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Einstein relativity is wrong
(Fig.1) GPS, Michelson-Morley (= Gale-Pearson ) experiments showed light speed is changed by the earth rotation and disproved Einstein relativity, which can be explained by the light medium moving with the earth, but unfixed to the earth spinning.
Einstein relativistic Lorentz transformation is based on the postulate that light speed must be always the constant c when measured by any moving or stationary observers.
But the speed of light emitted by GPS is observed to be faster or slower than the light speed c, depending on the earth (= observer ) rotation speed, which is called Sagnac effect disproving Einstein relativity claiming the observed light speed must be always the same c ( this-abstract, this-abstract, this-last-8.conclusion ).
Also in Michelson-Gale-Pearson experiment, they measured two lights traveling at different speeds, clockwise or anticlockwise in the opposite directions in the vacuum rectangular circuit (= one side is about 1km ) due to the different earth rotating speeds between the north and south parts of the circuit.
↑ All these GPS and Michelson-Gale experiments clearly contradict Einstein relativistic theory based on the same constant light speed c measured irrelevant to motion of the earth or observers. ← Textbooks tend to hide this inconvenient truth ( this p.3-discussion~p.4 ).
(Fig.1') Light speed c is changed only by the earth rotation (= spinning ), which cannot be explained by Einstein relativity.
GPS, Michelson-Gale experiments (= conducted in the vacuum ), Sagnac effect clearly showed the light speed is faster (= c + v ) or slower (= c - v ) than the light speed c ( this p.1-lower, this p.3-discussion ), which disproves Einstein relativity and Lorentz transformation based on the same light speed c regardless of observers.
↑ If Einstein "relativistic" motion is right, the observed light speed must be changed not only by the earth rotation ( this-6th-paragraph ) but also by the velocity of GPS satellite (= emitting light ). But paradoxically the speed of light c is not affected by the satellite speed ( this p.18-19, this p.4 ) which only causes Doppler shift (= light wavelength change ).
↑ If the light speed c is faster or slower by the light source's velocity, the speed of light emitted by atoms (= which can move at almost light speed c ) can be very
So the general relativistic Sagnac effect started to say the contradictory thing where the light speed is the constant c only with respect to the stationary earth (= admitting one absolute frame contradicting Einstein relativity, this p.6-upper, this p.3-lower~p.4 ), and the light speed observed by the rotating earth can be faster or slower than c depending on the rotating direction.
↑ But the earth is also rotating around Sun or galactic center at a speed much faster than the earth spinning, and if we choose the stationary Sun or galactic center as the true absolute frame, the light speed observed on the earth (= moving much faster than the earth rotation ) must be affected by the earth moving around the Sun or galactic center, which change cannot be detected (= as shown in Michelson-Morley or GPS ), paradoxically.
↑ As a result, both special and general relativity are proved to be wrong, disagreeing with the observed light speed.
These Sagnac effect (= light speed is changed by observer's motion ) is one of ordinary classical mechanical effects ( this p.1-right-2 ) contradicting Einstein relativity (= due to light speed c changed by observers' velocity ), contrary to the misleading word of the relativistic Sagnac effect ( this-lower-conclusions ).
This p.8-5-conclusion-2nd-paragraph says
"The positive result of the Sagnac experiment is significant. The experiment was
sufficient proof that the velocity of light can be added to or subtracted from in accordance
with the classical law of addition of velocities but in contradistinction to the relativistic law
which makes the velocity of light absolute and independent of motion of the observer or the
source of light"
This Sagnac effect and Michelson-Gale-Pearson experiments are consistent with the light medium (= aether ) moving with the earth (= light speed is the constant c inside this earth medium. ← this can perfectly explain aberration, too ), but this earth medium is not fixed to the earth spinning (= light speed is changed only by the earth's spinning, as seen in Sagnac effect. this p.6 ).
Actually, the atmospheric air moving with the earth can move independently of (= not fixed to ) the earth spinning (= air molecules are moving in various directions at very fast speeds, as seen in super-rotation ), because the earth gravity attracts the atmospheric air molecules only in vertical direction, irrelevant to the spinning (= horizontal ) direction.
Michelson-Gale experiment used the rectangular vacuum pipe (= surrounded by the solid wall ) inside which tube the light medium substance's velocity is balanced and uniform, which can detect light speed changed by the earth rotation, violating the relativity (= this rectangular circuit's shape doesn't change, and the north and south pipes' velocities are different due to different earth's spinning speeds, so this is similar to the rotation that does not accelerate or drag the medium in tangential direction ).
The rotating ring path does not change or accelerate the light medium's velocity (= or light speed ) in the tangential direction (= because the wall of this rotating vacuum ring tube doesn't push the medium in tangential direction ), which can detect light speed difference between clockwise and anticlockwise seen by the observer rotating with the ring, which disproved Einstein relativity with the constant light speed c seen by any moving observers. ← Optical fiber case is also compatible with the light medium ( this 7th, last-paragraphs ).
GPS satellite flying at the altitude far higher than the boundary atmosphere (= the free atmosphere is Not influenced by the earth spinning nor collision with the buildings near the earth surface ), which can detect the light speed changed by the earth spinning as Sagnac effect disproving Einstein relativity.
↑ The observed light speed is affected only by the earth spinning, Not affected by the GPS satellite's speed (= which difference cannot be explained by general relativity ) because the light emitted by the satellite travels through the medium moving with earth at the light speed c (= but this earth medium is unfixed to the earth spinning, like free atmosphere, which can detect the earth's spinning velocity ).
(Fig.2) Lights traveling clockwise and anticlockwise reach S (= on the loop light path rotating at v ) at different times, which Sagnac effect can be explained classically, and contradicts Einstein relativity with the constant light speed c.
In Sagnac effect using optical gyroscopes, two beams of light emitted by a light source S travel clockwise (= red light-2 ) and anticlockwise (= blue light-1 ) inside the loop circuit path rotating at a velocity v clockwise, and reach the S at different times.
From the perspective of the S observer rotating at V, the light-1 travels anticlockwise at a faster light speed C+V, and the light-2 travels clockwise at a slower light speed C-V, which Sagnac effect (= this faster-than-light motion was experimentally confirmed in the vacuum this 7th-paragraph ) can be naturally explained by the ordinary classical mechanics irrelevant to relativistic theory ( this p.2-p.3 ).
↑ This Sagnac effect where the observed light speed c is changed by the observers' motion disproves Einstein relativity that claims the observed light speed must be always constant c ( this-abstract, this p.2-last-conclusion, ).
This Sagnac effect (= faster-than-light motion disproving Einstein relativity ) has nothing to do with general relativity, because also from the perspective of S rorating at v, the circumference remains 2π× radius (= radius is not Lorentz contracted ), which means S paradoxically sees the light-1 traveling at faster-than-light speed = C+V (= V is the S rotating speed, C is the light speed in vacuum ), and the light-2 traveling at slower-than-light speed C-V in one round of the circular path.
All positions along the circular path are symmetrical, rotating at the same speed V relative to the outside stationary observer, so all the clocks along the circular path rotating at the same V as S run at the same pace (= all these clocks rotating at V run slightly slower than the outside stationary clock, which doesn't change the paradoxical fact that the rotating S sees the light-1 traveling faster than light, or sees light-2 traveling slower than light.)
When the radius of this circular path is very large (= like the large earth ), this circular motion is almost linear motion (= like the varying light speed measured on the earth surface in GPS and Michelson-gale experiments ) which has nothing to do with general relativity's non-inertial rotating (= accelerating ) frame.
↑ General relativity is used as an excuse for admitting absolute frame of the stationary earth and the faster (or slower) light speed, which clearly contradits Einstein relativity with the constant light speed c, relativistic mass (= relativistic mass becomes unreal imaginary mass when the light speed v exceeds C ), and cannot explain why light speed is unchanged by the earth rotating around Sun.
(Fig.3) Light-1 moving at c anticlockwise in the opposite direction from the circular path rotating at V can reach S faster than light-2 moving clockwise, which Sagnac effect is classical mechanics.
In Sagnac effect, light-1 (= traveling anticlockwise at light speed c ) and light-2 (= traveling clockwise at light speed c ) emitted from S (= light source and detector ) reach S rotating clockwise at a velocity V (= rω, r is the radius of the circular path, ω is the angular velocity of the the circular path and S ) at different times t1 and t2.
This time difference t2 - t1 can be naturally obtained by the ordinary classical mechanics irrelevant to Einstein relativity ( this p.1-right-lower~p.2, this p.13-2.5.5 ).
↑ This Sagnac effect disproves Einstein relativity claiming the observed light speed must be always the constant c, because from the perspective of the S rotating at V, the measured light speed becomes faster (= c + V ) or slower (= c - V ) than the light speed c.
Also in the case of the radius r → ∞, the angular velocity ω → 0, the velocity rω → V, which corresponds to the linear motion (= special relativity case ), the time difference (= light speed difference ) between two lights 1 and 2 remains, hence the total time difference t2 - t1 (= r × finite value ) → ∞, which disagrees with Einstein relativity with the constant light speed c.
(Fig.4) General relativity for Sagnac effect allows the light speed to exceed c, depending on observer S motion, which is self-contradictory.
General relativity, which can artificially choose various ad-hoc metric or coordinates, cannot predict nor validate this Sagnac effect ( this p.1-abstract, this p.3-table1 ).
This p.1-right-1st-paragraph says
"Despite countless explanations, in more than
a hundred years, there are still different interpretations of
Sagnac experiment in the framework of the GTR (= general theory of relativity )"
This p.17-lower-1, 2 says
"The Kerr metric is completely different, and cannot be
used to explain the Sagnac effect."
"So, this explanation for the Sagnac effect is still Newtonian one, Not real relativistic one."
The standard general relativistic explanation for Sagnac effect uses the same rotating system as the ordinary classical mechanics exceeding light speed c contradicting Einstein relativity ( this p.2-3, this p.2 ).
In the upper Fig.4, rdθ'/dt is the (varying) light speed (= which becomes faster c + V or slower c - V than light speed c ) observed by S rotating (= moving ) at a velocity V = rω.
If Einstein relativity or Lorentz transformation claiming the measured light speed must be always the constant c irrelevant to observers is true, this rdθ'/dt must be the light speed c, which does Not satisfy the general relativistic Sagnac effect equation (= so wrong ), as shown in Fig.4-middle.
↑ All clocks moving with the symmetrical circular path in different positions tick at the same pace slightly slower than the outside stationary clocks (= so when the rotating S measures the faster-than-light speed c + V, all other clocks rotating along the circular path in different positions also measure the faster-than-light speed ).
When the light-1 has traveled the distance of ct1 (< 2πr ) anticlockwise (= light-1 emitted from S arrives at the rotating S in the time t1 ) as seen by the outside stationary observer, the rotating S sees the light-1 traveling faster than light (= the rotating S sees the light-1 traveling the distance of the whole circumference of 2πr = longer than ct1 in less than t1 = radius r and the circumference of 2πr is not Lorentz length contracted = even if the circumference is slightly Lorentz contracted, the rotating S sees light-1 traveling faster than light ), which dispoves Einstein relativity.
This general relativistic explanation of Sagnac effect admits only one absolute frame of the stationary earth, which contradicts Einstein relativity with No absolute frame.
The earth revolving around the Sun (or galactic center ) is also the rotating system, hence, the light speed must be changed by the earth's velocity moving around the Sun contradicting Michelson-Morley experiment, if relativistic Sagnac effect was true.
As a result, both general and special relativity is wrong in Sagnac effect.
As a result, Einstein relativity is proven to be wrong (= strictly speaking, all things observed on the earth correspond to the rotating system contradicting Einstein relativity, = rotating systems of large radius r cases are approximately equal to the inertial system ). Only the medium moving with the earth (= but unfixed to the earth spinning like the air molecules ) can explain all the observed ( Sagnac and Michelson-Morley, Gale ) experiments without contradiction.
Also in the case of the radius r → ∞, the angular velocity ω → 0, the velocity rω → V, which corresponds to the linear motion (= special relativity case ), the time difference (= light speed difference ) between two lights 1 and 2 remains, hence the total time difference t2 - t1 (= r × finite value ) → ∞, which disagrees with Einstein relativity with the constant light speed c.
(Fig.5) Sagnac effect using optical fiber with refractive index n is compatible with the real light medium theory.
In Sagnac effect using optical fiber with refractive index n, the light speed is heavily influenced by the light medium in the fiber, which also confirms the light medium (= aether ) moving with the earth.
Fizeau experiment showed the light speed c is slowed down to c/n (= n is water's refractive index ) in water medium, and the light is partially dragged by the moving water medium.
↑ Einstein relativity or its Lorentz transformation can Not explain why the light speed c is suddenly slowed down to c/n inside the water medium, so false.
As shown in Fig.5, the time difference between light-1 (= traveling anticlockwise ) and light-2 (= traveling clockwise ) reaching the S rotating clockwise at a velocity of V = rω (= r is radius of the circular path, ω is the angular velocity of the path ) is almost independent of the refractive index n ( this p.6 ) by using the real medium theory partially dragging light of Fizeau ( this p.13-lower, this p.2 ).
The fact that two lights reaching the rotating S inside the rotating optical fiber medium at different times means the light speed is Not uniform in the rest frame of the (optical fiber) medium which contradicts the relativistic interpretation (= light speed is always the same c/n in the rest frame of the medium whose refractive index is n, this p.16-upper, this p.6-(25)(26) ) of Fizeau experiment.
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