Quantum artificial model.


Quantum mechanics uses 'fake' model.

[ Atoms trapped in light = crystal with fractional charge !? ]

(Fig.1)  ↓ The current theory relies on unreal model.

Quantum mechanics relies on artificial model with unreal quasiparticle with fake mass and charge to describe phenomena.

This study tries to use artificial model of "cold atoms trapped in classical light" as "solid crystal", though they are different things !

Topological insulators means they use unreal massless quasiparticles to explain crystal electromagnetic property, so impractical.

The last of this news uses vague phrases "adapt artificial light crystal to find new .. ?"  ← still useless, nothing realized.

This research tries to use this artificial light crystal to generate unreal fractional-charge anyon quasiparticle.  ← meaningless research.

The last of this news uses vague phrases "just interesting from fundamental perspective ?"  ← still useless, nothing realized.

In this way, quantum mechanics relying on unreal model is useless, forever.


Elecron spin is fantasy.

[ Electron's spin cannot stop !  It doesn't return by 360o rotation ? ]

(Fig.2)  ↓ Classical orbit and electron spin have the same magnet !?

The middle of this news says "every electron acts like a tiny spinning bar magnet ?", this is fake news.

An electron is very tiny, so it has to be spinning faster-than-light to generate magnetic field, so spin is Not real "spinning" ?

The point is, we cannot see this unreal spin itself.  All we can detect is its magnetic field, which happens to be the same as classical orbit.

The Stern-Gerlach experiment measured silver atom's magnetic field (= by electron's orbital motion ), it cannot measure a single electron's spin.

Spin cannot explain Pauli principle, maximum electron number, they keep using fictitious spin in solid physics, which shows "electron spin" is unreal and useless.

Quantum mechanics can only describe this unreal spin as nonphysical math symbol and artificial parameters ( ex. Hubbard spin model, this p.25 ).

This news just uses vague phrases "discovered eccentric compounds that could help .. ?"  ← still useless, nothing realized.



2018/12/28 updated. Feel free to link to this site.