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See this week physics is still useless.


Physics is  ' literature '  ?

[ Einstein is Harry Potter or history  rather than science ? ]

(P-1)  ↓ The current physics is just lieterature or history.  

Physics is Not science but literature such as Harry Potter, Stephen King, Romeo and Juliet ?

Physicists become "science writers", stick to historical old stories, sell books in amazon, aim at the best-seller list in NYTimes.

They believe fictional parallel worlds and extra-dimension as fake theory of everything.  It's like comic global warming is fake with no innovation.

The media and academia repeatedly celebrate Einstein birth day and anniversary of meaningless eclipse, unreal cat and distant imaginary objects.

Einstein physics really deserves so much attention ?
They are always crazy about his trivial episodes like religion.

Einstein relativistic effect is too small.  Even if the Sun slightly bent the light from distant star, it's meaningless for us.  Light was just bent by atmosphere, Not Einstein.

GPS clock is set to run slightly slower (= only 38μs/day ) before launch, considering relativity ?  But many other factors cause time error after launch, which needs constant correction by ground station.  So Einstein with paradox is unneeded in GPS.

Quantum mechanics and Einstein relativity are useless, based on fake particles such as virtual particles and quarks, which originate from basic false idea.

These "fictional" science will be just neglected and forgotten by people, unless the media and academia advertize it to attract attention, just like unneeded college.

This is why they constantly hold meaningless festival and lecture, celebrate anniversary and prize, make TV documentary, still calling 100-year-old obsolete theory "revolution".

The current physics is just literature or history to sell books, pretending "science".

See this week physics is still useless.


Quantum enigma lasts forever ?

[ Closing your eyes to 'reality' keeps mystery mysterious forever. ]

(T-1)  ↓ Every quantum "riddle" originates from  

Quantum mechanical interpretation of two-slit interference experiments needs fantasy superposition or parallel worlds.

See this week physics is still useless.


'Fake' science needs to create 'fake' particles.

[ If academia is wrong, scientists are wasting time in "imaginary" particles. ]

(P-1)  ↓ A neutron decays into a heavier unreal W boson ?  

The current particle physics lacks reality.

See this week physics is still useless.

See this week physics is still useless.


Quantum mechanics → medicine ?

[ The world is aging,  but the basic science is useless. ]

(B-1)  ↓ Unreal parallel-world, quasiparticle =    ?

Quantum biology is an useless meaningless concept.

See this week physics is still useless.

See this week physics is still useless.

See this week physics is still useless with no progress.


Continued from

See previous version of criticizing top journals.


2018/12/28 updated. Feel free to link to this site.