Gravitational wave research is deadend, meaningless, just waste of money.


Gravitational wave is still useless, incompatible with the original Einstein relativistic theory, so false.

[ Observed pulsars are Not regular pulses or showing gravitational wave.  Gravitational wave is illusion, too weak to detect realistically. ]

(Fig.1) Meaningless gravitational research has made No progress for more than 50 years, it just blocks real scientific progress forever by binding us to fictitious concepts.

Stalled meaningless gravitational wave research reveals the current stalled fictional mainsream science and politics.

Gravitational wave is contradictory and unreal.

The current problematic mainstream science has been deadend, unchanged, No progress for a long time.
Black holes, BigBang and gravitational wave have been just useless imaginary concepts for 100 years (= No practical use ) which unchanged stalled miserable scientific situation is longer than Putin's 23-year unchanged regime.

This stagnating mainstream science based on fictional concepts, pseudo-particles and religion has been exploited by rulers and global organizations as a convenient tool to effectively indoctrinate and control people in the name of "education" combined with sports.

Sports industry is also a typical political tool of globalists closely linked with (problematic) educational facilities where almost all students across the world encouraged to play some sports are unable to become professional players, instead, they end up being just enthusiastic sports fans wasting time and money in watching sports, as globalists planned.

Stalled unchanged (fictional) science may be closely linked to the long unchanged regimes and old political systems, as seen in old church excommunicating Galileo only to protect their vested right based on fictional geocentric science (= in fact, the current paradoxical mainstream science of Einstein relativity allows this crazy fictional geocentric theory seen by different observers or coordinates ).

Rulers tend to make alliance with global corporations and academia, using fictional mainstream science as political tool for solidifying and elongating their unchanged regimes, sacrificing ordinary people's lives, which eventually prevents real scientific progress for curing diseases.

It is shown in the fact that the current fastest mainstream protein simulating method called molecular dynamics (= MD ) is still useless and too time-consuming (= MD simulation of only 5-microsecond protein conformational change takes too much time = several days even in the latest research, this 9-10th paragraph, which cannot simulate important biological or protein conformational reactions that take millisecond ~ hours, hence drug development is impossible ) hindered by the unrealistic quantum mechanical exchange energy concept

Regardless of which countries, we can see the general conflicts between ordinary people vs. globalists uniting government officials, global corporations and acadmeia under the unfounded politicized mainstream science such as global warming, ineffective vaccine and parallel-world quantum computer, whose globalists' political power is so large and prevailing as to control even the (weaponized) justice system and all the mainstream media to hide the unprecedented election fraud where those who count votes instead of voters themselves decide everything, breaking democracy and excluding free real scientific critical opinions.

All these problems tormenting us originate from the current paradoxical fictitious mainstream science such as quantum mechanics and Einstein relativistic theory which have been deadend, unchanged with No progress for 100 years as seen in the still-useless unchanged (fictional) gravitational wave research.

Gravitational wave is expressed as unphysical pseudo-tensor which unrealistically "vanishes" seen by some observers, so gravitational wave does Not exist.

Under the current stalled fake mainstream science, scientists and the media need to exaggerate and hype non-existent usefulness and impact of fictional concepts, as seen in the latest (fictitious) gravitational wave news falsely claiming "for the first time, scientists hear (= cannot hear gravitational wave ! ) or discover (= nothing was discovered in this research ) gravitaional wave background which could confirm Einstein prediction (= this research did Not predict anything ) or unlock our universe's mysteries (= No mysteries are unlocked in this meaningless research, hence No impact on us )".

Fruitless (illusory) gravitational wave research started in 1967, more than 50 years ago when Jocelyn Bell first detected electromagnetic wave pulses coming from outer space in the radio telescopes.

Since then, the gravitational wave research has substantially stalled with No progress for more than 50 years, as seen in the present astronomers still focusing only on detecting meaningless electromagnetic wave pulses (= just noises ) and fantasizing about imaginary black holes and gravitational wave that is still a useless, ghost-like object whose signal is too weak to detect realistically, contrary to the media and academia's (preposterous) claim.

Astronomers baselessly imagined that the detected periodically-changing electromagnetic (radio) wave pulses might come from (illusory) rotating neutron stars that may be gradually losing energies by emitting (unseen) gravitational wave.  ← The present astronomy is a disastrous pseudo-science consisting only of wild guesses and imaginary (non-existent) objects like the old geocentricism.

↑ They struggle to infer various (unreliable) information of the imaginary neutron stars' rotational motions, periods, and try to indirectly predict the (dubious) existence of (unseen) gravitational wave by detecting the slight change of the observed periodic electromagnetic pulses caused by pulsars or neutron stars allegedly emitting gravitational wave energy, which 'wild guess' surprisingly led to Nobel prize in 1993 despite No practical use of pulsars and gravitational wave.

In 2015, astronomers in LIGO announced that for the first time they directly (= to be accurate, still indirectly ) discovered the gravitational wave on the earth, though these detections are untrue, baseless, impossible scientifically and inconsistent with the media's claim of proving Einstein was right.

In this latest research in 2023, astronomers in NANOgrav, European, Australian, and Chinese pulsar timing array team (again, baselessly) claimed that they might have (indirectly) detected gravitational wave background (= which is just extremely weak disorderly meaningless noise spreading across the universe ) by observing the radio wave's noise allegedly emitted from about 70 different neutron stars that might be slightly swayed by many weak (imaginary) gravitational waves coming from completely unknown origins (= unlock No mysteries of universe ) such as (imaginary) black holes and BigBang for 15 years by radio telescopes.  ← huge waste of time of researchers for meaningless concepts.

↑ As a result, after more than 50 years of research across the world, all physicists can do is just repeat observing the (meaningless) radio wave noise coming from unknown imaginary objects, and fantasize about the (imaginary, still-impractical ) gravitational wave, black hole and early universe, endlessly with No progress.

Actually this ghost-like intangible gravitational wave is still useless and too weak to prove their real existence and Einstein paradoxical theory.

To infer the precise information of pulsars or (imaginary) neutron stars allegedly emitting (extremely-weak) gravitational wave, these radio pulses must be extremely stable regular and periodically-changing pulses. But the actually-observed pulsar's radio pulses are Not regular or periodical pulses but just irregular, disorderly meaningless noise inconsistent with the ordinary media narrative ( this Fig.6.1-top ).

Because the electromagnetic (radio) waves are often dispersed randomly and drastically modified by (unknown) interstellar medium, many charged particles and dust spreading across the space, while they travel extremely long ways from (imaginary) neutron stars to the earth.

Each neutron star allegedly emits various electromagnetic waves with various different frequencies, and the (unknown) interstellar medium scatters and slows down those electromagnetic waves differently depending on different light frequencies and different interstellar material, which dispersion or scattering is said to randomly broaden and modify the original (undetectable) sharp periodic regular pulse.

↑ There is No way to confirm the original pulses are the regular, periodical pulses usable for estimating gravitational wave, because (imaginary) neutron stars and black holes are too far away from the earth to reach and confirm.

We can Not know what kind of interstellar medium (= ISM ) exists between each neutron star and the earth, hence, physicists have to artificially change the observed meaningless disorderly irregular noise into the (imaginary) regular periodic pulses by adjusting various free noise parameters, which unscientific illegitimate manipulation of pulses is called "de-dispersion ( this p.3,  this p.2 )" and unknown interstellar parameters are called dispersion measure (= DM )

The originally-observed raw data of dispersed radio wave pulses (= black irregular disorderly noise-like pulses ) are completely different from the artificially-modified de-dispersed regular pulses (= red,  this p.7-8,  this p.7-8 ) which artificially-prepared regular pulses are used for estimating (imaginary) neutron star's motion emitting gravitational wave.

↑ It means gravitational wave and neutron stars are just "artificially-created fictional objects after astronomers artificially modified the original irregular junk pulses".

Actually, in the most famous pulsar called psr1913+16 that was used for indirectly estimating (fictional) gravitational wave, the actually-observed irregular noise pulses are completely different from the artificially-created de-dispersed pulse ( this p.6-Fig.4 upper-original noise pulse vs. bottom-artificial de-dispersed pulse ).

Even after artificially de-dispersing and modifying the the original irregular noise-like pulses, the ideal regular periodic pulse can Not be obtained ( this Fig.4 ).  Again, physicists have to artificially remove other unnecessary noise pulses to make it look like an orderly regular meaningful pulse by using another illegitimate technique called "folding ( this 2nd~last paragraphs,  this p.16-17,  this middle,  this p.6,  this p.12 )".

↑ This artificially-created (seemingly-regular) pulses completely different from the originally-observed real irregular pulses ( this p.20-25 ) can Not be used for testing Einstein relativistic theory or detecting (illusory) gravitational wave because of the completely-unknown interstellar medium or dispersion (measure) parameters (= DM,  this p.5,  this p.10 3rd-paragraph,  this p.4-right-lower ).

The media mantra that "Einstein's relativistic theory proved to be right by detecting gravitational wave !" is completely false.
The gravitational wave has nothing to do with Einstein relativistic theory.

Einstein general relativity is known to be defective and unable to generate the realistic gravitational energy wave conserving the total energy, which means the fundamental physical principle = energy conservation law is violated in Einstein theory !

As shown in the upper figure-lower, in order to conserve energy (= expressed as TE or T ) and electric charge (= ρ ), the change (= time derivative ) of energy (or charge ) stored in the cube must be equal to the sum of space changes (= space derivative ) of energy flow (or charge current J ) in x,y,z directions (= Tx, Ty, Tz ), which energy-conservation (or charge conservation ) equation ( this middle,  this p.14 using this notation ) can Not be satisfied by Einsein contradictory general relativity.

So Einstein himself did Not believe in the existence of the (contradictory) gravitational wave that must carry and conserve energy ( this p.3-4 ), and physicists started to introduce the ad-hoc unphysical concept called "pseudo-tensor (= t )" as the imaginary gravitational wave seemingly conserving the total energy which contradicts the original Einstein general relativity violating energy conservation law ( this 4-6th paragraphs,  this p.5-6,  this p.24 ).

The problem is this artificially-created gravitational wave pseudo-tensor (= t ), which is Not a real legitimate tensor (= T ) of Einstein general relativity ( this p.1-right ), is known to unrealistically vanish in some chosen coordinate or seen by some observers ( this p.1-2,  this p.19-last-paragraph,  this p.18-last paragraph,   this intro-1-3rd paragraphs ).

The gravitational wave pseudo-tensors consist of derivative of metric tensor (= g or h ), which vanishes and becomes zero seen by free-falling observers or coordinates ( this 11th paragraph ) in a local inertial frame whose metric tensor is constant = derivative of the constant metric tensor is zero = gravitational wave pseudo-tensor unrealistically vanishes seen by free-falling observers ( this p.20 3rd-paragraph,  this p.2-left 1st-paragraph,  this p.23 4th-paragraph ).

↑ It means gravitational wave (expressed as ad-hoc pseudo-tensor ) does Not really exist, because this contradictory gravitational wave allegedly detected by some observers (= ex. LIGO ) must always vanish and remain non-existent seen by other (free-falling) observers, which is self-contradictory, impossible and incompatible with the original Einstein relativity where laws of physics (= such as gravitational wave detection ) must be invariant and same regardless of different coordinates or observers ( this 29-32th paragraphs ).

So the hackneyed phrase "gravitational wave confirmed and showed Einstein relativistic theory was right again" is completely wrong and fake news.  Various different gravitational wave pseudo-tensors (= Not unique ), different coordinates (= observers' viewpoints ) and different wave's velocity can be artificially chosen as meaningless free parameters to manipulate the (imaginary) pulsar's motion allegedly emitting gravitational wave energy ( this p.2 1st paragraph ).

Einstein general relativity has fatal flaws, cannot conserve energy.
The unphysical ad-hoc gravitational wave pseudo-tensor paradoxically vanishes and exists simultaneously seen by differently-moving observers.  ← ridiculous unscientific objects

Einstein general relativity says the clock time slows down and stops near black hole, which means black hole collision for emitting (imaginary) gravitational wave (= as LIGO argues ) is impossible due to "frozen" blackholes near each other by the stopping time.

Elusive gravitational wave is said to have slightly changed the LIGO detector's 4km arm by negligibly-tiny length = only 10-18 meter, which is just one thousandth of a proton (= each proton radius is 10-15 m ).

↑ Thinking commonsensically, it is impossoble to precisely detect such an unrealistically tiny change (= only 10-18 meter ) = the displacement of 1000 times smaller than a tiny proton using interference of infrared laser light with much-longer wavelength (= 10-6 meter ) which was done by LIGO detector without introducing artificial unfounded measurement interpretation model, which means there is No evidence of gravitational wave that is just illusion and unnecessary for us.

In this latest research by NANOGrav with other international team, astronomers just detected random meaningless noise-like radio pulses combined from about 70 different pulsars allegedly modified by extremely-weak gravitational wave background (= which is Not a wave but a random disorderly noise with No definite direction ) coming from unknown origin such as (imaginary) black holes and BigBang.  ← So nothing about gravitational wave has been clarified or unlocked in this latest research,

This or this 9~ paragraphs explain
"All the groups use massive radio telescopes to monitor ‘millisecond’ pulsars. These are incredibly dense neutron stars that spew radio waves from their magnetic poles. Each time a pulsar rotates on its axis, its radio beam travels in and out of the line of sight to Earth, resulting in a pulse with regular intervals (= just undetectable speculation, as I said ). Slight changes in the arrival time of a pulsar’s signals can mean that the space between the star and Earth has been altered by the passage of a (imaginary) gravitational wave.."

"..The timing of a single pulsar would not be reliable enough to detect gravitational waves. Instead, each collaboration monitors an array of dozens. As a result, they have found a signature called the Hellings–Downs curve ( this middle ), which predicts how, in the presence of gravitational waves coming from all possible directions,.. If the latest signal is from the combined gravitational waves of thousands of pairs of supermassive black holes across the Universe.."  ← The origin of gravitational wave background remains unknown and unclarified ( This 10th-last paragraph ), hence meaningless research.

This 17-21th paragraphs say
"the researchers looked at data from about 70 pulsars.. It's really hard to attribute that the waves are coming from one direction or another.. The researchers don't yet know what's creating these waves."  ← Nothing is clarified.

This 7th paragraph says
"The amplitude that we're measuring is incredibly tiny. About one part in a quadrillion.. And that is much lower than the noise that is in each individual pulsar (= which means they just detected meaningless tiny noise )."  ← Eye-catching phrases such as "Giant gravitational wave" and "supermassive black holes" are just misleading media-hype.

So this latest research on (stochastic) gravitational wave background, which has Not clarified or explained the origin of gravitational wave, has No scientific meaning, relying on artificially-created noise models for their dubious interpretation ( this p.5,  this 10th-paragraph ).  ← "Unloking universe's mysteries" or "confirming Einstein theory" did Not happen at all.



2022/7/1 updated. Feel free to link to this site.