Quantum mechanics has to rely on fictional useless quasiparticle model.


Quantum mechanics ridiculously claims an indivisible electron splits into three quasiparticles.

An indivisible electron splits into fictional spinon (= spin ), charge (= holon ), orbital (= orbiton ) quasiparticles ?

(Fig.1)  ↓ Quantum mechanics unable to deal with multi-electron phenomena has to rely on fictional useless quasiparticle models.

An electron splits into fictional spinon (= spin ) and holon (= charge ) quasiparticles !?

Quantum mechanics is useless, unable to describe multi-electron phenomena, so it has to rely on various fictional quasiparticle models with fake mass and charge to approximately express multi-particle physical phenomena.

Quantum mechanics ridiculously claims that a single electron, which must be indivisible ( this p.2 ), could split into spin expressed as fictitious spinon quasiparticle and charge expressed as fictitious holon quasiparticle through unrealistic process called "spin-charge separation" ( this p.3-15 ).

↑ Of course, a real electron can Not be divided, so this quantum mechanical spinon quasiparticle model is unreal and paradoxical, hence impractical forever, but physicists still try to continue to publish papers on these fictional quasiparticle model in vain.

As shown in the upper figure, these fictional spin-charge separated quasiparticles mean a hole after an electron is kicked out by light moves in one direction, and the material's magnetization (= by electron's orbit, Not spin ) moves in different direction ( this-right ).

↑ It is Not an electron really splitting into (fictional) spin and charge quasiparticles.

An indivisible electron could split into three fictional quasiparticles !?

Quantum mechanical also claims an indivisible electron could split into three quasiparticles of spinon (= spin ), holon (= charge ), and orbiton (= orbit ).

↑ This orbiton just means some excited electron's state (= this excited energy state moving in different direction from the material's magnetization,  this-left,  this 11~13th-paragraphs ), and does Not mean an electron really splits into three (fictional) quasiparticles.

Because quasiparticles are Not real particles.

Quasiparticle is unreal and useless.

This research paper on fictional spinon-charge-orbiton quasiparticles ( this ↓)

p.2-abstract-middle~lower says "The separation of the electron into independent (fictional) quasi-particles that carry either spin (spinons) or charge (holons) was first observed (= Not directly ) fifteen years ago.."

".. Using Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering on the 1D Mott-insulator Sr2CuO3 we now observe also the orbital degree of freedom separating. We resolve an orbiton liberating itself from spinons and propagating through the lattice as a distinct (fictional) quasi-particle"  ← No mention of practical use, so these fictional spinon, orbiton quasiparticles are useless.

p.7-8 quantum mechanics can only express these (fictional) quasiparticles as nonphysical math operators with No shapes.

p.17-left-a shows the electron excited by light (= orbiton ? ) moved to the right, and the magnetization (= spinon ) moved to the left.  ← This does Not show an electron actually split into spin, charge and orbit.

p.21 chose adjustable parameters (= No quantum mechanical prediction ).

p.29-lower says "In the CASSCF (= The complete-active space self-consistent-field ) scheme a full CI is carried out within a limited set of “active” orbitals, "

↑ This means core orbitals (= inactive ) used approximate methods (= choosing adjustable parameters with No quantum mechanical prediction ), which method cannot predict any physical values.

Dirac spinon quasiparticle is also unreal and useless.

The 1st, 7th, 11th paragraphs of this hyped news say

"A new study, published in a recent issue of Nature Physics, sheds light on the long-anticipated emergence of (fictional) quasiparticles, akin to the famous Dirac particles obeying the relativistic Dirac equation. These quasiparticles, known as Dirac spinons, were theorized to exist within a novel quantum state called a quantum spin liquid state (= meaning fluctuating magnetic state irrelevant to spin )"

" In order to enable the observation of spinons in YCu3, the research team overcame numerous challenges by assembling approximately 5,000 single crystals together, meeting the requirements for conducting experiments such as inelastic neutron scattering (= neutrons were scattered by material's magnetic moment caused by electron's orbit, Not by unphysical spin )."

"Characterized by the presence of fractional spinon excitations, the quantum spin liquid state is potentially (= just speculation ) relevant to high-temperature superconductivity and quantum information (= baseless hype, this fictional spinon quasiparticle has No application )"

This research paper ( this ↓ )

p.1-Abstract makes No mention of any application such as quantum information or high-temperature superconductor, contrary to the hyped news.

p.1-right-last-paragraph used neutron scattering (= measuring magnetization of material, Not fictional spinon quasiparticle ) at extremely low temperature (= 0.3K  Fig.2~4 ), which is impractical.

p.2-right used artificially-fitting parameters with No quantum mechanical prediction.

As a result, fictional quasiparticles such as spinon, holon, orbiton are all useless and meaningless concepts.


Phonon is just a fictitious useless quasiparticle meaning "vibration" of atoms.

Quantum mechanics cannot describe physical phenomena such as vibration by using real atoms, instead, it has to rely on fictional phonon quasiparticle.

(Fig.2)  Phonon quasiparticle meaning sound wave or vibration has No physical shape.

Quantum mechanics has to rely on fictional phonon quasiparticle with No shape.

Quantum mechanics is unable to explain the normal thermal (or sound ) vibration of material realistically, instead, it relies on fictitious quasiparticle model called phonon that is expressed just as a nonphysical math symbol with No physical figure or shape ( this p.4 ), which cannot be used as practical tools to build useful nano-devices.

This recent phonon quasiparticle paper ↓

p.1-abstract says "We calculate the superconducting critical temperature TC ab initio considering the full phonon (= fictional quasiparticle ) spectral function."  ← No mention of practical application, so phonon quasiparticle is useless.

p.3-right shows phonon quasiparticle is just a unphysical math symbols with No concrete shape.

p.4-right-last~p.5-left-1st-paragraph relied on one-pseudo-electron density functional theory based on artificially-chosen pseudo-potential.  ← No quantum mechanical prediction.

p.5-right-2nd-last-paragraph says "We use μ* = 0.16 for the Coulomb pseudopotential"  ← choosing free parameters means No quantum mechanical prediction.

Phonon quasiparticle is unreal and useless.

The 2-3rd, 7th, 14th, 18th, 28th paragraphs of this hyped news say

"Electrons carry electrical energy, while vibrational energy is carried by phonons. Understanding how they interact with each other in certain materials, like in a sandwich of two graphene layers, will (= just speculation ) have implications for future optoelectronic devices (= vague devices, and just hype, fictional phonon has No practical application )."

"Recent work has revealed that graphene layers twisted relative to each other by a small "magic angle" can act as perfect insulator or superconductor. But the physics of the electron–phonon interactions are a mystery (= quantum mechanics failed to understand phonon quasiparticle )"

"Phonons aren't particles like electrons though, they're a (fictional) quasiparticle. Yet, their interaction with electrons in certain materials and how they affect energy loss in electrons has been a mystery."

"the team wanted to learn more about how electrons lose energy in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene, or MATBG for short."

"especially at ultracold temperatures (specifically below -73°C = impractically-low temperature ). At these temperatures, it's very difficult for electrons to lose energy to phonons, yet it happens in the MATBG."

"As the material is only being studied for a few years, we're still some way from seeing magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene having an impact on society (= still No practical use )"

Cooling slightly faster is caused by fictional phonon quasiparticle ?  No practical use.

This research paper ↓

p.1-right-1st~2nd-paragraphs say "In graphene, cooling typically occurs via the emission of optical and acoustic graphene phonons (= just imagination based on fictional quasiparticle )..
In these systems, a dark exciton (= fictional quasiparticle ) state emerges between van Hove singularities"

p.3-left-2nd-paragraph says
". In BLG (= nontwisted Bernal bilayer graphene ), the cooling time increases from 3 to 25 ps as the temperature decreases from 300 to 5 K, which is expected as it takes longer for hot carriers to couple to phonons at lower temperature due to the reduced phonon occupation. Notably, in MATBG (= magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene ), the cooling time remains short, around 3 ps, across a broad temperature range (5 to 300 K). This suggests the involvement of low-energy (fictional) phonons (= an unreasonable leap of logic )"

↑ The time needed to cool graphene from 300 to 5K decreased from 25ps to 3ps depending on the twisted angle between two layers of graphene, which is due to the fictional phonon quasiparticle ?  ← Quantum mechanics relying on fictional quasiparticles cannot clarify real mechanism, and No practical use.

p.7-8 This research made No quantum mechanical calculation nor prediction (= No Schrodinger equation nor DFT was used ).
They just used artificially-chosen parameters ( this p.2-3 ).


Magnetic monopole (= only north or south pole ? ) doesn't exist, it's just fake quasiparticle.

Multiple atoms with some specific magnetization direction are treated as fake monopole quasipartice, which is useless.

(Fig.3)  ↓ No real magnetic monopole.  Berry phase or curvature is just fictitious magnetic field with No real physical meaning and No practical application.

Berry phase is useless fictitious magnetic field.

Magnetic monopole is just a fictional quasiparticle composed of multiple atoms.

Magnetic monopole, a hypothetical particle with only one north or south magnetic pole, does Not exist.

Despite this unreal monopole, physicists are trying to use fictitious quasiparticle model to explain and create fake magnetic monopole in various magnetic materials such as spin ice (= unreal spin itself is unseen, only magnetic moment equal to electron's orbital motion can be measured ) in vain.

This fake monopole quasiparticle is Not a real monopole, but just a collection of multiple magnetically-polarized electrons or atoms ( this 4th-last-paragraph ).

Pursuing this fictional meaningless monopole quasiparticle in the current mainstream condensed matter physics clearly obstructs technological innovation, and spawns many unfounded hyped news to hide the unreal and impractical science.

Fictional monopole quasiparticle is just an overhyped meaningless thing.

The 1-2nd, 4th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"there have been hypotheses of the existence of magnetic monopoles, fundamental particles that are just north or just south. Researchers have Not found them yet"

"Using hematite, the rock equivalent of rust, the researchers discovered that on its surface, peculiar "magnetic configurations (= just magnetic configuration, Not a real monopole )" can emerge. They measured (fictional) quasiparticles – an interaction of sorts that behaves like (= meaning unreal ) a particle for a time."

"These monopoles are a collective state of many spins (= many orbits, correctly ) that twirl around a singularity rather than a single fixed particle (= Not a single real magnetic monopole ), so they emerge through many-body interactions (= fictional monopole quasiparticle just approximately represents a collective magnetic field created by multiple atoms, Not by real monopoles )"

"The measurements were conducted using a diamond needle where the spin of a single electron – its intrinsic angular momentum (= Not by spin but by electron's orbit ) – was used to precisely measure the magnetic field of the material.."

".. Discovering how to manipulate these peculiar quasiparticles might (= just speculation, still useless ) mean better computer technology, with fast and energy-efficient memory logic (= hype, this fictional magnetic monopole has No practical use )."

Meaningless research pursuing fictional monopole.

This research paper ↓

p.3-Fig.1 shows this is Not a real magnetic monopole but just an ordinary molecule consisting of multiple magnetic atoms showing some swirling magnetic field pattern at extremely-low temperature of 4K (= impractically-low temperature ).

p.4-Fig.2 tries to explain some magnetic field pattern by fictional meron quasiparticle.

p.6 No quantum mechanical calculation nor prediction (= No Schrodinger equation nor DFT was used ).

Magnetic monopole is a useless fake quasiparticle.

The 5th and 7th paragraphs of this other website say
"Rather, the existence of magnetic monopoles is a collective phenomenon (= Not a single real monopole ) due to the interactions between the atoms and electrons of which spin ice is composed (= fictional monopole quasiparticle is just some magnetic material composed of multiple atoms )."

"The magnetic monopoles are a class of (fictional) quasiparticles that particularly fascinate physicists, while at the same time presenting them with major puzzles. “Quasiparticles exist that appear to be fragments of elementary particles that are normally considered to be indivisible (= quasiaprticle is unreal )".

This research paper on fictional monopole in spin ice ( this ↓ ).

p.1-abstract mentions the fictional fractional electric charge e/3 of quasiparticle, and No mention of practical application of this fictional quasiparticle (= so monopole is useless )

p.1-left mentions 10 (= integer ) Bohr magneton (= μB ) which can be explained by electron's orbit Not by unphysical spin.

p.2-right-(3) fictional magnetic charge Q, which does not really exist.

p.4-6 shows some nonphysical equations with No quantum mechanical calculation nor prediction (= No Schrodinger equation nor DFT was used ).

Berry phase or Berry curvature is fictitious meaningless magnetic field around fake monopole.

The current condensed matter physics heavily relies on tons of fictional useless concepts such as Berry phase or Berry curvature which is just fictitious magnetic field (= Not real magnetic field ) generated around imaginary monopole ( this p.1-left,  this p.4-1st-paragraph,  this p.4-5,  this p.1-left ).

This p.12 (or p.32 )-upper says
"The Berry phase is analogous (= No real ) to a magnetic flux, and the quantity... is called the Berry curvature, which is analogous (= Not real ) to a magnetic field. A good way of thinking about these quantities is to imagine a fictitious magnetic monopole sitting inside a closed surface."

This p.2-middle-4th-paragraph says
"This phase cannot have any physical meaning."

↑ As long as the current mainstream physics or quantum mechanics uses these unrealistic concepts, clarifying true atomic mechanism usable for building practical molecular devices is impossible forever.

Berry phase is just a meaningless useless math concept.

This recent paper on fictitious Berry phase ↓

p.1-abstract-last just says "Our work provides an opportunity for the study of (unphysical) geometric phases, leading to a variety of observations in light-driven topological phenomena and attosecond solid-state physics (= Not specifying practical use, so the unphysical Berry phase is useless )"

p.2-right-1st-paragraph used fictitious quasi-momentum, and Berry phase is just nonphysical math concept with No physical shape.

p.5-Fig.4 used Circular dichroism HHG spectroscopy, which just measured (classical) laser light response from material ( this p.4 ) for guessing fictitious Berry phase.

This p.6-last-paragraph~p.7 used one-pseudo-electron DFT with PAW (artificially-chosen) pseudo-potential, and The Wannier function-based tight-binding Hamiltonian for fictional Berry phase.

↑ This is Not quantum mechanical prediction, because pseudo-potential and Wannier function must artificially choose various parameters such as energy window ( this p.22,  this p.2-right-2nd-paragraph,  this-p.11 3rd, last-paragraphs ).


Skyrmion is just a fictitious useless quasiparticle expressing some swirling magnetic fields.

Skyrmion is too unstable and too short-lived to use as data storage or racetrack memory, contrary to hypes.

(Fig.4)  Skyrmion is just an unstable useless magnetic swirling (= by electron's orbit, Not by unphysical spin )

Skyrmion is just a fictional quasiparticle of magnetic swirling.

Quantum mechanics often tries to use fictitious quasiparticle model called skyrmion to express some swirling magnetic field patterns allegedly consisting of multiple (imaginary) electron spins.

Impractical quantum mechanics can only describe this fictitious skyrmion quasiparticle using fake effective mass and abstract nonphysical math symbol operators (+ adjustable parameters ) with No concrete shapes ( this p.4-5,  this p.5 ), which pseudo-models clearly obstruct scientific development.

Half-skyrmion is called meron quasiparticle, which is also a fictional useless particle.

Skyrmion is completely useless for racetrack memory, contrary to hypes.

Actually, attempts to utilize this tiny magnetic vortex or skyrmion quasiparticle for some practical application such as data storage are impractical, facing many challenges ( this-abstract-still No skyrmion application,  this-lower challenges ahead ).

↑ This skyrmion easily breaks (= unstable ) in room temperature ( this-6th-paragraph ). Furthermore, precise creation and control of elusive skyrmion's magnetic state are impossible, hence useless for devices ( this p.1-right,  this p.16(or p.15)-conclusion, p.16(or p.15)-right-upper,  this p.1-left-middle ).

Skyrmion is too unstable, too short-lived to use for any application.

This p.6-Figure 3 shows the theoretical estimation of skyrmion quasiparticle lifetime (= τ ) is extremely short, less than 10-5 seconds at temperature higher than 25K.  ← Skyrmion is too unstable and completely useless for data storage or memory.

This p.4-Fig.3 the estimated skyrmion lifetime (= τsk ) is less than 10-9 seconds or nanoseconds at room temperature (= 300K, 1/T = 0.0033 ), which is completely useless, too short-lived to use as memory.

Generating skyrmion quasiparticle at desirable locations is impossible.  ← No practical use

This p.1-right-last-paragraph says
"However, because of their random location and variable character, naturally occurring defects offer little control over the formation of skyrmions and are unsuitable as a nucleation method for devices (= skyrmion is too unstable and appears in random uncontrollable locations, so impractical for any devices )."

This p.2-left-last-paragraph says
" The positional stability of skyrmions is a critical issue for both of these applications because a randomly displaced skyrmion can alter the bit sequence"

This p.2-left-2nd-paragraph says
"Despite the potential for competitive technology, the development of a skyrmion quantum processor will face near-term challenges. On a fundamental level, these include among others the identification of candidate frustrated magnets with low damping, the microscopic understanding and control of noise sources,..
On a device-specific level, the deterministic and precise skyrmion nucleation, the efficient determination of the fidelity of quantum operations, and robust and reproducible device fabrication are among the pressing issues to be addressed."

Skyrmion's life time is only nanoseconds, which cannot be used for stable memory.

This research paper ↓

p.1-first-paragraph says "however, there is still a long way for putting the skyrmion-based racetrack memory to practice. For example, to create, drive and annihilate/destroy the skyrmions or the skyrmion cluster at will is still a challenge. In particular, current-driven skyrmions will drift from the racetrack direction due to the presence of Magnus force if the velocity is high enough, which leads to their annihilation at the racetrack edge and the loss of information."

p.2-3rd-paragraph says "the skyrmion can stay at the racetrack for only about 1.2ns (= skyrmion is extremely unstable and short-lived ),..
. At t= 1.2ns, the skyrmion touches the upper edge of the racetrack due to the Magnus force and loses its topological stable skyrmion state, which annihilates eventually within 0.1 ns so that there is No skyrmion left in the racetrack at t=1.3ns (= skyrmion's lifetime is only nano-seconds, which is impractical )"

p.6-Method~p.7-Table 3 used artificially-chosen parameters and unphysical models (= No particle picture ) with No quantum mechanical prediction for fictional skyrmion quasiparticles.

Skyrmion quasiparticle is too short-lived.

This other research paper ↓

p.3-left-2nd-paragraph mentions "Our investigation commenced by examining the magnetic hysteresis loop along the c-axis for a 92.6-nm-thick FGaT flake using a polar magneto-optic Kerr effect (MOKE) microscope"  ← This Kerr effect or MOKE just measured the change of polarized light reflecting from magnetic material, No electron spin is relevant.

p.5-Figure.4 shows skyrmion lifetime (= τ ) was shorter than 300μs, which is impractical.

Skyrmion quasiparticle for storage memory device is just baseless overhype.

The 1-3rd, 9th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"Scientists want to replace electrons with so-called 'nanobubbles' — or skyrmions (= fictional quasiparticle ) — to store data more densely and efficiently in advanced components that would replace RAM and flash storage (= overhype, skyrmion quasiparticle is too unstable to replace the practical data storage )."

"A bizarre type of magnetic quasiparticle that looks like a tiny, swirling bubble could one day (= just speculation ) be used as a computing bit in future memory devices."

"A skyrmion generates itself from magnetic field lines as it moves through a medium. The quasiparticle comprises elementary nanomagnets, called spins (= false, electron is Not spinning )"

"Previously, skyrmions had only moved as fast as 100 meters per second (roughly 225 mph), which is too slow to compete with state-of-the-art technologies, the scientists said. But in the study, they sped up skyrmions to speeds of 900 m/s (approximately 2,000 mph). This is an "important step for skyrmion-based devices."  ← just moving skyrmion a little faster does Not lead to practical memory device.

"If exploited in future research, skyrmions could (= just speculation ) become the basis of a component that combines the functionality of a central processing unit (CPU)"  ← overhype, this research fictional skyrmion has nothing to do with practical use.

Controlling skyrmion's positions and sizes is impossible, so far from practical use.

This research paper ( this ↓ ).

p.2-top says "This is an important issue for devices because it can cause skyrmions to move toward the track edges where they can be annihilated (= skyrmion is easily destroyed )"

p.4-1st~2nd-paragraphs say "Figure 2C shows an example of a magnetic force microscopy (MFM) image at zero field displaying isolated skyrmions... The skyrmions have different shapes and their size ranges between 100 nm and 700 nm (= controlling skyrmion's size and position is impossible )"

"Using experimental parameters (= No quantum mechanical prediction ), a diameter d = 197 nm is predicted"

p.8-Fig.4 shows skyrmion's lifetime was so short that they could be observed for only nanoseconds (= ns ), which is impractical for data storage device.

p.10 used unreal effective mass m.

p.20 used artificially-chosen parameters with No quantum mechanical prediction


Exciton is an unreal quasiparticle representing a transient electron and a hole excited by light.

Exciton quasiparticle lacking a real particle's shape is useless for solar cells, contrary to hypes.

(Fig.5)  A fictional exciton quasiparticle consisting of a transient electron and a hole is denoted as nonphysical math operator.

Fictional exciton quasiparticle without physical shape has No practical application.

Unscientific quantum mechanics cannot explain physical phenomena using real particles or concepts, which bad habit obstructs science.

Quantum mechanics has to use a fictional exciton quasiparticle model ( this 6th-paragraph,  this 3rd-paragraph ) to ostensibly describe some transient electron's state bound to positive hole excited by light.

The problem is these fictitious exciton quasiparticles expressed as nonphysical math (creation or annihilation) operators have just fake effective masses and No physical shapes ( this p.3,  this p.5,  this p.3 contary to misleadingly-colorful picture ), which quantum mechanical pseudo-model inapplicable to designing useful technology is a culprit of the current deadend mainstream science.

This fictional exciton quasiparticle allegedly related to solar cells is completely useless, as shown in the still-impractical solar energy technology.

Exciton quasiparticle has No practical use.

This research paper on fictional exciton quasiparticle ↓

p.1-abstract-last says "Thus, due to its PCE (= power conversion energy ) and transparent electrical contact, the heterojunction is a promising (= still useless ) candidate for use as a photovoltaic device compared to its counterpart"

p.1-right-1st-paragraph mentions "exciton (= fictional quasiparticle)"

p.2-left-2-Methodology says "by using density functional theory (DFT) as implemented in the QUANTUM ESPRESSO package. The exchange–correlation energy was obtained within the generalized gradient approximation, as proposed by Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (GGA-PBE), and van der Waals (vdW) interactions were included using the Grimme-D2 (= empirical exchange energy functional, Not quantum mechanical prediction ) approach."

". The energetic stability of the heterostructure was explored by ab initio molecular dynamic (AIMD) calculations using the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP = based on artificially-chosen pseudo-potential ) The AIMD calculations were performed using the Nose´ thermostat method at 300 K for a total time of 10 ps (= extremely time-consuming molecular dynamics (= MD ) could simulate only very-short 10-ps motion, which is impractical, hampering all the applied science )"

p.2-right-4th-paragraph says "The quasiparticle corrections (= artificial particle correction ) were included via a scissor operator, whose value was set based on the HSE06 hybrid functional"

↑ Relying on unphysical one-pseudo-electron DFT with artificially-chonsen exchange functional, pseudo-potential and quasiparticle model shows this exciton quasiparticle is useless and irrelevant to quantum mechanical prediction.

Quantum mechanics can only describe fictional exciton quasiparticle by artificial impractical models.

This other latest research paper on fictional exciton quasiparticle ( this ↓ ).

p.3-3rd-paragraph used one-pseudo-electron DFT model with artificially-chosen pseudo-potential, and BerkeleyGW code .

p.5-Fig.2 unphysical band and quasiparticle model.

p.7-last-paragraph says "We mention that GW results calculated using different GPP (= generalized plasmon pole, p.3 ) models (or without the use of GPP models) can sometimes differ significantly. In particular, it has been shown that the HL-GPP model often gives larger band gap compared with other model"  ← Different ad-hoc models give different results with No quantum mechanical prediction.

p.8-(1)(2) expressed fictional exciton quasiparticles as nonphysical math symbols with No shapes.

Quantum mechanics just choosing parameters and pseudo-potentials cannot predict anything.

↑ This BerkeleyGW code paper ↓

p.7-1st-paragraph says "Note that norm-conserving pseudopotentials (= artificially-chosen, Not quantum mechanical prediction ) must be used, or else extra contributions would need to be added to our matrix elements"

p.7-last-paragraph says "where Vxc is the independent-particle mean-field approximation to the exchange-correlation potential of the chosen mean-field system (= chosen instead of predicting )"

p.10-middle says "There are therefore not two convergence parameters, but only one, in evaluating Eq.7: one either must choose to converge with empty states or with the dielectric energy cutoff and set the remaining parameter to match the chosen convergence parameter (= No quantum mechanical prediction )"

p.17-2nd-paragraph says "where E is an energy parameter (= energy is also an artificially-chosen parameter ) that should be set self-consistently to the quasiparticle eigenvalues"

↑ The present quantum mechanical ab-initio theory relies on so many artificially-chosen parameters and models with No ability to predict any values, which is just a waste of a great deal of time.

So it is far better to use experimental values from the beginning to develop practical science.


Dirac, Weyl fermions are all unreal useless quasiparticles contradicting reality

(Fig.6)  ↓ The measured real electrons with real mass were intentionally misinterpreted as fictional massless Dirac or Weyl quasiparticles.

Dirac, Weyl, Majorana are all fictional quasiparticles.

Dirac fermions (or Dirac cone, Dirac semimetal ) and Weyl fermions are all unreal quasiparticles caused by intentionally misinterpreting the measured momentum and energy of electrons ejected by light in the method called ARPES ( this p.4 ).

Majorana fermion is also an imaginary quasiparticle model artificially created to explain some electric conductance (= unreal quasiparticle itself can Not be measured ) and deadend quantum computer.

None of these fictitious quasiparticles have concrete shapes or size, hence, obstructing the real science, which dire facts must be covered up by overhyped news.

Fictional Weyl quasiparticles have No practical use, contrary to hypes.

The 2nd-3rd, 6th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"The mysterious Weyl fermions were, in fact, detected for the first time in 2015; they turned out Not to be free particles like the neutrino, which can move through the universe independently from the rest of the world, but rather '(fictional) quasiparticles' in a solid state."

"Quasiparticles are Not particles in the conventional sense, but rather excitations of a system consisting of many interacting particles"

"According to the laws of relativity, free massless particles must always spread at light speed. This is, however, not the case in solid states: "Even though our Weyl fermions have no mass, their speed is extremely low (= quantum mechanical fictional Weyl quasiparticle contradicts relativity )"

"The Weyl fermions are only dispersed in the material to a minimal extent, meaning they can conduct electrical current almost without loss (= false, No evidence of lossless current ) -- this is of great significance for electronics. They are also likely to be extremely interesting to the field of spintronics,.. Weyl fermions will (= just speculation ) be of interest here due to their particularly robust spin. The particle should also be especially well suited for use in (deadend) quantum computers."  ← Overhype, this fictional Weyl quasiparticle has No practical use.

The last paragraph of this recent website on fictional Dirac and Weyl quasiparticles just vaguely says
"The discovery could lead to practical applications in the future (= still unrealized ). “While it’s still early days, this finding could pave the way toward realizing next-generation electronic devices that utilize new fermions,.. They may (= just speculation ) be useful for high-speed devices"

↑ No practical use of these quasiparticles, and only hyped news is rampant.

Dirac fermion quasiparticle is useless, meaningless.

This research paper on fictional Dirac fermion quasiparticle ↓

p.1-abstract-last says " Thus, graphite presents a system in which massless Dirac fermions, (fictional) quasiparticles with finite effective (= fake ) mass and defect states all contribute to the low-energy electronic dynamics"  ← No mention of practical use.

p.1-left-last~p.1-right-1st-paragraph says "Here, we report the first direct observation of massless Dirac fermions coexisting with quasiparticles with finite effective mass in graphite, by using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES)."

↑ This ARPES can just detect real electrons (= e- ) with real mass, which was intentionally misinterpreted as fictional Dirac quasiparticle with fake effective mass due to wrong assumption and free parameters.

p.2-right mentions "quasiparticles that have finite (fictional) effective mass"

Quantum mechanics cannot explain fictional Dirac fermion quasiparticle.

Another recent research paper on fictional Dirac quasiparticle ↓

p.1-abstract-last says "Our findings establish the general optical response of massive Dirac fermions (= fictional quasiparticle ), which is closely related to the universal electrodynamics in quantum anomalous Hall state (= No mention of practical use )"

p.1-left says "It has recently been recognized that the nonlinear optical effect and magnetooptical (MO) effect are enhanced in topological materials.."

"When the Fermi level is controlled in between the mass gap, the anomalous Hall response shows the quantized conductance e2 /h, establishing the quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) state"  ← Measurement of classical polarized light (= Kerr magnetooptical efect ) and Hall effect based on classical Lorentz magnetic force were used to (falsely) estimate the existence of fictional Dirac quasiparticle.

p.6-right used one-pseudo-electron DFT with full relativistic projector augmented-wave (PAW) pseudopotentials (= artificially chosen, so No quantum mechanical prediction ), and saying "the spin-polarized DFT often overestimates the magnetic exchange splitting"

↑ The current mainstream one-pseudo-electron DFT is useless, wrong, unable to predict any values.

Weyl fermion quasiparticle is also a useless meaningless concept.

The 4th, 7th, 9th paragraphs of this hyped news say

"Now, a group headed by Zahid Hasan at Princeton University has found evidence that Weyl fermions exist as (fictional) quasiparticles – collective excitations of electrons – in the semimetal tantalum arsenide (TaAs)"

"... This means that TaAs should have Weyl fermions in its bulk and a distinct feature on its surface called a "Fermi arc (= some fictional electron's energy and momentum relation )". Using a standard technique called angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), the team found evidence of a Fermi arc."  ← ARPES can just detect real electrons, Not fictional (Weyl or Dirac) quasiparticles.

"The team fired microwaves at the crystal and measured microwave transmission through the crystal while changing its orientation to the incident microwave beam – and varying the frequency of the microwaves. This allowed the researchers to map out the photonic band structure of the crystal, which reveals which microwave frequencies can travel through the crystal and which cannot. This revealed the presence of “Weyl points” in the band structure, which are indicative of Weyl fermion states"

↑ They just measured (classical) microwave (= Not Weyl quasiparticle itself ) changed by some material, and (mis)interpreted it as fictional Weyl fermion quasiparticle.

"Weyl fermions could (= just speculation ) be very useful because their massless nature would allow them to conduct electric charge through a material much faster than normal electrons (= false, massless is fake effective mass, Not real ) – which could be used to create faster electronic circuits. This property is also shared by electrons in graphene. However, unlike graphene, which is a 2D material, Weyl fermions should exist in more practical 3D materials. Furthermore, Weyl particles are topologically protected (= No evidence of topological protection ) from scattering, which means that they could be useful in quantum computers (= hype, quantum computer is already deadend )."

Fictional Weyl quasiparticle has No practical use, contrary to hypes.

This research paper's abstract last just vaguely says "Our work opens the field for the experimental study of Weyl fermions in physics and materials science. "  ← No mention of detailed practical application, so Weyl fermion quasiparticle is just unreal and useless, contrary to hypes (= topologically-protected or something ).

this supplementary material ↓

p.2-1st-paragraph says "The experimental geometry of SX-ARPES has been described in (29). The sample was cooled down to 12K (= too low temperature to be practical )"

p.2-last-paragraph used one-pseudo-electron DFT with artificially-chosen pseudo-potentials.  ← No quantum mechanical prediction.

As a result, it is impossible to put such fictional quasiparticle models to practical use, so academia and the media desperately try to hide this deadend quantum mechanical model by spreading overhyped news with misleadingly colorful particle pictures now.



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