Spin is unreal.


Spin lacks reality.

[ Spin wave ? = magnon is unreal quasiparticle. ]

(Fig.1)  ↓ Spin wave = quasiparticle magnon ?   

This news tries to interpret some electric signal as imaginary spin wave = magnon which is unreal quasiparticle = just nonphysical math symbol.

What is this unreal quasiparticle useful for ?  This just vaguely says "a new platform to investigate the possibilities of .. ?"  ← still useless, nothing realized.

Spin (= faster-than-light rotation ? ) lacks reality.  So physicists can only describe spin as nonphysical symbol (= JSS this p.3,  J is adjustable parameter, S is spin ).

This study also tries to explain quasi-neutron scattering of some material using unreal quasiparticle magnon ( this p.2 left )

This study tries to change spin (= magnet ) by voltage, but its theory uses unreal quasiparticle with fake (= effective ) mass ( this p.6 left ), so meaningless.

The latter part of this news says "the potential to write spin using voltage could .. ?"  ← still useless, nothing realized.

This news claims that they could keep superposition (= spin up and down simultaneously like a dead and alive cat ? ) for some time.

But this superposition means fantasy parallel worlds which can never be observed.

The last of this news just says "their possibility to be used for future quantum information ?"  ← still useless, nothing realized.

In this way, so-called "spintronics" with unreal spin remains useless forever with No progress.


Quantum computer = fake purpose.

[ This has nothing to do with unreal quantum computer. ]

(Fig.2)  ↓ Laser light = imaginary quantum computer ?   

This research produced some strong laser light (= superfluorescence ) by exciting some material.  This has nothing to do with computers.

But the last of this news says "could open new possibilities in future quantum computing ?"  ← still useless, nothing realized.

In this way, physicists try to connect any useless quantum mechanical experiments to future "imaginary" quantum computer as fake purpose.


Skyrmion --- unreal quasiparticle.

[ No practical use = magnetic vortex is called "skyrmion" ? ]

(Fig.3)  ↓ Just complex magnetic pattern. = No practical use.

Quantum mechanis has given up clarifying true microscopic mechanism.

Quantum mechanics just fabricates fictitious unreal quasiparticle with fake mass and charge  to explain experimental results, so useless.

This research is about skyrmion, which is not real particle, just a fictitious quasiparticle.

Skyrmion is just another name for some vortex-like magnetic pattern.   --- still No practical use.

This news just says "bring skyrmion research a step closer to application ?" or "it is still very challenging to produce .. ?"  ← still useless, nothing realized.

In this way, all physics news about useless quantum mechanics use "exaggerated phrases" to mislead readers, though they have realized nothing.


Dark matter = axion ? is fiction, too.

[ Dark matter axion is produced from unreal virtual photon ? ? ]

(Fig.4)  We cannot find abundant dark matter, because they pursue fiction

This news claims dark matter hurricane (← ? ) may soon come and it offers a better chance of detecting dark matter axion ?

But this explnation is contradictory.  If their dark matter always rotates our galaxy, they could have already detected this strong wind of dark matter easily !

But they cannot.  The current physics never admits that dark matter is "aether", because it contradicts Einstein relativity.

Physicists are wasting their time in fictional "non-aether" dark matter meaninglessly.

This "non-aether" dark matter is ghost-like, and too faint to be useful, even if they could detect it.  Of course, this ghost-like dark matter has No power to rotate the entire galaxy.  ← contradiction.

They take advantage of this "ghost-like" property to fabricate many fictional dark matter candidates, one of them is "axion".

They claim unreal virtual photon is needed to detect this axion dark matter.

"Invisible" axion cannot be detected directly, so even if they claim axion is discovered, it would be useless for our daily lives forever.



2018/11/16 updated. Feel free to link to this site.