microscopes.
↑ Manipulating molecules by atomic force microscopes takes more than seconds ~ minutes ~ hours, which long time scale molecular motion cannot be simulated nor explained by today's only molecular simulating method = too time-consuming MD (= which can simulate only less than ns ~ μs very short molecular motion ).
This p.6-3rd-paragraph says
"However, due to computational limitations (= taking too much time ) inherent to
fully-atomistic methods, MD models explicitly contain only a limited number of atoms from the
tip and substrate ( this p.36(or p.16)-1st-paragraph )"
↑ If we treat atoms or molecules as real objects with shapes, we can easily explain motions of those molecules like predicting motion of a macroscopic objects with shapes (= without using unrealistically-time-consuming MD ), which is forbidden by the quantum mechanical shapeless atomic model.
In this impractical MD (= the current only molecular simulating method ) that cannot treat molecules as real objects with shapes, they have to move individual atoms at very short-time intervals (= only 2fs interval ) little by little by differentiating pseudo-potentials called force field repeatedly many, many times ( this p.5-29 ).
↑ Even when lifting and moving a rigid (multi-atomic) molecule, researchers (= using quantum mechanics and MD ) are not allowed to treat the target molecule as an actual rigid object with shape. ← Instead, they have to move individual atoms composing the molecule little by little based only on pseudo-potential (= force field ) repeatedly, which takes too much time ( this p.3-right-1st-paragraph ).
This impractical MD based on the unphysical quantum mechanical shapeless atomic model prevents engineers from developing multi-probe atomic force microscopes that can manipulate and move target molecules freely like robot hands grabbing macroscopic objects with shapes (= which motion can Not be described by the unphysical shapeless quantum mechanics, DFT nor unrealistically-time-consuming MD ).
Due to this unphysical quantum mechanical atomic model, the present researchers tend to use the atomic force microscope (= AFM ) with an useless single probe tip for biological tools just vaguely seeing proteins or cells without looking into detailed atomic interactions.
↑ Today's atomic force microscope with only an useless single tip is No longer used for manipulating single atoms in most cases (= ex. in biology, medicine ). ← Sadly, our nano-technology seems to be regressing instead of progressing.
Biological researches using atomic force microscopes (= AFM ) do Not use the useless quantum mechanics (= Schrodinger equation ), DFT, MD (nor Alphafold ), and they rely only on macroscopic biological tools not considering detailed atomic interaction.
No Schrodinger equation, DFT, MD, nor Alphafold was used, and No individual atoms were distinguished in biological AFM experiment, as shown in this p.7-method, this p.2-3-method, this p.10-12-method, this p.11-15-method, this p.11-12-method.
↑ As a result, today's unphysical quantum mechanical shapeless atomic model prevents researchers from clarifying detailed atomic mechanism by using practical multi-probe atomic force microscopes, and makes it impossible to cure cancers, Alzheimer.
If we discard this useless quantum mechanical shapeless atomic model (= one-pseudo-electron DFT, unrealistically-time-consuming MD ), and use realistic atomic model with experimentally-measured shapes and properties, we can smoothly use multi-probe atomic force microscopes to manipulate individual atoms and molecules as real objects with shapes, build useful nano-devices, clarify true dynamical protein structures, and control efficient artificial chemical reactions... definitely triggering revolutionary technological development.
(Fig.9) Using multiple probe tips for identifying and manipulating real atoms with shapes can build useful nano-machines for curing diseases. ↓
The current atomic force or scanning tunnel microscope for measuring and manipulating single atoms has only one probe tip, which cannot identify the target atoms nor manipulate individual atoms more freely. ← surprisingly No progress for a very long time = 40 years.
We have to use multiple probes (= each probe has a single atomic tip ) to grab and manipulate single atoms more freely for building useful molecular devices.
↑ By using two probe tips, we can identify what the target atom (= put between two probe tips ) is by measuring the atomic size and shape (= you can measure more precisely the size and radius of the target atom, if measuring the target atom at more than one points around the atom by using two probe tips ).
↑ This measurement of each atomic shape or size is Not allowed in the present unphysical quantum mechanical shapeless atomic model consisting of fictional quasiparticles with fake (effective) mass.
Grabbing atoms by multiple probes needs to define individual atomic size and shapes, which is hindered by the unphysical quantum mechanical shapeless atomic model.
↑ So quantum mechanical unphysical atomic model with No shape has prevented researchers from developing multi-probe atomic force microscopes grabbing individual atoms like robot's hands.
By using real atomic shapes and sizes (measured by multi-probe atomic force microscopes) and discarding useless quantum mechanical shapeless atomic model (= useless Schrodinger equation, one-pseudo-electron-DFT, time-consuming MD model ), we can efficiently manipulate artificial chemical reactions, distinguish target molecules, design, build practical molecular nano-machines controlling individual atoms, and clarify detailed atomic mechanisms of proteins, enzymes leading to effective treatments and drug development.
It is surprising that even now the mainstream atomic force or scanning tunnel microscope has only one single probe tip instead of multiple probe tips. ← No progress from 1989 when manipulating single atoms was already possible.
Today's technology can already realize multi-probe microscopes.
But today's single or multiple probe tips in atomic force or scanning tunnel microscopes were used only for measuring electric conductance or impractical quantum mechanical research such as fictional quasiparticle and deadend parallel-world quantum computers, instead of using multiple probes for manipulating single molecules.
Automation system and the use of multiple probe tips are needed to speed up the atomic manipulation = these excellent technologies already exist now, but they don't try to use them due to wasting time and money only on impractical quantum mechanical research prohibiting real atomic shapes.
Governments and corporations should stop wasting money on hopeless overhyped quantum computers, quantum information, fictional quasiparticles, deadend spintronics, developing ineffective drugs (= today's medical researches do not consider detailed atomic interaction ), AI (= whose training datasets are based only on static useless proteins ), fake molecular machines (= Not considering individual atomic interactions ).
And the money should be allocated to developing practical atomic force microscopes with multiple probe tips manipulating single atoms for enabling efficient artificial chemical reactions by separating individual molecules, energy-efficient artificial photosynthesis, clarifying true dynamical protein (or enzyme ) behavior to cure diseases such as cancers, Alzheimer, autoimmune diseases..
By directly manipulating single atoms using multi-probe atomic force microscopes, miniaturization of today's bulky devices, smartphones, computer CPU to atomic scale (= much faster, more energy-efficient ) will be also possible (= reviving already-dead Moore's law ).
(Fig.10) Quantum computer, information, spintronics are deadend, No progress, which fact is hidden by an incredible amount of overhyped fake news spread every day.
Unphysical quantum mechanical shapeless atomic model, extremely-time-consuming molecular dynamical simulation are useless, hampering nano-technology by discouraging scientists from developing useful multi-probe atomic force microscopes manipulating single atoms freely.
The stalled nano-technogy due to useless quantum mechanics has made cancers, Alzheimer and HIV incurable by preventing medical researchers from utilizing (realistic) atomic interaction.
To hide this current deadend science stalled by quantum mechanics, physicists and academia needed to create fake science and spread overhyped science news every day.
Overhyped quantum computers, which is such a fake science, is deadend with No hope of practical application. ← Still No practical application means quantum computer's advantage or supremacy is fake.
Quantum information, network is useless forever, because their fragile photons (= just weak classical light ) are too easily lost to send as information over long distance.
Quantum mechanical stupid rule forbidding amplifying or copying fragile photon (= light ) information makes it impossible to realize practical quantum network over long distance.
Hard disk based on magnetoresistance representing spintronics is irrelevant to quantum mechanics nor its unrealistic spin.
The electron spin is unreal and replaceable by realistic electron's orbit.
(Overhyped) MRAM is deadend, quantum sensors, spin wave, topological insulator, time crystal are useless forever.
(Fig.11) The present useless physics just wastes money and time in fictional concepts that are harmful to not only us but also researchers ruining their careers. ↓
The present cosmology is just wasting time in illusory concepts such as black holes (= a door to another world ? ), worm holes (= time travel ? ), BigBang, which is a completely useless meaningless pseudo-science, and they are too far away to confirm as real.
Particle physics also just wastes taxpayers' money in gigantic meaningless colliders to pursue the illusory (= directly-undetectable ) ultra-short-lived particles (= with No physical shapes, these illusory particles are just nonphysical math symbols ) which are useless and too rare to distinguish from other irrelevant background noise.
Particle collider detectors' ( quantum ) efficiency of measuring energies is too low (= far less than 100% ) to detect precise energies ( this p.10(or p.9), p.18(or p.17 )-lower ), so they deliberately picked up only convenient data ( this p.17-2nd-paragraph )
↑ Impossibility of detecting precise energy in the current chaotic particle colliders full of irrelevant background noise means No evidence of the existence of their ultra-short-lived doubtful particles.
So particle physics is completely useless, just wasting money (= as seen in still-useless Higgs boson and fractional-charge quarks ).
If we think short-lived muons are just high-energy electrons or protons that can move a little longer, we do Not need such unstable useless muons.
We do Not need antimatter in PET (= positron emission ), which can be explained by realistic electron capture.
The current only theory of everything allegedly uniting (unphysical) quantum mechanics and Einstein relativistic theory is 10 or 11-extra-dimensional string (or M ) theory lacking reality (= these unphysical string theory's particles don't have concrete shapes, either. this p.4 = just nonphysical math symbols with No shape ).
The fact that Einstein relativistic theory is wrong due to its fatal paradoxes (= twin paradox is real ) means all these relativistic (quantum) theories such as black holes, BigBang, particle physics, QED, 10-dimensional string theory, spin-orbit interaction are wrong, too.
(Fig.12) Real objects led to useful inventions, while unreal quantum mechanical concepts just hamper science.
As shown in Edison's light bulb and Wright brothers' airplane, all useful inventions came from experimental observation, trial-and-error approach, Not from the fishy ( unphysical quantum mechanical ) theoretical prediction.
Furthermore, all useful things invented were based on real objects.
Maxwell's realistic electromagnetic wave theory based on experimental observation ( this p.2-2.~p.4 ) led to Marconi's useful invention of the wireless radio communication by trial and error approach ( this-1) ), which was completely irrelevant to the unphysical quantum mechanical equation nor paradoxical Einstein relativity that just obstructs science.
↑ All of these light bulbs, airplanes and electromagnetic wave are real objects, so they could lead to useful inventions.
Unlike the realistic light wave, a quantum mechanical photon particle (= which is just a very weak classical light wave ) is so unrealistic that quantum mechanics still cannot even define each photon's shape nor size.
↑ This unrealistic photon is useless, clearly obstructing today's scientific development by imposing deadend fictional quantum computer and useless quantum information on researchers.
The present mainstream quantum electrodynamics (= QED ) unreasonably claims electromagnetic force is mediated by (unreal) virtual photons with imaginary mass (= faster-than-light ? ) that paradoxically disagreed with Einstein relativistic mass equation ( this p.3 ).
QED's calculated results always diverge to meaningless infinities by infinite imaginary virtual photons that much be artificially canceled by other infinite (illusory, adjustable) bare change and mass (= called renormalization, this p.4-p.5 ) to obtain the negligibly tiny electron's anomalous magnetic moment and Lamb shift values ( this p.3 ).
↑ This QED's math trick of cancelling (unreal) infinities, which was criticized even by many famous physics founders as hocus-pocus ( this 1st-paragraph ), is unable to predict any values, so useless ( this p.3-left-6th-paragraph ). ← Because infinite virtual photons and bare charge used for getting finite values (= ∞ - ∞ = finite values ? ← this is wrong math ) are illusory, unobservable (= which means these unobservable infinities can be artificially manipulated without experimental checking ).
↑ It is far better to use experimentally-obtained tiny anomalous magnetic moment and Lamb shift (= useless tiny energy splitting ) values from the beginning than to waste too much time in meaningless useless quantum field theory's equations based on unphysical unseen virtual photon model.
Actually, Nobody uses this unrealistic QED virtual photons in our daily life, which is the typical example showing the quantum mechanical unrealistic concepts such as virtual particles cause No practical application.
Discovery of transistors and hard disk is completely irrelevant to quantum mechanics.
Quantum mechanical unphysical atomic and spin model just hampers computer's technology as shown in already-dead Moore's law, deadend fictional quantum computer and spintronics.
(Fig.13) Useless quantum mechanics prevents development of all applied science. Cancers, Alzheimer are still incurable. Moore's law is already dead.
In fact, the present science and technology has already been a deadend with No more progress.
Cancers and Alzheimer are still incurable.
Renewable energy such as solar and wind-power generation, electric cars heavily relying on taxpayers' subsidies are still too expensive and too energy-inefficient to replace fossil fuel.
Nuclear fusion technology has stagnated, too.
Moore's law is already dead, and No more progress in computer, smartphone, (hyped) AI technology, quantum computers (= deadend ) is expected.
↑ All these present stalled technologies originate from today's deadend nanotechnology manipulating atoms hampered by the mainstream academia only to protect the old useless quantum mechanical model.
As shown in the industrial revolution, the real science and technology originally made our life convenient and happy.
But the current deadend (deceptive) mainstream science based on the fictional quantum mechanical parallel universes, paradoxical Einstein relativity, extra-dimensional theory of everything just makes our life inconvenient and unhappy by wasting taxpayers' money in still-useless expensive electric cars, gigantic particle colliders, black hole.
The present space industry is also stalled, just wasting money in trying to go to the moon, which was already done more than half a century ago (= No progress ).
And the current (fictional) science just imposed the inconvenient unnecessary restriction such as COVID-19 lockdown causing terrible inflation, mandate of ineffective vaccines, gas stove ban, higher tuition for worthless universities..
↑ The current deadend mainstream (pseudo-)science is harmful, Not beneficial for us.
(Fig.14) Today's science is useless except for publishing papers in journals. ↓
The important point is that almost all the current researchers, whether in academic universities or private corporations, waste their time just aiming to publish papers in journals, focusing only on useless pseudo-science instead of really aiming to cure diseases or invent useful machines.
No matter how many times they published papers in prestigious academic journals, cancers and Alzheimer are still incurable, quantum computers are still far from reality (= rather regressing ) due to the journals' impractical pseudo-science.
These (prestigious) academic journals and Nobel prize are used as a means to enable even the impractical pseudo-science such as a dead-alive cat, fictional quasiparticle model, hopeless overhyped quantum computers, paradoxical black holes, extra-dimensions to get taxpayers' money as science research funds.
↑ In order to make today's deadend hopeless (pseudo-)science look 'promising', academia tries to utilize and deify academic journals and prestigious prize as the only (fictitious) holy grail of science and technology. ← The actual science stops progressing behind it.
(Fig.15) Today's unrealistic mainstream science allows universities to skyrocket tuition limitlessly. ↓
Basically, it is impossible for old-fashioned archaic universities with more than 100-year history to maintain the leading scientific positions (= deserving exorbitant tuition ) in the competitive science and technology field by overcoming many for-profit corporations and start-ups.
The trick is they impose the impractical pseudo-science on us as the mainstream science, colluding with academic journals (= worshipped as the holy grail of today's impractical mainstream science by all industries ) and the (overhyping) media to suppress the free new useful scientific idea and hamper new technological innovation in all industries including private corporations and start-ups ( by "brainwashing" them using almost all the media and scientists ).
So the current impractical (unrealistic) mainstream science keeps giving the archaic universities the (pseudo-)scientific leading position and privilege (= by suppressing all industries ), and allows them to skyrocket tuition limitlessly.
↑ Even if you avoid going to universities. you cannot advance science and technology freely under the current old impractical restrictive mainstream science where whether people graduate from (expensive) universities or not becomes the only standard for estimating their academic ability, which unreasonable repressive system keeps giving (pseudo-)scientific privilege to old archaic universities.
Originally, we can learn "science", even if we don't go to so expensive universities. So there is something wrong in the current science and educational system, whose impractical science is used just as political tools, making our life unhappier by causing skill-job mismatch, massive student loan, lower birth rate..
To hide this inconvenient truth of today's deadend science, they spread overhyped fake science news everyday.
And corporations (including spinoffs from universities ) involved in today's impractical science such as the deadend quantum computers try to raise stock price by the academia and corporations controlling the media, spreading overhyped fake news.
(Fig.16) Quantum mechanics can describe each electron or fictional quasiparticle as a nonphysical abstract math operator (= a†, b†, c† ) with No shape.↓
The important point is that the unphysical quantum mechanics is unable to express any atoms and electrons as real particles with concrete shapes and size.
Quantum mechanics can only describe each particle, electron (= fermion ), photon, quasiparticle as nonphysical math symbols called creation (or annihilation ) operators (= each particle is denoted only as a†, b†, c†.. ) with No concrete physical shapes ( this p.2-5, this p.3-5, this p.7-8, this p.4~6, this p.17 ).
So there is a wide discrepancy between the media's misleadingly colorful fake images of atoms and the unphysical shapeless quantum mechanical atomic models (= each particle is denoted as a nonphysical math symbol ) that are used by physicists in research papers ( this p.2~20, this p.2, this p.2~4 ).
See the wide discrepancy between the science news' false imaginary atomic electron picture that appears to be real and its research paper's abstract description of electrons just as unphysical math operator with No shape (= this p.2~ ).
Compare another science news' misleadingly colorful picture and its research's nonphysical electron math symbols with no concrete figure ( this-p.2 ).
↑ Compare also this and its research paper p.2-(S1), this and its research paper-p.2-(2), this and its research paper. ← Overhyped science news tries to implant false colorful image into us to make the unphysical quantum mechanics appear to be real.
This unphysical abstract quantum mechanical particle models (= just nonphysical symbols with No shapes ) can Not be utilized as tools to design or build useful molecular devices.
Quantum dot (= QD ) is a very tiny semiconductor material.
Each quantum dot is called "artificial atom" consisting of many (~10000) atoms.
Quantum dot has some discrete energy levels emitting light wave with some wavelengths related to its size, many-body effect and de Broglie wavelength ( this p.3 ) used in realistic atomic model (= Not fantasy quantum mechanics ).
Quantum mechanics just tries to explain the quantum dot by using fictional exciton quasiparticle model with fake effective mass in the band ( this p.2~6, this p.1,3 ), which can Not clarify the true mechanism (= So there is No evidence of quantum mechanics related to quantum dots ).
Quantum dot spin qubit is also useless, irrelevant to (unphysical) electron spin.
See Quantum mechanical Pauli exchange energy is unreal.
(Fig.A) Biological and medical researches use tools obtained from natural organisms, Not developed by the (useless) quantum mechanics.
Quantum mechanical Schrödinger equations are completely useless, unsolvable for any multi-electron atoms and molecules.
All the quantum mechanical methods such as Schrödinger equation and its mainstream approximation density functional theory treating the whole material as one-pseudo-electron quasiparticle model are unable to give real individual atomic shapes, contrary to misleadingly colorful atomic pictures of hyped news.
This is why all the applied science such as biology and medicine use tools and methods irrelevant to the (impractical) quantum mechanics.
Developing effective drugs and cures for cancers, Alzheimer, HIV is impossible in today's deadend medical research that cannot utilize real atomic interaction due to the useless quantum mechanics.
For example, recent medical researches such as this p.14~15 methods and this p.9~10 methods do Not use any quantum mechanical methods such as Schrodinger equations and density functional theory (= DFT ). ← And these biological researches do Not consider actual individual atomic interaction, either.
As a result, medical researchers just repeat the old-fashioned macroscopic biological experimental methods that do Not look into microscopic atomic interaction, and many clinical trials (= without understanding diseases' atomic mechanism ) of drugs failed, just wasting too much time and money.
The so-called quantum biology is just an useless pseudo-science irrelevant to the actual biology or medicine.
The overhyped immunotherapy using antibodies obtained by immunizing natural animals (= Not by being designed through the useless quantum mechanics ) still can Not cure various cancers due to lack of understanding of the detailed atomic mechanism in diseases and drugs.
(Fig.M) Today's medical research does Not use (useless) quantum mechanics nor detailed atomic interaction ↓
All the current biological and medical research tools such as DNAs, PCR polymerase came from natural organisms, Not from being designed by humans nor useless quantum mechanics that just obstructs medical development and curing diseases.
So humans cannot design or manufacture truly-artificial proteins from scratch for new drugs or medical treatment.
When trying to create 'new' proteins, all researchers can do is just modify or fuse natural proteins by deleting some genes of natural proteins (= called mutagenesis ) or fusing multiple natural proteins into one new recombinant protein by using enzymes and biological tools such as PCR enzymes obtained from natural organisms.
1. obtain DNA genes encoding target natural proteins.
If this target protein is encoded in RNA or mRNA like RNA viruses, change the target RNA into DNA (= called cDNA ) by enzymes called reverse transcriptase that originated from natural retroviruses. → RT-PCR.
2. amplify the target DNA by PCR polymerases which enzymes originated from natural bacteria using primers that can encode restriction enzyme cutting sites and mutations.
3. cut the amplified DNA and plasmid vectors (= originating from bacterial viruses ) that already encode another (natural) protein such as green fluorescent proteins (= GFP originating from jellyfish ) by restriction enzymes (= originating from bacteria ).
4. insert the cut target DNA into the cut plasmid by ligase which enzyme originates from natural organism, too.
5. Infuse cultured cells or bacteria with these plasmid DNAs encoding the target protein (= called transformation or transfection ), and let them produce new recombinant proteins such as the target natural protein joined to GFP from jellyfish.
(Fig.A) Today's medical research does Not use (useless) quantum mechanics nor detailed atomic interaction
In the current biological and medical researches, the only way for researchers to guess the functions of proteins is ( unreliable ) antibodies obtained from immunizing natural animals. ← Natural immune system is used to produce antibodies that cannot be designed by (useless) quantum mechanics.
They can only vaguely see whether antibodies with fluorescence may stick to target proteins macroscopically without knowing detailed molecular mechanisms between proteins and antibodies.
These biological methods using antibodies are immuno-fluorescence, western blotting, immuno-precipitation (= IP ), flow-cytometry, ELISA ( this p.4 ).
It is impossible to know where in the target protein the antibodies stick or how proteins change their functions or conformations after interacting with antibodies, because today's biology does Not consider detailed atomic interaction due to useless quantum mechanics. ← effective drug development is impossible.
Useless basic physics or quantum mechanics prevents medical researchers from utilizing detailed atomic interactions, hence, finding effective drugs and treatments for deadly diseases such as cancers and Alzheimer is impossible.
(Fig.M) Science and technology stall by unphysical quantum mechanical DFT and extremely-time-consuming MD.
Due to unphysical basic physics or quantum mechanics, the current medical research can neither utilize microscopic atomic interaction between proteins nor develop effective drugs.
Medical researchers unable to utilize the detailed atomic or molecular interactions can only blindly try to find miracle drugs out of infinite candidate molecules or herbs, which takes an enormous amount of time, and often fails.
This is why cancers, Alzheimer are still incurable despite longtime medical researches.
The current only hope or (hyped) immunotherapy using antibodies cannot cure deadly cancers, either.
Impractical quantum mechanics and its paradoxical Pauli repulsion expressed as unphysical antisymmetric wavefunction require every electron to unrealistically exist in all different atoms inside materials simultaneously.
So quantum mechanics can neither distinguish different electrons of different atoms nor give concrete shape, boundary to each atom, which fact prevents researchers from utilizing atoms or molecules as practical tools with concrete shapes for building useful nano-devices treating diseases.
In these unrealistic shapeless quantum mechanical atoms, physicists are forced to use impractical density functional theory (= DFT ) treating the whole material as one pseudo-electron model with artificial pseudo-potential, and fictional quasiparticle model.
To simulate molecular motions in these inconvenient shapeless quantum mechanical atoms, researchers have to rely on extremely-time-consuming molecular dynamics (= MD ) based on pseudo-potentials or force fields instead of realistic atomic model with shape.
So quantum mechanical one-pseudo-electron DFT and extremely-time-consuming molecular dynamics (= MD ) based on unphysical shapeless atoms are the main culprit of obstructing all the applied science and preventing curing deadly diseases (= which means if we treat each atom and molecule as realistic tools with actual shapes, we can develop practical nano-technology ).
The current medical and biological tools do Not use these impractical quantum mechanics, DFT or molecular dynamics in researches on HIV ( this = this p.9-10 ), cancers ( this = this p.12-15, this = this p.18-23 ), Alzheimer ( this = this p.9-12 ) and stem cells ( this = this p.11-16 ).
↑ As a result, all the current medical and biological researches are deadend, unable to utilize (real) atomic interactions for developing effective drugs or treatments.
Quantum mechanical Schrödinger equations can Neither be solved nor predict physical values in any multi-electron atoms or molecules ( this p.21 ).
Physicists have to artificially choose fake trial wavefunctions or basis sets, and adjust many free parameters in such unsolvable useless quantum mechanical equations (= Not real solutions, this 1st-paragraph ).
↑ Physicsts can choose any forms of (fake) trial wavefunctions or basis sets with arbitrary numbers of freely-adjustable parameters ( this 3~5th-paragraphs, this p.22-5.1 ), which is Not a prediction, because physicists just repeat changing trial wavefunctions in unsolvable Schrödinger equations until their chosen wavefunctions luckily give energies close to experimental values.
Also in the current mainstream quantum mechanical one-pseudo-electron density functional theory (= DFT ), they have to artificially choose (fake) exchange-correlation potential functionals (= XC, this p.3-5 ) and create various pseudo-potentials to fit experimental results (= DFT is empirical or fake ab-initio, this p.23, this-3rd-paragraph ).
Molecular dynamics (= MD ), which is the current only mainstream simulating method, also has to artificially choose pseudo-potentials called force fields that are not only very time-consuming (= obstructing all the applied science ) but also unable to predict any physical values.
↑ So all the quantum mechanical methods just choosing fake wavefunctions and pseudo-potentials are unable to know true atomic energies or properties until physicists compare the results of the extremely-time-consuming, impractical quantum mechanical calculations with experimental values ( this p.1-last-paragraph, this p.2-2nd-last-paragraph ).
Then, it is far better and far more efficient to use the experimental values such as real atomic shapes or properties measured by the atomic force or scanning microscopes from the beginning for designing and building practical molecular devices like building useful cars, planes and machines.
Unphysical quantum mechanical models lacking real atomic picture or shapes ( this last-paragraph, fictional quasiparticle models that cannot clarify real physical mechanism ) clearly prevent researchers from utilizing atoms or molecules as practical tools for building useful real nano-machines.
We have to use experimental results or observation (= such as real atomic shapes ) from the beginning instead of wasting too much time in the time-consuming impractical quantum mechanical equations (= which cannot know true atomic values until physicists compare their time-consuming meaningless calculation values with experimental results ) which unrealistic quantum mechanical model (= without real atomic shapes ) just hampers scientific development.
See Transistor doesn't use quantum mechanics.
See Spintronics is irrelevant to spin.
No quantum mechanical Schrödinger equations for any multi-electron atoms or hydrogen molecule ion have true solutions ( this p.21, this p.6-lower ).
Physicists have to artificially choose fake trial wavefunctions or basis sets with many fitting parameters for unsolvable Schrödinger equations, which is called variational method.
↑ Quantum mechanical variational method cannot know true atomic energies or wavefunctions until physicists compare the calculated results with experiments ( this p.2-2nd-last-paragraph ), which means quantum mechanics intrinsically has No ability to predict any physical values, contrary to hypes.
Even these quantum mechanical approximate methods artificially choosing (trial) wavefunctions such as configuration interaction (= CI ) can Not deal with actual atoms, solids, semiconductors ( this p.11, this p.7-lower, this p.6-lower ), so the inventions of transistors and spintronics have nothing to do with quantum mechanical prediction.
So physicists tend to rely on one-pseudo-electron density functional theory (= DFT ) based on artificially-chosen pseudo-potentials that also can Not predict any physical values, and it stops scientific development ( this p.16, this p.1, this p.8 ) forever.
See DFT is useless.
See DFT pseudo-potential is useless.
See DFT all-electron is useless
See Alphafold cannot discover drugs
See Molecular dynamics (= MD ) is impractical
See Molecular dynamics is too time-consuming
See this page
See this.
See realistic Bohr-Sommerfeld model and the current mainstream Dirac hydrogen's unphysical spin-orbit fine structure.
(Fig.Q) Quantum mechanics + paradoxical Einstein relativity generates unrealistic QED with virtual photon's infinity which cannot predict any physical values due to its artificial inifnity cancellation or renormalization.
Unrealistic quantum mechanics and special relativity fuse into another unphysical theory called relativistic quantum field theory consisting of quantum electrodynamics (~ QED ) and particle physics.
We showed that Einsten relativity has fatal paradoxes, and quantum mechanics also has contradiction, so all relativistic quantum theory, QED, particle physics proved to be false.
Here we explain how this allegedly-successful (= actually wrong ! ) QED became completely inconsistent with reaity, just artificially manipulating physically-meaningless free parameters, as shown in Nobody using this useless QED in daliy life.Einstein relativity unreasonably rejected the existence of real medium in space, so it needs ad-hoc dark matter and unreal virtual photons with non-existent longitudinal polarization and imaginary mass (= mass squared of virtual particle is unrealistically negative ) that contradicts the relativistic mc2 relation in order to explain electromagnetic force ( this p.9-10, this p.3, this p.15 ).
In the current mainstream relativistic quantum field theory and quantum electrodynamics (= QED ), their calculated values are known to always diverge to meaningless infinities due to their infinite numbers of unreal (= unobservable ) virtual photons filling space, which virtual photons are said to be unrealistically moving faster than light, which also contradicts Einstein relativity ironically.
So in QED, physicists have to artificially cancel these meaningless virtual particles' infinities by illegitimate trick called renormalization introducing other ad-hoc freely-adjustable infinite parameters called bare charge and mass ( this p.4, this last, this-p.2-1st-paragraph ) to obtain the tiny-tiny finite values such as Lamb shift and anomalous magnetic moment ( this p.3 ).
↑ This means quantum electrodynamics (= QED ) is Not successful theory at all, because physicists just artificially manipulate these two meaningless infinities (= unobservable virtual photons' energies and infintie bare charge, mass = unobservable means free parameters, this p.14-upper, this p.2-second-paragraph ) to remove virtual infinities and get some desirable finite values ( this p.4 ).
Actually, even QED founders Dirac and Feynman harshly criticized this QED ad-hoc renormalization artificially canceling virtual particles' infinities as wrong, illegitimate and hocus-pocus ( this 1st-paragraph ).
This p.3-left-6th-paragraph say
"As you can see, Bethe's fantastic calculation (of Lamb shift ) is based on
data that was calculated later, so Bethe could not have known
it on his train journey. His calculation included this value that
we suspect that was entered ad hoc to match the theoretical
value with the experimental value. In the field of physics, this
trick is known as a 'fudge factor'"
↑ QED just manipulating freely-adjustable parameters cannot predict any values such as Lamb shift.
Other atomic energy calculations of QED are based on artificially-chosen models and pseudo-potentials, which are Not QED's prediction at all ( thid p.3-4 ).
Also in the so-called QED-correction to two-electron atoms, they have to artificially separate into unphysical relativistic term, where meaningless divergent infinities must be artificially canceled by counter-term, and non-relativistic term where atomic (fake) basis set functions, pseudo-potentials, free parameters must be artificially chosen and manipulated with No QED legitimate prediction ( this p.23-2~4th-paragraphs, p.25-C. p.26, p.27-1~3rd-paragraphs ).
See Quantum Pauli principle is contradictory
See Particle physics is unreal.
See QCD is unreal.
The present astronomers are just wasting their time and money in fantasizing about fictional unnecessary objects such as black hole, BigBang, wormholes, neutron stars.. which are too far away from the earth to go and confirm. ← So No direct evidence of these imaginary objects
All these imaginary concepts and too-weak gravitational wave (where "Eintein was right again" is fake news) have been useless, unnecessary for us except for this despite massive media coverage and wasted time.
(Fig.2) Quantum mechanics + Einstein relativity = string theory.
Einstein dream = theory of everything is supposed to unify quantum mechanics and Einstein's theory of relativity.
In 1970s, as the first theory of everything, unrealistic 26-dimensional string theory was invented.
Our real world is 3-dimensional (= x,y,z ), which is incompatible with this extra-dimensional theory of everything.
In 1980s, this fictional 26-dimensional string theory incorporating another fictional theory called supersymmetry turned into new theory of everything called superstring theory which still has 10 extra-dimensions.
In 1990s, this 10-dimensional superstring added one fictitious extra-dimension, and developed into 11-dimensional M theory which is supposed to be the present leading theory of everything.
The latest version of these fantasy unified theories is 12-dimensional "F theory".
As you see, quantum mechanics and Einstein relativity were so unrealistic that their unified theory, a.k.a. theory of everything is also filled with fictional extra-dimensions, parallel worlds, and wrong math (= 1+2+3 .. = -1/12, this 4th paragraph ).
These current so-called mainstream "science" is Not "science" but just illusion which has No relation to real physical phenomena around us.
(Fig.3) Electrons in "s" orbital always crash into nucleus . → unstable
All quantum mechanical atoms are said to have the unrealistic zero orbital angular momentum L = 0 in the s orbital ( this p.9 ).
↑ It means electrons of all atoms such as hydrogens, heliums, sodiums.. with the unrealistic s orbitals must always crash into nuclei in their linear orbital motion (= zero orbital angular momentum ). ← Quantum mechanical electron also must be actually "moving" because of their non-zero kinetic energy
In this unrealistic zero orbital angular momentum or linear motion, electrons experience destructive interference of de Broglie wave (= experimentally-verified ), hence, quantum mechanical atoms become unstable and impossible.
(Fig.4) Schrödinger's 2p radial wavefunction, negative kinetic energy area.
As shown in the upper figure, all the quantum mechanical wavefunctions include the regions of negative kinetic energy, so quantum mechanics is unphysical and false.
For example, in hydrogen's 2p wavefunction with orbital angular momentum L = 1, in the regions closer to the nucleus, kinetic energy in the direction of angular momentum increases to infinity ( = L(L+1)/r2 → ∞ r → 0, this p.3-lower, this p.2-lower ), which must be canceled by the impossible negative kinetic energy in the radial direction.
And in the region far away from the nucleus, Coulomb potential energy is higher than the total energy E, which must be canceled by the impossible negative kinetic energy ( this p.2-3 ).
In the upper figure, the middle b region has the highest electron's probability at first in hydrogen 1s wavefunction.
But the electron has kinetic energy at b region, so this highest-probability wavefunction soon moves from b to other regions like toward "a" farther away from the nucleus.
↑ This means the shape of wavefunction changes and the electron's kinetic energy distribution also changes, because the wavefunction expresses de Broglie wave theory.
As a result, the electron's probability wave at "a" region, which has no kinetic energy at first, gets positive kinetic energy (= due to the highest-probability wavefunction in "b" region moving to "a" which is equal to de Broglie wave with positive kinetic energy ), and the electron probability wave can Not stop at "a" due to the newly-acquired positive kinetic energy, hence, flies away into infinity, which cannot give the correct atomic energies.
This contradictory probability wavefunction shows quantum mechanics is wrong.
(Fig.5) Quantum mechanics needs unrealistic electron spin. ↓
Electron spin is unrealistic and contradictory, because the electron is Not actually spinning, though it is said to have angular momentum. ← contradiction !
If a very tiny electron tries to spin and generate the designated angular momentum or the observed magnetic moment, the tiny electron must be spinning much faster than light ( this 3rd paragraph, this 3rd paragraph, this p.2 ).
So the unrealistically faster-than-light quantum mechanical electron spin contradicts another mainstream theory of Einstein relativity which prohibits any faster than light motions, so false.
Why does the irrational quantum mechanics need such an unphysical and contradictory concept like "spin" ?
Quantum mechanics replaced real electron's orbit by unrealistic wave function which allegedly has unphysical zero orbital angular momentum.
This zero angular momentum of quantum mechanics means an unphysical one-dimensional "line-shaped orbit" where an electron heads for and crashes into a nucleus (= so unstable electron's orbit ), and cannot produce magnetic field which is generally produced by an electron's circular motion (= angular momentum is necessary to generate magnetic field ).
So the quantum mechanical atom with zero orbital angular momentum disagrees not only with reality but also with experimental results which showed a hydrogen atom has magnetic field equal to Bohr magneton which was successfully predicted by Bohr model whose circumference is an integer times de Broglie wavelength (= orbital angular momentum is an integer times ℏ = h/2π where h is Planck constant ) to be stable avoiding destructive interference of realistic electron's wave.
This inconvenient fact prompted quantum mechanics to artificially introduce an ad-hoc concept called electron's "spin" which is said to accidentally have the same Bohr magneton as magnetic field (= magnetic moment ) of Bohr model ( this p.2, this 3rd-paragraph ). ← too good to be true !
The problem is each electron particle is too tiny to produce the observed magnetic moment (= Bohr magneton μB ) or the designated angular momentum 1/2ℏ ( angular momentum = mvr is closer to 0 as the radius r of a tiny electron r → 0 ).
Therefore, an electron must spin much faster than light to generate enough magnetic field and angular momentum ( this p.16-18, this p.1-lower, angular momentum = mvr where a tiny electron's radius r → 0 and velocity v → ∞ ) ! ← Electron spin is unreal, contradicting another mainstream theory of Einstein relativity.
Even if we assume the tiny electron's radius is as big as the proton's radius (= 1 fm = 10-15 meter ), which is close to the old concept of classical electron radius (= bigger than the proton's radius ), the spinning electron's surface speed must be about 100 times faster than the light speed ( this p.16, this p.4, this p.2-3, this p.3-last-paragraph, this p.2 ).
↑ The actual electron's radius is much smaller than the proton's radius or classical electron's radius as seen in Coulomb scattering between the tiny (point-like) electron and proton, so the electron spinning speed must be unrealistically much faster than the light speed c.
An electron's radius is shorter than 10-18 meter ( this p.2-3rd-paragraph ), which is far smaller than the proton's radius of 10-15 m
So quantum mechanics made a poor excuse that an electron spin is Not an actual spinning contradicting its name of 'spin', and the strange spin cannot stop or slow down ! ← nonsense.
These facts prove that quantum mechanical electron spin is fake, and the atomic magnetic field is caused by "electron's orbital motion" like in Bohr's atom instead of unphysical electron spin.
Pauli exclusion principle and stable ferromagnets need strong repulsion or attraction which cannot be explained by contradictory electron spin whose magnetic field is too weak and too negligible to cause strong Pauli principle repulsive force or stable ferromagnetisum ( this p.7, this p.10 ). ← Electron spin is unreal, and has to rely on unphysical exchange energy lacking real exchange force.
Hydrogen's fine structure energy splitting and Sodium D-line energies are said to be explained by relativistic spin-orbit (fictitious) magnetic interaction.
But this relativistic spin-orbit magnetic interaction is paradoxical and unreal (= this relativistic spin-orbit magnetic interaction happens or not, depending on seen from electron's or nuclear rest frame, which is clearly a fatal relativistic paradox ).
↑ This fine structure energy splitting was successfully explained by Bohr-Sommerfeld elliptical orbits without spin, and later, quantum mechanics (= unphysical Dirac equation hydrogen ) copied it in the wrong way (= so the fine structure does Not need nor prove electron spin, this p.14 ).
Alkaline and alkaline earth's D-line or singlet-triplet energy splittings are too big to explain by the tiny, tiny relativistic spin-orbit magnetic energy.
↑ It shows alkaline and alkaline earth's D-line, anomalous Zeeman effect, singlet-triplet are caused by strong Coulomb interaction between inner and outer electrons Not by the tiny paradoxical relativistic spin-orbit (fictitious) magnetic energy.
Einstein-de Haas experiments based on wrong assumption could Not show the evidence of this (fictitious) electron spin.
Unlike the unrealistic electron's spin, a nucleus can actually 'spin'. Because a nucleus (= proton ) is much bigger and heavier than a tiny electron ( angular momentum = mvr where nuclear mass m and radius r are far bigger than those of an electron ).
And a nuclear magnetic moment is far weaker than electron's (spin ?) magnetic moment of Bohr magneton, which shows each nucleus "spins" realistically slower than light speed.
Quantum mechanical hyperfine structure allegedly caused by fictitious spinning electron entering a tiny proton is unrealistic and false due to its violation of energy conservation law.
↑ Nuclear or proton's spin magnetic moment or g-factor can Not be predicted by (unphysical) quantum mechanics or quantum field theory (= quantum chromodynamics or imaginary fractional-charge quark model failed, this p.1.p.9, this p.2-2nd-last-paragraph ), so these values must be obtained from experimental values ( this p.4-right-last-paragraph~p.5 ).
(Fig.6) The unrealistic electron spinning faster than light needs two rotations (= 720o ) to return.
Unrealistic electron spin must be "spinning" much faster than light ( this p.3-lower, this p.4 ) to generate the designated angular momentum and magnetic field which accidentally agreed with Bohr magneton ( this p.2, this left ) given by Bohr model.
The famous Stern-Gerlach Experiment, which was supposed to measure electron spin's magnetic field, did Not measure an electron spin itself.
Stern-Gerlach experiment showed a "silver atom" has magnetic moment equal to Bohr magneton ( this p.5-1.17-lower, this p.16 ) which can be naturally explained by electron's orbital motion instead of unreal spin.
↑ A realistic electron's orbital motion also split into two energy levels (= depending on whether electron's orbit is parallel or anti-parallel to the external magnetic field. The electron's orbit perpendicular to external magnetic field is unstable, as Bohr said in this p.14-1st-paragraph )
Electron spin is Not a real "spinning", because spinning must be unrealistically faster-than-light, and the spin cannot stop or slow down.
This quantum mechanical illogical claim that the spin should Not be treated as electron's spinning clearly contradicts another quantum mechanical claim that spin has "angular momentum", which must be generated by a "spinning" object.
More unreasonable thing is electron spin needs to rotate twice (= 720o ) instead of once to return to its original state. ← No physical mechanism can be given to such an uncanny spin which is unable to return to the original state just by 360o rotation.
Such a fantasy (spinning) electron really does Not return to its original state by the ordinary 360 degree (= or 2π ) rotation, instead, it needs 720 degree rotation (= two full rotations, 4π ) to return ?
Useless quantum mechanics refuses to offer any deeper physical mechanisms of this unreal electron spin ( this p.3-4 ).
Some experiments claimed that this physically-impossible property of electron spin which needs 720o (= instead of 360o ) rotation to return to the original state was confirmed by rotating (= precessing ) neutron spin interference.
But of course, they could Not see each neutron spin actually spinning (= because spin is Not an actual spin ). They just imagined the neutron rotated twice on the false assumption that each neutron has 1/2 ℏ spin angular momentum (= angular momentum itself cannot be directly measured, only magnetic field = Bohr magneton can be measured ).
If we assume each neutron's rotation has 1 ℏ angular momentum (= instead of 1/2 ℏ ) like Bohr's orbit, this experimental result can be naturally interpreted as the one showing neutron normally returned to its original state by rotating once (= 360o ) instead of unrealistic 720o
Because precession speed is inversely proportional to angular momentum L as seen in gyroscope, so as a neutron's angular momentum increases from quantum mechanical 1/2 × ℏ to classical 1 × ℏ, precession velocity decreases from 720o to 360o rotation.
↑ These experiments of neutron precession and interference use the neutron's de Broglie wave interference ( this 7th-paragraph ) under applied external magnetic field ( this p.10, this p.6, this p.5 ).
A neutron is thought to have the small orbital rotation stabilized by the orbital length equal to an integer times de Broglie wavelength (= this neutron's position or phase is detectable as de Broglie wave interference ) in addition to the original intrinsic spin (= which could Not be detected as interference, because the intrinsic spin is irrelevant to de Broglie wavelength ).
The orbital motion based on de Broglie wave interference generates the quantized angular momentum = an integer times ℏ (= orbital angular momentum becomes 1 × ℏ instead of the unseen spin angular momentum's 1/2 × ℏ ) to avoid destructive interference of de Broglie wave by the orbital circumference equal to an integer times de Broglie wavelength (= by replacing the electron's mass with the neutron mass, you can get the same quantized angular momentum of 1 × ℏ ).
A neutron with quantized angular momentum ℏ under magnetic field started precession of its orbit (= whose de Broglie wave phase changes depending on the precession, and is detected as the neutron interference ).
The precession speed (= inversely proportional to the spin or orbital angular momentum ) becomes two times lower (= slower = 360o precession or rotation ) when we consider the neutron's (orbital) angular momentum is 1 × ℏ than when we (falsely) use the neutron's 1/2 × ℏ spin angular momentum (= two times faster false 720o precession, this 10.5.4 ).
As a result, these types of experiments based on neutron's interference just proved all particles such as neutrons returned to their original states by the ordinary classical 360o rotation instead of fantasy quantum mechanical 720o rotation (= which unrealistic wrong interpretation is caused by the false assumption of the unreal unseen spin's 1/2 angular momentum causing two times faster false precession ).
A neutron is known to be a composite particle consisting of a proton and an electron, and the magnetic moment of electron spin is far larger than the magnetic moment of proton. So if an electron's spin is real, the magnetic moment of a neutron should be as large as an electron.
But an actual neutron's magnetic moment is as small as a proton (= an electron's orbital radius is as small as that of proton inside neutron, which causes negative weak magnetic moment which is almost the same as a proton's magnetic moment ), which means an electron's spin is unreal (= electron's orbital motion is real ).
In conclusion, electron spin with 1/2 angular momentum is physically impossible. Atomic powerful magnetic field is produced by a large electron's orbital motion instead of illusory electron's "spinning".
(F.7) Fantasy basic theory makes even good technology useless.
The present mainstream science has stopped progressing due to fictional scientific target such as parallel-world quantum computer, paradoxical relativity, QED virtual particle, particle physics, and impractical protein simulating method called molecular dynamics.
(F) Einstein relativistic effect causes serious paradox
Relativistic spin-orbit magnetic interaction is paradoxical and unreal.
(Fig.8) Hydrogen shows "normal Zeeman effect" without spin.
By measuring the light energy or light frequency (or wavelength ), we can know the atomic energy levels.
Under external magnetic field, the atomic energy levels are known to split into more multiple levels.
When there is No electron spin, each atomic energy level (with orbital angular momentum) under magnetic field is basically split into three, which is called normal Zeeman effect.
Various atoms such as hydrogen ( this p.3-left-3rd-paragraph ), cadmium (= Cd, this p.4-1st-paragraph ), mercury ( this p.4-4th-paragraph ) are known to show this normal Zeeman effect, which clearly proves there is No electron spin.
Some people say when very very weak magnetic field (= whose energy is less than tiny, tiny fine structure energy of 0.000045 eV ) can be applied to the hydrogen atom, it could split into more spectral lines (= anomalous Zeeman effect, this p.3-upper ) which may be a sign of (fictional) electron spin.
But it is impossible to precisely measure such a tiny, tiny energy splitting smaller than the fine structure and distinguish them from other thermal fluctuation, orbital precession or nuclear magnetic field effect.
When applying the magnetic field larger than the tiny fine structure energy (= correctly, even when the applied magnetic field is slightly larger than much-weaker nuclear hypefine energy ), all atoms are said to conveniently show normal Zeeman effect called Paschen-Back effect ( this p.14 ) disagreeing with anomalous Zeeman Lande g-factor. ← No evidence of electron spin.
↑ Hydrogen and lithium atoms are known to show only this normal Zeeman or Paschen-Back effect ( this-lower, this p.7-2nd-paragraph, You can Not find pictures of anomalous Zeeman effect splitting in hydrogen or lithium atoms in any textbooks or websites ), which means there is No electron spin.
(Fig.9) ↓ Unreal spin has No relation to energy levels
Sodium D-line = energy levels' transition from 3p3/2 or 3p1/2 excited states to 3s ground-state is known to split into multiple more energy levels under magnetic field, which is called anomalous Zeeman effect.
This anomalous Zeeman effect is said to show the sign of (fictional) electron spin, but actually, this anomalous Zeeman energy splitting is caused by (Coulomb) interaction between inner and outer electrons, Not by electron spin.
Actually, one-electron hydrogen atom without inner electrons shows normal Zeeman effect (= they call this Paschen-Back effect, which is substantially equal to normal Zeeman effect, which is seen also in lithium atom with a small number of inner electrons, this-lower ).
Sodium D-line or fine structure is said to be caused by relativistic spin-orbit (effective) magnetic interaction.
But this relativistic spin-orbit magnetic interaction is paradoxical and too weak to explain sodium or alkaline large D-line energy splitting.
(Fig.9') ↓Quantum mechanical spin or Lande g-factor relation is violated in anomalous Zeeman effect such as sodium D-line fine structure.
Anomalous Zeeman effect is said to obey Lande-g-factor formula or LS (= spin-orbit) coupling (empirical artificial) rule ( this p.11 ).
But actual anomalous Zeeman effects are much more complicated, and there are many cases disobeying Lande g-factor or LS coupling ( this p.4-last, this p.8-upper, this p.13, this p.140(or p.129)-1st-paragraph ).
This is why many atoms such as hydrogen, helium, potassium, rubidium whose exact Lande gj factors are unavailable ( this p.2-left-2nd-paragraph, this p.9-table.10, this p.32(p.28)-last~p.33 ) due to disagreement with Lande g-factor.
So physicists artificially changed the rules and fabricated ad-hoc J-J, J-K coupling rules (= changing the original LS coupling Lande g-factor rule ) to explain complicated inconsistent anomalous Zeeman energy splitting ( this p.22, this p.19, this p.3-4 ).
As a result, there is No evidence of electron spin based on artificial quantum mechanical rule or Lande g-factor.
(Fig.9'') Interpretation of anomalous Zeeman energy E splitting under magnetic field B needs freely-chosen parameters A,B and the influence of irrelevant nuclear spins I,F, which cannot validate original Lande electron-spin g-factor gJ
If Lande g factor (= gL ) based on (fictitious) spin-orbit coupling was right, D-line must split symmetrically with respect to magnetic field, but actually, they split unsymmetrically, more complicatedly ( this p.3-Fig.7-31, this p.38-39, this p.2-right-last ), which disagreed with Lange g factor formula.
Contrary to the simple textbooks' explanation, the measurement of Lande g factor (= gL ) based on (fictitious) electron spin (= S ) and orbital angular momentum (= L ) interaction must be done in extremely weak magnetic field B where even very small nuclear spin's motion (= hyperfine ) effect cannot be distinguished from the (fictitious) electron spin.
↑ The magnetic energy splitting in anomalous Zeeam effect (+ Alkali D-line or fine structure ) must consider the irrelevant nuclear angular momentum number (= hyperfine spin ) such as I (= nuclear spin angular number ) and F (= I + J, J = S + L ), which cannot distinguish or prove the existence of electron spin S ( this p.3~p.5-(23)(24),p.25-26, this p.2~p.4-(9)(10) ) where physicists can artificially choose nuclear spin I numbers (= electron-nuclear mixed g factor gF instead of original Lande gL factor must be used, so it is Not quantum mechanical prediction of electron spin ), and knowing the extremely-weak magnetic field is very difficult.
↑ When applying magnetic field slightly larger than the nuclear spin magnetic moment, the anomalous Zeeman effect no longer obeys the simple linear Lande g-factor splitting (= instead, non-linear, complex splitting, this p.11 ), which energy splitting needs artificial adjustment of free parameters such as A and B ( this p.5-(25)(26),p.25-26, this p.4-lower, this p.3-5.p.7,p.28-39 ).
As a result, there is No evidence of electron spin based on quantum mechanical Lande g factor and artificial Hund rule. ← Quantum mechanics lacking consistent rules cannot predict anything.
All atoms whose atomic numbers ar less than 10 (= Neon ) also disobey Lande spin-orbit g factor, so No evidence of electron spin.
Zeeman energy splitting experments of only two atoms of oxygen (= O ) and nitrogen (= N ) were conducted so far, and even these O and N atoms showed patterns different from the textbook anomalous Zeeman effects based on the simple Lande g-factor ( this p.2 ), and they had to artificially mix the influence of irrelevant Paschen-Back effect (= close to normal Zeeman effect ) using new artificial rules and equations different from Lande g-factor.
This paper of O and N atomic Zeeman effect ↓
p.1-left says "Only Zeeman effects for elements of atomic number below Ne 10 from which (Lande) g-values can be derived are.. for O II (= oxygen ) .. for N II (= nitrogen )" ← All atoms except the oxygen and nitrogen clearly disobey Lande g factor or the typical anomalouz Zeeman effect.
p.9-left says "5P term does Not obey Lande interval rule."
p.16~22 used new artificial equations or rules completely different from the original Lande g factor relation in Zeeman effect of O and N atoms.
p.22-left-VIII says "Althout the Paschen-Back perturbation in N are much less than those in O, yet they must be taken into account in determining (Lande) g-values from experimental data."
p.25-left-last says "despite the fact that the term intervals.. do Not conform with the Lande rations"
↑ As a result, there is No evidence of electron spin experimentally or theoretically.
(Fig.10) If Sodium (= Na ) D-line energy splitting between 3p3/2 and 3p1/2 is due to spin-orbit interaction, the charge of Na+ ion must be unrealistically large +3.54e instead of +e. ← Na D-line is due to Coulomb interaction instead of spin-orbit magnetic energy.
If anomalous Zeeman effect of sodium (= Na ) D-line is caused by (fictional) electron spin, the Na D-line doublet energy splitting between 3p3/2 and 3p1/2 must be due to ( paradoxical ) relativistic spin-orbit magnetic interaction.
But in fact, this sodium D-line energy splitting or fine structure is too big for the relativistic spin-orbit magnetic interaction to explain.
Relativistic spin-orbit magnetic energy splitting or fine structure formula is proportional to Z4/n3 where Z is central charge that must be close to 1 (= Z is the sum of nuclear positive charge and all inner electrons except for one outmost valence electron ), and "n" is principal quantum number ( this p.3, this p.9, this p.7, this p.14 ).
Hydrogen's fine structure energy splitting between 2p3/2 and 2p1/2 ( n = 2, Z = 1 ) is very tiny 0.000045 eV.
Sodium (= Na ) D-line or fine structure energy splitting between 3p3/2 and 3p1/2 ( n = 3, ) is very big 0.0021 eV ( this p.5-Table.I, this p.5-Table 1 ).
From these values, if Na D-line energy splitting is caused by tiny relativistic spin-orbit magnetic energy, the total charge of Na+ ion (= Na nuclear + all inner electrons, which must be close to 1 ) must be unrealistically big = +3.54 ( this p.3-upper ).
This is impossible, so sodium D-line energy splitting and anomalous Zeeman effect are irrelevant to electron spin, they are caused by Coulomb interaction between inner electrons and outer valence electron.
In all other alkaline and alkaline-earth atoms, their D-line and triplet energy splittings are too wide to explain by tiny spin-orbit and spin-spin magnetic interaction.
So the electron spin, which contradicts experimental results, does Not exist.
(Fig.11) Na+ ion average charge is Z = 1.84 disagreeing with spin.
An outer electron, which causes the very wide fine structire energy splitting in sodium, can be considered to be orbiting around the effective central charge Z (= close to +1 ) that combines a positive sodium nucleus and all other inner electrons except one outer electron.
A sodium's outer (= valence ) electron is moving around an singly-ionized sodium (= Na+ = effective central charge Z = 1 ).
Electrons are avoiding each other by Coulomb repulsion, so this effective central charge Z ( felt by an outer electron ) tends to be bigger than +1.
We can know true effective central charge of this Na+ ion (= Na nucleus + all inner electrons except one outer electron ) using experimental ionization energy values.
Both hydrogen and sodium atoms have the similar structure with only one valence (= outer ) electron, so we can use the common ionization energy formula where the total energy is proportional to Z2/n2 where n is principal quantum number, Z is effective central charge.
In hydrogen atom, the nucleus is +e, so Z = 1, and ionization energy is 13.6 eV ( enegy level quantum number n= 1 ).
In sodium atom, the ionization energy of outer electron ( n = 3 ) is 5.14 eV.
Putting all these experimental values and quantum numbers into the energy formula, we can get the true effective central charge of sodium equal to +1.84 (= based on experimental ionization energy, this p.5 upper ), which is far smaller than Z = +3.54 (= obtained by assuming fictitious spin-orbit interaction causes very wide Na fine structure energy splitting ).
This huge discrepancy in effective central charges Z between experimental value and quantum mechanical spin theoretical value clearly proves that sodium D-lines = fine structure energy splitting is Not caused by fantasy electron spin, but by stronger Coulomb interaction between inner and outer electrons.
All other alkali and alkaline-earth atoms also show remarkable discrepancy between experimental values and prediction by quantum spin's theory (= spin-orbit or spin-spin magnetic interaction is too weak to cause wide energy splitting of alkali and alkaline-earth atoms ).
Hence, all quantum mechanics, spin and relativistic spin-orbit interaction turned out to be false, disagreeing with experiments.
(Fig.12) Spin-spin magnetic energy (= 0.0001 eV ) is too small !
Quantum mechanical Pauli principle says two electrons with the same spin (= up-up spins or down-down spins ) can not occupy the same orbital.
So a helium atom (= He ) has two electrons with different up and down spins in the same 1s orbital.
And the third electron of lithium (= Li ) cannot enter the inner 1s orbital which always has two electrons with up and down spin, and instead, it has to enter the outer 2s orbital due to Pauli exclusion repulsion (= though Pauli repulsion is Not a real repulsive force ).
But a electron spin is Not a real spinning.
And the electron spin-spin magnetic energy is known to be too weak to explain strong Pauli repulsive energy ( this p.5 ).
So the (unphysical) electron spin can Not explain Pauli exclusion principle.
Each electron is supposed to have the magnetic moment of Bohr magneton, which is accidentally the same as Bohr's realistic orbital magnetic moment ( this p.2 ).
The magnetic energy between two electron spins over the distance of 1Å (= 1 × 10-10 m ) is very small = only 0.0001 eV ( this p.17, this p.10-left-2nd-paragraph, this p.3, this p.4 ).
On the other hand, the Pauli repulsive energy required to exclude the 3rd electron of lithium from 1s to 2s orbital is as large as 20~30 eV ( this 2~3rd paragraphs ).
This p.1~2 shows the total energy of a fictitious lithium with all three electrons packed into the same inner 1s orbital is -8.4609 Eh (= -230.2 eV ), which is lower than true lithium energy (= -7.478 Eh = -203.4 eV ) with the 3rd electron in outer 2s orbital by 27 eV.
It means Pauli repulsive energy excluding the lithium 3rd electron from the inner 1s to the outer 2s orbital is 27 eV, which is far bigger than the electron spin-spin magnetic energy of only 0.0001 eV.
So the electron spin's magnetic energy can Not explain the strong Pauli exclusion repulsive energy.
The wide discrepancy between the tiny spin magnetic energy and the strong Pauli repulsion made quantum mechanics artificially create an unphysical exchange energy ( this p.6-2.4, this p.7-8, this p.11 ) allegedly caused by unphysical antisymmetric wavefunction.
This exchange energy is Not a real energy, because it lacks exchange force, so Pauli repulsion is Not considered to be a real force in paradoxical quantum mechanics ( this p.6, this p.10 ).
Because this exchange energy is caused Not by some potential or real force but by the fictitious electron's kinetic energy change.
Under the real repulsion, particles such as electrons should decelerate and their kinetic energy should decrease (= by feeling repulsion from other particles ).
But quantum mechanics paradoxically insists that electrons' kinetic energy should increase to cause Pauli repulsion.
This unphysical quantum mechanical Pauli exchange energy requires every electron to exist in all different atoms simultaneously, which prohibits each atom from having real shapes as shown in the most-widely used one-pseudo-electron DFT model (= with artificially chosen exchange energy functional ), which unreal quantum mechanism model hampers development of science.
Electron's de Broglie wave is shown to interfere destructively (= pushing an electron out of the destructive interference area ) in two-slit and Davisson-Germer experiments.
↑ This realistic de Broglie wave destructive interference can be naturally used as the origin of real Pauli repulsive force without relying on paradoxical quantum mechanical exchange energy (= lacking real exchange force ) based on fictitious kinetic energy (= unphysical quantum mechanical Pauli repulsion also uses interference of de Broglie wave, but in the wrong opposite way ).
(Fig.13) Electron spin is unreal and too weak to explain ferromagnet.
Ferromagnetism is said to be caused by electron spins aligned parallel to each other.
But in fact, ferromagnetism (or antiferromagnet, paramagnet .. ) has nothing to do with electron spin, because the magnetic interaction (= magnetic dipole-dipole energy ) between electron spins is too weak to keep ferromagnetism stable even at room temperature ( this p.7(or p.6), this p.8(or p.7) ).
This 3rd paragraph says "Such an interaction (= spin magnetic dipole interaction ) is, in general, much too small to produce ferromagnetism. Instead, the predominant interaction is known as the (unphysical) exchange interaction ( this p.7-8, this p.11(or p.3 )-lower )."
↑ This quantum mechanical ad-hoc unphysical exchange energy, which did not exist in the original spin magnetic definition, lacks reality, because they paradoxically claim quantum exchange energy may exist, but there is No exchange force ( this p.8-last-paragraph, this p.5-first-paragraph, this-middle Exchange energy ). ← nonsense.
Ferromagnetism of iron (= Fe ) is known to keep stable even at high temperature = the critical temperature 1043 K.
But if electron spin-spin magnetic interaction is the origin of keeping ferromagnetism, the iron easily loses its ferromagnetic property even at extremely low temperature.
↑ Electron spin-spin magnetic (dipole-dipole) interaction energy = 0.3 K is far smaller than actual strong interaction energy required to make ferromagnetic atoms (= direction ) stable = 1043 K ( this p.7, dipole-dipole interaction ).
So the electron spin (= magnetic moment ) is Not the origin of keeping ferromagnetism stable, which fact contradicts the original definition of electron spins which was introduced as ones causing tiny magnetic field ( this p.10, this p.1-upper ). ← The existence of electron spin (= magnet ) has No evidence due to experimental disagreement between weak spin magnetic moment and strong Pauli principle, ferromagnetism which were Not caused by (fictional) electron spin.
Electron orbital motion (= realistically causing magnetic field of ferromagnet ) interacting and meshing (= synchronizing ) with other neighboring electron's orbital motions through Coulomb electric force can keep ferromagnetism stable even at high temperature ( this p.11 ).
↑ The electron's orbital motion covers larger space than the point-like electron's spin, so the electron's orbit-orbit interaction covering larger space naturally involves strong Coulomb electric interaction between electrons to let two neighboring electron's orbits interact and synchronize with each other stably.
See No evidence that quantum mechanical spin causes (anti-)ferromagnet.
(F.14) Lucky coincidence or quantum mechanics cheated ?
Hydrogen's small energy splitting can be perfectly explained by realistic Bohr-Sommerfeld model without spin.
The current mainstream quantum field theory or relativistic Dirac's hydrogen copied this successful Bohr-Sommerfeld fine structure, and includes serious paradox, so wrong.
(Fig.15) ↓ Lamb shift, which is too small to detect in ordinary spectral lines, is just thermal fluctuation or smaller fine structure.
Quantum mechanical Dirac equation for hydrogen atom could obtain the same fine structure energy values of a hydrogen atom as the earlier (realistic) Bohr-Sommerfeld's fine structure without spin.
Quantum mechanical spin-orbit interaction related to fine structure energy splitting is self-contradictory, so wrong.
Actually, this current mainstream quantum mechanical Dirac hydrogen's fine structure does Not use spin-orbit magnetic interaction, so electron spin is baseless and illusion.
It is said that there is an extremely-tiny energy difference called Lamb shift (= only 0.000004 eV energy splitting ) between (unseen) 2p1/2 and 2s1/2 states.
Hydrogen's spectral line of n = 3 → 2 energy levels' transition was used to measure Lamb shift, which can be explained by ordinary fine structure splitting between 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 or Bohr-Sommerfeld model without spin.
So the tiny energy splitting Lamb shift is unnecessary and illusion.
The current mainstream relativistic quantum electrodynamics (= QED ) just gives meaningless infinities (= instead of giving finite physical values ) allegedly caused by unphysical infinite virtual particles with imaginary mass also in Lamb shift calculation ( this p.1-left-2nd-paragraph ).
QED must artificially cancel this meaningless infinity by another ad-hoc infinity called bare charge and mass to get desired tiny Lamb shift value, which is called renormalization ( this p.5, this p.14 ) that is an illegitimate theory ( this 1st-paragraph ).
Even by using this illegitimate relativistic QED, physicists could Not predict or obtain the experimental Lamb shift energy value analytically ( this p.7 ).
This p.3-left-6th-paragaph says
"As you can see, Bethe’s fantastic calculation is based on
data that was calculated later, so Bethe could not have known
it on his train journey. His calculation included this value that
we suspect that was entered ad hoc to match the theoretical
value with the experimental value.. fudge factor"
↑ To obtain Lamb shift values, physicists have to artificially determine numerical values called Bethe logarithm ( this p.2-lower, this p.4-(8) ) or vague 'mean excitation energies ( this p.2-2nd-paragraph )' instead of QED predicting it.
Various physicists tried to get this Lamb shift Bethe logarithm by introducing unreal hydrogen perturbation energy equations or wavefunctions which have nothing to do with QED prediction.
For example, this p.2-(5) created artificial fictitious perturbation hydrogen's Hamiltonian (= H1, ψ1, E1.. ) completely different from original hydrogen energy equation.
This p.6-upper tried to get Bethe logarithm parameters in quasi-random manner that means "artificially-chosen parameters"
So quantum mechanics and QED are unsuccessful, unable to predict Lamb shift energy value, contrary to hypes.
(Fig.16) Double-slit experiments proved electron's wave interference obeying de Broglie wavelength.
Many experiments confirmed that an electron has wave nature where an electron can interfere with itself obeying de Broglie relation wavelength in the same way as ordinary light wave.
Quantum mechanics claims even a single electron can interfere with itself, but if there is only a single electron in "completely empty space", it's impossible to cause interference fringe pattern, because an electron cannot voluntarily push or pull itself to change its own moving direction to cause interference fringe patterns on the screen.
So there must be some "external things or medium" exerting force on an electron by pushing or pulling an electron to cause fringes responding to destructive or constructive interference of de Broglie wave occurring around an electron.
Actually, Bohr model could successfully obtain atomic energy levels which just agreed with experimental results using de Broglie wave theory.
Later, quantum mechanical Schrodinger equation also used de Broglie wave theory and got exactly the same results as Bohr model.
And the realistic electron's de Broglie wave can naturally explain Aharonov-Bohm effect, magnetic flux quantum and quantum Hall effect even without relying on unreal fractional-charge quasiparticles of quantum mechanics.
(Fig.17) A single electron splits into parallel worlds !?
A single electron is obviously the smallest elementary particle with unbreakable mass and charge, which can Not be divided into multiple smaller charges also in two-slit experiments.
Each single electron is known to interfere with itself in two-slit experiment. ← Each single electron cannot be divided, then, how can the unphysical quantum mechanics explain this two-slit interference of a single electron ?
According to the ridiculous quantum mechanical logic, even a single indivisible electron particle ( or an imaginary photon ) must pass through two different slits or paths simultaneously. ← Impossible !
Of course, it's impossible for a single indivisible particle such as an electron to pass through two different slits at once to interfere with itself even in the ridiculous quantum mechanics.
Actually, each single electron is detected as a single electron at only one location one by one after passing through two slits and interfering.
So physicists have been unable to give realistic explanation of how a single particle can go through two slits without actually splitting, as an unsolvable mystery (= forever ), giving up realistic mechanisms ( this last-paragraph ).
Finally, the illogical quantum mechanics came to make an unrealistic claim that even a single unbreakable particle such as an electron must exist everywhere in different places simultaneously (= called superposition ) as if the single particle split into different fantasy parallel worlds or multiverse, creating its body-doubles.
So according to such an unscientific quantum mechanics, each indivisible electron particle could unrealistically split into fantasy different parallel universes or multiverse, pass through two slits at once, interfere with itself, and be detected as the original single electron in double-slit interference experiments.
Any other interpretation of quantum mechanics are Not different from the current mainstream (fantasy) many- or parallel-world theory where physicists basically avoid delving into the unrealistic quantum mechanical mechanism, instead, just reluctantly saying "Nobody understands (weird) quantum mechanics, so just shut up and calculate !" ← It's Not science !
For each single electron to cause the observed interference fringe, the single electron must be pushed out of destructive interference area by some external things, because a single electron itself cannot push or pull itself to dislocate itself according to the law of action and reaction (= two opposite forces of pushing and pulling cancel each other inside a single electron ).
So the only realistic explanation is that a single electron (or a photon = just classical light wave ) causes the real de Broglie wave (= which interference was experimentally confirmed as real ) in the external medium, and this de Broglie wave interference affects and dislocates the electron's position, resultantly showing the constructive and destructive interference fringes.
↑ This realistic picture of separating a particle and wave can naturally explain the actually-observed two-slit interference of a single electron without relying on fantasy quantum mechanical parallel worlds.
All experiments such as light wave interference, refraction, and diffraction of an electron clearly show the existence of real medium in space.
(Fig.18) Schrodinger's orbital is n × de Broglie wavelength.
Bohr atomic model succeeded in explaining energy levels of all hydrogen-like atoms, and Schrödinger equation of quantum mechanics also agreed with results of Bohr model ( this p.13-lower, this p.7-lower ). Why ?
Bohr model uses the assumption that electron' orbital length is just an integral multiple of de Broglie wavelength to avoid destructive interferene, which was experimentally confirmed.
Schrödinger equation also uses de Broglie wave theory for obtaining electron's momentum and kinetic energy.
Furthermore, in fact, the electron's orbital of Schrödinger wave function is also an integer multiple of de Broglie wavelength ( this last ), which is the reason why both Bohr model and Schrödinger equation give exactly the same results and use the same Bohr radius concept in hydrogen.
We can visualize any Schrödinger's orbitals just equal to an integer times de Broglie wavelength like Bohr's atomic model.
Fig.18 is hydrogen's 1s, 2s and 3s wave functions.
If we use the solution χ = rR ( R is radial wavefunction, r is the distance between an electron and nucleus ), Schrödinger equation just becomes the simple second derivative form where Schrödinger's "radial wavefunction" exactly means "de Broglie wave" like Bohr model ( this p.3 ).
In this radial wave function (= rR ), 1s, 2s and 3s orbital are just integers = 1, 2, and 3 times de Broglie wavelength.
This is a hidden trick of the only solvable Schrödinger's solution = hydrogen atom, which results just agree with Bohr's hydrogen.
But only Schrödinger wave functions include unphysical orbitals, so false.
Because Schrödinger equation always has to include unrealistic zero orbital angular momentum, where an electron crashes into a nucleus, moving in a linear orbit.
In the linear orbit where an electron is moving back and forth on the same one-dimensional path, the electron's de Broglie wave interferes with itself destructively, hence, Schrödinger's electron's motion becomes unstable and chaotic, while Bohr's atomic electron's motion is stable.
(Fig.19) Quantum mechanical wavefunction is unreal.
Quantum mechanics is false in hydrogen's wave function.
Because the square of momentum p of Schrödinger's electron is Not equal to p2, so, the equation of p2 = p2 is Not satisfied in quantum mechanics ? ← Why does such an irrational thing happen ?
Schrodinger equation adopted de Broglie relation as "derivative" form.
The first derivative of momentum operator acting on wavefunction gets the momentum p, and the second derivative of wavefunction gets the square p2.
Of course, when momentum p is zero, its square p2 must be zero, too.
But only when a wavefunction has basic " cos" or "sin" form, it holds true.
The point is quantum mechanical wave functions distort original de Broglie relation. Figure above is hydrogen 2p radial wavefunction ( this, this last ).
"2p" wavefunction has unreal negative kinetic energy on both sides.
On these boundaries (= two positions where electron's kinetic energy is zero ), the second derivative is zero ( p2 = 0 ), but first derivative (= p ) is not zero (= the slope of wave function is not zero, which means the momentum p is not zero ) ! This is ridiculous.
It's quite natural that when p is zero, its square p2 is zero, too !
So quantum mechanics distorts original de Broglie relation with wrong math.
(Fig.20) No solution → just "choose" fake solution ! = useless
In Schrödinger equation of quantum mechanics, the sum of an electron's kinetic energy and Coulomb potential energy equals total energy E which total energy must be conserved and constant.
Under this total energy conservation (= E is a constant value ) law, Schrödinger equation can be solved only in one-electron hydrogen atom which results happened to equal realistic Bohr model.
In multi-electron atoms or molecules, Schrödinger equation can never be solved. = There are No exact solutions or wavefunctions of any multi-electron atoms and hydrogen molecule ion in quantum mechanics ( this 9th-paragraph, this p.4-1st-paragraph ).
So quantum mechanics gave up solving Schrödinger equation, and it just chooses and guesses fake solutions (= wavefunction ) called trial function or basis set, and integrates chosen fake solution (= fake chosen wavefunction ) with Schrödinger equation to obtain fake total energy ( this p.6-second-paragraph ).
There is 100% freedom in selecting the form of trial wavefunction or basis sets (= fake solution, this p.22-5.1 ). ← Even these fake chosen wavefunction solutions as the approximate methods for unsolvable Schrödinger equation are too complicated. time-consuming and impractical ( this p.14, this p.11 ), which make quantum mechanics useless in all applied science.
There is No limit to the number of parameters of trial wavefunction.
Variational methods normally try to find the (fake) trial function giving the lowest (= ground-state ) energy, but there are infinite choices of trial wavefunctions, so it's impossible to know the lowest energy based on this dubious variational method.
↑ You can freely choose any arbitrary fake solution and freely-adjustable parameters giving any arbitrary fake energies, which quantum mechanical methods cannot predict any true energies (= called variational methods, which are mainly used in almost-all quantum mechanical approximations with unsolvable multi-electron Schrödinger equations ), hence it's a kind of "art", Not science ( this p.17, this p.7 ).
When textbooks (often misleadingly) say contradictory things such as "solve approximate (unsolvable) Schrödinger equations or Hartree-Fock equations", physicists just artificially choose fake approximate wavefunctions (= called basis set solutions ) and manipulate their coefficients or parameters to get the lowest (fake) energies within chosen limited fake solutions called "variational methods ( this p.4, this p.8, this p.11 )" without actually solving them.
There is No way to know the exact atomic wavefunctions or solutions (= due to unsolvable multi-electron Schrödinger equations ) until physicists compare fake energies calculated from artificially-chosen fake solutions with the experimental energy values ( this p.4-5th-paragraph, this 2nd-last-paragraph, this p.1-last, this 3~5th paragraphs, this p.5-last-paragraph, this 15th-paragraph ).
↑ So it's far better to use the experimentally-obtained atomic energy values (and atomic shapes ) from the beginning without wasting time in artificially choosing and calculating fake energies using unsolvable multi-electron Schrödinger equations which can Not predict any atomic or molecular energies, hence quantum mechanical methods are meaningless ( this p.6-1st-paragraph ).
Textbooks often say impractical things; if you take infinite time to pick up some fake solution consisting of infinite freely-adjustable parameters and infinite terms, you may find true solution ( this 12th paragraph ). ← But this is Not true. No atomic true solutions can be found in quantum mechanics.
In larger atoms (such as Lithium ) and molecules with more than two electrons, the quantum mechanical Pauli antisymmetric wavefunctions become invalid and wrong.
No Schrödinger equations for multi-electron atoms such as helium or molecules can be solved, so the useless quantum mechanics has to artificially choose fictitious trial wavefunctions with an arbitrary number of freely-adjustable parameters as (fake) approximate solutions using the variational method.
The reason why these artificially-chosen fake approximate wavefunctions give total energies close to experimental atomic energies is they can just freely choose arbitrary convenient fake approximate wavefunctions out of infinite choices, and those chosen (fake) wavefunctions often consist of (irrelevant) one-electron hydrogen atomic wavefunctions ( this p.2, this p.6-upper, this-8.2.12 ). ← Remember that quantum mechanical Schrödinger's hydrogen atomic energy levels completely agreed with Bohr's atomic model
↑ Of course, one-electron hydrogen atomic wavefunctions (= ground-state and excited states ) are Not true solutions of multi-electron Schrödinger equations, and we prove that No multi-electron Schrödinger equations can have exact solutions (= conserving the total energy E in any electrons' positions is impossible in three-body quantum mechanical helium atom, so quantum mechanic is wrong. We have to compute two realistically-moving electrons' behaviors by directly calculating Coulomb forces between two electrons, using computers and realistic helium atomic model to conserve the total energy in any electrons' positions ).
↑ One-electron hydrogen atomic energies of the ground and excited states given by quantum mechanical Schrödinger equations completely agree with the realistic Bohr's successful atomic model.
Because both the successful Bohr's atomic model and the (unrealistic) quantum mechanical Schrödinger equation (= in the only solvable one-electron hydrogen atom ) use the same principle where the total energy is equal to the sum of Coulomb electric energy and electron's kinetic energy expressed as de Broglie wave ( this p.4-5, this p.8, this p.23-29 ).
So the fact that the unsolvable multi-electron Schrödinger equations could seemingly give the atomic energies close to experimental values using the (irrelevant) one-electron hydrogen atomic wavefunctions as (fake) approximate wavefunctions means that all atomic electrons' behaviors are governed by the common principle of Coulomb electric force and de Broglie waves (= both of which are used by realistic Bohr's atom which proved to be right ), and it does Not mean the (fantasy) quantum mechanics is close to reality.
(F.21) One electron exists in both H-atoms a and b at once ?
Quantum mechanical wavefunction always spreads symmetrically as electron cloud, so it cannot give strong Coulomb force for froming covalent bonds.
So quantum mechanics has to rely on unphysical exchange energy by forcing each electron to exist in any different atoms simultaneously.
(Fig.22) ↓ Each electron exists in both atoms. → Pauli principle ?
Pauli exclusion principle is known to generate mysterious powerful repulsive force enough to resist Coulomb force and exclude the 3rd electron of lithium to outer orbit, involving electron spin.
In fact, unphysical quantum mechanics cannot describe this Pauli exclusion principle or repulsive energy (= expressed as unphysical exchange energy ) using any real things or forces ( this-middle Exchange energy ).
So Pauli exclusion principle by quantum mechanics is based on wrong abstract nonphysical physics using fictitious concepts such as "exchange energy" and "antisymmetric wavefunction", which have nothing to do with real world.
Irrational quantum mechanical rule ( causing unphysical exchange energy ) forces all electrons to be indistinguishable, existing in all different atoms simultaneously ( this p.2, this p.3, this p.11 ) by making quantum mechanical wavefunctions take an artificial, unphysical form called "antisymmetric wavefunction" ( this 5th-paragraph, this p.18-(12)(13), this p.4-second-paragraph, this p.9 or p.6, this p.13-14 ).
In antisymmetric wavefunction, when we exchange any two electrons, the sign of the entire wave function is supposed to change ( this p.3 ). ← No more detailed mechanism of Pauli principle is given by quantum mechanics !
As shown in Fig.22 middle, the wavefunction is divided into two parts; electron's spatial part (= Schrödinger equation ) and spin part ( this-8.6.6-8.6.11, this p.16-18, this p.1-3, this p.6, this p.2 ).
In two-electron hydrogen (= H2 ) molecule or helium atom, the spin part is antisymmetric (= one electrons spin is up, the other spin is down, which is called "singlet" ), so their Schrödinger equation's spatial part takes "symmetric" form where a illegitimately-lowered electron's kinetic energy expressed as exchange energy is used as fake molecular bond energy in quantum mechanics ( this p.3-lower, this p.27, this p.3-last-paragraph ).
In antisymmetric wavefunction (= Pauli principle ) between the same spin-up-up or spin-down-down, the sign of this illegitimately-lowered electron's kinetic energy is flipped, which means the electron's "kinetic energy is illegitimately increased" in unphysical quantum mechanical Pauli principle or antibond ( this p.13 2nd-paragraph ).
So the origin of quantum mechanical Pauli exclusion force is nonsense = illegitimately-increased kinetic energy (= without using normal Coulomb repulsion or other forces, instead, using only unphysical "exchange" ) violating energy conservation law, so this unphysical Pauli repulsion can neither be admitted as real force nor given any realistic physical interpretation ( this p.6 ).
And this ad-hoc unphysical quantum mechanical exchange energy cannot give real force or force carrier to Pauli exclusion repulsion, while realistic atomic model with electrons and de Broglie waves can treat Pauli repulsive force as real force generated by real force carrier.
This unphysical Pauli exchange energy demanding every single electron exist in all different atoms makes a quantum mechanical atom borderless, shapeless, unrealistic, which needs artificial pseudo-potentials (= based on unphysical kinetic energy, Not giving each atomic shape) of one-pseudo-electron DFT, and extremely-time-consuming molecular dynamics, which hampers using atoms as real tools.
(Fig.23) Unreal indistinguishable electron → One pseudo-electron DFT approximation in quantum mechanics.
Every electron spreads and exists in all atomic different places simultaneously in fantasy parallel worlds according to quantum mechanical illogical rule where Pauli principle should be expressed by nonphysical antisymmetric wavefunctions without showing any concrete physical mechanism.
According to this unphysical quantum mechanical Pauli principle rule, in two atomic molecules, each electron must always exist in two different atoms (= two different orbitals ) simultaneously and unrealistically ( this p.11, this p.7-lower, this p.5 ).
So in three-electron atoms or molecules, each electron must always exist in three different orbitals expressed as nonphysical Pauli antisymmetric wavefunctions.
Though the quantum mechanical Pauli principle with more than two electrons suffers serious paradoxes by which physicists have No choice but to adopt the unreal one-pseudo-electron density functional theory (= DFT ), which is the most widely-used quantum mechanical approximation.
As a result, quantum mechanics unrealistically insists in any multi-electron atoms or molecules, each electron must always exist in all different atoms or orbitals simultaneously ( this p.20-21 ) where each electron cannot move or be isolated from other atoms due to all electrons always being trapped by all different atoms by stupid Pauli antisymmetric wavefunctions !
If all electrons are unrealistically existing everywhere (= indistinguishable electrons, this 4th-paragraph ), physicists need to pick only one electron from among many indistinguishable parallel-world electrons in quantum mechanics.
So quantum mechanics outrageously treats the whole many-electron material as unreal one single pseudo-electron model ( this p.2 upper ) called band theory where "successful" quantum mechanics in applied science is completely false and fake news.
Quantum mechanical band theory expresses the whole many-atomic material as unphysical linear bands which represent fictitious electron called quasiparticle with fake (= effective ) mass (= even unreal negative electron mass is possible ) and pseudo-momentum.
In this nonphysical quantum mechanical band model, each particle's position, shape and size are unknown and meaningless, because all electrons are changed into fake electrons or quasiparticles with fake masses, and they must always exist everywhere using parallel worlds.
So unsolvable Schrödinger equation for multi-electron atoms and molecules are useless and meaningless ( this p.3, this p.11, this p.6 ).
To seemingly calculate this fictitious indistinguishable electron spreading over all places, an unrealistic quantum mechanical approximate method called density functional theory (= DFT, or Kohn-Sham theory ) was artificially invented, and the most-widely used as the quantum mechanical approximation.
This DFT approximate quantum mechanical methods outrageously replace useless many-electron Schrödinger equation by "one pseudo-electron model" ( this p.3 ) with fictional effective pseudo-potential ( this p.12-13 ).
The current most popular physical calculation method DFT very roughly replaces the useless multi-electron Schrödinger equation by one-pseudo-electron DFT approximate model ( this p.2, = this pseudo-one-electron DFT has No physical reality, this upper, this p.15 ) with effective pseudo-potential energy ( this p.15, this p.1-lower, this p.3-middle-lower ) and unreal pseudo-kinetic energy ( this p.8-last-paragraph ).
↑ All pseudo-energies and one-pseudo-electron wavefunctions are fake with No physical reality in this DFT quantum mechanical approximation ( this p.27 ), hence No practical application ( this p.1-right-last paragraph ).
This DFT or Kohn-Sham pseudo-potential energy is called "exchange-correlation energy functionals (= irrelevant to real atomic physical energies )" whose exact universal form is still unknown ( this p.8, this p.2 ).
Physicists have to artificially choose arbitrary pseudo-potential or exchange correlation energy functionals (= with artificially-adjustable parameters ) out of infinite choices ( this p.1-left, ).
↑ So quantum mechanics or its most-widely used DFT approximation is Not a successful theory but just an ad-hoc pseudo-model which cannot predict any physical values just by choosing pseudo-potential energies and adjusting artificial parameters ( this p.2, this p.2-last, this 3rd-paragraph ).
No matter what pseudo-potential energies or exchange-correlation functionals physicists choose, there are always cases where those chosen pseudo-potential energies miserably fail or disagree with facts ( this p.17, this p.1-left-last-paragraph, )
This unphysical quantum mechanical approximation called density functional theory (= DFT ) which pseudo-model outrageously replacing all many-electron material by one-electron pseudo-density model is the most widely used in all the latest applied science. ← This is why all the current basic and applied science stops progressing due to quantum mechanical pseudo-model
Sadly, the unphysical pseudo-one-electron approximate quantum mechanical method = Density functional theory or DFT is the only calculation method used in all the current basic and applied science such as physics, solid-condensed matter, quantum chemistry, protein, semiconductor-computer industry, drug development, cancer research (= quantum mechanical biology or medicine is just an impractical pseudoscience, Not a real biology ).
It's impossible for one-pseudo-electron model (= hence, one-pseudo-atom model ) DFT approximate method to describe actual chemical and molecular reactions where multiple different atoms, molecules and electrons are always moving in different directions from one atom to another atom (= for which we should use realistic atomic models dealing with different atoms or electrons differently and separately ), so quantum mechanical methods are useless forever.
The present physicists stop scientific advancement by wasting their time in trying to find (nonexistent) illusory universal pseudo-potentiel energy or dreamlike exact exchange correlation functional using only one pseudo-electron (= allegedly usable in any situations of any arbitrary numbers of electrons and atoms ) in DFT, in vain ( this p.1, this p.2 ).
Because DFT contains only one independent variable representing only one pseudo-electron's position, which is inherently unable to represent actual many-electron materials represented by many independently-changeable electrons' variables (= finding dreamlike universal exact exchange-correlation functional of DFT is impossible forever ).
Actually, this most-popular quantum mechanical approximation = DFT is known to miserably fail in many cases and predictions.
DFT's pseudo-kinetic energy fails to generate the sufficient antisymmetric Pauli repulsion or molecular attraction, because DFT tries to divide its fictitious one pseudo-electron into multiple non-interacting sub-electrons to give each kinetic energy or exchange energy between different atoms, its DFT fictitiously-divided sub-electron (= needed to cause the exchange energies such as molecular attractive bonds and Pauli repulsion ) is unrealistically weaker and more diluted, as the number of atoms they handle increases.
↑ In spite of this useless and defective quantum mechanical methods, physicists never try to escape from this meaningless unphysical quantum mechanical quagmire in order only to protect their academic old vested interests surrounding fantasy mainstream quantum mechanical theory..
↑ This is why all the current applied science miserably stops progressing stuck in the harmful quantum mechanical pseudo-model.
(Fig.24) Exchange, correlation functionals can be "freely" chosen.
Quantum mechanical rough and false approximation called DFT uses only one fictitious electron, so it needs to replace ordinary Schrödinger equation's kinetic and potential energies among many electrons by fictional non-interacting pseudo-electron's kinetic energy and pseudo-potential ( one pseudo-electron in DFT causes unphysical self-interaction ) called exchange-correlation functional.
The problem is there is No universal pseudo-potential or legitimate rule to choose this pseudo-potential = exchange-correlation functional ( this p.4-5 ). It means we can choose any forms of fake potential energy, which cannot predict any real values.
In DFT, we need to artificially choose
No matter what fake potential and solution you choose, you always encounter many cases where DFT calculation is unable to explain experimental values ( this p.17, this p.1, this p.2 ).
Each time DFT calculation fails to predict physical values, physicists have to invent and choose other pseudo-potentials = new exchange-correlation functionals, artificially adjusting free parameters by comparing them with experimental results ( this p.3 ).
So DFT is useless with No ability to predict any physical values ( this p.21 ), though almost all the current condensed matter researches rely on this unphysical DFT as the only quantum mechanical calculation tool and meaninglessly try to find illusory universal pseudo-potential. → Science stops progressing now.
(Fig.25) A single photon of radio wave with 1000 meter wavelength is unrealistically as big as 1000 meter ? ← this photon picture is impossible.
Quantum mechanics ridiculously insists that light can be a particle called a photon and wave at the same time, though this is physically impossible, a particle and wave are completely different things.
Many phenomena such as light interference, diffraction, refraction, and the constant light speed in the same medium (= like sound wave ) clearly show the light is electromagnetic wave, Not a photon particle.
If light was really a photon particle, physicists could have already given the concrete shape and size of a single photon particle, but still Nobody knows what size and shape a single photon is ( this p.1-right ).
For example, if the size of radio wave with more than 1000 meter wavelength is as big as 1000 meter, such a big (illusory) photon can be easily seen and touched, but No such big photons were detected.
Actually, all textbooks can show a photon picture as wave, Not a particle.
Quantum mechanics ridiculously says that a single indivisible photon can interfere with itself by the single photon magically passing though multiple slits simultaneously using (fictional) quantum parallel worlds or superposition (= a dead-and-alive cat state ).
This p.2-2nd-last-paragraph says
"the (single) photon passes through both slits simultaneously and
when the single photon emerges through both slits, it interferes with itself (= impossible )"
↑ Even if a sigle "indivisible" photon can unrealistically split into two ghost photons in different parallel worlds, the (rigid) photon particles just clash into each other without causing interference pattern, which disagrees with experimental observation.
As Lamb said, there is No such thing as a photon particle ( this p.18 ).
Physicists try to misinterpret electrons excited by incident (classical weak) light wave in the photodetector as a sign of the fictitious photon.
↑ When the intensity of the weak light surpasses some (adjustable) detection threshold of causing electronic current in the photodetector, this excited electrons are treated as a (fictional) photon (= an illusory photon itself is unobservable ).
This illusory photon particle, which is just light wave whose power surpassing the photodetector's detection threshold, causes unscientific quantum mechanical phenomena such as a single photon interference, superluminal entanglement, delayed choice quantum eraser, all of which can be naturally explained by classical light wave.
Even the current mainstream quantum field theory and quantum electrodynamics (= QED ) can only show a photon particle as nonphysical math symbols without concrete shapes nor sizes ( this p.4, this p.6-left ).
As a result, there is No such thing as a photon particle.
All observed phenomena show Light is just wave traveling through the medium.
(Fig.26) Light wave interacts with electron's de Broglie wave in real photoelectric effect, which can explain the light-frequency-dependent energy.
In fact, photoelectric effect (= electrons absorbing light energy are ejected from atoms ) and Compton scattering can be perfectly explained by classical light wave, Not by a (contradictory) quantum photon particle.
Textbooks often say the wrong explanation where the photoelectric effect showing the light energy is proportional to light frequency f indicates a photon particle, and if light is wave, it takes too much time for a tiny electron to absorb the light wave spreading over large area to cause photoelectric effect.
But first of all, the light frequency f is equal to c/λ where λ is light wavelength, which means light wave is related to photoelectric effect.
Furthermore, if a quantum mechanical photon is related to the photoelectric effect, an electron can absorb and emit only an unreal virtual photon with imaginary mass when the total energy and momentum are conserved ( this p.15, this p.10, this p.18, this p.3-5 ).
This means the quantum mechanical photoelectric effect dealing only with paradoxical virtual photons is unreal and wrong.
Light or electromagnetic wave interacts with electron's de Broglie wave that spreads over large area, as seen in de Broglie wave interference and each electron's electric field spreading over large area.
↑ This light wave interacting with electron's de Broglie wave (or electric field around an electron ) is perfectly compatible with the observed photoelectric effect where the spreading de Broglie wave (= or electric field around an electron ) can absorb or emit the light wave quickly, and de Broglie wave's frequency is proportional to the energy like the light energy (= light energy proportional to frequency is related to electron's de Broglie wave frequency ).
Of course, the light wave interacting with electron's de Broglie wave does Not need the unreal quantum mechanical virtual photon, because the light wave's oscillating energy is absorbed into the medium (= electron's de Broglie wave ) instead of being absorbed into the tiny electron's particle itself (= each electron should be considered as the spreading Coulomb electric field causing de Broglie wave over large area in the medium ).
↑ If light wave (oscillating) energy is absorbed into the electron's de Broglie wave (= oscillating wave proportional to frequency ) and medium around the electron and nucleus (= total momentum of the orbiting electron and nucleus is almost zero compatible with small light's momentum ), No unreal virtual photon is needed, conserving total momentum and energy between light and the whole system of an electron orbiting around the nucleus (= light has large energy needed for separating an electron from a nucleus and small momentum ).
In Compton effect, light wave scattered by an electron and slightly losing its energy is known to elongate its light wavelength.
If light is a photon particle, the photon losing energy must slow down instead of the (non-existent) photon's wavelength being longer (= a rigid photon particle should Not have changeable wavelength, which photon picture disagrees with the observed Compton effect ).
Classical Maxwell equation showed light wave had momentum pressure ( this p.22 ). ← Light wave's momentum and pressure (= based on classical Maxwell theory ) could explain Compton scattering.
As a result, all experimental results including photoelectric and Compton effects proved light is electromagnetic wave, Not a photon particle.
(Fig.27) Photodetectors can detect electrons, Not photons.
In fact, a single photon detector or a photodetector such as avalanche photodiode (= APD ) and photomultiplier can detect only electrons excited by light wave, and can Not detect a (fictional) photon particle itself.
When the incident weak light wave's energy (= E = hf ) and power is above some detection threshold of the photodetector, the light can induce electric current (= flow of excited electrons, Not a photon ), which is (mis)interpreted as a (fictional) photon particle ( this p.2-Fig.1, this-introduction-2nd-paragraph ).
The detection threshold of photodetectors can be artificially adjusted as bias voltage (= the bigger the bias voltage, the more electric current is generated by the incident light wave, which was detected as a photon ).
When the light intensity is strong, even the photodetector with low bias voltage (= not only high bias voltage ) can detect the incident light.
This p.8(or p.6)-1st-paragarph says
"for the light counts we see increasing counts as the (reverse) bias voltage is raised. Once
again, we expect this, because a greater bias voltage creates a greater avalanche effect (= more fictional photons are detected as electronic current, this p.3-APD
When the light intensity is very weak, the bias voltage must be increased (= over breakdown voltage, or increasing overvoltage ) to detect the weak light wave as (fictional) photon ( this p.6-Fig.3 shows detecting weak light needs higher (reverse) bias voltage ).
↑ This photodetector is the trick of a single photon's interference where the weak light can split into two weaker lights at two slits, which split lights are too weak to detect at phodetectors simultaneously (= so it looks like only a single photon appears, but actually, the other weaker light, which is too weak to detect at the photodetector, exists in two slit experiments ), and after constructive interference, the final light wave can be detected as (fictional) photon at the photodetector.
↑ So photodetectors just detecting electrons' current excited by (classical) light wave whose power surpassing the detection threshold (= adjustable by bias voltage ) of the photodetectors can explain a (fictional) single photon interference at double slits, entanglement, delayed choice quantum eraser, quantum information even without using unphysical quantum mechanical parallel worlds.
(Fig.28) An orbiting electron does Not lose energy.
Bohr's realistic atomic model could successfuly explain all experimental energy levels of hydrogen-like atoms and ions perfectly ( this last ).
You may often see the (false) cliche "all accelerating electrons radiate and lose energy in classical orbits", so Bohr's hydrogen could be unstable.
This logic is completely unscientific and wrong. So Bohr's orbit is stable, Not radiating energy, as long as an electron is orbiting around a nucleus in a normal orderly way.
To be more specific, "a single accelerated electron ( like in Bohr's hydrogen ) does Not radiate or lose energy."
Only when many electrons are accelerated and colliding with each other in a disorderly way, as seen in alternating currents, they radiate and lose energy.
So the misconception that "accelerating" electron losing energy does Not apply to the successful Bohr model, as long as its electron is moving in an orderly and stable way conserving total energy between a nucleus and an electron, avoiding destructive interference of electron's de Broglie wave.
Actually, Bohr model won the most prestigious Nobel prize, after its scientific legitimacy was admitted as correct by the then academia. ← The misconception that Bohr's atom losing eneregy was just an excuse made up later to justify unrealistic quantum mechanics.
If the textbook's explanation that every accelerating electron becomes unstable losing energy is right, even quantum mechanical electron which also has kinetic energy (= so quantum mechanical electron is also moving around accelerated by a nucleus ! ) becomes unstable radiating energy. ← self-contradiction.
Quantum mechanical atoms allegely having unrealistic negative kinetic energies, can never be stable, because its s orbital with zero orbital angular momentum always crashes into a nucleus, and causes destructive interference of de Broglie wave in its linear orbits.
(Fig.29) Bohr model electron is Not falling into nucleus.
In fact, if a single accelerating electron loses energy, the single electron must consist of many smaller fictitious charges as seen in a spherical conductor in the upper figure.
So Bohr's atomic electron which is an indivisible negative charge does Not radiate or lose energy just by moving around the nucleus in an orderly and periodic way.
The theory of an accelerated charge radiating energy uses "electric energy density field" (= energy = 1/2εE2 ) stored in vacuum around spherical conductor packing many smaller repulsive charges ( this p.4, this p.2 ).
This energy density in electric field equals the amount of energy required to pack many repulsive smaller charges into the same spherical conductor.
So if a single accelerated electron really radiates and loses energy while it orbits around a nucleus, this single electron must be like a fictitious spherical conductor which collects and packs many smaller negative charges into a single electron's tiny body (= whose electric energy density around a fictitious electron consisting of many smaller charges becomes 1/2εE2 ). ← It's imossible and inconsistent with the fact that a single electron is very stable and unbreakable.
A single electron is an indivisible charged particle, which is Not like a spherical conductor packing many smaller illusory negative charges inside a single electron.
As a result, the idea that Bohr's atomic accelerated electron radiating energy is untrue, based on the false assumption.
(Fig.30) ↓ A electron radiates only a virtual photon with imaginary mass !?
In the current mainstream quantum field theory, all interactions between elementary particles are expressed using unphysical abstract lines called Feynman diagrams which tell us nothing about detailed mechanisms of how particles actually touch or interact with each other.
Quantum mechanics says an electron can interact only with unreal unobservable virtual photons (= Not real photons ! ) with unphysical imaginary mass, when electrons emit, absorb (virtual) photons, or apply electromagnetic forces to other charged particles ( this p.16, this 6,10 paragraphs ).
Why cannot each electron interact with a real photon (= light ) for explaining light absorption or force interaction according to unrealistic quantum mechanics ( this p.7,8 ) ?
Because the ratios of energy (= E ) to momentum (= p ) are different between an electron and light (= a photon ? ) due to different masses of an electron and a photon (= an electron is much heavier than a photon ).
So if Einstein relativity is right (= if there is no space "medium" mediating forces ), the physics needs unreal virtual particles or virtual photons interacting with real electrons with unreal imaginary masses (= if total energy and momentum are conserved between a electron and an emitted photon ) which violate Einstein's mc2 mass-energy relation ( this p.6, this p.4-last-paragraph, this p.3 ) or violate energy conservation law ( this p.10, this p.3 ) against the fact that all real particles must always conserve total energies and momentums ( this 5th-paragraph, this 5th-paragraph ) !
As shown above, even if an electron can emit a (unreal) virtual photon as electromagnetic force, this emitted virtual photon can only push (= repel ) another photon, which cannot explain Coulomb attractive force (= pull ) without the help of other medium.
Quantum electrodynamics (= QED ) relies on unreal virtual particles or virtual photons with imaginary masses ( this p.17 ), which are said to paradoxically move faster-than-light ( this 1-5th paragraphs, this 9th-paragraph ), which clearly contradicts another mainstream theory of Einstein relativity prohibiting superluminal motion.
↑ The current mainstream quantum field theory includes self-contradiction, so false ( this 10th-paragraph, this p.9-10 ).
Quantum field theory or quantum electrodynamics (= QED ) are just unphysical theory whose unreal virtual particles with impossible imaginary masses ( this p.18 = negative mass squared, this p.2-lower-footnote, ) or negative kinetic energies are also nonphysical math symbols with No concrete physical shapes which pseudo-quantum theory tells us nothing about the detailed physical mechanism, so completely useless and No relation to our real world ( this p.6-lower, this p.13 ).
Actually, No scientists are using this useless quantum field theory for our daily-life application.
↑ The present relativistic quantum field theory and QED requiring unreal virtual particles for explaining physical forces are self-contradictory (= virtual particles contradict Einstein famous relativistic mc2 mass-energy relation, this p.10-11, this p.4-2nd-last-paragraph, this p.4 ), hence wrong theories.
(F.31) Coulomb, Higgs depend on fictional virtual particles.
See this page in detail.
(Fig.32) Quantum mechanics cannot handle multi-electron material.
Due to the current unrealistic impractical basic atomic theory called quantum mechanics, all applied science miserably stops progressing which important facts are hidden from ordinary people by the media and academia for protecting their old vested interests around the "(deadend) mainstream science".
Physicists are obsessed only with unscientifically explaining all observed phenomena such as electric conductance and magnetic properties by unreal pseudo-particles called quasiparticle model ( this 2nd paragraph, this 6th-paragraph ).
Quantum mechanical quasiparticle's pseudo-models, which physicists have heavily relied on for as long as 100 years ( this p.4-6, p.22 ), are Not even real particles ( this 1st-paragraph, this 3rd-paragraph ), hence, these unrealistic quasiparticles can never be isolated or utilized as real particles. = so quasiparticles are useless forever.
Ridiculously, these unrealistic quasiparticles are still being used as one of the most popular quantum mechanical pseudo-models even in the latest physical researches such as semiconductor industry (= using fictional effective masses of band theory, which quantum mechanical pseudo-model has never been useful for modern computer technology contrary to the media-hype ), nanotechnology, superconductor, molecular machine learning, solar energy technology (= ex. exciton quasiparticle, this p.16 ), quantum biology, even imaginary fake-antiparticles and dark matter field,
You can understand these quasiparticles contradict reality by seeing quantum mechanics illogically claim these quasiparticles could have the impossible negative mass and fractional-charges (= e/3, e/5 called 'anyon' or Majorana quasiparticle, against the fact that the elementary smallest charge "e" is unbreakable, this ) in quantum Hall effect that can be explained classically (= quantum mechanical pseudo-model or quasiparticle is unnecessary ).
And they ridiculously insist even the elementary smallest particle = electron could be magically split into multiple (illusory) quasiparticles (= an electron splits into holon quasiparticle carrying charge, and spinon quasiparticle carrying spin ) according to these pseudo-quantum mechanical model.
↑ Of course, these unrealistic quasiparticles with fictional fractional charges, the separate spin-charge are directly unobservable.
Physicists just "imagine" these fictional quasiparticles when they (mis)interpret the observed electric conductance and magnetic properties ( this p.5-11, this p.7 ).
Unscientific quantum mechanics argues that the superconductor with zero resistance is caused by two repulsive electrons magically attracting each other via fictitious phonon quasiparticles forming Cooper pairs, which eventually break into other fictitious quasiparticles called Bogoliubov quasiparticles ( this 2nd-paragraph ) with fictionally changeable charges ( this p.1-left ).
And they paradoxically say the fictitious quantum particle of light wave called photon could acquire the (effective) mass against another mainstream Einstein relativity which states a photon is massless, in order to explain Meissner effect where the external magnetic field cannnot enter the superconductor due to this imaginary massive photons which makes the electromagnetic interaction a shorter range force ( this lower, this p.2-right-lower ).
This unscientific quantum mechanical model about the superconductor is called BCS theory which just expresses each fictitious quasiparticle as nonphysical math symbols without giving any real detailed physical mechanism.
According to quantum mechanical ridiculous logic, even unrealistic magnetic monopole (= only north or south magnetic pole ) could exist as fictitious quasiparticles to falsely explain some complex magnetic field and atomic orientations inside some materials called spin ice ( this 5th-last paragraph ).
↑ Those fake mangetic monopole quasiparticles are Not real fundamental particles ( this p.1-middle ), so meaningless and useless pseudo-models.
This quantum mechanical pseudo-quasiparticle model makes another paradoxical claim that massless quasiparticles could be slower than light speed contradicting another mainstream theory = Einstein relativity ( this abstract ), without showing the detailed physical mechanism except for unphysical abstract math concepts ( this p.4 ).
Of course, these unrealistic and contradictory quasiparticles themselves can Neither be directly observed nor isolated, hence quasiparticles are useless and meaningless concepts unusable for any applied science such as medicine.
But physicists have had No choice but to try to "imagine" these illusory particles as an ad-hoc means to model and explain observed macroscopic phenomena in vain within the current impractical quantum mechanical atomic model which clarifies No reality.
Even in the recent researches, physicists try to explain some magnetic properties or fictitious spintronics using new fictitious quasiparticle model called Hopfion ( this p.1-right-2nd-paragraph ) related to quasiparticle skyrmion, giving up using real particle model.
↑ This is why our scientific progress has stopped for more than 100 years, as long as quantum mechanical pseudo-model is used as (fictitious) underlying atomic model, and physicists never try to replace these pseudo-quasiparticle model by real particles such as electrons, because the contradictory quantum mechanics is unable to deal with any multi-electron atomic phenomena.
Most ordinary people may Not have heard about the terrible fact that even the latest physics actually makes No progress, stuck in unrealistic quantum mechanical quasiparticle pseudo-model, because the media is flooded with a lot of misleading science news desperately trying to hide this important fact.
If you see some original scientific papers, you can easily find most of the present researches rely on these fictitious quasiparticle model with fake effective mass (= these fictitious masses are freely adjustable parameters, hence No ability to predict any physical values ) where each particles are just expressed as nonphysical math symbols which abstract meaningless expressions tell us nothing about detailed underlying physical mechanisms ( this p.2, this p.6, this p.7 ).
The present unphysical mainstream condensed matter physics tries to describe the whole many-electron material as fictitious band containing only one pseudo-electron with fake effective mass and quasi-momentum expressed as one-pseudo-electron DFT approximation. ← No progress in atomic phyiscs.
(Fig.33) Observe phenomena → Fake quasi-particles model ?
The current condensed matter physcs based on quantum mechanics is filled with fictional concepts such as quasiparticles with negative mass, fractional-charge, magnetic monopole, massless fermion, charge-orbit separation ..
Quasiparticle is a fictitious ghost-like particle which can neither exist nor be isolated from material.
How could physicists conclude that such illusory quasiparticles were found ? ← impossible !
In fact, all physicists can measure is just realistic phenomena such as classical electromagnetic fields and light absorption. ← When they try to explain underlying physical mechanicm behind it, the current only atomic theory = quantum mechanics deliberately misinterprets such real macroscopically-observed phenomena as ones caused by unreal quasiparticles or fictitious negative ( effective ) mass.
For example, they just misinterpreted some measured "electric conductance" as a result of fictitious "fractional-charge quasiparticles."
And by illuminating various materials with classical laser lights and measuring the optical response, physicists jumped to the wrong conclusion that they might have found (unreal) negative mass, charge-orbit separation ( this 4th paragraph ), massless pseudo-particle ( this p.2-right ), and solar cells driven by illusory quasiparticles..
So all quantum mechanical researchers are doing now is just measure classical electromagnetic properties such as electric conductance, resistance and absorption of light, and intentionally try to associate those actually-observed physical phenomena with fictitious quantum mechanical model such as quasiparticles with unreal mass or charge. ← nonsense.
Because quantum mechanics has No ability to describe microscopic underlying mechanism using real electrons with real fixed mass and charge from the beginning. → Quantum mechanics had No choice but to rely on "illegitimate cheating", as seen in unphysical exchange energy or virtual particles.
(Fig.34) Quantum mechanical particles (= a†, b†, c† .. ) are just nonphysical symbols with No shape or size.
The present mainstream quantum mechanics and quantum field theory can only describe each electron, (fictitious) photon and quasiparicles as nonphysical math symbols with No concrete figure and shape ( this p.3 ), which is unable to explain real physical mechanism forever.
For example, in the famous BCS theory of superconductor, quantum mechanics uses only unphysical meaningless math symbols to express electrons and fictitious quasiparticles such as phonons, Cooper pair, Bogoliubov quasiparticles ( this p.4, this p.9, this p.4 ).
↑ Actually, this BCS theory failed to explain various (high temperature) superconductivity.
(Fig.35) Multiple computations using parallel worlds ?
Quantum computer research is deadend with No progress.
(F.36) No evidence of faster quantum computer
All types of qubits are hopeless.
(Fig.37) ↓ Electron, photon are just meaningless math symbols.
The impractical quantum mechanics can only express particles and electrons as nonphysical math symbols (= each particle = a†, b†, c†,.. with No detailed shapes or sizes ) with No concrete physical shapes in all physics ( this p.2 ), condensed matter fields such as semiconductors ( this p.2 ), superconductors ( this p.3 ), band theories ( this p.2 ) with unreal effective mass ( this p.9-right ).
Unscientific quantum mechanics can also only describe fictitious photon particles as nonphysical meaningless math symbols (= each photon = a†, b†,.. = giving No detailed figures of photons, this p.16, this p.8, this p.2-right )
The useless quantum mechanical condensed matter physics has to rely on unreal quasiparticle model such as phonons ( this p.13-lower ) to explain various phenomena such as superconductors by using only the abstract nonphysical interaction term between electrons and unreal phonon quasiparticles (= ex. phonon's creation oeprator b† ) expressed as meaningless math symbols ( this p.4, this p.6 ).
In these nonphysical quantum mechanical particle description, Pauli exclusion principle is also described as nonphysical math description called anticommutation of nonphysical electron particles. which abstract forms give No detailed physical mechanism of Pauli principle, so completely useless ( this p.6-upper (or p.8 ), this p.7 ).
(Fig.38) ↓ Anticommutation = Pauli exclusion principle ?
Relativistic quantum mechanics or quantum field theory allegedly combining quantum mechanics and Einstein special relativity becomes more unrealistic and unphysical.
Quantum mechanics refuses to give concrete physical mechanism of Pauli explusion principle, except for just saying Pauli principle was expressed just as nonphysical antisymmetric wavefunction where exchanging two electrons are supposed to flip the sign of the whole antisymmetric wavefunction (= which was proved to be false ).
In quantum field theory using relativistic Dirac equation which expresses each electron as a mere abstract math symbol, the mechanism of Pauli exclusion principle is also expressed just as meaningless abstract math relation called anticommutation ( this p.3, this p.7, this p.2 upper, this p.5-lower, this p.4, this p.52-53 (or 45-47)-(3.53), this-(8.2.14),(8.2.22), this 3-5th-paragraphs, this p.6 )
In anticommutation relation allegedly denoting Pauli principle, when two electrons (= c1 ↔ c2 ) are exchanged, the sign is changed. ← That's all. No more detailed explanation of Pauli exclusion repulsion is given by quantum mechanics.
↑ So in this abstract quantum field theory's Pauli principle description, if two electron particles (= expressed as nonphysical math symbols c1 and c2 ) are the same ( c1 = c2 ), those electron particles vanish ( c1c2 = - c2c1, → when c1=c2, → c1c1= - c1c1 → 2(c1)2 = 0 → c1 (and c2 ) = 0, = Pauli exclusion principle !? this p.6 or p.8-upper, this p.6, this p.1-2, this p.9 ) ← Nonsense.
What causes Pauli principle is unknown forever, as long as unphysical quantum mechanics continues to be the mainstream theory.
As you see, unscientific quantum mechanics has given up pursuing deeper physical mechanism for a long time, fearing many self-contradictions and unrealistic aspect inherent in quantum mechanics will be exposed, when we start to look into true underlying mechanism.
(F.39) All Einstein relativity, quantum mechanics, relativistic quantum field theory, QED, particle physics lack reality.
See this page in detail.
(F.40) ↓ Unrealistic picture of quantum field theory
See this page in detail.
(F.41) Unseen fractional-charge quark, Higgs, W,Z bosons are unobservable, unreal and useless forever.
See this page in detail.
See this page in detail.
See this page in detail.
See this page in detail.
(F.42) "Symmetry" has NO physical meaning, Higgs is unreal.
The present particle physics or standard model relies on unphysical meaningless symmetry irrelevant to real world's phenomena.
(F.43) QED infinite virtual particles and bare (= real ? ) charge.
Quantum electrodynamics (= QED ) is an unsuccessful theory just artificially manipulating infinite bare charge, mass parameters to cancel virtual particle's infinite energies to illegitimately obtain tiny,tiny Lamb shift and anomalous magnetic moment, so an unreal and useless theory
(F.44) Positron (= antiparticle ) emission is impossible.
See this page in detail.
See this page in detail.
See this page in detail.
See this page in detail.
See this page in detail.
See this page in detail.
See this page in detail.
(F.45) Light medium moving "with" the earth can perfectly explain the constant light speed c detected by Michelson-Morley experiment.
See this page in detail.
(F.46) Different clock times in different positions.
See this page in detail.
(F.47) "Block" changes the rod "future" direction.<
See this page in detail.
(F.48) A stationary observer K sees the neutral wire (= charge density ρe = 0 ) with electric current Jx generating magnetic field B, which is magically seen as the electrically-charged wire (= whose charge density ρe' is Not zero ! ) generating the electric field Ez' from the viewpoint of a moving observer K' !
See this page in detail.
(F.49) An external negative charge (= - ) is Not attracted toward the neutral wire seen by the stationary observer K, but the same negative charge appears to be attracted and moved closer to the same wire magically transforming from the electrically-neutral to positively-charged seen by the moving observer K' = this is true unsolvable paradox
See this page in detail.
(F.50) Mass (= energy ) change is "relative", NOT absolute
See this page in detail.
(F.51) Electron's de Broglie wave vanishes !?
See this page in detail.
(F.52) Which satellite clock ticks more slowly ? = paradox.
See this page in detail.
(F.53) Time stopping on black hole prevents its formation
See this page in detail
(F.54) Driving force to expand universe is dark energy ← NOT diluted ? Unreal negative pressure ?
See this page in detail
(Fig.54') Black hole, gravitational wave are illuson.
See this page in detail.
(F.55) Weak light is destroyed = eavesdropping is detected ?
Quantum information, internet, cryptography and key distribution are all useless forever, and their photons are just very weak classical light wave. No quantum mechanics
See this page.
(Fig.57) Two electrons' de Broglie waves crossing perpendicularly to avoid destructive interference agree with experimental Helium orbits and energies.
Bohr's atomic model successfully explained energy levels of all hydrogen-like atoms, ions, even fine structure, and obtained Nobel prize. But it could not explain two-electron Helium atom. Why ?
Many experiments showed an electron causes de Broglie wave whose wavelength was determined by observing its interference (= pattern of constructive and destructive interference ).
↑ So we have to naturally consider the electron's de Broglie wave interference (= destructive and constructive interference ) in true atomic electron's orbits.
Realistic Bohr's atomic model could successfully explain the exact energy levels and spectral lines of all hydrogen-like atoms ( this p.2, this p.4, this 3rd-last-paragraph ) by using this de Broglie wave interference (= avoiding destructive interference of the electron's de Broglie wave in its quantized orbit ).
Quantum mechanical unrealistic Schrödinger equations also use this de Broglie wavelength, and agree with Bohr's atomic energies. ← But the quantum mechanics must include unreal zero orbital angular momentum where the unrealistic electrons always crash into nuclei in linear orbits, and its unphysical wavefunctions (= representing quantum mechanical de Broglie waves ) are likely to cause destructive interference and become unstable.
↑ Quantum mechanical atomic model (= with its unreal electron spin and parallel-world probability ) contradicts the experimental observations of de Broglie wave destructive and constructive interference (= as seen in the unrealistic linear orbit of zero orbital angular momentum ), so depends on the wrong useless calculation method.
It is impossible for quantum mechanical Schrödinger equations to obtain exact helium atomic orbits and (conserved total) energies, even if it relies on computers, while Bohr's realistic model can get exact helium's orbit and the exact helium's conserved total energy by using a computer that did Not exist in 1920s, as I explain here.
In fact, the unphysical quantum mechanics relies on de Broglie wave destructive interference as the source of Pauli principle repulsive energy or antibond (= its electron spin magnetic energy is too weak to cause strong Pauli principle repulsion ), but it is based on contradictory kinetic energy increase through unphysical exchange energy that lacks real Pauli repulsive exchange force or real force carriers ( this p.9-10, this introduction-3rd-paragraph ).
Hydrogen and Helium atoms are the smallest atoms which are known to have up to two 1 × de Broglie wavelength orbits ( which correspond to Schrödinger equation 1s orbital giving the same energies as Bohr model, this p.3-last ).
1 × de Broglie wavelength contains a pair of opposite phases of wave crest (= containing an electron particle ) and trough which contains no electron (= to be correct, de Broglie wave is a kind of longitudinal wave through medium ).
If the opposite wave phases = the crest part and trough part of an electron's de Broglie wave overlap each other out of phase, it causes destructive interference and kicks out the electron from destructive wave, and its electron orbit becomes unstable.
So, when two 1 × de Broglie wavelength electron orbits overlap in the same circular orbit on the same plane (= upper figure, old Helium model ), opposite phases of two electron's de Broglie waves cancel each other, hence, this unstable old circular Helium atomic model is broken and impossible.
This is the consequence of destructive interference between two electrons' de Broglie waves out of phase, which was confirmed in many experiments.
To avoid this cancellation, two electrons' orbits have to be perpendicular to each other, which forms a realistic and stable Helium atom.
This new Helium model with two orbits crossing perpendicularly gives surprisingly accurate experimental energy values not only in a helium atom (= He ) but also in all helium-like ions (= Li+, Be2+, B3+, C4+ .. ← we can obtain exact energy values in these realistic helium perpendicular orbits on the condition that two helium electrons are moving strictly conserving total energy in any positions, and their orbital length is 1 × de Broglie wavelength ), hence, it proves to be a right Helium atomic model.
Unlike the old circular orbit model, the calculation of two perpendicular Helium orbits is impossible by pen and paper. It needs modern computer calculating actual Coulomb force among two electrons and a nucleus and de Broglie wavelength at short time intervals, which could Not be done in 1920s when they chose wrong theory = quantum mechanics.
This destructive interference of real electron's de Broglie wave can naturally explain real Pauli exclusion principle without relying on unphysical quantum mechanical exchange energy (= pseudo-kinetic energy change ).
(Fig.58) Old Bohr's circular helium = electrons are expelled, so wrong.
In Old Bohr's circular helium, electrons are kicked out from orbits due to destructive interference between opposite de Broglie wave phases.
Actually, this old Helium model with a single circular orbit containing two electrons gives wrong ground state energy (= -83.33 eV, this table.3-He → He2+ ) which is lower than true Helium ground state energy = -79.005 eV = the sum of 1st (= -24.5873 eV ) and 2nd (= -54.4177 eV ) ionization energies of helium.
Two 1 × de Broglie wavelength electron orbits must cross each other perpendicularly to avoid cancellation by destructive interference.
No more electron orbit can enter this new Helium, so it can explain Pauli exclusion principle using real wave or the real repulsive de Broglie wave destructive interference.
(Fig.59) Hydrogen and Helium atoms.
All these orbits are one de Broglie's wavelength.
In this new helium, the two symmetrical orbits crossing perpendicularly are wrapping the whole helium atom completely.
This new helium model is just consistent with the fact of the strong stability and the closed shell property of helium.
Helium atom is known to produce small magnetic field (= Helium has magnetic field called diamagnetic ).
Of course, helium's two orbits are constantly changing their directions, so unable to produce as stably-strong magnetic field as ferromagnet where two neighboring electron orbits in some materials with many orderly aligned atoms are meshing and synchronizing with each other by strong Coulomb force Not by unreal spin.
So Helium has magnetic moment (= spin up + spin down = no magnetic moment ? ) = diamagnetic means quantum mechanical Helium with No angular momentum disagrees with actual Helium producing magnetic moment, so quantum mechanical helium model with unreal spin is wrong and disagrees with experimental facts.
(Fig.60) Two same-shaped orbits are perpendicular to each other.
(Fig.61) Right r1 → electron-1 crosses y-axis perpendicularly
In this computing method, first, we input the initial x-coordinate (= r1 ) of electron-1, which makes the electron-1 start from ( r1, 0, 0 ), and the electron-2's initial position automatically becomes ( -r1, 0, 0 ).
The electron-1 is moving on x-y plane, and the electron-2 is moving on x-z plane to avoid the destructive interference of two de Broglie waves.
These two electrons are moving obeying Coulomb force, total energy conservation law strictly, and those electrons' positions, velocities, de Broglie wavelengths are updated at short time intervals, until the electron-1 (or electron-2 ) arrives at the y-axis (or z-axis ).
We can find only one r1 position which makes the electron-1 (or electron-2 ) cross the y-axis (or z-axis ) just perpendicularly (= in this case, the electron's orbit becomes symmetrical around the nucleus, which forms the closed orbit ).
As shown in the calculated results, when the helium's total energy is -79.0037 eV, helium's orbital length becomes just 1.000000 × de Broglie wavelength (= so -79.0037 eV is the predicted helium energy in this calculation ).
The experimentally value of helium total (ground-state) energy is -79.005 eV, so this realistic helium model with two perpendicular orbits perfectly agrees with the experimental energies of the helium atom and all other helium-like ions.
You can choose one of the sample programs of JAVA, simple C, or Python (= all of these three programs give the same results ) below to compute this realistic helium model.
Sample JAVA program
C language program
Python program.
As meter and second are rather large units for measurement of these electron's motion, so we use new convenient units
(Fig.62) New units of time and length.
(Fig.63) Acceleration unit
If you copy and paste the above program source code into a text editor, you can easily compile and run this.
When you run this program ( for example, JAVA ) in command prompt, the following sentences are displayed on the screen.
(Fig.64) Example of inputting values in JAVA program
First we input the initial x-coordinate r1 = r (in unit MM ) of electron 1 (see Fig.64 ), and press "enter" key.
For example, in Fig.64, we input "3060", which means the initial x coordinate of electron 1 is 3060 MM = 3060 × 10-14 meter = electron-1's starting point becomes ( 3060 MM, 0, 0 ).
The initial x coordinate of electron 2 becomes -3060 MM, automatically = electron-2's starting point becomes ( -3060MM, 0, 0 ), because, two electrons are symmetrical around the helium nucleus.
Next we input the absolute value of the total energy |E| (in eV) of helium.
In Fig.64, when we input "79.0", and press enter key, it means total energy of this helium is -79.0 eV.
↑ This -79.0 eV is close to actual helium ground state energy = -79.005 eV (= this p.4, this p.9 )
True helium ground state energy is obtained by putting minus to the sum of 1st (= 24.5873 eV ) and 2nd (= 54.4177 eV ) ionization energies of helium = -24.5873 - 54.4177 = -79.005 eV. ← this is experimental value of two-electron helium ground (= the lowest total ) energy.
(Fig.65) Initial states. "r" is initial x coordinate of electron 1.
From the inputted values of total energy of helium and initial x-coordinate of electrons (= initial Coulomb potential energy can be obtained ), we can know initial kinetic energy (= total energy - potential energy ) and initial velocity of the electron 1 in y direction and the electron-2's initial velocity in z direction.
For example, initial Coulomb potential energy (= V ) of the initial electrons' state of Fig.65 becomes
(Fig.66) Initial total Coulomb potential energy V.
(Fig.67) ↓ Program calculates electron's initial velocity "v" from input values.
(Fig.69) Positions of two electrons (= perpendicular and symmetric )
At intervals of 1 SS (= 10-23 seconds ), we compute the Coulomb force among the two electrons and the nucleus based on their positional relationship.
When the electron 1 is at ( x, y, 0 ), the electron 2 is at ( -x, 0, y ) due to their symmetric positions ( see Fig.60 ).
So the x component of the acceleration ( m/sec2 ) of the electron 1 by Coulomb force between electrons and nucleus is,
(Fig.70) x component of electron-1's acceleration by Coulomb force.
where the first term is the Coulomb force between the nucleus and the electron 1, and the second term is the force between the two electrons.
(rm) is an electron's reduced mass.
(Fig.71) Distances among two electrons and nucleus.
Due to symmetric positions of two electrons, when electron 1 is at ( x, y, 0 ), the electrons 2 is at ( -x, 0, z ), in which z = y.
Due to the finite helium nuclear mass (= Mnuc ), we should use the electron's reduced mass slightly smaller than the original electron's mass (= me ) by considering one stationary nucleus and two moving electrons.
(Fig.72) Reduced mass (= rm ) of one electron.
where me is electron's original mass = 9.10938 × 10-31 kg
In the same way, the y component of electron-1's acceleration (m/sec2) by Coulomb force among a nucleus and two electrons is,
(Fig.73) y component of the acceleration by Coulomb.
The 1st term of Fig.73 is Coulomb attraction between electron-1 and nucleus, the 2nd term is Coulomb repulsion between two electrons at each position.
Based on calculation of Coulomb force in each position, we slightly change the electron's velocity vector and position at intervals of 1 SS (= 10-23 seconds ) until the electron moves one quarter of its orbit.
(Fig.74) de Broglie waves in each short segment of an orbit.
We also calculate de Broglie wavelength (= λ = h/mv ) of the electron from electron's velocity (= v ), mass (= m ) and Planck constant (= h ).
An electron's velocity is gradually changing in its different positions, as the electron is moving in its orbit, so the electron's de Broglie wavelength is also changing in different positions. ← This gradually changing velocity and de Broglie wavelength could Not be calculated in 1920s without computers.
Therefore, we need to divide the electron's orbit into many smaller segments where each short segment equals the distance an electron moves for extremely a short time 1 SS (= 10-23 seconds ).
Then, we compute the acceleration by Coulomb force, change the electron's velocity, obtain de Broglie wavelength and what de Broglie wavelength equals each short segment at intervals of 1 SS.
The number (= wseg ) of electron's de Broglie waves contained in each short segment (= each short segment is wseg × de Broglie wavelength ) is,
(Fig.75) Number of de Broglie wavelength in the short segment.
where (VX, VY) are x and y components of electron-1's velocity ( unit 1 MM/SS = 109 meter/sec ), the numerator of the right side of above equation Fig.75 means the moving distance (in meter) for 1 SS. the denominator is electron's de Broglie's wavelength (= h/mv, in meter ).
In the numerator, we change length unit from MM into meter using the relation 1 MM = 10-14 meter.
Here, the estimated electron's orbit is divided into more than one million short segments (= each short segment is moving distance for 1SS ) for this calculation.
When the electron 1 has moved one quarter of its orbit and reached y-axis, this program displays electron-1's last velocity (= VX, VY ) at the last point
(Fig.76) Computing results, when we input 79.0 eV, r1 = 3060 MM. r1 = starting x-coordinate. VX, VY = electron-1's last velocity x, y components after arriving at y-axis. midWN means the number of de Broglie wave contained in 1/4 of the orbit.
After the electon has moved a quarter of the orbit, the program displays the above values on the screen. The initial r1 automatically increases per each calculation of 1/4 orbit.
VX and VY are x and y components of the last velocity of electron 1 ( unit: MM/SS ). ← The last electron-1's velocities (= VX,VY ) are x and y components of the electron-1's last velocities after electrons have moved one quarter of their orbits (= electron-1 should cross y-axis perpendicularly, so its last VY velocity should be close to zero ).
preVY is y component of the last velocity 1ss before VY ( so preVY is almost the same as VY ).
We pick up the values when this last VY is the closest to zero = meaning electron-1 crosses y-axis at right angles, which condition is necessary for the electron-1's orbit to be symmetrical on both sides of y axis around the nucleus.
The symmetrical orbit's total de Broglie wavelength simply becomes 4 × one quarter of de Broglie wavelength.
(mid)WN means the output result of the total number of de Broglie wavelength in one quarter of the orbit. So, one quarter (= 1/4 ) of this electron's orbit becomes WN × de Broglie wavelength.
When one orbit is an integer = 1 × de Broglie wavelength, the 1/4 of the orbit has to be 1/4 (= midWN is close to 0.25000 ) × de Broglie wavelength.
↑ When the output result of one quarter of de Broglie wavelength becomes just 0.250000 (= just 1/4 ), and its input Helium total energy just agrees with experimental Helium total energy (= -79.005 eV ), this new Helium atomic model proves to be right.
(Fig.77) When helium total energy is just -79.0 eV, 1/4 electron's orbit is 0.250006 × de Broglie wavelength. ← so close !
Each time an electron has moved 1/4 orbit and calculated the total de Broglie wavelength included in the 1/4 of the orbit and the electron's last velocities, this program returns the electron back to the starting x-axis, and increases r1 (= initial x-coordinate of electron-1 ) by 1, until r1 changes from input initial x-coordinate value (ex. 3060 MM ) to +100 (= 3160 ).
As shown in Fig.76, when r1 is 3074 MM, last VY velocity of electron 1 becomes the smallest ( VY = 0.000000 ), which means electron-1 passes y-axis perpendicularly = symmetrical stable orbit.
This means when r1 ( initial x coordinate ) = 3074 × 10-14 meter, these electron's orbits become just symmetric around the nucleus (= so, only this initial x-coordinate 3074 MM value of electron-1 remains as a legitimate one in this case ), and we can know one orbit is 4 × WN (= 0.250006, when energy is -79.0 eV ) = 1.000024 de Brolgie wavelength.
In this case where we input -79.0 eV as helium ground state energy, the number of de Broglie wavelength contained in a quarter of its orbit becomes 0.250006.
So, one orbit is 0.250006 × 4 = 1.000024 de Broglie wavenlength. ( ← so close ! but NOT just 1.000000 )
As shown in Table 1, when input energy is -79.0037 eV, de Broglie wave becomes just 1.000000.
So we can get the final value of -79.0037 eV as calculated ( predicted ) Helium ground state energy, when Helium has two perpendicular orbits of just 1.000000 × de Broglie wavelength.
The experimental value of Helium ground state energy is -79.005 eV (= sum of 1st and 2nd ionization energies of helium ), which just agrees with the computed ( predicted ) energy value of -79.0037 eV, proving this new Helium model is correct.
Prediction (eV) | r1 (MM) | 1/4 wavelength | one wavelength |
-75.00 | 3238.0 | 0.256586 | 1.026344 |
-78.80 | 3082.0 | 0.250323 | 1.001292 |
-79.00 | 3074.0 | 0.250006 | 1.000024 |
-79.003 | 3074.0 | 0.250001 | 1.000004 |
-79.0037 ← | 3074.0 | 0.250000 | 1.000000 |
-79.005 | 3074.0 | 0.249998 | 0.999992 |
-79.01 | 3074.0 | 0.249990 | 0.999960 |
-79.20 | 3067.0 | 0.249690 | 0.998760 |
-83.00 | 2927.0 | 0.243907 | 0.975628 |
WN × 4 is the total number of de Broglie's wavelength contained in one round of the orbital.
r1 is the initial electron-1's x-coordinate when the electron-1 crosses y-axis just perpendicularly (= last y-component velocity or VY is the closest to zero )
This computed helium ground state energy value (= predicted energy values by this new helium model ) is -79.0037 eV.
The experimental value of helium ground state energy is -79.005147 eV (= 1st + 2nd ionization energies, Nist, CRC ). ← almost perfect agreement between the prediction and experimental values !
So we can conclude this new Helium model with two electrons' perpendicular orbits giving just the same ground state energy as experimental values, proved to be right.
Surprisingly, all experimental ground state energies of all other two-electron atoms and ions just agree with computed results predicted by this Helium-like model with two perpendicular orbits, proving this new helium atomic model is real.
As a control program, we show the program of hydrogen-like atoms ( H and He+ ) using the same computing method as above. Try these, too.
JAVA program ( H or He+ )
C language ( H or He+ )
Here we use the new unit ( 1 SS = 1 × 10-23 second ) and compute each value at the intervals of 1 SS.
If we change this definition of 1 SS, the calculation results of the total energy (E) in which the orbital length is just one de Broglie's wavelength change as follows,
1 SS = ? sec | Result of E(eV) |
1 × 10-22 | -79.00540 |
1 × 10-23 | -79.00370 |
1 × 10-24 | -79.00355 |
1 × 10-25 | -79.00350 |
This means that as the orbit becomes more smooth, the calculation values converge to -79.00350 eV.
The programs based on other 1 SS definition is as follows,
Sample JAVA program 1 SS = 1 × 10-25 sec, calculation takes much time.
Old sample JAVA program 1 SS = 1 × 10-22 sec--fast but the results are a little different
(Fig.78) Two-electron Atomic Model ( He, Li+, Be2+, B3+, C4+ ... )
Surprisingly, this new atomic structure of Bohr's helium is applicable to all other two and three electron atoms ( ions ).
JAVA program to compute two-electron atoms. ← After starting this program, we are asked to input atomic number Z.
If you pick Z = 2, this program starts to compute ordinary Helium atom in the same way as above
If you pick Z = 3, this program computes Lithium ion (= Li+ = 3e+ nucleus and two electrons )
If you pick Z = 4, this program computes Beryllium ion (= Be2+ = 4e+ nucleus and two electrons ).
So this program method computing all two-electron atoms and ions is almost the same as upper Helium program, except you should input another information = atomic number (= Z ) after running this program.
Computing ( predicted ) results of all two electron atoms and ions agree with experimental ground state energies !
See detailed computing method.
Atoms | r1 (MM) | one wavelength | Predicted results (eV) | Experimental values (eV) | Error (eV) |
He | 3074.0 | 1.000000 | -79.0037 | -79.0051 | 0.001 |
Li+ | 1944.5 | 1.000000 | -198.984 | -198.094 | -0.89 |
Be2+ | 1422.0 | 1.000000 | -373.470 | -371.615 | -1.85 |
B3+ | 1121.0 | 1.000000 | -602.32 | -599.60 | -2.72 |
C4+ | 925.0 | 1.000000 | -885.6 | -882.1 | -3.50 |
N5+ | 788.0 | 1.000000 | -1223.3 | -1219.1 | -4.20 |
O6+ | 685.3 | 1.000000 | -1615.44 | -1610.70 | -4.74 |
F7+ | 607.3 | 1.000000 | -2062.0 | -2057.0 | -5.00 |
Ne8+ | 544.5 | 1.000000 | -2563.0 | -2558.0 | -5.00 |
↑ The experimental ground state energy of each two-electron atom or ion can be obtained from this this or this ionization energies (= the sum of the first and second ionization energies from the right = two most inner 1s electrons' energies ).
For example, the experimental ground state energy of Li+ ion with two electrons is the sum of the 2nd (= 75.64 eV ) and 3rd (= 122.454 eV ) ionization energies from this or table, hence -(75.64+122.454) = -198.094 eV.
Table 4 shows three-electron atoms and ions such as lithium, Be+, B2+, C3+, N4+ ..
See detailed computing method.
Atoms | r1 (MM) | one wavelength | Predicted result (eV) | Experimental values (eV) | Error (eV) |
Li | 1949.0 | 1.000000 | -203.033 | -203.480 | 0.47 |
Be+ | 1427.0 | 1.000000 | -388.785 | -389.826 | 1.04 |
B2+ | 1125.0 | 1.000000 | -635.965 | -637.531 | 1.56 |
C3+ | 928.0 | 1.000000 | -944.46 | -946.57 | 2.11 |
N4+ | 790.5 | 1.000000 | -1314.25 | -1317.01 | 2.76 |
O5+ | 688.0 | 1.000000 | -1745.70 | -1748.82 | 3.12 |
F6+ | 609.4 | 1.000000 | -2237.60 | -2242.21 | 4.61 |
Ne7+ | 546.0 | 1.000000 | -2791.15 | -2797.12 | 5.97 |
As shown here, we prove when two electron orbits of 1 × de Broglie wavelength cross each other perpendicularly, they give surprisingly accurate energy results in all two-electron atoms and ions !
(Fig.79) ↓ Helium two electrons e1,e2 orbits must be perpendicular to each other for avoiding destructive interference between two de Broglie waves.
In fact, the unphysical quantum mechanics relies on de Broglie wave destructive interference as the source of Pauli principle repulsive energy or antibond (= its electron spin magnetic energy is too weak to cause strong Pauli principle repulsion ), but it is based on contradictory kinetic energy increase through unphysical exchange energy that lacks real Pauli repulsive exchange force or real force carriers ( this p.9-10, this introduction-3rd-paragraph, this 2. ).
↑ This unrealistic quantum mechanical Pauli principle ( this p.6 ) requiring every electron to exist in all different atomic orbitals simultaneously through the unphysical antisymmetric wavefuntion is the main culprit of hampering technological innovation.
So we need to express Pauli repulsion or contact force as "real force" originating from "real substance" to treat atoms and atomic force realistically.
Real electron's de Broglie wave (destructive) interference can be naturally used as the true origin of realistic Pauli principle or its repulsion.
(Fig.80) ↓ Midpoint of de Broglie wave doesn't expel another electron.
The realistic helium model with two perpendicular orbits avoiding destructive interference of two de Broglie waves can perfectly explain the experimental energies of not only helium atom but also all two-electron helium-like ions.
As shown above, in this realistic helium model, the electron-1 (= e1 ) crossing the other electron-2's (= e2 ) orbit perpendicularly (= perpendicular waves do Not interfere, this p.1-last-paragraph ) can do U-turn safely when the other e2 orbit is the harmless midpoint (= node ) between ± phases.
↑ If the electron does U-turn when the other electron's orbit is the opposite wave phase (= instead of midpoint or the same phase. ← same phases containing electrons are unlikely to approach each other due to Coulomb repulsion between electrons ), the electron is expelled by destructive interference of de Broglie waves, which is real Pauli principle mechanism.
(Fig.81) ↓ An example of real Pauli principle by de Broglie wave's destructive interference. When there are four 1 × wavelength orbits in a atom, an electron is expelled by destructive interference from more than one other de Broglie waves' opposite phase.
The realistic helium model with two perpendicular orbits avoiding destructive interference perfectly agrees with experimental energies of helium atom and all helium-like ions.
The maximum electron's number in 1 × de Broglie wavelength orbits corresponding to the principal quantum number n = 1 (= remember the quantum mechanical Schrödinger equation also uses de Broglie wave and agrees with Bohr's successful orbits ) is " 2 " as shown in the helium atom (= He ).
Lithium (= Li ) ~ neon atoms (= Ne ) belong to n = 2 or 2 × de Broglie wavelength orbit (= with larger radius than n = 1 orbit ), as shown in the sudden change of atomic ionization energies ( this 5th-paragraph ).
As shown in the above figure, when there are more than two 1 × de Broglie wavelength orbits ( like the fictional Beryllium Be atom with four 1 × de Broglie wavelength or n = 1 orbits. Three odd-number orbits are unsymmetrical and unstable ), the electron-3 (= e3 ) is excluded by destructive interference from the opposite phases of two e1, e2 electrons' de Broglie waves.
As a result, the maximum electron's number in n = 1 (= 1 × de Broglie wavelength ) orbits is " 2 (= two 1 × de Broglie wavelength orbits, each orbit contains only one electron )" as shown in helium (= He ) atom.
↑ This destructive interference of de Broglie waves is the true mechanism of Pauli exclusion principle based on real repulsive force or real substance (= this real substance has power to cause experimentally-observed electron de Broglie wave interference by pushing out the electron from destructive-interfering area. )
(Fig.82) ↓ Electrons cross the opposite phases of another electron's orbit perpendicularly like Helium without destructive interference.
Like Helium, another noble gas = Neon with eight valence (= outer ) electrons can be explained by the same principle based on avoiding destructive interference of other electrons' de Broglie waves.
In periodic table, Neon is in the 2nd horizontal row which corresponds to 2 × de Broglie wavelength orbits in energy levels ( = n = 2 ).
There are clear ionization energy gaps between atoms of different rows in periodic table, which sudden change of ionization energies shows H and He atoms in the 1st row of periodic table belong to 1 × de Broglie wavelength orbits (= n = 1 ), and Li-Ne in the 2nd row belong to 2 × de Broglie wavelength orbits (= n = 2 ).
Neon has eight valence electrons.
And one orbit of 2 × de Broglie wavelength (= two pairs of crest and trough wave phases ) can contain up to two electrons.
So we can assume Neon consists of four 2 × de Broglie wavelength orbits, each orbit contains two electrons, therefore the total number of Neon valence electrons is 4 orbits × 2 electrons = 8 electrons, which agrees with the fact.
As shown in above figure, all electrons cross the opposite de Broglie wave phase of other electrons perpendicularly at vertices of hexahedron (= this hexahedral Neon structure is Coulomb electrically symmetrical, hence stable electrons' distribution compatible with noble gas ).
So Neon's electrons can avoid destructive interference of de Broglie waves just like Helium.
An orbit of 2 × de Broglie wavelength contains more pairs of wave crest (= electron ) and trough (= opposite phase ) than an orbit of 1 × de Broglie wavelength, so Neon can contain as many as four orbits ( without destructive interference ), such four orbits were impossible in Helium of two 1 × de Broglie wavelength orbits.
(Fig.83) ↓ Electrons safely do a U-turn at midpoints of other electron's de Broglie waves without destructive interference in four 2 × de Broglie wavelength orbits (= each orbit contains up to 2 electrons ).
Unlike 1 × de Broglie wavelength of helium (= with only two orbits ), the neon with 2 × de Broglie wavelength orbits can contain four orbits avoding destructive interference of de Broglie wave.
This is why there are only two atoms = hydrogen and helium in n = 1 (= 1 × de Broglie wavelength ) orbits, while there are up to eight atoms = lithium ~ neon in n = 2 (= 2 × de Broglie wavelength ) orbits.
(Fig.84) ↓ An orbit of 2 × de Broglie wavelength
(Fig.85) Orbits of Neon cross each other "perpendicularly" avoiding destructive interference of de Broglie waves.
We can naturally think that realistic Neon atom consists of 4 (valence) orbits with 2 × de Broglie wavelength (= total 8 valence electrons ) crossing perpendicularly to avoid destructive interference of de Broglie waves.
(Fig.86) The opposite de Broglie wave phases cross perpendicularly.
(Fig.87) Maximum numbers of orbits, de Broglie wavelength
As shown in helium with 2 electrons with two 1 × de Broglie wavelength orbits and neon with 8 valence electrons with four 2 × de Broglie wavelength orbits, de Broglie wavelength determines the maximum numbers of valence electrons by requiring all electrons to cross the opposite phases of other orbits perpendicularly.
Argon (= Ar ) with n = 3 can also have four 3 × de Broglie wavelength orbits containing 8 valence electrons (= Coulomb electrically symmetrical hexahedral distribution ), because each Ar orbit contains two electrons and one hole to avoid unbalanced Coulomb repulsion.
↑ Odd numbers of orbits are unbalanced and unstable with respect to Coulomb electric force among valence electrons, so numbers of stable orbits must be even like 2, 4, 6, 8.. orbits.
Krypton (= Kr ) with n = 4 or 4 × de Broglie wavelength orbits can contain up to 6 orbits for all valence electrons to cross the opposite de Broglie wave phase of other orbits perpendicularly.
Krypton (= Kr ) has 18 valence electrons (= 6 orbits × 3 electrons ), which means each Kr orbit contains 3 electrons and 1 hole to avoid Coulomb electric repulsion like Argon case.
The real numbers of valence electrons can be easily known from periodic table or the change of ionization energies where the change of de Broglie wavelength causes the sudden change of orbital radius or ionization energies.
Xenon (= Xe ) with n = 5 or 5 × de Broglie wavelength orbits also has 18 valence electrons to satisfy the symmetric distribution with respect to Coulomb electric force.
Radon (= Rn ) with n = 6 or 6 × de Broglie wavelength orbits has 32 valence electrons (= 8 × 4 electrons ), which means each Rn orbit contains 4 electrons and 2 holes to satisfy the balanced Coulomb electric repulsion.
If helium (= 1 × de Broglie wavelength ) tries to have more than 2 orbits, or neon (= 2 × de Broglie wavelength ) tries to have more than 4 orbits, or krypton (= 4 × de Broglie wavelength ) tries to have more than 6 orbits, or radon (= 6 × de Broglie wavelength ) tries to have more than 8 orbits, excessive electrons cannot cross the opposite de Broglie wave phases of other orbits perpendicularly, which causes destructive interference and excludes the excessive electrons.
↑ This destructive interference of de Broglie waves is the mechanism of real Pauli exclusion principle not relying on unphysical exchange energy.
Quantum mechanics claiming the maximum numbers of valence electrons obey 2n2 rule disagrees with experimental facts.
So quantum mechanics paradoxically claims 3d orbitals (= n = 3 ) have energies higher than 4s orbitals (= n = 4 ).
↑ Quantum mechanical Schrödinger equations are unsolvable ( this p.7-last-paragraph ) with No ability to predict any atomic energies, so these paradoxical claim like 3d orbital's energy higher than 4s is based on some ad-hoc empirical rules (= like effective Z charge based on Slater empirical rule, this p.2, this 4th-paragraph ) without quantum mechanical prediction ( this p.1-left ).
(Fig.88) If Ar has 12 valence electrons, Coulomb repulsion is Not uniform.
If all 4 orbits of 3 × de Broglie wavelength of Argon (= Ar ) are fully occupied, Argon has 12 valence electrons disagreeing with the actual 8 valence electrons.
As shown in the above figure, this fictitious Argon with 12 valence electrons are unstable due to unbalanced Coulomb repulsive force.
If Argon has 8 valence electrons with 4 orbits (= each 3 × de Broglie wavelength orbit has 2 electrons and 1 hole ), these 8 valence electrons are symmetrically (= hexahedrally ) distributed around the nucleus, which becomes electrically stable.
So we need to consider not only de Broglie wavelength but also Coulomb electric symmetric distribution to determine the valence electron's number.
This is why Argon has only 8 valence electrons.
When there are two orbits of 1 × de Broglie wavelength, the electron can do U-turn safely at the midpoint-phase of the other electron's de Broglie wave orbit without causing destructive interference.
But when there are more than two orbits of 1 × de Broglie wavelength, electrons are excluded by other orbits' opposite de Broglie wave phase through destructive interference.
↑ Due to Coulomb repulsion between electrons, each electron tends to be close to or surrounded by the opposite wave phases of other orbits, and excluded when there are excessive orbits with respect to de Broglie wavelength.
The maximum number of 2 × de Broglie wavelength orbits that can avoid destructive interference is four (= each electron can do U-turn at the midpoint de Broglie wave phase of other orbits ).
If there are more than four 2 × de Broglie wavelength orbits like in the upper figure-left, the electron (= for example, e1 ) is surrounded by the opposite phase of other orbits (= e3', e1' = Not crossing perpendicularly ), and excluded by destructive interference of de Broglie waves.
If there are excessive electrons, the interval between neighboring intersection points of two orbits becomes less than the half de Broglie wavelength (= a segment from crest to trough wave phases is the half wavelength ), which causes the opposite wave phases to surround each electron, and destructive interference of de Broglie waves (= real Pauli principle ) occurs.
This destructive interference of de Broglie waves is the mechanism of real Pauli exclusion principle.
(Fig.90) Two perpendicular de Broglie wave orbits in H2
Two orbits (= 1 × de Broglie wavelength ) of the hydrogen molecule (= H2 ) must be perpendicular to each other to avoid destructive interference of electrons' de Broglie wave orbits.
As shown in the upper figure, when the third orbit tries to cross the middle hyrogen orbit perpendiularly, this 3rd orbit becomes parallel to the left hyrogen orbit, and is excluded by destructive interference beteen opposite phases of de Broglie wave.
Molecular covalent bonds form between electrons and holes of de Broglie wave orbits.
(Fig.91) Wave nature is needed for closed stable orbits ↓
Only in the simplest one-electron hydrogen atom and helium with just 2 symmetrical perpendicular orbits, each electron orbit is naturally closed even if we simply compute the orbits using just Coulomb force.
In all other complicated atoms and molecules, each electron's orbit is usually Not closed, if we consider only Coulomb force for predicting electron's motion.
As shown in two slit experiments, de Broglie wave interference has strong power enough to modify Coulomb force (= an electron is scattered by Coulomb force of slit wall atoms, but the direction in which an electron is scattered is changed by de Broglie wave interference causing fringe. ).
Electron's de Broglie wave tries to avoid destructive interference and synchronize in phase with each other.
Due to constructive interference of de Broglie wave, the electron's orbit is naturally closed (= both ends with the same phase tend to automatically fit and bind to each other for avoiding destructive interference by the pressure balance mechanism where the opposite de Broglie wave phases with low and high density area tend to attract and connect with each other naturally ).
This realistic de Broglie wave interference effect modifying Coulomb force a little needs to be determined by actual experiments. = We should move forward with new experiments by treating electrons, de Broglie waves and Pauli repulsion as real physical objects which realistic atomic model-based scientific progress and experiments are miserably forbidden in the present unrealistic quantum mechanics due to "unrealistic exchange interaction" lacking real physical forces. → Our science stops progressing now.
↑ As a result, real Pauli exclusion principle and the maximum valence electrons' numbers are determined by destructive interference of de Brolie waves.
(Fig.92) ↓ This realistic H2 molecule proves to be true by computation.
Except for the simplest one-electron hydrogen atom and the helium with two symmetrical (perpendicular) orbits around the same single nucleus, all other aromic and molecular orbits with different multiple nulei or multiple electrons are unable to have the closed orbits (= it's hard for two ends of an orbit to just meet each other on the same point under the complicated multi-electron or multi-nuclear Coulomb forces ), if we simply calculate only Coulomb force.
We need to consider other forces such as de Broglie wave constructive and destructive interference (= which de Broglie wave force or influence must be determined by actual experiments, like Coulomb force relation and electric charge had to be determined by actual experiments at first, a long time ago ) to explain the closed orbits (= de Broglie wave's lower and higher pressure regiones attract each other, and form an integral multiple of de Broglie wavelength by constructive interference ) in more complicated multi-electron atoms and molecules.
So we need to use the approximate method of estimating real H2 molecular orbits using the following computing program, and prove that realistic Coulomb force and de Broglie wavelength can reasonably explain the actual hydrogen H2 molecular experimental bond energy, even without relying on the contradictory unrealistic exchange energies.
Two orbits of H2 molecule are supposed to be perpendicular to each other. Here we suppose electron-a (= or electron-1 ) moves in the orbit parallel to x-z plane, and electron-b (= or electron-2 ) moves in x-y orbit, as shown in Fig.92.
Sample JAVA program to compute H2 molecule (= two perpendicular orbits ).
When you run this program, you need to input the initial x-coordinate of electron-a (= ea ) and electron-b (= eb = distance between nucleus-b and electron-b ) in the unit of MM ( 1MM = 10-14 meter ).
Then, you are asked to input the absolute value of the binding energy of H2 molecule (= experimental value of H2 binding energy is 4.746 eV, this p.2 ).
Lastly, you are asked to input the distance between two nuclei of H2 molecule (= experimental value of H2 internuclear distance is 0.7414 Å ).
From these 4 input values, this program calculates two electrons' motions and orbits based on Coulomb electric force (= calculate Coulomb force and de Broglie wavelebgth, change the electrons' positions and velocities at short time intervals, until an electron moves a half orbit ), and outputs de Broglie wavelength (= a value closer to "1" × de Broglie wavelength is better ) in one orbit, final coordinates of two electrons, and average forces acting on two nuclei (= for H2 nuclei to keep staying in the same positions, average forces acting on nuclei need to be close to zero ).
As I said, each H2 molecular orbit cannot be closed, only if we simply calculate it.
So we approximately suppose these two electrons experience the same average Coulomb force (= summing Coulomb force acting on two electrons and divide it by 2 at each electron's position at short-time intervals ), and two electrons have approxiamtely the same average velocity in two (perpendicular) symmetrical orbits.
↑ So this approximate method tends to give the lower binding energy (= higher H2 total energy ) than the actual H2 binding energy without approximation, but can give a pretty good result close to reality.
For example, we input the initial electron-a x-coordinate = ea (= "3370" MM = 0.3371 Å, here this unit is used, so input "3370" ), the initial electron-b's x-coordinate eb (= "4938.5" MM ), binding energy (= "4.746" eV = experimental value ) and distance between two nuclei (= "7414" MM = experimental value ).
In this case, the calculation results show one orbit of each H2 orbits is 0.98488 × de Broglie wavelength, which is almost an integer = "1" × de Broglie wavelength orbit, so this good result proves the realistic H2 molecule model with two perpendicular orbits is right (= as I said, this "approximate" method tends to give lower bond energy, so this de Broglie wavelength result tends to be slightly smaller than 1.00, which is a reasonable result ).
And in this case, average forces acting on nucleus-a is -0.000082 ( here, the force between electron and proton separated by Bohr radius is supposed to be "1" ) which is almost 0, meaning nucleus-a of this H2 molecule is almost stationary and stable at the same position surrounded by these H2 realistic electrons' orbits.
In the same way, the force acting on nucleus-b is also almost 0 (= -0.000128, The sign = "plus+" force is in the direction of the other nucleus ), meaning nucleus-b is also stationary and stable at the same position in this realistic H2 molecule.
So this realistic hydrogen molecule model with two perpendicular orbits of almost 1 × de Broglie wavelength just agrees with experimental values of H2 binding energy (= 4.746 eV ) and internuclear distance (= 0.7414 Å ).
Here we calculate another case when two orbits of H2 molecule is on the same plane instead of perpendicular to each other.
↑ When two electrons are on the same plane (= neglecting de Broglie wave destructive interference causing realistic Pauli repulsion ), two electrons can avoid each other more, lower the total energy, and its H2 bond energy becomes bigger than two perpendicular orbits.
Sample JAVA program to compute H2 molecule (= two orbits on the same plane ).
After running this program (= compile it with the file name of "" ), when we input the initial electron-1's x-coordinate ea = 3250 MM (= 3250 × 10-14 meter ), the initial electron-2's x-coordinate eb = 5570 MM, H2 bond energy = 4.746 eV (= experimental valeu), and the H2 internuclear length (= 7414 MM = experimental value ).
The result shows the one orbit is 1.001982, which is slightly bigger than the integer = 1.00 de Broglie wavelength (= when average forces acting on two nuclei become almost zero = stable nuclei ).
↑ This result shows when we consider two H2 orbits on the same plane, its total energy becomes slightly lower and its bond energy becomes bigger then the experimental values (= if we try to choose the case giving an integer 1 de Brolgie wavelength instead of 1.001982, its bond energy is bigger than the experimental value of 4.746 eV ).
This means the actual H2 molecular two orbits are perpendicular to each other by the realistic Pauli principle based on de Broglie wave interference instead of two orbits on the same plane.
Here we use the rough approximation supposing two electrons of H2 molecule always have the same velocity and experience the same Coulomb force (= average of two electrons ), so the upper 0.98488 de Broglie wavelength of two approximate perpendicular orbits become closer to an integer "1" with non-approximate method (= as I said, this truly non-approximate method needs to consider de Broglie wave interference's effect, which must be determined by experiments, in order to give closed orbits ).
These calculation results show that the realistic Coulomb attractive energies are strong enough to give the experimental values of H2 molecular bond energy (= unrealistic quantum mechanical exchange energy is unneeded ), and the actual H2 molecule orbits are perpendicular to each other (= proving the realistic Pauli principle ) instead of two electron orbits existing on the same place.
(Fig.93) ↓ Quantum mechanics uses unreal quasi-particle without force.
Atomic physics stops progressing in quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics.
We havet to give concrete shape to each atom like macroscopic objects to utilize atoms for technological innovation.
♦ Valence electrons
♦ Bohr's Neon,
Carbon bonds,
Four-fundamental forces.
♦ de Broglie waves determine all atomic structures.
♦ Truth of electromagnetic waves.
♦ others atomic size.
Japanese version
2020/ 12/17 updated. Feel free to link to this site.