Antiparticle is unneeded.


Antiparticle research is meaningless.

[ Positron emission tomography (= PET ) doesn't use positron. ]

(Fig.1)  ↓ Positron emission can be replaced by electron capture.   

There is No antiparticle in our real world.
Then, who needs antiparticle or antimatter ?

The only practical use (← ? ) of antimatter is said to be positron emisstion tomography (= PET ).  But in fact, PET does Not use antimatter or positron.

Radioactive nuclei emit positron which annihilates with an electron instantly, emitting gamma light ?  So all they can detect is nuclei and gamma rays ( Not positron !)

Positron emission is exactly the same reaction as electron capture.
Both these reactions produce a neutron from a proton and an electron.

The problem of positron emisstion (= beta-plus decay ) is it has to create heavier neutron by breaking ligher proton into positron.  ← impossible !

Many radioactive nuclei such as Na-22 can decay into the same final nuclei through electron capture or positron emission (= β+ decay ).  ← this logic is contradictory !

They argue when a positron annihilates with an electron, it emits gamma lights with 2 × electron mass energy (= 2mec2 ), this logic is unscientific, too.

When a positive positron and a negative electron approach each other and its distance is zero, its Coulomb energy is "negative infinity", emitting infinite energy !

They ignore this enormous Coulomb energy between matter and antimatter, only considering Einstein mass energy, which is just a copy of Maxwell classical theory.

Conversely, it is impossible to separate a positive positron from a negative electron in an initial light, overcoming extremely strong Coulomb attraction between them.

Physicists started to adopt an artificial idea that the starting energy of positron emission (= β+ ) is lower than electron capture (= EC ) by just 2mec2 ( this p.7 ).

And when an energy difference between initial and final nuclei is less than 2mec2, electron capture is the only option.  ← too good to be true !

In fact, electron-positron annihilation must produce unreal virtual particles ( this p.5 ).
They need to collide electrons or protons with target nuclei to produce doughtful antiparticles.

While many irrelevant high-energy particles and γ lights are flying around, it is impossible to distinguish and measure very subtle antimatter de Broglie wave.

The last of this abstract just uses vague phrases "future application of this .. ?"  ← still useless except for wasting money in meaningless journals.


Quantum fake news.

[ Quantum unreal particles need fake news to deceive readers. ]

(Fig.2)  ↓ Useless quantum mechanics stops science.   

Quantum mechanics, which was invented 100 years ago, cannot deal with multi-electron atoms, so it has to rely on fictitious model with unreal quasiparticles with fake mass and charge.

They need to fabricate "fake news" full of ambiguous and misleading phrases to keep deceiving taxpayers, making useless physics look useful.

Skyrmion is unreal quasiparticle expressing some artificial magnetic pattern.
The last of this news just uses vague phrases "technologically-promising material ?"  ← still useless, nothing realized.

This news has nothing to do with fictional quantum computer.  They just try to use unreal quasiparticle = plasmon polariton (= SPP ? ) to explain some microscope ( this p.2 left ).

This and this researches are just "pie-in-the-sky" theory, Not experiments, so meaningless.  They try to use unreal quasiparticles plasmon and phonon.

This and this news just use ambiguous phrases "quantum sensor ?", "machine-learning ?", but said nothing about their practical use.  ← trick of quantum fake news.

The last of this news just says "data encoded in polarization of (classical) light" and "plan to perform further tests ..."  ← still useless, nothing realized.


Particle collider is waste of money.

[ They just pursue "imaginary" particle decay, endlessly. ]

(Fig.1)  ↓ All new unstable particles (← ? ) are useless for us.

Particle colliders are just waste of taxpayers' money.  Why ?

Half a century has passed since quarks and new particles were discovered.
But fractional-charge quarks cannot be isolated or detected. = just imagination.

All other particles made of unseen quarks are too unstable to detect, and useless for our daily lives.

Weak boson, which is said to mediate neutron decay, is unreal, undetectable virtual particles.  All particle reactions need unreal virtual particles contradicting Einstein.

Higgs is still useless, except for getting Nobel prize.
'Higgs gives mass' is a total lie.  Higgs field is undetectable.

This title is "poem" rather than science, just saying "more pieces to Higgs puzzle ?", and says nothing about its practical use.

Particle physicists are just pursuing imaginary particles such as Higgs decay (← ? ) endlessly.  If those too unstable particles decay so fast, it is useless forever.



2019/5/10 updated. Feel free to link to this site.