Useless quantum mechanics needs overhyped science news.


(Fig.1)  Quantum mechanics obstructing science needs fictional targets and hyped news

Photon quantum computing is a joke, Not a computer at all.

The 1st, 4-7th paragraphs of this hyped news say

"An international collaboration of researchers,. have achieved a significant breakthrough in quantum technology (= Not such a breakthrough, though ), with the successful demonstration of "quantum interference among several single photons (= just weak light ) using a novel resource-efficient platform. The work published in Science Advances represents a notable advancement in optical quantum computing that paves the way for more scalable quantum technologies (= false, this research's device suffering massive photon loss is Not scalable )."

"This technique manipulates the time domain of photons rather than their spatial statistics."

"To realize this approach, they developed an innovative architecture,.. utilizing an optical fiber loop. This design enables repeated use of the same optical components, facilitating efficient multi-photon interference with minimal physical resources (= instead of detecting multiple photons or weak lights by multiple detectors, they used only one detector or one optical fiber which detected one photon at a time repeatedly at different times, which cannot perform large calculation that needs to detect a lot photons at the same time, so impractical after all )."

"In our experiment, we observed quantum interference among up to eight photons (= detecting only eight photons at different times with massive photon loss can neither make any practical quantum computers nor scale up )"

" paving the way for more accessible and scalable (= but just 8 photons ) quantum technologies (= ambiguous "quantum" technology, again )."

Probability of simultaneously detecting only 8 photon bits is 0.000000001, which extremely low detection rate makes the photon quantum computer impossible.

Just detecting 8 photons or 8 weak lights with extremely high error rates cannot live up to the hype nor make any practical computers.

This research just got only up to 8 photons (= just 8 weak light pulses ) through a long optical fiber loop (= 20 meter, bulky device ), and made the early-arriving photons interfere with late-arriving photons with detection efficiency of only 10-9 = 99.9999999% photons were lost while passing this long bulky fiber loop (= this is why only 8 photons could be simultaneously detected ).

↑ This extremely low probability (= only 0.000000001 ) of simultaneously detecting 8 photons cannot realize any practical photon quantum computers which will need to detect many photons or many bits simultaneously.

Contents of this research paper ↓

This research paper ↓

Detecting only 8 photons or 8 bits, which is Not a computer at all.

p.1-right-last-paragraph says "one single photon source, one programmable loop interferometer, and one single photon detector (= which means they could detect only one photon or one bit at a time, which cannot make large calculation needing to detect many photons or many qubits simultaneously )"

"we measure single-photon count rates at 17.1 MHz, .. we observe the interference of up to 8 photons (= just 8 photons or 8 qubits, Not a computer at all )"

p.2-left says " a single-photon source at time intervals τ (= prepared single photon or weak light at time intervals of 100ns )"

"a beam splitter with time-varying reflectivity (= which adjustable reflectivity of classical beam splitter was treated as programming that is Not a true calculation programming at all ). Here, one output of the beam splitter is connected back (looped) to one of its inputs and traverses a delay matched to the arrival of a subsequent input photon after the time τ"

p.2-Fig.1 shows the source of single photons or weak laser lights must be kept at extremely-low temperature (= only 4K = impractical ), and Fig1(c) says " one output connected (looped) to one input via a 100-ns fiber-based delay (~20 m )"  ← Each detector needs as long as 20 meter bulky optical fiber to delay the the early-arriving photons, and make them interfere with later-arriving photons, which needs a lot of space = an impractical cumbersome device.

Probability of simultaneously detecting 8 photons or 8 weak lights is unrealistically low = only 10-9 due to massive photon loss.

p.4-left-1st-paragraph says "the practical limit is set by overall experimental efficiencies leading to an exponentially decreasing rate of n-photon events (= this massive photon loss is why only 8 photons could be detected )"

p.4-right says "The rate of the collision-free events for 8 interfering photons is already at the 5-mHz = 0.005 Herz (= only one detection per 200 seconds, completely impractical ) level (= massive photon loss from the original 17.1 MHz of single photon source = p.5-right-last )"

p.5-Fig.4C shows coincidence 8 photon count rate drastically decreased to only less than 0.01 Hz (= less than one detection per 100 seconds ) from the original single photon rate of 17.1 MHz (= 17100000 Hz ) with 85% efficiency (= even detecting a single photon or one qubit has error rate of 15% ), which means success probability of detecting 8 prepared photons is only 0.01/17100000 = 0.000000001, which cannot be scaled up nor used as a practical computer, contrary to the hyped news.

Photon quantum computer is just a joke, impractical forever.

As a result, this research just detected up to 8 interfering photons (= one photon at a time using a single detector ) with extremely high error rate or photon loss rate (= 99.9999999% photons were lost while going through the long bulky optical fiber just several times to wait to interfere with late-arriving photons ), which clearly shows the present quantum computer research is already deadend, hopeless, useless except for aiming at journals' pseudo-science.


Photon quantum computing is still joke, impractical.  Its error rate is 99.999999999% !

The 1-2nd, 4th, 10-11th, 13th paragraphs of this hyped news say

"Photonic quantum computers are computational tools that leverage quantum physics and utilize particles of light (i.e., photons) as units of information processing. These computers could (= just speculation ) eventually outperform conventional quantum computers in terms of speed, while also transmitting information across longer distances (= blatant hype, photon quantum computer is worst and hopeless )."

"Despite their promise (← ? ), photonic quantum computers have not yet reached the desired results (= far from the desired results ).  researchers.. demonstrated a large cluster state that could facilitate quantum computation in a photonic system, namely three-photon entanglement (= just three photon or three weak light qubits 001 cannot calculate anything )."

"However, the inherent challenge lies in the weak interaction between single photons, hindering the realization of deterministic two-qubit gates (= even simple two-qubit operation is impossible ) essential for scalability."

"Our experimental setup necessitates six single photons (= only six photon qubits cannot calculate anything ) for injection into a 10-mode passive interferometer."

"Our implementation utilizes an InAs/GaAs quantum dot as the single-photon source. The programmable interferometer, sourced from Quix, demonstrates an overall efficiency of 50% (= each single qubit error rate 50%, impractical )... the resulting output state across ports 1-6 manifests as a dual-rail encoded heralded 3-GHZ state (= GHZ state means three photon qubits are either 000 or 111 states ), contingent upon the detection of single photons in both ports and in just one of the ports."

"these developments suggest that we are moving closer (= still unrealized ) to the effective realization of fault-tolerant photonic quantum computers (= false, photon quantum computer's error rate is worst, hopeless, far from fault-tolerant )"

Only three-photon entanglement with extremely high error rate.

Only six photons (= 3 data photons + 3 auxiliary photons ) with miserably-high error rate of 99.999999999 %, far from fault-tolerant practical quantum computer.

This research used only six photons or lights (= only six qubits far from practically-required millions of qubits, this 7~8th-paragraphs ), detected three photons at designated three detectors (= 000 three detectors or 111 three detectors, which is called GHZ states ) by choosing the desired detection state of three other auxiliary (= herald ) photons with successful detection probability is only 0.0000000001 due to massive photon loss (= error rate is 99.999999999 % ), which is completely hopeless and impractical forever.

Contents of this research ↓

This research paper ( this )

p.2-Fig.1 shows (only) 6 photons or 6 weak lights (= 6 red circles in left ) split and interfered at multiple classical beam splitters (and phase shifters ). It was arranged that three photons of them reached the designated Q1,Q2,Q3 detectors (= called 3-GHZ state ) only when three remaining herald (= auxiliary ) photons were detected at desired detectors.

p.2-left-2nd-paragraph says "To prepare (only) six single photons, we firstly use.. InAs/GaAs quantum dot (QD),.. the QD emits ∼50 MHz (= 1000000 Hz ) polarized resonance fluorescence single photons at the end of the single-mode fiber ( this light source emitted 1000000 photons per second )."

p.3-right-2nd-paragraph~p.4 says "the heralding efficiency is defined as the probability of successfully achieving a desired GHZ state when there are coincidences of desired heralding detectors. In our experiment, we obtain a heralding efficiency of ∼0.0005 (= success rate of achieving three photons' GHZ state is only 0.0005 when desired herald photons were detected )"  ← Too bad photon qubit detection efficiency.

Probability of detecting 6 photons simultaneously was only 0.0000000001 due to a significant photon loss.

p.5-Fig.4(a) shows total six-photon coincidence counts is only less than 300 counts during 23 hours, which means success detection rate of 6 photons is only 300/( 82800(= second/23hour ) × 50 × 1000000 (= 50MHz photon generation = p.2-left )) = 0.0000000001 (= extremely high error rate of 99.999999999 % ), which extremely-erroneous photon quantum computer (= still Not a computer ) is completely impractical and hopeless.

As a result, quantum computers are already deadend and hopeless, and used only for journals' pseudo-science or fake targets for useless quantum mechanical research in overhyped fake news.


Quantum computer's error correction is an impractical empty idea forever.

The 1-3rd, 12th, 15th, 19th paragraph of this this hyped news say

"The fragile qubits that make up quantum computers offer a powerful computational tool (= hype, quantum computers always give wrong answers with No ability to correct errors ), yet also present a conundrum"

"However, many such error-correction schemes involve duplicating information across hundreds or thousands of physical qubits at once, which quickly becomes hard to scale up (= quantum error correction is still impossible )"

"a team of scientists.. has developed the blueprint for a quantum computer that can more efficiently correct errors ( just blueprint, No experimental realization )"

"Harvard University and QuEra Computing... By matching the structure of quantum codes and these hardware capabilities, we can implement these more advanced qLDPC (= error correction ) codes with only a few control lines, (= hype, Harvard-QuEra atomic qubits can only perform illegitimate postselection or discarding error qubits with No ability to correct errors )"

"The framework is still theoretical (= meaning still No experimental realization of error correction ).. The PME team is now working to further fine-tune their blueprint."

↑ This research just showed an impractical blueprint for (impossible) quantum computer's error correction with No experiment, which is already deadend, No progress.

Quantum computing breakthrough hype, even a single qubit's error is bad and can Not be corrected.

The 1-3rd, 7-8th, 11th, 13th, 17th paragraphs of this overhyped news about quantum error correction (= their error could Not be corrected after all ) say

"Scientists have designed a physical qubit that behaves as an error-correcting "logical qubit," and now they think (= just think, No realization ) they can scale it up to make a useful quantum computer using a few hundred (= hype, this research just used only one qubit with impractically- high error rate, completely hopeless )."

"Quantum computers that are more powerful than the fastest supercomputers could be closer than experts have predicted (= false, quantum computer is already deadend ), researchers from startup Nord Quantique argue."

"That's because the company has built an individual error-correcting physical qubit that could dramatically cut the number of qubits needed to achieve quantum advantage (= overhyped fake news, this research used only one impractical qubit whose error rate was much worse than other earlier qubits' researches with No progress, rather regressing )"

"But qubits are "noisy," meaning they are highly prone to interference from their environment, such as changes in temperature, which leads to high error rates. For that reason, they often need to be cooled to near absolute zero, but even then they can still fall into "decoherence" midway through calculations and fail due to external factors (= quantum computers can Not give right answers due to extremely-high error rates )"

"This high error rate means a quantum computer would need to have millions of qubits to achieve quantum supremacy. But today's most powerful quantum computers contain just 1,000 qubits (= which means all the quantum supremacy or advantage claims so far with far less than millions of qubits were fake )."

"Nord Quantique's scientists built one "bosonic qubit," which is around the size of a walnut (= so this research just built only one very big bulky qubit of walnut size, just one bit could Not calculate anything ), from up to 10 microwave photons, or light particles, that resonate in a highly pure superconducting aluminum cavity — which is cooled to near absolute zero (= impractically-low temperature was needed )."

"Their bosonic codes extended the coherence time of individual qubits by only 14% (= just slightly extending one unstable qubit's lifetime by 14% without correcting errors nor computation is getting nowhere )"

"Still, obstacles to quantum supremacy remain (= No quantum computer's supremacy after all, because they used only one qubit )."

Just preparing one single qubit with fragile photons whose error rate was impractically high, and No error correction, No hope of scaling up. Only hypes remain.

↑ This research just prepared only one qubit consisting of photons trapped in cavity mirrors resonating with one superconducting (= transmon ) qubit with impractically high error rate of 15% that got worse with time, No error correction was achieved, contrary to the hype.

This research paper ( this 10th-paragraph,  this ↓ )

p.2-Fig.1 shows only one storage (= data ) qubit of cavity's photons and one auxiliary superconducting qubit (= used only for detecting errors not for calculation ), ← only one qubit is far from millions of qubits required for the future practical quantum computer

p.3-Fig.2(d) and p.4-Fig.3(c) showed even one single qubit's error rate (= after preparing initial state only once ) was bad, as high as 15 % (= logical fidelity = 1 - error rate is 0.85 ) which error rate was getting worse and higher even after quantum error correction (= QEC ) operation (= manipulated by microwave ) that was meaningless and useless.

p.11-Fig.S2(a) shows this one single qubit consisting of cavity (= photons ) and auxiliary transmon qubit is as big as 10mm, ← a completely impractical bulky qubit.

↑ This research's single qubit error rate of 15% (= 0.15  = fidelity was 0.85 ) is more terrible and higher than other earlier research qubits' error rates of 0.01~0.0001, and far from practically-required error rate of 10-15 ( this 5th-paragraph ).  ← No progress, or rather regressing in quantum error correction research.

And as shown in this p.4-Figure 3(c), this single (storage) qubit's error rate is getting worse (= logical fidelity is decreasing from the initial 0.85 with time ) without improvement even after the alleged quantum error correction (= QEC ) operation that was completely meaningless.

So this hyped headline "Quantum computing breakthrough could happen with just hundreds, not millions, of qubits using new error-correction system" is completely misleading and fake news.

New device with only one impractical qubit cannot be a foundation for quantum computing.

The 1st-2nd, 5th, 11-12th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"Scientists.. have adapted a device called a microwave circulator for use in quantum computers, allowing them for the first time to precisely tune the exact degree of nonreciprocity between a qubit, the fundamental unit of quantum computing, and a microwave-resonant cavity (= hype, this research device is useless with No ability to compute )."

"the team.. derived a general and widely applicable theory that simplifies and expands upon older understandings of nonreciprocity so that future work (= meaning still useless now ) on similar topics can take advantage of the team's model"

"qubits aren't relegated to being only 0s or 1s—they can be both at the same time in a way that sounds like magic,.. This property of quantum superposition leads to the increased power capabilities of quantum computers (= baseless hype. as long as the present error-prone quantum computers cannot give right answers, No evidence of the powerful simultaneous quantum computing allegedly harnessing fictional parallel universes or superposition states that are unobservable )."

"The "integrated nonreciprocal device" that the team built looks like a "Y." At the center of the "Y" is the circulator, which is like a traffic roundabout for the microwave signals mediating the quantum interactions. One of the legs is the cavity port, a resonant superconducting cavity hosting an electromagnetic field. Another leg of the "Y" holds the qubit (= only one single qubit that could Not calculate anything ) "

"If we vary the superconducting electromagnetic field by bombarding it with photons,.. we see that that ( only one ) qubit reacts in a predictable and controllable way, which means that we can adjust exactly how much reciprocity we want. "

"This is the first demonstration of embedding nonreceptivity into a quantum computing device (= hype, this device contains only one qubit 0 or 1 that could Not compute anything, still Not a computer at all )"

Just one single impractical unstable qubit cannot compute anything.

↑ This research just measured how the states of only one superconducting qubit (= just classical circuit ) and classical lights (or photons ) trapped in cavity mirrors interacted with each other and changed (= reciprocity ). No computation was made, and No practical application.

This research paper ↓

p.2-left-system setup says "we engineer a nonreciprocal interaction between a niobium superconducting cavity and a superconducting transmon qubit (= just one qubit cannot calculate anything ) connected to two output ports of the waveguide Y-junction"

p.2-right-1st-paragraph says "qubit lifetimes ranging from < 1μs to about 3μs (= a qubit is extremely unstable, short-lived, easily broken only in 3 microseconds = impractical ) recently,... We observe T1 and T2 on the order of a few microseconds (up to 10μs  ← extremely short qubit lifetime,  this p.3-left-Fig.2 )"

"p.3-left-2nd-paragraph says "To characterize the phenomenon of dispersive nonreciprocity (= just interaction ) between the (one) qubit and the cavity, we compare the qubit frequency shift per cavity photon, labeled χcq, with cavity frequency shift in response to the qubit excitation, labeled χqc."

p.4-left-lower-(2) unphysical model has No real picture of cavity photons and qubit.

p.5-Fig.4B shows the photons' number (= nτ ) in cavity rapidly decreased and became almost zero in just 100ns  ← photons' or qubit's lifetime was extremely short, and impractical.

p.5-right-verification says "we have used a set of experimental measurements to characterize the parameters of the general master equation model in Eq. 2 (= just using experimentally-obtained parameters with No quantum mechanical prediction )"

p.8-right-upper says "waveguide Y-junction in a chirality-dependent manner, forming a series of chiral photon-magnon polariton modes (= unreal quasiparticle model,  this p.1-abstract-first )"

As a result, quantum computers' researches are already deadend, as shown in this research's only one impractical qubit that could not calculate anything, so they tried to aim at useless meaningless scientific target "reciprocity between one qubit and cavity's photons" only for publishing papers in journals.

Scalable silicon-based quantum processor hype.

Various news sites baselessly claimed that Intel takes next step toward mass production of "scalable" silicon-based fault-tolerant quantum computer (= "scalable" is one of the most-often-used hyping phrases like "million-qubit in the future = still unrealized" ).

Unfortunately, quantum computers, especially this silicon-type spin qubits are deadend, far from scalable quantum computers, because the largest silicon-spin quantum computer so far has only six impractical qubits ( this p.2-Fig.2 ) = just six bitstrings, which is still Not a computer, and too small number of qubits to compute anything.

Silicon spin qubit is said to trap a single electron in each quantum dot, and each single electron's magnetic field direction with up or down (= caused by electron's orbital motion, Not unphysical spin ) is used as qubit's 0 or 1 states, which is extremely unstable, hence impossible to scale up.

The 1-3rd, 5th, last paragraph of this hyped news say

"The journal Nature has published a research paper,.. demonstrating state-of-the-art uniformity, fidelity and measurement statistics of spin qubits (= this state-of-the-art means "far from practical" ). The industry-leading research opens the door for the mass production and continued scaling of silicon-based quantum processors,.. building a fault-tolerant quantum computer (= hype, this research conducted "only single qubit" operation in just two qubits far from scaled-up computers, this p.12-left-Randomized benchmark )"

"Quantum hardware researchers from Intel developed a 300-millimeter cryogenic probing process to collect high-volume data on the performance of spin qubit devices (= these devices do Not mean spin qubits themselves, but a mere platform ) across whole wafers using complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) manufacturing techniques (← this research is just about qubit's platform or wafer, Not about spin qubits or quantum computation itself )"

"an important step needed to scale up quantum computers (= meaning "still No scale up" ). Researchers also found that single-electron devices from these wafers perform well when operated as spin qubits, achieving 99.9% gate fidelity (= error rate is 0.1% or 0.001 in single-qubit operation, No progress, far from practically-required error rate of 10-15, this abstract )"

"Realizing fault-tolerant quantum computers with millions of uniform qubits will require highly reliable fabrication processes (= the present hopeless quantum computers with only small numbers of qubits are far from practically-required millions of qubits, this 6~8th-paragraphs )"

"Building on these findings, Intel plans (= just plan, still unrealized ) to continue to make advances.."

Intel's new silicon platform could Not conduct even two-qubit operation.

Still one single qubit operation in a small number of qubits, hopeless, No ability to compute.

This research just built some "platform" or "wafer (which they called spin qubit devices )" for electron qubits, and did Not increase qubits themselves nor compute anything, so quantum computer research is deadend, only hypes remain.

Contents of this research paper ↓

This research paper ↓

The current largest silicon spin quantum computer has only 6 impractical qubits.

p.1-left-1st-paragraph says "Today, integrated spin qubit arrays have reached sizes of six quantum dots (= only six qubits were built so far, which are far from practically-required millions of qubits)"

p.1-right-2nd-paragraph says "It has Not yet been clearly shown that CMOS manufacturing infrastructure can bring the same improvements to variation and yield of quantum devices as have been made for classical devices (= still No quantum computer )"

Just platform. No quantum computation.

p.3-left-last-paragraph says ". The 12QD (= quantum dot ) design consists of a linear array of 12 quantum dots (= just quantum dots with No electron qubits ) with four opposing sensor dots... defined by three gates each: one plunger gate (= voltage ) to control the electron number on the dot and one barrier gate on each side to tune the tunnel coupling to the neighbouring dot"

p.4-Fig.3 and p.5-Fig.4 show just various electric voltages applied to quantum dots with No electron qubits' computation.

Precise control of silicon qubits was impossible.

p.5-left-last~right-upper says "From the 1e and 2e voltages (= voltages required to put one or two electrons in each quantum dot ) obtained here, we estimate that a median of 63% of quantum dots per 12QD device could be set to n = 1e with a common voltage.. this result is still far from the level of uniformity needed (= controlling the electron's number or putting one electron 1e in each quantum dot by the designated voltage is impossible, which cannot scale up at all )"

p.5-right-last-paragraph says "coherence times of T2 = 0.6μs (5μs)"  ← each qubit lifetime is less than 5μs ( this 3rd-paragraph ) = too short-lived, too unstable to scale up.

No improvement in the error rate. No quantum computation, No two-qubit gate operation.

p.5-right-last-paragraph also says "In a 28Si device, we also demonstrate high single-qubit (= just one single qubit operation, Not a computer at all ) Clifford fidelities of about 99.9% (= still high error rate for only one single qubit operation, which is far from scaled-up millions of qubits ) "

p.7-left says "extract an electron temperature of 1.6 ± 0.2 K (= too low temperature to be practical ) "

p.14-Extended-Fig.1c says ", Randomized benchmarking of single-qubit Clifford gates for two qubits, Q1 and Q2, from a 28Si device (= using only two qubits and conducting only one single qubit operation even without two-qubit gate operation such as CNOT, which is Not quantum computing at all )"

↑ Each qubit lifetime (= T2 ) measured by Rabi oscillation (= each qubit state oscillates between 0 ↔ 1 ) in other 39 qubits (= each individual qubit was treated independently from other qubits, so No computation nor two-qubit operation ) is only less than 50 μs ( this-middle-Figure.4 ).

↑ As a result, this research is just about building the still-unstable error-prone platform or wafer for electron qubits, and conducted only one single qubit operation in small numbers of quantum dots with No quantum computation, deadend and useless except for publishing papers in journals.


Hopeless quantum computer with only two impractical qubits craves "millions of qubits scalable" hype.

The 1st, 4-7th, 9-10th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"Researchers.. have achieved the first controllable interaction between Two hole spin qubits in a conventional silicon transistor. The breakthrough opens up the possibility (= just speculation ) of integrating millions of these qubits on a single chip (= hype, this experiment built only two impractical qubits far from millions of qubits )."

"For a quantum computer to be practical, millions of qubits must be accommodated on a single chip. The most advanced quantum computers today have only a few hundred qubits, meaning they can only perform calculations that are already possible (and often more efficient) on conventional (classical) computers.. (= meaning No quantum computer supremacy nor advantage so far, contrary to hypes )"

"To solve the problem,.. researchers.. rely on a type of qubit that uses the spin (intrinsic angular momentum) of an electron or a hole. A hole is essentially a missing electron in a semiconductor."

"Both holes and electrons possess spin (= false, a hole is empty with No spin ), which can adopt one of two states: up or down, analogous to 0 and 1 in classical bits (= wrong, electron is Not spinning, its fictitious spin qubit 0 or 1 means the realistic electron's orbital motion's up or down directions )"

"These "FinFETs" (fin field-effect transistors) are built into modern smartphones and are produced in widespread industrial processes (= these practical classical transistors or smartphones have nothing to do with the impractical quantum computers with only two qubits ). Now, a team.. has succeeded for the first time in achieving a controllable interaction between Two qubits (= only two bitstring cannot calculate anything nor make a computer ) within this setup."

"Hole spins (= "hole" means "empty space", its fictitious hole spin just means other electrons' complex orbital motions ) allow us to create (only) two-qubit gates that are both fast and high-fidelity (= hype, No fidelity was measured in this research ). This principle now also makes it possible to couple a larger number of qubit pairs (= just principle, and only two impractical qubits = an extremely small number of qubits )"

"The coupling of two spin qubits is based on their exchange interaction, which occurs between two indistinguishable particles that interact with each other electrostatically. Surprisingly, the exchange energy (= unphysical exchange energy with No real exchange force ) of holes is not only electrically controllable (= so their fictitious exchange energy means just ordinary electric interaction ), but strongly anisotropic. This is a consequence of spin-orbit coupling (= paradoxical unreal concept.  This research just maipulated two hole states by electric voltages, No fictional quantum mechanical concepts such as spins or exchange energy appeared. )"

"they are also highly scalable (= frequently-used "scalable" hypes for the still only two impractical qubits ) and have proven to be fast and robust in experiments (= wrong, still No proof )"

Only two impractical qubits of silicon holes with high error rate.

Only two impractical qubits far from living up to hypes of millions of qubits.  Deadend quantum computer.

This research just tried to manipulate two impractical qubits (= 01 ) expressed by two empty holes in silicon, which were manipulated by applied electric voltage, with No quantum computation and No practical application.

Contents of this research paper ↓

This research paper ↓

The current largest silicon quantum computer has only 6 qubits, which is Not a computer.

p.1-left-1st-paragraph says "Currently, the most advanced spin-based quantum processor allows for universal control of ( only ) six electron spin qubits in silicon, closely followed by a four-qubit demonstration with holes in germanium (= the current largest silicon spin quantum computer, which is still Not a computer at all, has only 4~6 impractical qubits far from practically-required millions of qubits,  this 2nd-paragraph )"

Atomic energy levels are used as a qubit's 0 or 1, which is irrelevant to (fictitious) spin.

p.2-left-3rd-paragraph says ". The double quantum dot (DQD) hosting qubits Q1 and Q2 (= only two qubits ) is formed beneath plunger gates P1 and P2.. For this purpose, fast voltage pulses and microwave (MW) bursts are applied to P1 and a spin-flip is detected in the form of an increased spin blockade leakage current (= just manipulating by classical electric voltage and microwave, and detecting it through electric currents with No quantum mechanical spin )"

p.3-right-last-pragraph~p.4-left mentions just artificially fitting free parameters of the unphysical quantum mechanical exchange energy model to experiments instead of being predicted by quantum mechanical theory ( this p.12-middle~lower ), so No evidence of spin or quantum mechanical exchange energy.

These two holes qubits were so error-prone that their precise error rate could not be measured.

p.4-left-3rd-paragraph says "We remark that our transport-based readout scheme prevents single-shot spin measurements and severely limits the duration of the qubits' manipulation stage, such that randomized benchmarking to determine a two-qubit gate fidelity could Not be performed (= even fidelity or error rate of two-qubit operation could Not be measured in this research )"

p.7-left-Experimental setup mentions the extremely-low temperature of only 40 mK, which is completely impractical and extremely energy-inefficient, compared to already-used practical classical computers operated at room temperature.

As a result, this research just tried to make only two impractical unstable bits or qubits, far from practically-required millions of qubits (= just dreaming uncertain future ), so quantum computer research is already deadend, No progress, and useless except for publishing papers in journals.


Just preparing pure silicon does Not make quantum computers nor live up to million-qubit hypes.

The 1st, 4-5th, 11th, 13-15th, 17th, 19th paragraphs of this hyped news say

"Researchers.. have invented a breakthrough technique for manufacturing highly purified silicon that brings powerful quantum computers a big step closer (= they just purified silicon, Even one single qubit has Not been built in this research, much less the overhyped million-qubit quantum computer )."

"With robust coherence provided by our new technique, quantum computers could (= just speculation ) solve in hours or minutes some problems that would take conventional or 'classical' computers—even supercomputers—centuries (= just hype )."

"Quantum bits or qubits—the building blocks of quantum computers—are susceptible to tiny changes in their environment, including temperature fluctuations. Even when operated in tranquil refrigerators near absolute zero (minus 273 degrees Celsius), current quantum computers can maintain error-free coherence for only a tiny fraction of a second (= all the current quantum computers are error-prone, unable to give right answers, so No supremacy )"

"Our technique opens the path to reliable quantum computers that promise (= just speculation ) step changes across society, including in artificial intelligence, secure data and communications, vaccine and drug design, and energy use, logistics and manufacturing (= so many unfounded hypes, their silicon-qubit quantum computer has only up to 6 impractical qubits so far, still Not a computer at all )."

"we believe silicon is the leading candidate for quantum computer chips that will (= just uncertain future, still unrealized ) enable the enduring coherence required for reliable quantum calculations (= still, No calculations )"

"The problem is that while naturally occurring silicon is mostly the desirable isotope silicon-28, there's also about 4.5 percent silicon-29. Silicon-29 has an extra neutron in each atom's nucleus that acts like a tiny rogue magnet, destroying quantum coherence and creating computing errors."

"In previously published research.. the world record for single-qubit coherence of 30 seconds using silicon that was less purified (= coherence time or lifetime of a qubit is only less than 30 s, easily broken, and this previous research used only one impractical P nuclear magnetic qubit, Not a silicon's fictional electron-spin qubit nor computing, this this Fig.1-3, Fig.4-a-right this-abstract )"

"Now that we can produce extremely pure silicon-28 (= this research just purified silicon, No qubits nor quantum computers were built ), our next step will (= still unrealized ) be to demonstrate that we can sustain quantum coherence for many qubits simultaneously"

"A reliable quantum computer with just 30 qubits would (= just speculation ) exceed the power of today's supercomputers for some applications (= baseless hype, the present quantum computers with less than 127 qubits or millions of qubits were proved to be far inferior to ordinary classical computer, this-4th-paragraph.  And these fake quantum computers are too error-prone to give right answers, so they focus only on outputting impractical random meaningless numbers into which they tried to hide errors )"

Just purifying silicon, No quantum computation.

Just purifying silicon without building even a single qubit cannot live up to the million-qubit quantum computer hype.

This research just purified silicon-28, and did Not even build one single bit or qubit, much less quantum computers, contrary to the powerful quantum computer hype.

Contents of this research paper ↓

This research paper ↓

p.2-Table 1 shows densities of Si isotopes.

p.2-Fig.1, p.3-Fig.2 show Si beam to purify it, and the mass spectrometry (= SIMS ) for estimating the isotopic ratio of Si28 to Si29.

p.4-Fig.3, p.5-Fig.4 show just the image of transmission electron microscopy or TEM of silicon.

↑ This research just purified silicon, No single qubit nor quantum computer was built, which shows even this clean silicon could Not change the fact of the deadend quantum computer research.


Fake quantum computer with only two qubits can Not compute nor simulate anything including nuclear reactions.

The 2nd, 4th, 7th, 9th paragraphs of this hyped news say

"As the mass of the colliding nuclei grows, the resources required to model them outpace even the most powerful conventional computers. Quantum computers could perform the necessary computations (= hype ). However, they currently fall short of the required number of reliable and long-lived quantum bits"

"The researchers successfully used the hybrid computing (= meaning "Not quantum computing" ) scheme to simulate the scattering of two neutrons (= only two neutrons were simulated ?  Not difficult at all )
This opens a path to computing nuclear reaction rates that are difficult or impossible to measure in a laboratory (= hype, this research used only two impractical qubits 01 for two fake neutrons' spin states, this p.3-left 1.Map, Fig.2~7 )."

"In this hybrid approach, the time evolution of the particles' spatial coordinates is carried out on a classical processor (= because the present error-prone quantum computer with tiny numbers of qubits alone cannot calculate anything ), while the evolution of their spin variables (= actually, No spins appeared in this research ) is carried out on quantum hardware (= only impractical two bits 01 ). The researchers demonstrated this hybrid scheme by simulating the scattering of (only) two neutrons at the AQT"

"Even with the simplicity of the demonstration system this project studied, the results suggest that a generalization of the present hybrid scheme may (= just speculation, still useless ) provide a promising pathway for simulating quantum scattering experiments with a quantum computer (= this research's just two qubits are still Not a computer, hence No simulation at all )."

Simulating nuclear reactions on quantum computers (= only two bits ) is hype and impossible.

Just two impractical error-prone qubits can Not simulate the overhyped nuclear reactions or even two neutrons at all.

This research just manipulated only two impractical superconducting qubits (= just like classical LC circuit's two energy current states were used as each qubit's 0 or 1 state,  this p.2 ) by classical microwave as ones representing two imaginary neutrons' spin states (= 00, 01, = up-down spins ?  this p.3-left-1.Map, p.4-Fig.2-(b) )

No actual computer simulation (= just two impractical bits 01 can Not calculate or simulate anything, contrary to hypes ), No practical use.

Contents of this research paper ↓

This research paper ( this ↓ ).

Quantum mechanics cannot predict nuclear reaction.

p.2-right-II mentions nucleon-nucleon potentials of chiral effective field theory, which was obtained from fitting parameters to experimental results, Not from quantum mechanical prediction ( this-introduction-3rd-paragraph,  this p.2-II,  this p.9 ).

Using only two impractical qubits or two bitstring (= 01 ) cannot simulate nuclear reactions.

p.3-left-1. says "Map the spin states of the two neutrons onto the computational states of a two qubit processor (= using only two bits, Not a computer at all )... We use the |00⟩, |01⟩, |10⟩, and |11⟩ states to represent, respectively, the coupled two-spin states (= two qubits 01 represented two neutrons' spins up and down )"

Classical computer was used to simulate almost all reactions in this research.  ← Quantum computer with only two qubits was completely useless.

p.3-right says classical computer was used to update two neutrons' positions from the input potentials V with 1000 time steps, and two-qubits representing two neutrons' spins up or down were changed or updated only 20 times ( due to a lot of errors ).

p.4-Fig.2-(b) shows the probabilities of how two qubits (= 0, 1 ) changed with time by the chosen two-spin-potential.

Even two qubits caused a lot of errors that could Not be corrected.

p.6-Fig.8 shows the infidelity (= error rate ) increased to 0.3~0.4 (= 30 ~ 40% error rate) in just two qubits, which is too error-prone and completely useless.

p.10-right-3.state purification ~ p.11-left says "Under RC, we assume that an approximately depolarizing noise model can fit the observed results,.. This renormalization is performed as a postprocessing step (= they tried to reduce errors by artificial postprocessing based on noise model without performing legitimate error corrections, because just two qubits cannot perform error correction operations )"

Illegitimate error mitigation applied on only two qubits was useless.

p.11-4 circuit compression says "As an additional error mitigation method,.. to decompose any two-qubit unitary into a circuit with at most three CNOT gates. This method is not scalable to larger numbers of qubits, but it is viable in this experiment using only two qubits (= they artificially reduced the original 20 qubit gate operations to only 3 gate operations using artificial model to reduce errors, which ad-hoc method cannot be scalable )"

↑ p.5-Fig.4, Fig.5 show the use of this artificial error mitigation (= compression and purification ) could reduce errors of two qubits (= observed points approached the ideal lines in Fig.5 ).

As a result, this research just treated only two bits (= 01 ) or two qubits as two fictitious neutrons' spin states. ← How to change qubit's state was controlled by the classical computer.

Just two qubits can Not compute nor simulate anything, contrary to hypes.

And they could Not carry out legitimate error correction (= which would require millions of qubits ), instead, used artificial error mitigation model or limited the number of qubit's operation only to three times to suppress errors, which cannot be scalable to large calculation or practical simulation at all.


Electron spin holding quantum information for only extremely-short 1 microsecond is useless, unreal.

The 1-2nd, 5-7th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"Scientists have discovered that a "single atomic defect" in a layered 2D material can hold onto quantum information (= vague "quantum" information ) for microseconds at room temperature, underscoring the potential (= just speculation ) of 2D materials in advancing quantum technologies (= vague "quantum" technology, and just holding some unstable information for only extremely-short = microseconds is completely useless )"

"The defect, found by researchers.. using a thin material called hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), demonstrates spin coherence—a property where an electronic spin can retain quantum information—under ambient conditions. They also found that these spins can be controlled with light (= an electron is Not spinning, only light interacting with the material's defect's energy levels could be detected )."

"The results show that once we write a certain quantum state onto the spin of these electrons, this information is stored for ~1 millionth of a second (= too short to store meaningful information ), making this system a very promising platform for quantum applications (= just storing some transient energy or information for only ultra-short microsecond cannot make promising quantum application or data storage at all )"

"This may seem short (= yes, very short ), but the interesting thing is that this system does not require special conditions—it can store the spin quantum state (= unphysical spin itself is unobservable ) even at room temperature and with no requirement for large magnets"

"Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) is an ultra-thin material made up of stacked one-atom-thick layers, kind of like sheets of paper. These layers are held together by forces between molecules, but sometimes, there are tiny flaws between these layers called "atomic defects," similar to a crystal with molecules trapped inside it. These defects can absorb and emit light (= only light not spin could be seen ) that we can see, and they can also act as local traps for electrons"

"The scientists are still figuring out how to make these defects even better and more reliable and are currently probing how far they can extend the spin storage time (= meaning "too short storage time to be practical" ). They are also investigating whether they can optimize the system and material parameters that are important for quantum-technological applications (= vague "quantum technology", still nothing useful realized )"

Just measuring some light interacting with material's unstable defect whose lifetime is only 1 μs cannot lead to any practical "quantum" technology.

↑ This research just measured some light interacting with ground-state and excited states (= allegedly related to fictional spin ) of a defect of the material (= hBN ), whose interaction could last for only extremely short microsecond, which cannot be used for any useful technology.

This research paper ↓

p.2-left-2nd-paragraph says ", the continuously driven spin Rabi coherence time (T) is prolonged beyond 1μs at room temperature with no magnetic field (= just the material defect's two energy levels' oscillation by light called Rabi oscillation lasted for only very short microseconds (= μs ), No spin was seen, and just this very short-lived oscillation cannot be used for any useful technology )"

p.2-left-last-paragraph mentioned an effective-spin (= not real spin ) Hamiltonian containing Bohr magneton (= μB ) × an integer ( S = 1 ), which observed magnetic moment can be explained by realistic electron's orbital motion, unreal spin is unnecessary.

p.2-right-1st-paragraph mentioned the remaining energy parameters D and E were obtained by experimental measurement, Not by quantum mechanical fictional spin theory (= No evidence of electron spin ).

p.3-Fig.1c shows the energy levels (= no spin was seen ) of the material's defect used in this research.

p.4-Fig.2a shows the material's defect oscillated between two energy levels of Fig.1c by light (= called Rabi oscillation ) for only very short microseconds (= μs ), which ultrashort unstable oscillation cannot be used for any practical technology.

p.4-right-2nd-paragraph says "This is supported by our repeat identification of single defects that show both resonances with comparable contrast values and frequencies that cannot be explained by a single-spin model (= quantum spin model failed ). Alternatively, the identification of two spin resonances on a single defect could point towards complex charge state dynamics, which remains to be explored (= still mechanism is unknown )."

This p.3-lower Figure S2 says green circles show the position of ODMR(= optically detected magnetic resonance )-active defects.

↑ The positions of defects were distributed in hBN material in a random and disorderly way (= intervals between defects were 10 ~ 50μm = lack of order ), which disorderly and randomly-distributed defects (with too short lifetime ) can Not be used for any practically-controllable devices or memories.

As a result, this research just transiently oscillated the energy levels of material's defects by light for very short time (= μs ), which extremely unstable and disorderly defects were completely useless, except for publishing papers in journals.

Quantum computer is used as a fictional target for impractical quantum mechanical research.

The 1st, 3rd, 5th, 8-10th paragraphs of this hyped news say

"In a study published in Nature Materials, scientists from the University of California, Irvine describe a new method to make very thin crystals of the element bismuth—a process that may (= just speculation ) aid the manufacturing of cheap flexible electronics an everyday reality."

"The bismuth sheets the team made are only a few nanometers thick... theorists have predicted that bismuth contains special electronic states allowing it to become magnetic when electricity flows through it—something essential for quantum electronic devices based on the magnetic spin of electrons (= electron spin is unreal and irrelevant to this research )."

"Quantum oscillations arise from the motion of an electron in a magnetic field,.. If the electron can complete a full orbit around a magnetic field (= this research was about electron's orbital motion, Not fictional spin ), it can exhibit effects that are important for the performance of electronics."

"But when we cooled down the device in our lab, we were amazed to observe quantum oscillations, which have not been previously seen in thin bismuth films (= this quantum oscillation is just tiny electric resistance R oscillation by varying electromagnetic field seen only at extremely-low temperature of 1.5K, which is impractical, this p.6-Figure 4-c&d )"

"Compression is a very common manufacturing technique used for making common household materials.. We believe our method will (= just speculation ) generalize to other materials, such as tin, selenium, tellurium and related alloys with low melting points, and it could be interesting to explore for future (= still unrealized ) flexible electronic circuits."

"Next, the team wants (= just hope, still unrealized ) to explore other ways in which compression and injection molding methods can be used to make the next computer chips for phones or tablets (= compression itself is already used, this research is about only extremely-low temperature, which cannot be used for phones or tablets )"

Just compressing some material and observing electric resistance fluctuation at extremely low temperature have nothing to do with fictional quantum computers.

↑ This research just measured the electric resistance oscillation (= Not "quantum" oscillation ) in the compressed thin material under varying electromagnetic fields at extremely low temperature, No practical use, and quantum computers have nothing to do with this research, contrary to this hyped headline.

This research paper ( this ↓ )

p.1-abstract-middle mentions "Shubnikov–de Haas quantum oscillations" which is electric resistance (= R ) change at extremely low temperature related to quantum Hall effect caused by an integer times de Broglie wavelength ( this p.13,  this p.2-middle-4th-paragraph ). = No quantum mechanics or spin.

↑ and this abstract mentions nothing about the (irrelevant, hopeless) quantum computers.

p.2-2nd-paragraph says "Here, we demonstrate confined growth of ultraflat bismuth between layers of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), a vdW material. Bismuth has played a key role in the development of quantum electronic physics due to its low carrier density, small effective mass (= fictional effective mass model )"

p.5-Figure 3g shows the electric resistance oscillation (= ΔRxx = "quantum" oscillation ) by varying magnetic field B at extremely low temperature

p.6-Figure 4-c&d show this "quantum" oscillation or electric resistance change (= ΔR ) under various electric and magnetic fields at extremely low temperature (= 0.3 K ~ 1.5 K ), which is a completely impractical device.

p.20-Fig.S9 says "Our first-principles calculations are performed with the projector-augmented wave pseudopotentials.. For the vdW corrections, we used the DFT-D3 method (= empirical exchange energy functional )"  ← impractical quantum mechanical one-pseudo-electron DFT with artificially-chosen pseudo-potential and functional is useless, unable to predict anything.

p.24-25 used the extremely-time-consuming impractical molecular dynamical (= MD ) simulation of the process of compressing bismuth for only 50ps (= one-pseudo-electron DFT and this impractical MD models prevent the useful scientific development ).

p.27,p.29 show they artificially fit the experimentally-measured resistance (= R ) or data to artificial models with No quantum mechanical prediction.

As a result, contrary to this hyped headline, this research just observing the electric resistance oscillation under various magnetic field at impractically-low temperature has nothing to do with (hopeless) quantum computers that are often used as fictitious scientific target for unphysical quantum mechanical researches which are useless except for publishing papers in journals.

Quantum computer research is deadend, regressing to only two error-prone impractical qubits.

Practical quantum computer is said to need millions of qubits, but the latest research is regressing to only two impractical qubits.

The 1-3rd, 5-6th, 8-9th, 11-12th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"Quantum computers, computing devices that leverage the principles of quantum mechanics, could (= speculation ) outperform classical computing on some complex optimization and processing tasks (= hype ). In quantum computers, classical units of information (bits), which can either have a value of 1 or 0, are substituted by quantum bits or qubits, which can be in a mixture of both 0 and 1 simultaneously (= No evidence, because unobservable )"

"Qubits have so far been realized using various physical systems, ranging from electrons to photons and ions. In recent years, some quantum physicists have been experimenting with a new kind of qubits, known as Andreev spin qubits. These qubits leverage the properties of superconducting and semiconductor materials to store and manipulate quantum information"

"A team of researchers at Delft University.. recently demonstrated the strong and tunable coupling between two distant Andreev spin qubits. Their paper, published in Nature Physics, could pave the way towards the effective realization of (only) two-qubit gates between distant spins (= only two qubits 01 are farther away from millions of qubits required for practical quantum computers,  this summary )."

"Andreev spin qubits simultaneously leverage the advantageous properties of both superconducting and semiconductor qubits. These qubits are essentially created by embedding a quantum dot into a superconducting qubit (= just classical circuit, No quantum mechanics )"

"A theoretical paper published in 2010 suggested a method to couple two such qubits, and our experiment is the first experiment to realize this proposal in the real world (= but just two qubits or two bitstring 01 are completely useless, Not a computer at all )"

"The way we designed the circuit,.. a part of each loop is a semiconductor quantum dot. In the quantum dot, we can trap an electron. The cool thing is that the current that flows around the loops will now depend on the spin of the trapped electron (= false, electron is not spinning ). This effect is interesting, as it allows us to control a supercurrent of billions of Cooper pairs (= which is just two classical electrons attracted by positive nuclei ) with a single spin."

"The combined current of the two coupled superconducting loops realized by the researchers ultimately depends on the spin in both the quantum dots. This also means that the two spins are coupled via this supercurrent. Notably, this coupling can also be easily controlled, either via the magnetic field running through the loops or by modulating the gate voltage (= this fictitious spin means complicated orbital motions that affected electric currents and qubits' interaction, which were artificially controlled by electromagnetic field )"

"Superconducting qubits are known to be bulky, thus taking up lots of space within a device (= each superconducting qubit is bulky, as big as several mm ). The new approach.. allows for greater flexibility in the design of quantum computers, by enabling the coupling of qubits over long distances and the packing of them closer together (= but this alleged new qubit also must use bulky superconducting circuits as big as 5mm, which is far bulkier and more energy-inefficient than classical compact transistor bit of less than only 50nm )"

"This recent study could soon open new possibilities (= still unrealized ) for the development of highly performing quantum computing devices (= quantum computer is just a hype machine )"

"However, there are also experimental challenges. The current coherence times are not very good ( this research's impractical two qubits' lifetime or coherence time T2 was extremely short = only 7.6ns and 5.6ns, this p.4-Figure 2.e,f which qubits were easily broken, completely useless )"

Only two bulky unstable qubits (= only two bitstring 01 ) with high error rates in this latest research are useless, hopeless, unable to calculate anything.

↑ This research just used two bulky circuits as (only) two qubits (= different electric currents were used as each qubit's 0 or 1, No spin was observable ), which is extremely unstable, short-lived and error-prone, so No practical use. Quantum computer research is deadend, rather regressing.

This research paper ( this ↓ ).

p.2-Figure 1 says "two coupled Andreev spin qubits (ASQ1 and ASQ2) connected to a coupling junction with a tunable Josephson inductance"

p.2-left-last~p.2-right-upper says " The qubit frequency for ASQi, fi, where i = 1, 2, is set by the energy difference between the spin-states, |↑i⟩ and |↓i⟩, which is controlled by the magnetic field due to the Zeeman effect (= so they just measured energy difference or frequencies in each qubit controlled by electromagnetic field,  the fictitious spin itself was unobservable )"

p.4-Figure 2 e, f show the coherence time (= T2 ) or lifetime of two qubits ASQ1 and ASQ2 was only 7.6ns ~ 5.6ns, which is too fragile, impractical and too short-lived to use for calculation.

p.5-left-2nd-paragraph says "the average gate fidelity of around 85% (= error rate is 15% or 0.15, which is far worse than practically-required error rate of 10-15 or the older qubits of 0.01~0.001,  this abstract )"  ← This latest qubit in this research is getting worse and regressing.

p.6-left-V.conclusions say "We have shown strong supercurrent-mediated coupling between the (only) two Andreev spin qubits and found that the coupling strength, J, can be tuned with either a magnetic flux or an electrical voltage (= fictitious spin's qubit energy levels, frequencies and coupling interaction could be artificially controlled by electromagnetic field, so No quantum mechanical prediction. )"

p.15 shows this (only) two-qubit device was extremely bulky, as big as millimeters, which is far more energy-inefficient than the current compact practical classical transistor bits..

p.23 parameters extracted from measurement = No quantum mechanical prediction.

p.32 shows each fictitious spin qubit's g factor is 6.7 ~ 14.9, which is completely different from the original electron spin g factor of 2, which wide discrepancy shows their so-called "electron spin" means the more complicated multiple electrons' orbital motions inside a quantum dot.  No evidence of electron spin.

As a result, quantum computer research is already deadend, or rather regressing to only two qubits with higher error rates due to fictional quantum mechanical model, which is useless except for publishing papers in journals.

Deadend quantum computer research is regressing to only 2~3 impractical easily-broken qubits.

The 2-4th paragraphs of this hyped news say

"Qubits are promising systems for realizing quantum schemes for computation, simulation and data encryption (= hype, the present error-prone quantum computers with only a small number of qubits cannot compute, simulate nor encrypt data at all )."

"his collaborators published a new paper in Physical Review Letters that explores the effects of memory in quantum systems and ultimately offers a novel solution to decoherence (= actually, No useful solution was offered in this research ), one of the primary problems facing quantum technologies."

"Our work shows that there's a new way to prevent decoherence from corrupting quantum entanglement, said Professor of Physics at Washington University. We can use dissipation to prevent entanglement from leaving our qubits in the first place (= entanglement that can Not send information nor do any work is a meaningless, useless concept )."

The lower created video failed to tell ordinary people what this research actually did.

Just 2~3 impractical qubits with still too short lifetime (= only 40 μs) and too many errors in this research is far from a useful quantum computer that will need millions of qubits.

↑ This research just prepared only two superconducting qubits (= only two bitstring 01, which is Not a computer at all,  this p.2-Fig.1,2 ) interacting with the third "environment qubit", and measured the qubit's extremely short lifetime (= less than 40 μs ), which means the above-mentioned solution to decoherence (= breaking qubits ) could Not be offered at all.

This research paper ( this ↓ )

p.2-Fig.1 shows this research just used three (superconducting) qubits connected by (classical) circuits (= each qubit was manipulated by microwave pulse ), which is far from practically-required millions of qubits ( this 4th-paragraph ).

p.2-Fig.2 says they created entangled states in (only) two qubits consisting of "Qubit" and "Ancilla" by applying microwave pulse.  ← This entanglement means when one qubit state is "0", the other qubit is "1" (= denoted by (|10⟩ + |01⟩ ).  That's all. No quantum mechanical spooky action.

p.2-right-2nd-paragraph says "We observe a Bell state (= in this case, |01| = one qubit is "0", the other qubit is "1" ) fidelity of 0.91 (= which means error rate is about 10%, too high error rate to be practical ), corresponding to a concurrence (= almost fidelity ) of 0.89."

p.2-right-last~p.3-left-upper says "The concurrence slowly decreases over a timescale consistent with the respective individual dephasing (= decoherence ) times of the Qubit (T2 = 39 µs) and Ancilla (T2 = 41 µs )"

↑ The dephasing time (= T2 ) means "(de)coherence time" or each qubit's lifetime ( this p.3-left-lower ), so this research's qubits' lifetime ( this p.2 ) is extremely short = only 40 microseconds, which easily-broken qubits are completely useless.

p.3-Fig.3-(a)(c) show "some noise brought by the third "environment's qubit" decreased the other two qubits' fidelity (= concurrence ) or increased their error rate with time"

p.4-Fig.4-(a)(b) and Fig.5-(a) show when some (artificially-manipulated) environment's qubit noise (= pseudo-thermal noise, p.8-Fig.6 denoted by dephasing rate γ ) could make two qubits' fidelity or concurrence closer to the noiseless (= uncoupled ) fidelity (= still these qubits' lifetime could not exceed 40μs, too short-lived and completely useless ), which they called "quantum Zeno effect"

↑ This artificial noise caused by the 3rd-environment qubit just worsened and increased the error rates (= decreased fidelity or concurrence ) compared to the case of only two qubits uncoupled to this environment qubit.  ← So this 3rd environment qubit prepared to cause only artificial noise is useless and meaningless, invalidating this research itself.

As a result, this research just prepared only two qubits with the bit states of "01" or "10" (= which they called "entangled Bell state", but No spooky action ), and these two qubit's states of 01 could last for only 40 μs (= qubit lifetime is only 40 μs, too easily broken ).

This is far from millions of qubits required for (imaginary) practical quantum computer whose research is deadend or rather regressing to only 2~3 impractical qubits.


There is No such thing as "quantum simulation" nor "quantum processor".

The 1st, 4-5th, 9th, 12th, 17th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"From the analog quantum processors that have emerged recently, quantum-gas microscopes have proven to be powerful tools for understanding quantum systems at the atomic level (= Not specifying what these ambiguous quantum processors mean ). These devices produce images of quantum gases with very high resolution (= just imaging gases does Not mean practical processors nor quantum computers )"

"Quantum simulation can be used to boil down very complicated systems into simpler models to understand the open questions that current computers cannot answer, such as why some materials conduct electricity without any losses even at relatively high temperatures (= hype, this research just vaguely imaging atoms has nothing to do with answering questions of why conducting electricity without loss )."

"the team has managed to bring the strontium gas to the quantum regime, place it in an optical lattice where the atoms could interact by collisions, and then apply the single atom imaging techniques."

"To this end, the team first lowered the temperature of the strontium gas. Using the force of several laser beams, they reduced the speed of atoms to a point where they remained almost motionless, barely moving, their temperature reduced to almost absolute zero (= needing such extremely-low temperature means impractical fictitious processors )"

"This quantum dynamics between atoms mimics that of electrons in certain materials. Therefore, the study of these systems can shed light on the complex behavior of certain materials, which is the key idea of quantum simulation (= Trying to make atoms trapped in laser light mimic irrelevant electrons in solids is Not a real simulation nor clarifying true mechanism )"

"We suddenly switched off the lattice laser, so that the atoms could expand in space and interfere with each other. This generated an interference pattern due to the wave-particle duality of the atoms in the superfluid (= just taking pictures of vague interference of atoms has No relation to quantum processors nor simulation )"

"we might (= just speculation ) be able to simulate more complex and exotic materials soon.. And we also expect (= uncertain future ) to obtain much more computational power to use these machines as analog quantum computers (= false, this research has nothing to do with deadend quantum computers, because No computation was made )"

500 cold Sr atoms unstably trapped in laser light cannot be quantum processor nor simulator.

Just taking vague pictures of distribution of cold atomic gases, No quantum computation.

↑ This research just imaged the vague distribution of about 500 cold strontium (= Sr ) atoms unstably trapped in laser light at almost absolute zero (= useless device ), with No practical application nor quantum computation, contrary to the hypes of "quantum processor".

Contents of this research paper ↓

This research paper ↓

p.2-right-A mentions atoms were trapped in laser light at extremely-low temperature of only 50μK (= almost absolute zero, which cannot be used as practical devices or processors ).

Jus imaging cold Sr atoms unstably trapped in laser light, No quantum processor nor simulation.

p.3-Fig.1 shows vague image of the distribution of about 500 Sr cold atoms trapped in laser lights by using light absorbed and emitted between two energy levels of the atom.

p.4-left-3rd-paragraph says ". In our pictures, we typically detect around 300 photons per atom during a 3-s exposure (= just taking one picture of individual atoms took as long as 3 seconds, which extremely-slow speed cannot be used for practical quantum processors nor quantum computers )... we show a fluorescence image (= just image, No computation ) of a thermal cloud with around 500 atoms"

Atoms gradually disappearing cannot be used for practical devices.

p.5-Fig.3(b)-blue circles shows trapped atoms are gradually lost (= fraction of accumulated lost atoms is shown as red ) and decreasing to about 70% (= fidelity ) of the initial number of atoms only after 35s, which unstably-trapped atoms cannot be used as practical quantum computers.

p.6-right-Fig.5 just shows vague distribution of the interfering Sr atoms.  ← Just vague imaging, No quantum computation, and No quantum mechanical calculation nor prediction.

As a result, the misleading ambiguous phrases such as "quantum processor", "quantum simulator" and "analogue quantum computer" are often used to make the impractical deadend quantum mechanical concepts appearing to be promising and progressing.


Artificial cell is just hype, impossible to make.

The 1st, 4th, 6th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"her colleagues describe the steps they took to manipulate DNA and proteins—essential building blocks of life—to create cells that look and act like cells from the body (= false, this research did Not create 'artificial cells' at all ). This accomplishment, a first in the field, has implications for efforts in regenerative medicine, drug delivery systems, and diagnostic tools (= No actual cells were created, so there is No implication for medicine in this research )"

"Without using natural proteins,.. To do this, they used a new programmable peptide-DNA (= irrelevant DNA was used to form fake cytoskeleton, and No programming was executed in this research )"

"While living cells are more complex than the synthetic ones created by the Freeman Lab (= so actual complex living cells could Not be created, after all )."

"This synthetic cell technology will (= just speculation, still useless ) not just enable us to reproduce what nature does, but also make materials that surpass biology (= fake hyped news, this research did Not make any actual cells nor reproduce the nature, hence, cannot surpass biology at all )."

Deadend biology cannot make artificial cells.

Just combining peptide filament and DNA bases to mimic fake cytoskeleton without other components is far from an actual cell.

This research just combined some peptide filaments with DNA crosslinkers to form bundles (= which they call artificial cytoskeleton, but completely different things ) with various width and length depending on kinds of DNA bases and temperature (= which different conditions they call programming that is Not like computer programming at all ) lacking all other cell organelles, nucleus, enzymes, which is far from an actual cell, hence No drug discovery.

Contents of this research paper ↓

This research paper ↓

Only fake cytoskeleton composed of DNA bases and peptides with No other organelles.  ← far from an actual cell.

p.2-Fig.1 shows they tried to mimic actual cytoskeleton proteins by using some irrelevant peptides linked by DNA.  No other important components, proteins, cell nucleus were included, which had nothing to do with actual cells.

p.2-left-2nd-paragraph says "we married peptide self-assembly with DNA programmability to realize a synthetic cytoskeleton in droplets. Inspired by actin-binding proteins, we rationally designed peptide–DNA crosslinkers with varying sequence, length, valency and geometry (= using different DNA sequences means what they call "programming", which is anything but actual controllable programming ). We show here how filamentous peptides conjoined through DNA hybridization form tactoid-shaped bundles and networks.. When confined within cell-sized water-in-oil droplets"

p.2-right-last-paragraph~p.3, Fig.2 say "As DNA crosslinkers with linear (A′ and A-A′) or branched (A-B-C and AY-BY-C) junctions were introduced,.. . Quantification of the length, width and aspect ratio (length/width) of the bundles.. As the linear crosslinker length increases from 8 bps (A′) to 14 bps (A-A′), the aspect ratio decreases"  ← Changing DNA bases linking peptide filaments formed different bundles with different width, which they called "programmable artificial cytoskeleton", not actual cells.

p.5-Fig.3 shows how these fake cytoskeletons composed of peptides and DNA linkers changed by temperature.

No organelles, No cell nucleus, No enzymes.. ← Not an artificial cell at all.

p.7-Fig.4, p.9-Fig.6 show the so-called artificial cells composed of the oil droplet containing peptide-DNA filaments lacking any other organelles, proteins, enzymes, cell nuclei, which are far from actual living cells.  → No drug discovery

p.12~p.14-Methods contain No (useless) quantum mechanical calculations, and No consideration of detailed atomic interactions.

↑ This research just treated some peptide filaments linked by DNA bases as (fake) artificial cytoskeletons, No other cell organelles nor enzymes were contained, which is far from actual living cells, contrary to the hypes.

Due to impractical unphysical quantum mechanical models, biologists cannot utilize detailed atomic interactions for explaining biological reactions, which is useless for discovering effective drug or treatments except for publishing papers in journals.

To hide this deadend biological and medical researches, overhyped exaggerated news was spread almost every day.


Spintronics is overhyped pseudo-science.

The 1st, 5-6th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"Spintronics is a field garnering immense attention for its range of potential (= just speculation ) advantages for conventional electronics. These include reducing power consumption, high-speed operation, non-volatility, and the potential for new functionalities (= so many hypes, this research is far from reducing power consumption or advantage over conventional electronics )."

"Using neutron scattering and voltage measurements (= just neutron scattering and voltage measurement cannot detect fictional spin itself ), we demonstrated that the magnetic properties of the material can predict how a spin current changes with temperature (= actually, No quantum mechanical spin prediction )"

" they found that the spin direction, or magnon (= fictional quasiparticle model ) polarization"

"paving the way for predicting spin currents more accurately and potentially (= just speculation, still useless ) developing advanced materials with enhanced performance (= hype, No enhanced performance of "spintronics" was seen in this research )."

Spintronics or spin Seebeck effect is extremely energy-inefficient and useless.

Fictional magnon quasiparticle or spintronics is extremely-energy-inefficient and impractical.

This research is about Seebeck effect where applying temperature gradient or difference along a material produces a voltage going down from hotter to colder region, which energy conversion (= temperature → voltage ) efficiency is too bad, only 0.1 μV/K ( this p.3-Fig.1-(d) ), which means generating the ordinary battery's 1 V needs the unrealistically-large temperature difference of 10000000 K inside a material, which is impractical, far from reducing power consumption, contrary to hypes.

Correctly, this research used spin-Seebeck effect where the applied temperature difference in a material (= Tb3Fe5O12 ) allegedly generated magnetic fluctuation (= detected by neutron scattering that cannot see fictitious spin itself ) caused by electron's orbital motion that was scattered by classical Magnus effect to cause tiny voltage (= they call this inverse spin Hall effect that cannot see spin, which is Not actual spinning, ).

↑ Spin Seebeck effect = temperature gradient in a material caused magnetic fluctuation (= not spin but by electron's orbital motion ) which generated electric voltage (= electron's orbital motion was scattered by Magnus effect ), which conversion of temperature difference → electric voltage is extremely inefficient.

So spin Seebeck effect or spintronics is completely useless.

Spin Seebeck effect or spintronics needs unrealistically high temperature and waste of large energy to generate only 1 V electric voltage, impractical, far inferior to the ordinary battery.

Efficiency of converting applied temperature difference (= K ) into electric voltage (= V ) in ordinary Seebeck effect is known to be very bad, inefficient and impractical ( this p.1-last ), only about 50~100 μV/K ( this p.3,  this p.1-right-difficulties ), which means generation of ordinary battery's 1V needs to create more than 10000 K temperature gradient.

Energy conversion efficiency of the spin Seebeck effect (= spintronics ) is much worse and more impractical than the ordinary (useless) Seebeck effect.

This research's energy conversion efficiency of this spin Seebeck effect (= SSE ) was only less than S = 0.1 μV/K ( this p.3-Fig.1-(d) ), which needs to create the unrealistically-large temperature difference of 10000000 K to produce only 1V electric voltage, which (fictitious spintronics) is completely useless ( this p.7-right-4. ) and far inferior to other conventional energy power generation methods.

Contents of this research paper ↓

This research paper ( this ↓ )

p.1-left-says "the detection via SSE (= spin-Seebeck effect ) measurements essentially sums up all the Q utilizing the voltage through the inverse spin-Hall effect"

Temperature gradient → (unseen) magnon spin current → inverse spin Hall effect → voltage detected.

p.2-left-last-paragraph~p.2-right-upper says " A magnetic field is applied along the easy-axis direction, to saturate magnetizations, and a temperature gradient is applied along the direction. Magnon spin current (= fictional quasiparticle ) propagates along the temperature gradient, and angular momentum is transferred to free electrons in nonmagnetic platinum via the interfacial exchange interaction. Conducting spin current in platinum film is then electrically detected due to the inverse spin-Hall effect (= which detects only electric voltage, Not spin itself )"

Spin-Seebeck efficiency of converting temperature → voltage is very bad, only 0.1 μV/K.

p.3-Fig.1-(d) shows this spin-Seebeck effect's temperature-voltage conversion efficiency is extremely bad and impractical, only less than 0.1 μV/K which means unrealistically-high temperature of 10000000 K is needed to generate only battery's 1V.

p.4-left-(1) shows unphysical spin model lacking any real particle picture.
p.4-left used artificially-fitting fictitious spin-interaction parameters J with No quantum mechanical prediction.

p.6-right-last says "Our findings have thus demonstrated the importance of (Q, E )-resolved information for spintronics and magnonics (= No mention of detailed practical use )"

As a result, spintronics based on unphysical spin is just overhyped empty science, which is far from surpassing conventional (non-spin or non-quantum mechanical ) electric devices.


Quantum processor and entanglement are meaningless useless concepts that can do nothing.

The 2-6th, 12th, 14th, 16-17th, 21th, 25th paragraph of this hyped news say

"Because entanglement is central to the way quantum systems work, understanding it better could (= just speculation ) give scientists a deeper sense of how information is stored and processed efficiently in such systems (= false, illusory entanglement cannot send any real information, so No practical use in processing information )"

"Qubits, or quantum bits, are the building blocks of a quantum computer. However, it is extremely difficult to make specific entangled states in many-qubit systems, let alone investigate them (= still useless )."

"Now, MIT researchers have demonstrated a technique to efficiently generate entanglement among an array of superconducting qubits that exhibit a specific type of behavior (= false, No evidence of faster-than-light entanglement in this research,  this last-paragraph )."

"Over the past years, the researchers.. have developed techniques using microwave technology to control a quantum processor composed of superconducting circuits precisely... the methods introduced in this work enable the processor to efficiently generate highly entangled states and shift those states.. between types that are more likely to support quantum speed-up (= hype, this research just slightly changed the states of only 16 classically-connected superconducting circuits or 16 qubits by classical microwave with No computation, which has nothing do with processor, entanglement, let alone quantum speed-up )"

"Here, we are demonstrating that we can utilize the emerging quantum processors as a tool to further our understanding of physics (= ambiguous utility of quantum processors that just "understand" unspecified physics ? ). While everything we did in this experiment was on a scale which can still be simulated on a classical computer (= meaning No quantum advantage nor speed-up )"

"While we have Not yet fully abstracted the role that entanglement plays in quantum algorithms, we do know that generating volume-law entanglement is a key ingredient to realizing a quantum advantage (= still the meaning of entanglement itself is unclear, how can they realize fictional quantum advantage ? Impossible )"

"As you increase the complexity of your quantum system, it becomes increasingly difficult to simulate it with conventional computers (= fake news, because the current quantum computers are too error-prone and unable to give right answers, which cannot match ordinary classical computers at all, even the recent IBM fake quantum utility had to rely on classical computers for error mitigation, this 5th-paragraph,  this 16th-paragraph )."

"Their processor comprises superconducting circuits, which are used to engineer artificial atoms. The artificial atoms are utilized as qubits, which can be controlled and read out with high accuracy using microwave signals (= composed of just classical circuits as qubits manipulated by classical microwave pulses, which have nothing to do with illusory quantum entanglement or processor )."

"The device used for this experiment contained (only) 16 qubits arranged in a two-dimensional grid. The researchers carefully tuned the processor so all 16 qubits have the same transition frequency. Then, they applied an additional microwave drive to all of the qubits simultaneously (= just 16 qubits or 16 bitstrings are unable to do any meaningful calculation and far from future practical quantum computer that is said to need more than millions of qubits )"

"By demonstrating the crossover from volume-law to area-law entanglement, the researchers experimentally confirmed what theoretical studies had predicted. More importantly, this method can be used to determine whether the entanglement in a generic quantum processor is area-law or volume-law (= just talking only about ambiguous illusory entanglement that cannot send even real information, Not specifying detailed practical application, so useless )"

"In the future (= just speculative uncertain future, still impractical ), scientists could utilize this technique to study the thermodynamic behavior of complex quantum systems,.."

Only 16 qubits, No computation, useless hyped quantum processors and meaningless entanglement.

↑ This research just applied classical microwave pulses to only 16 bulky superconducting circuited or qubits (= 16 bitstring alone cannot do any meaningful calculations ) for short time, with No computation, No practical application, of course, No entanglement appeared, contrary to hypes.

This research paper ↓

p.2-Fig.1 shows only 16 classically-connected (= entanglement is irrelevant ) bulky superconducting circuits or 16 qubits (= one superconducting qubit is as big as 1mm. this-(h) scale bar = 1 mm, which is far more energy-inefficient than the ordinary compact classical transistor or bit of only 50nm size ).

p.2-right shows abstract unphysical equation with each qubit's excited energy or frequency ω and the artificially-adjustable interaction strength J between two qubits (= just classical circuits connected by microwave, No spooky entanglement ).

p.3-left and Fig.2a,b show applying microwave pulses to 16 qubits for short time (= evolution time t ), and fluctuating qubits' states eventually reached average 8-qubit excited states ( n = 8 ), which qubit's state change was treated as (illusory) quantum superposition of 0 and 1 states simultaneously (= just coherently oscillating between qubit 0 ↔ 1 states with No superposition ).  ← Actually they could detect only one 0 (= ground-state ) or 1 (= excited-state ) bit state, so No evidence of superposition.

p.7-left mentions just 16 transmon superconducting qubits must be kept at extremely low temperature of only 20mK = completely impractical.

This p.14-A. and last paragraph say qubit interaction strength J and all other parameters were determined from experimental observation.  ← No quantum mechanical prediction.

As a result, this research just slightly changed the states of only 16 superconducting qubits (= far from millions of qubits required for practical quantum computer ) by (classical microwave) with No computation and No practical use, contrary to hyped news.

The illusory entanglement is often used as fictional targets for impractical quantum mechanical research.

Molecular computer hype to hide the current deadend atomic nanotechnology.

The 1st, 4th, 9-10th, 12th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"Molecular computer components could represent a new IT revolution and help us create cheaper, faster, smaller, and more powerful computers. Yet researchers struggle to find ways to assemble them more reliably and efficiently (= actually, this research has nothing to do with such a dreamlike molecular computer )."

"Small prototypes of molecular circuits composed of a couple of molecules are currently being produced by scanning probe microscopy, which manipulates them one molecule at a time by a slow, heavy macroscopic cantilever (= the current scanning and atomic force microscopes manipulating a single atom have only one probe or one arm for impractical quantum mechanical research.  If the number of probes is increased, and automation system is used, it can manipulate many individual atoms much faster at the same time )"

"This could (= just speculation ) pave the way for mass production of revolutionary molecular circuits integrated with contemporary chip-manufacturing technology—something that could enable a smooth transition from the current computer machinery to the next level (= actually, this research has nothing to do with such a computer machinery )."

"To enable this, the researchers proposed replacing the sugar-phosphates backbone with photosensitive diacetylene. They used detailed simulations to screen for complementary hydrogen-bonded end groups that would drive the self-assembly on a lattice under the conditions used in chip production (= this research just guessed the hydrogen bonds between various pairs of DNA-base-like small molecules, No experiments were performed, No machines were designed )."

"The goal was to find complementary pairs, where two units reliably bind to one another and not to other units—this trait, again analogous to how the DNA works, would enable the creation of deterministic complex circuitry patterns. The researchers found that units containing pure hydrogen donor end groups were especially suitable. Sixteen promising candidate units were found, paving the way for experimental research (= just paving the way, still Not experimental realization )"

"we could (= just speculation ) start smoothly transitioning to machines partly using molecular nano-electronics soon (= hype, this research has nothing do with molecular machines or nano-electronics ). This work represents another step towards such a future (= uncertain future, still useless )."

DNA origami cannot make molecular computers due to useless quantum mechanical model.

Just vaguely guessing hydrogen bonds between pairs of small molecules. No experiments were conducted. No molecular machines were built.

This research just guessed hydrogen bond energies between pairs of about 60 DNA nucleobase analogue small molecules by the impractical one-pseudo-electron DFT model (= empirical potential, No quantum mechanical prediction ), No experiment and No molecular machines.

Contents of this research paper ↓

This research paper ↓

p.1-left-1st-paragraph mentions fictional exciton quasiparticle model.

p.4-Fig.3 shows various DNA nucleobase analogue candidates for guessing hydrogen bonds (= No experimental confirmation in this research ).

Quantum mechanical one-pseudo-electron density functional theory (= DFT ) obstructs scientific development.

p.5-Fig.4, p.6-Fig.5 shows the impractical one-pseudo-electron DFT model was used for vaguely guessing hydrogen bond energies between various pairs of different DNA analogue small molecules.

p.7-left-1st-paragraph says "All structures were optimized using a fast semiempirical method with corrections for hydrogen bonds and dispersion interactions DFTB3+D3H5 (= empirical means Not quantum mechanical prediction but using experimentally-obtained parameters )"

Molecular dynamics (= MD ) force field is useless, too.

p.10-left-1st-paragraph mentions UFF force field for extremely-time consuming molecular dynamics (= MD, this research did not conduct molecular dynamical simulation, but this impractically-time-consuming MD based on force field pseudo-potential is the only choice, if they want to perform dynamical simulation ).

As a result, due to the current mainstream unphysical quantum mechanical models such as one-pseudo-electron DFT, extremely-time-consuming molecular dynamics, which have only pseudo-potentials or force fields lacking real atomic shapes, researchers can Not design nor build practical molecular machines (= this research just guessed hydrogen bonds between pairs of small molecules with No experiments performed and No design of molecular machines ).

To hide this inconvenient truth of deadend atomic physics and nanotechnology, overhyped exaggerated news was created one after another.


AI-hype just uses experimental data. No prediction of drugs.

The 2-3rd, 8th, 10-12th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"he has developed an algorithm that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to design new active pharmaceutical ingredients (= hype, this research just utilized the experimentally-obtained results, and AI is irrelevant and unable to predict anything )."

"For any protein with a known three-dimensional shape, the algorithm generates the blueprints for potential (= just speculation, still useless ) drug molecules that increase or inhibit the activity of the protein. Chemists can then synthesize and test these molecules in the laboratory."

"To create the algorithm, the scientists trained an AI model with information from hundreds of thousands of known interactions between chemical molecules and the corresponding three-dimensional protein structures (= this research just relied on experimentally-obtained already-known molecular interaction data instead of predicting drug-molecular interaction from hyped AI )."

"The scientists searched for molecules that interact with proteins in the PPAR class—proteins that regulate sugar and fatty acid metabolism in the body. Several diabetes drugs used today increase the activity of PPARs, which causes the cells to absorb more sugar from the blood and the blood sugar level to fall (= so molecules interacting with the target PPAR protein are already known )."

"the AI designed new molecules that also increase the activity of PPARs, like the drugs currently available (= AI-hype, this research just find molecules interacting with the target PPAR protein based on already-known experimental interaction database, Not from AI )"

"The researchers aren't now pursuing these molecules any further with a view to bringing drugs based on them to the market (= exact effectiveness of these molecules was unknown after all, so AI still could not contribute to drug design )."

"The new algorithm has enormous potential (= just speculation )."

Just relying on the already-known experimental results.  AI itself is helpless for drug design.

↑ This research managed to find only one small molecule that might bind to the target PPAR protein (= its effectiveness and exact function were unknown and not investigated ) by using the already-known experimental data of the target protein's interaction with various molecules, instead of letting AI predict molecular design (= the useless quantum mechanics was not used, either ).

The hyped AI and Alphafold based on experimentally-known protein structure database are unable to predict what molecules or proteins can bind to the target proteins or docking ( this 5-6th-paragraphs ) due to their inability to predict protein conformational change during protein docking.

So this research stopped trying to predict molecular-protein interaction from protein's structure, and instead, tried to rely on the experimentally-obtained protein-molecular interaction data as training data set from the beginning.  So "AI designs pharmaceutical ingredients" is just hype.

This research paper ↓

p.2-left-2nd paragraph say ". It may also present difficulties in structure-based design applications that rely on explicit information about the protein binding site. Although various structure-based de novo design methods have been introduced, their prospective applications have Not been extensively explored (= predicting molecular interaction based only on proteins' structures is impossible even using AI )"

p.3-Fig.1a says "the targets are connected to their corresponding ligands based on reported bioactivities in the ChEMBL database (= ChEMBL database stores a large amount of experimentally-obtained published data of protein-molecular interaction )"

p.9-right-last-paragraph says "The results of the study also indicate that ligand-based de novo design outperformed structure-based models for the majority of investigated molecular properties. This performance difference could be attributed to the complexity of the input and the availability of training data (= prediction of molecules depends on what experimental data was used as training data after all )"

p.10-Fig.6 by using the experimentally-known interaction data, they found (only) one small molecule (= compound 1 ) bound to the target PPAR protein, whose detailed function and effectiveness were unknown after all.

p.13-right-1st-paragraph says "The data necessary for constructing the drug-target graph, referred to as the “interactome," was sourced from two distinct databases: ChEMBL and PDBBind"

↑ Both these ChEMBL (= already-published experimental data ) and PDBBind store a large amount of information of experimentally-obtained protein-molecular interactions.

Relying on experimentally-obtained already-known protein-molecular interaction means the so-called AI's prediction of drugs turned out to be just hype and meaningless (= AI and all simulation methods are unable to predict protein interaction from protein structure ).

The present (AI) methods do Not consider the real physical mechanism based on real atomic interaction due to the impractical quantum mechanical atomic model.

Deadend quantum computer is used as fake target for impractical quantum mechanical research: valleytronics pseudo-spin

The 2nd, 4-5th, 12th, 15-16th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"In fact, the technical term for a local energy maximum or minimum in the bands is called a "valley," and the field that studies and exploits how electrons in the material switch from one valley to the other is coined "valleytronics."

"Such an achievement could (= just speculation ) be used to create classical and quantum gates and bits, something that could really drive the development of computing and quantum information processing (= deadend quantum computing just wasting taxpayers' money is useless except as fictional targets like this, with No quantum supremacy, this 5th-paragraph )"

"Previous attempts presented several drawbacks. For example, the light used to manipulate and change valley polarization had to be resonant; that is, the energy of its photons (the particles that constitute light) had to correspond exactly to the energy of the band gap of that particular material"

"To set up the experiment, the initial measurement was tried on bulk MoS2 (a bulk material made of many monolayers stacked together) with the surprising result that they saw the signature of valley polarization."

"our experiment consisted in creating an intense light pulse with a polarization that fitted this internal structure. The result was the so-called "trefoil field (= classically-mixed light wave with clover-like polarization )"

"by simply rotating the incident light field, we were able to modulate the valley polarization (= so this research just applied light waves with differently-rotated polarizations to material )"

"Our method may (= just speculation, still useless ) provide an important ingredient to engineer energy efficient materials for efficient information storage and fast switching (= false, this light polarization-induced valley change could last for extremely-short time = only 1 ns, which can Not be used as a practical storage retaining information for long time, this p.1-abstract-lower )"

Vally polarization switch lasting for only 1 ns and needing extremely low temperature is useless.

Extremely-unstable, short-lived material's band valley change by polarized light is completely useless as information storage, switch or (deadend) quantum computing.

This research just applied (classical) polarized light wave to several atomic layers of thin material (= MoS2 ), and then detected the intensity change of the probe light that got through the material. No experiment about quantum computing or information storage was conducted, so this research has No practical use.

Valley of valleytronics just indicates energy minimum of unphysical band model with fictional effective mass and quasiparticles.

Contents of this research paper ↓

This research paper ( this ↓ ).

p.2-2nd-paragraph mentions unrealistic valley pseudo-spin.

p.3-Fig.2 says "Valley polarization (= unseen band ) switches when the tri-foil field (= mixed circularly-polarized light ) is rotated by 60 degrees. "
"The parameters of the model are adjusted to mimic two layers of 2H-MoS2 (= artificial adjustment of model parameters, No quantum mechanical prediction )"

Applying trifoil polarized light caused (unseen) valley change that was detected by probe light.

p.4-1st-paragraph says the applied trifoil optical pulse is just the mixed classical circularly-polarized lights.

p.5-Fig.4 shows the control trifoil polarized light caused (unseen imaginary) valley polarization of the thin material (= depending on light polarization angle ), which change was detected by the intensity change of the probe light getting through the material.  ← That's all. No quantum computing nor information storage was relevant.

Valley change induced by polarized light lasted for only 1 ns, which cannot be used for a practical switch.

↑ This (unseen imaginary) valley polarization change induced by the incident polarized light can last for extremely short time (= only 1ns, this-p.1-abstract-lower, ~ 1μs ) which must be kept at extremely low temperature (= less than 40 K, this p.1-abstract-lower ), which valley change (= information? ) is too short-lived and too unstable to use as data storage that must retain information for a long time, contrary to the hypes.

As a result, the deadend quantum computing and information are used as fictional scientific targets for these researches impractical except for publishing papers in journals.


Brain-like computer hype,  far from actual synapses.

The 1st, 8-9th, 14th paragraphs of this hyped news say

"Theoretical physicists.. have succeeded in building an artificial synapse (= hype, this research has Not built artificial synapse at all ). This synapse works with water and salt and provides the first evidence that a system using the same medium as our brains can process complex information (= hype, again, No complex information was processed in this research )"

"The device.. comprises a cone-shaped microchannel filled with a solution of water and salt. Upon receiving electrical impulses, ions within the liquid migrate through the channel, leading to alterations in ion concentration."

"Depending on the intensity (or duration) of the impulse, the conductivity of the channel adjusts accordingly, mirroring the strengthening or weakening of connections between neurons (= just changing electric conductivity induced by different electric pulses cannot emulate the far-more-complicated actual synapse ). The extent of change in conductance serves as a measurable representation of the input signal."

"while experiencing rapid growth, is still in its infancy (= still useless ). The envisioned outcome is a computer system vastly superior in efficiency and energy consumption compared to present-day technology (= just imagination ). However, whether this vision will materialize remains speculative at this juncture."

Just applying simple electric pulses to the salt water cannot mimic the actual complicated synaptic plasticity at all.

↑ This research just applied electric voltage pulses to the simple cone-shaped microchannel (= with No proteins or cells, so far from real synapse ) filled with ions and solution, and treated the slight change of electric conductance caused by the slight motion of ions (= lasted only for 1 second that cannot be used as long-term memory of actual synaptic plasticity ) as fake synaptic memory or plasticity.  ← far inferior to the actual complicated synapse, and No brain-like computer.

This research paper ↓

p.1-2nd-paragraph-lower says "Despite these prospects, the development of aqueous neuromorphic devices is still in its infancy and neuromorphic computing implementations remain a challenge (= still No realization )"

p.2-left-2nd-paragraph says "how the voltage-driven net salt flux and accumulation.. the (transient) concentration polarization,, the voltage-dependent (dynamic) conductance (= applied voltage caused movement of ions in salt water, and transiently changed the electric conductance  ← mimic the synaptic short-term plasticity or memory ? No. )"

p.2-right-1. says they used a tapered micro-channel of 150~200 μm (= far bigger than an actual compact synapse ) filled with electrolyte , charged silica spheres and colloids.

p.2-Fig.1-E says "Current measurements when four consecutive 5 V pulses (= needing far bigger voltage and more energy-inefficient than actual synapse that can be activated by only 70mV voltage ) and five read pulses (= for measuring conductance change ) are applied"

p.2-Fig.1-F shows the repeated applied electric pulses (= 5V = facilitation,  -2.5V = depression ) caused slight electric conductance (= g ) change and enhancement by solution's ions' motion (= synapse short-term plasticity or STM ? No ), while applying electric pulses at intervals longer than the channel's memory retention time (= this device could retain this conductance change for only τ = 1.62 s = p.4-left-upper, which cannot make long-term memory ) showed no change of conductivity or plasticity (= cannot mimic long-term synaptic memory ).

p.4-left-upper shows the conductance (= g ) and the (fictitious) memory time scale τ = only 1.62s (= This "memory" characterized by slight electric conductance change by ions' transient motions lasted for only 1.62s, which cannot make actual synaptic long-term memory or plasticity ).

p.4-left-last-paragraph says " To demonstrate that our fluidic memristor can mimic these aspects of neuronal STP (= short-term-plasticity ), we apply four consecutive positive and negative “write-pulses” of 5 V and−2.5 V, respectively, with a 0.75 s duration, separated by intervals of Δt=0.75 s smaller than the memory retention time τ (= only 1.62 s )"  ← Actual synapses are far more complicated than these simple electric pulses.

p.4-right-1st-paragraph says "when the interval between the pulses is much longer than the typical memory retention time τ (= 1.62 s ) and No cumulative change in conductance is observed (= this fictitious synaptic plasticity or memory induced by electric conductance change by ions' accumulation lasted for only 1.62 s that cannot make actual synaptic long-term memory or plasticity )."

This research tried to treat the small cone-shaped microchannel's ions' movement and the transient electric conductance change (= lasted for only 1.62 second ) induced by applied electric pulses as (fake) neutron's synaptic (short-term) memory or plasticity.

But the actual neuron's synapse, which is far more sophisticated, complicated, multi-functional and energy-efficient, can distinguish and retain short-term and long-term memories or plasticity (= the actual long-term memory synaptic change can last for years ).

So "brain-like computer with just simple water and salt" is a completely-overhyped and misleading news intended to make the current already-deadend biology appear to be promising and progressing.

Organic electrochemical transistor is impractical, too slow to bridge biology and technology.

The 3rd, 5th, 7th, 11-12th, 15th, 17-18th paragraphs of this hyped news say

"Implantable devices from pacemakers to glucose monitors rely on components that can speak both languages and bridge that gap. Among those components are OECTs—or organic electrochemical transistors (= unfortunately, this so-called organic transistor has nothing to do with pacemakers nor practical devices bridging biology and technology )"

"How fast you can switch a transistor is important for almost any application (= but this research's OECT transistor is too slow, taking extremely much time = 10 seconds to switch on and off once.  ← completely impractical )"

"In principle, OECTs operate like transistors in electronics: When switched on, they allow the flow of electrical current. When switched off, they block it. But OECTs operate by coupling the flow of ions (= moving these heavier ions takes too much time to use for switch ) with the flow of electrons,"

"OECTs are largely made up of flexible, organic semiconducting polymers—repeating units of complex, carbon-rich compounds—and operate immersed in liquids containing salts and other chemicals... For this project, the team studied OECTs that change color in response to electrical charge"

"A challenge in the materials design for OECTs lies in creating a substance that facilitates effective ion transport and retains electronic conductivity (= this OECT transistor is impractical due to its too slow response and instability )"

"Future research could explore how to reduce or lengthen the lag times, which for OECTs in the current study were fractions of a second (= too slow, useless OECT organic transistor )"

"OECTs aren't just used in biosensing. They are also used to study nerve impulses in muscles, as well as forms of computing to create artificial neural networks (= used just for research, Not widely-used for practical purpose )"

"Now that we're learning the steps needed to realize those applications (= meaning still No applications were realized )"

Organic electrochemical transistors (= OECT ) are too slow to be practical.

Extremely-slow impractical bulky transistors need as long as 10 seconds to switch on and off one time.

This research tried to explain the mechanism of a very slow, impractical bulky organic transistor by using unphysical (polaron) quasiparticle model with No practical use and No quantum mechanical prediction.

This organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) consisting of polymers and electrolytes through which heavy ions move are too slow (= taking 10 seconds to switch on and off once.  ← completely impractical compared to already-used faster semiconductor-transistor's switch time of only 50ns,  this last ), unstable and useless ( this-abstract-upper ).

This site-1st-paragraph says
"However, slow response time and lack of stability hinder their widespread commercial implementation"

This p.1-left says
"However, further OECT advances face challenges.. poor electron-transporting.. Temporal and/or operational instability hinders all possible applications... Slow redox processes lead to sluggish switching."

Contents of this research paper ↓

This research paper ( this ↓ )

p.2-abstract-lower says "We show that ion transport is limiting the device operation speed in our model devices"

p.4-last-paragraph says "we propose an empirical model describing the switching behavior of accumulation mode OECT (= No quantum mechanical prediction )"

One switching takes 10 seconds, too slow.

p.5-Fig.1a and p.7-Fig.2e,f show this OECT transistor was too slow, taking extremely much time (= about 10 seconds ) to turn on and off one time, completely impractical.

p.9-Fig.3a, c, d show this impractical OECT transistor is very big, bulky, about 1mm, and they tried to explain its extremely slow-changing electrical response (= color was changing on the scale of 5 seconds ) by fictional quasiparticle model called polaron (= read Fig.3c ).

p.15-3rd-paragraph says "This result suggests that ion transport from electrolyte into the polymer channel, instead of electronic transport from the source electrode, is limiting the front propagation speed."

↑ As a result, researchers automatically tried to rely on unphysical quantum mechanical quasiparticle model only for publishing papers in journals, instead of really aiming to develop useful "faster" transistors.


Impractical, slow, energy-inefficient, uncontrollable magnetic device needs overhyped science news.

The 3rd, 6-11th paragraphs of this overhyped news say

"Our discovery could (= just speculation ) lead to advanced memory devices that store more data and consume less power or enable the development of entirely new types of computers that can quickly solve problems that are currently intractable (← really ?  Actually, this research device is completely useless and opposite to these overhyped properties )"

"The team developed a device known as a magnetic tunnel junction, which uses chromium triiodide—a 2D insulating magnet only a few atoms thick—sandwiched between two layers of graphene. By sending a tiny electric current—called a tunneling current—through this sandwich, the direction of the magnet's orientation of the magnetic domains (around 100 nanometers in size = actually, much bigger and bulkier ) can be dictated within the individual chromium triiodide layers"

"Specifically, "this tunneling current not only can control the switching direction between two stable spin states (= false, this research just changed magnetization of material that can be detected by electric resistance change by magnetoresistance explained by orbital motion, No spin was observable ), but also induces and manipulates switching between metastable spin states, called stochastic switching (= "stochastic" means random disorderly slow switch, completely impractical, this Fig.2d )"

"This breakthrough is not just intriguing; it's highly practical (= lie ). It consumes three orders of magnitude smaller energy than traditional methods (= of impractical quantum mechanical research ),.. marking it a potential game-changer for future (= speculation ) technology (= baseless hype, this bulky magnetic switch must be operated at extremely-low temperature of only 1.5 K, and it just switched randomly, stochastically = uncontrollable, completely impractical )"

"Quantum computers use quantum bits that can represent both "0" and "1" at the same time, increasing processing power exponentially (= lie, and this research has nothing to do with quantum computers )."

"In our work, we've developed what you might think of as a probabilistic (= uncontrollable, stochastic ) bit, which can switch between '0' and '1' (two spin states) based on the tunneling current controlled probabilities,.. in a way that is similar to neurons in the brain to form a new kind of computer, known as a probabilistic compute (= false, human brain is highly organized, completely different from this research's useless uncontrollable stochastic device )"

"What makes these new computers potentially (= still useless ) revolutionary is their ability to handle tasks that are incredibly challenging for traditional and even quantum computers, such as certain types of complex machine learning tasks and data processing problems (= full of fictional hypes )"

Uselese magnetic device with random slow switching.

A very bulky, impractical, slow, energy-inefficient, uncontrollable magnetic switch that must be operated at extremely-low temperature.

This research just used a bulky material (= CrI3 of about 10μm far bigger than the already-used compact transistor of 50nm ) whose electric resistance was changed stochastically, slowly, uncontrollably by applied voltage and magnetic field at extremely-low temperature (= 1.5K ).  ← useless switching.

Contents of this research paper ↓

This research paper ↓

Change of electric resistance under different magnetic fields (= magnetoresistance ) which can be explained by electron's orbital motion (= Not spin ).

p.2-right-1st-paragraph says "We next measure the tunneling resistance as a function of the applied magnetic field perpendicular to the sample plane of the 2L (= 2 layers ) CrI3 tunnel junction device at T = 1.5 K (= impractically-low temperature ). We see that the magnetoresistance.. (= MR just measured electric resistance change depending on material's magnetization by orbital motion that cannot be explained by quantum mechanical unphysical spin,  this p.6-left,  this 10th-paragraph )"

p.3-Fig.1d,e show the electric resistance R increased when directions of magnetization of two layers are antiparallel, and decreased when magnetizations are parallel at 1.5 K by magnetoresistance (= fictional electron spin itself is unseen, unmeasurable in magnetoresistance ).

Random slow switching of electric resistance in diffrent electric current is useless.

p.4-Fig.2a-left-zoomed inset and p.5-Fig.3 show up-down voltage (= V ) fluctuation that indicated stochastic switching of electric resistance depending on electric current under some magnetic field, and this stochastic switching is not only random but also extremely slow (= several milliseconds = ~4ms were needed for one switching, this Fig.2d, which is far slower than the ordinary transistor's switch needing only 50ns, this last ).

p.4-left-last~right-upper says "the tunneling current necessary to induce stochastic switching is reduced by a factor of 20 (= at 30 K ) compared to measurements taken at 1.5 K, highlighting the significant influence of temperature (= which means tunneling is caused just by ordinary "thermal fluctuation" or de Broglie wave interference irrelevant to unrealistic quantum mechanical negative kinetic energy )"

Unreal quasiparticle model, No quantum mechanical prediction.

p.9-right-2nd-last paragraph says "The parameter values are set based on comparison with experimental or theoretical facts related to CrI3 and graphene. Since the quasiparticle gap is over 2 eV and it is between the same-spin but different orbital states, we choose J = 1.4 eV and Δ = 0.8, J = 1.12 eV"  ← Experimental parameters were chosen, No quantum mechanical prediction, and the unreal quasiparticle model hinders clarifying true mechanism.

As a result, due to unphysical quantum mechanical (quasiparticle) model, researchers were forced to focus only on these impractical devices or the slow, random switches only for publishing papers in journals that need to spread overhyped news every day to make the current dead-end science (falsely) appear to be progressing and promising for future quantum ~.


Quantum teleportation is an useless concept sending nothing, which cannot be improved by noise or anything.

The 1-2nd, 6-7th, 13th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"Researchers have succeeded in conducting an almost perfect quantum teleportation despite the presence of noise that usually disrupts the transfer of quantum state (= hype, this research suffered massive loss of photon or light = a lot of errors, far from perfect )."

"In teleportation, the state of a quantum particle, or qubit, is transferred from one location to another without sending the particle itself. This transfer requires quantum resources, such as entanglement.. (= false, neither teleportation nor entanglement can send or transfer information of state without ordinary classical communication, so completely useless )"

"Conventionally, the polarization of photons (= just weak laser lights ) has been used for the entanglement of qubits in teleportation, while the current approach exploits the hybrid entanglement between the photons' polarization and frequency (= they just modified light frequency, entanglement was irrelevant )"

"This allows for a significant change in how the noise influences the protocol, and as a matter of fact our discovery reverses the role of the noise from being harmful to being beneficial to teleportation (= unscientific and false, noise is always harmful. This research just artificially modified light's frequency in advance, so that it can be canceled by the later already-known noise by adjustment )"

"Teleportation has important applications, e.g., in transmitting quantum information (= lie. Quantum teleportation is just the (Bell-state) measurement of polarizations of fragile photons or lights, which sends No information without ordinary classical channel, so completely useless and meaningless concept. this-last-paragraph )"

"The results of the current study can be considered as basic research that carries significant fundamental importance (= ambiguous importance ) and opens intriguing pathways for future (= meaning "still useless now" ) work to extend the approach to general types of noise sources "

Teleportation, entanglement are useless, sending no information.  Massive photon loss caused extremely high error rate of 99.9999999 %. = completely impractical.

↑ This research just artificially modified and adjusted lights' frequencies in advance, so that they could cancel the later (known) noise influence (= noise itself is annoying and harmful requiring these additional devices of frequency modification to deal with it, contrary to this hyped news ).

And quantum teleportation and entanglement were unable to send any real information without ordinary classical communication channel.

Photons or weak laser lights used in this research were completely impractical with massive loss and extremely high error rate of 99.999999 %. which is why physicists cannot increase the number of photons or weak lights carrying information (encoded in light polarization or phase ) to more than 5~6 photons (= just 5 bitstring information, useless )

This research paper ↓

p.2-left-5th-paragraph says "entangles its (composite) polarization with the (composite) frequency, creating a multipartite hybrid-entangled state, and this can be done, with spatial light modulators (= SLMs, which just artificially modified lights' frequencies to cancel the later noise )

p.2-Fig.1(C) says "Alice performs BSM (= Bell-state measurement of light polarization means teleportation sending No information ).. Alice classically communicates her result ∣B⟩ to Bob (= ordinary classical communication channel was necessary to send information )".

p.3-Fig.2 shows two weak laser lights (or auxiliary photons ) with some correlated polarizations (= ex. one light is vertically-polarized V, the other is horizontally-polarized H ) were artificially modified by SLM (= spatial light modulator, p.2-left-middle ) to cancel the effect of noise. Then, their polarizations with another third photon (= whose state should be teleported ) were measured (= BSM ). = sending No information without classical communication.

p.4-left-1st-paragraph says "The factors in front of λ0 in the phase functions were carefully optimized (= light's phase was artificially optimized by SLM ) to mitigate dispersion in the birefringent crystals (= noise )."

p.4-right-Materials and methods say " femtosecond ultraviolet laser ( 390 nm, 76 MHz = light or photon source )"
"Next, in case any noise is to be implemented later, Alice and Bob’s phase functions need to be imprinted on their auxiliary photons. This is achieved by guiding the photons through SLMs (= this light modulators could cancel the later noise caused by birefringent crystals )"

p.5-left-last-paragraph says "so that the final fourfold coincidence rate is about 0.03 Hz (= they could detect only three teleportation events using four photons per 100 seconds, extremely slow or inefficient experiment )."

↑ This means massive photon loss with extremely-low probability of coincidentally detecting four related photons (= Alice, Bob, teleported photon pairs must be detected simultaneously in teleportation ), which is only 0.03Hz/76 MHz (= initial photon-source, p.4-right-methods ) = 0.000000001 = 99.9999999 % error rate or extremely-high photon loss rate, completely impractical.

As a result, this research just artificially adjusted lights' frequency or phases by SLM (= spatial light modulators ) to cancel the effect of the later noise (= they called this mere adjustment 'entanglement' ), and measured these light polarizations, which act of "measurement" of lights is called BSM or teleportation (= this measurement's error rate was extremely bad due to massive photon loss, which cannot be improved by noise modulators at all ) that could Not send real information without ordinary classical communication channel.

Just imagining fictional exciton quasiparticles from reflected light at extremely low temperature has nothing to do with the hyped energy-efficient, secure quantum communication.

The 1st, 3-5th, last paragraphs of this overhyped news say

"Advanced information processing technologies offer greener telecommunications and strong data security for millions, a study led by University of Maryland (UMD) researchers revealed (= overhype, this research has nothing to do with these overblown greener or secure information technologies )."

"Optical switches, the devices responsible for sending information via telephone signals, rely on light as a transmission medium... A new alternative.. uses only light to power a full transmission, which could (= just speculation ) improve speed and energy efficiency for telecommunications and computation platforms (= false, this research was conducted at extremely-low temperature = only 4K, which is impractical, extremely energy-inefficient, this p.18 )."

"Early tests of this technology have shown significant energy improvements. While conventional optical switches require between 10 to 100 femtojoules to enable a communication transmission, Zhou's device consumes one hundred times less energy, which is only one-tenth to one femtojoule (= but extremely-low almost-absolute-zero temperature was needed, which was more energy-inefficient and impractical after all )."

"Achieving strong non-linearity was unexpected, which opened a new direction that we were not previously exploring: quantum communications (= this research has nothing to do with the hyped quantum communication )"

"Quantum communications, on the other hand, offer a promising (= still unrealized ) alternative as they encode the information using light, which cannot be intercepted without altering its quantum state (= just weak classical light is altered by interception, No quantum mechanics is needed ).

".. Zhou's method to improve materials' nonlinearity is a step closer to enabling those technologies (= actually, No quantum communication experiments were conducted in this research )."

Just measuring the change of reflectance of light shone on some material at various electric voltage at extremely-low temperature has nothing to do with (hyped) greener quantum communication.

↑ This research just illuminated some thin material with various lights at different voltages V and measured their light absorbance and reflectance at extremely low temperature (= 4K = impractical, energy-inefficient ), and tried to (mis)interpret this light reflectance change by fictional exciton, polaron quasiparticle model.

↑ That's all. No practical use, No quantum communication experiments have been done in this research, contrary to the hyped news.

This research paper ( this ↓ ).

p.2-abstract says "By controlling the electric field and electrostatic doping of the trilayer, we observe the hybridization between intralayer and interlayer excitons (= fictional quasiparticle ) along with the formation of Fermi polarons (= fictional quasiparticle model, again )"  ← No mention of quantum communication

p.4-2nd-paragraph says "we use gate voltages applied to the top and bottom graphite to individually control the overall doping levels in the trilayer"

p.5-1st-paragraph-lower says "we extract the exciton (= unreal quasiparticle model ) energies by fitting reflectance spectra and then model the anti-crossing using a simple coupled oscillator model (= trying to fit the observed light reflectance to fictional impractical quantum mechanical model which unphysical quantum model stops scientific development )"

p.6-2nd-paragraph says "Next, we study the (fictional) excitons' nonlinear optical response by measuring the trilayer's reflectance spectra under different laser pumping.. (= they just measured the reflected light, Not fictional exciton quasiparticles )"

p.8-2nd-paragraph says "given the short lifetime of intralayer excitons (~picoseconds = too short-lived quasiparticle representing a transiently excited pair of an electron and a hole ) "

p.18-Figure 1 ~ p.22-Figure 3 show photoluminescence (= PL = intensity of light absorption and emission ) and reflectance (= R ) of light with different energies, electric fields and voltage in WSe2 thin layers at extremely-cold temperature of 4K (= impractical ).

This p.4-last-paragraph used just artificial fitting parameters with No quantum mechanical prediction.

↑ As seen here, they just measured light absorption and reflectance at different applied voltage at extremely low temperature.  That's all.

No greener or secure quantum communication experiments have been done in this research, contrary to the overhyped news.

This is another typical example of unrealistic quantum communication and quantum computers used as fictitious targets for impractical quantum mechanical research.


Quantum sensors are useless, applicable only to fictional particles.

The 2nd, 6-7th, 9-10th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"Monitoring these tiny changes results in a wide range of applications (= hype ) —from improving navigation and natural disaster forecasting, to smarter medical imaging and detection of biomarkers of disease,.. (= None of these applications were relevant to this impractical research )"

"By embedding these color centers into a material called hexagonal boron nitride ( hBN ), the team hoped (= just dreaming, still unrealized ) to create an extremely sensitive quantum sensor—a new resource for developing next-generation,"

"For its part, hBN is particularly attractive for quantum sensing and computing because it could contain defects that can be manipulated with light—also known as "optically active spin qubits (= hype, this research has nothing to do with imaginary spin nor quantum computer qubit )"

"The team's research has resulted in a critical breakthrough in sensing spin waves,.. explaining that in this study, we were able to detect spin excitations (= false, the unphysical electron spinning itself is undetectable,  this spin wave is just tiny magnetic fluctuation caused by orbital motion )"

"Detecting spin waves is a fundamental component of quantum sensing, because these phenomena can travel for long distances, making them an ideal candidate for energy-efficient information control, communication, and processing (= hyping fake news, their spin waves or tiny magnetic fluctuations were extremely short-lived with lifetime of nanoseconds, can propagate only micrometers, completely useless as a candidate for communication or something,  this p.3-Table I,  this p.6-Fig.2,  this p.1-abstract-last )"

"underscoring the potential (= just speculation, still useless ) the material holds for precise quantum sensing."

Quantum sensors needing many bulky expensive devices is impractical, able to detect only useless short-lived magnetic fluctuation (= fictional quasiparticle ? )

↑ This research just tried to detect the tiny short-lived magnetic fluctuation (= treated as fictional spin wave or magnon quasiparticle ) in some material generated by microwave, which slightly modified atomic energy levels (in hBN ) under magnetic field which they managed to detect by seeing laser light's absorption and emission (= sensor ? ).  No electron spin detected, and No practical application, contrary to hypes.

↑ This (fictional) spin wave or tiny magnetic fluctuation has extremely-short lifetime of only nanoseconds and can propagate only very short distance of micrometers ( this p.3-Table I ).  ← It is impossible to use this extremely unstable, short-lived (fictional) spin wave or magnon quasiparticle for long-distance communication or stable computing devices.

So this impractical quantum sensors just tried to detect this meaninglessly-short-lived magnetic fluctuation at almost the same time and same position where this magnetic fluctuation was generated by applied microwave (= short-lived spin wave could propagate only micrometers from the point where microwave was applied, this p,1-abstract ).

↑ Just detecting the applied microwave by far cheaper widely-used detectors or (classical) sensors is meaningful and better (= because trying to detect the macrowave-driven extremely-short-lived magnetic fluctuation or spin wave, which disappears in nanoseconds, is meaningless ).

This research paper ↓

p.1-right-2nd-paragraph says "Specifically, we report quantum sensing of magnons (= fictional quasiparticle ) with variable wave vectors in a magnetic insulator Y3Fe5O12 (YIG) by boron vacancy VB (= boron vacancy ) spin defects in hBN flakes"

p.2-Fig.1E and p.2-left-2nd-paragraph says "Fluctuating magnetic fields at the corresponding electron spin resonance (ESR) frequencies will induce VB spin transitions between the ms = 0 and ms = ±1 states (= unphysical spin itself is unobservable, all they measured are energy levels or states interacting with light and magnetic field ). The ms = ±1 VB spin states.. generating reduced PL (= excited m = +1 or -1 states emitted less light than the bright ground state m = 0 in this hBN vacancy V or sensor )"

"For FMR excitation, the external microwave magnetic field Bmw at a frequency fmw perpendicularly applied to the static YIG (= magnetic insulator ) magnetization M drives quasi-uniform spin wave (= just magnetic fluctuation excited by microwave ).."

p.3-left-1st-paragraph says " The increased magnetic fluctuations at frequencies f± will induce spin relaxation of proximal VB spin defects and variations of the emitted PL (= photoluminescence ), which can be optically detected (= they just detected light interacting with atoms, Not spin itself )"

p.5-right-ODMR measurements says "The presented quantum sensing measurements were performed... We applied continuous green laser and microwave signals to perform ODMR measurements. The PL of VB spin defects was detected by an avalanche photodiode (= just detected light, Not fictional spin )"

This Fig.1 and p.3-last~p.4 say " The increased magnetic fluctuations at the NV ESR frequencies f± will accelerate the NV relaxation from the ms = 0 to the (dim) ms = ±1 states (=the states of "dim" or not emitting light ), giving rise to a variation of the measured PL intensity... we assume that the change of the PL intensity is dominated by the variation of magnon (= fictional quasiparticle) density "

↑ So in Fig.2~Fig.4 of this paper show the "dim" excited states of atomic sensors became dominant, which reduced PL or the emitted light intensity ( this yellow regions ) at some microwave frequencies (= fmw ) causing magnetic fluctuation (or fictional spin wave magnon ) and external magnetic field Bext.  ← That's all, no practical application nor computing.

This alleged quantum sensor just tried to detect the influence of the very unstable useless short-lived magnetic fluctuation (= quasiparticle magnon ) on the atomic energy states through the absorbed and emitted light using many expensive devices such as laser, external magnetic field generator, which is completely impractical.

↑ Just detecting applied microwave pulses by far cheaper already-widely-used spectrometers is enough and better.

Energy-efficient spintronics device by spin current is hyped pseudo-science.

The 1-2nd, 4th, 6-7th, 9-10th paragraphs of this hyped news say

"They found that the direction in which the spins are injected into chiral materials affects their ability to pass through them. These chiral gateways could be used to design energy-efficient spintronic devices for data storage, communication and computing (= hype, this research has nothing with data storage, communication or computing.. or anything )."

"Spintronic devices harness the spin of an electron, rather than its charge, to create current and move information through electronic devices (= false, electron is Not actually spinning )"

"Chiral solids are materials that cannot be superimposed on their mirror image—think of your left and right hands, for example. A left-handed glove does not fit on your right hand, and vice-versa. Chirality in spintronic materials allows researchers to control the direction of spin within the material (= false, chiral solids, which may slightly absorb magnetization or fictional spin effect, can not control the direction of spin )."

"we found that if you inject pure spin into a chiral material, the absorption of spin current strongly depends on the angle between the spin polarization (= just magnetization's polarization, fictional spin itself is undetectable ) and chiral axis; in other words, whether the spin polarization is aligned parallel or perpendicular to the chiral axis"

"We used two different approaches, microwave particle excitation and ultrafast laser heating, to inject pure (imaginary) spin into the selected chiral materials in this study (= microwave or laser light was used to generate the temporary excited magnetic fluctuation in material, which they treated as imaginary spin current )"

"When the team injected pure spin aligned perpendicular to the material's chiral axis, they noted that the spin did not travel through the material. However, when the pure spin was aligned either parallel or anti-parallel to the chiral axis, its absorption, or ability to pass through the material, improved by 3000%"

"Since spin can only pass through these chiral materials in one direction, this could (= just speculation ) enable us to design chiral gateways for use in electronic devices (= hype, this fictional spin current or spin wave has very short life time of only nanoseconds, and can move only micrometers, which can Not be used for practical data storage, stable communication, nor computing,  this p.3-Table I,  contrary to a lot of hypes )."

Unphysical spin current is too unstable, too short-lived with only nanosecond lifetime, which is far from practical data storage and communication spintronics devices.

↑ This research just tried to measure the extremely-short lifetime of temporal magnetic fluctuation or fictional spin current (= unreal magnon quasiparticle ) excited by microwave in materials with different chiral structures. No practical use, No dreamlike spintronics devices, No quantum mechanical prediction.

This research paper ↓

p.1-left-last-paragraph says "Related effects have been termed chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS), but the underlying microscopic physics of CISS is still a matter of active controversy (= failed quantum mechanics still cannot explain this mechanism )"

p.2-Fig.1 shows the transmission or reflection of the spin current or magnetic fluctuation through the chiral material was different in different magnetization's directions.

p.3-left-Results say "chiral metal oxide thin films are used to study the anisotropic absorption of spin currents. Levo–cobalt oxide (L-Co = chiral ), Dextro–cobalt oxide (D-Co= chiral ),  and achiral, meso–cobalt oxide (M-Co = non-chiral ) thin films"

p.3-right-2nd-paragraph says "In the FMR (= ferromagnetic resonance ) measurements, a microwave field with a fixed frequency f , is transmitted through a high bandwidth waveguide and excites the NiFe layer, whereas a magnetic field, H,.. the magnetization precession of the NiFe layer generates a pure spin current (= just magnetization's fluctuation ), which propagates.. and interacts with the cobalt oxide layer. A derivative absorption profile.. represents the nonlocal spin current absorbed by the adjacent Cu/cobalt oxide layer."

p.4-Fig.2B,C and p.8-FMR measurement showed the microwave-induced magnetic fluctuation or fictional spin current tended to be absorbed in the chiral cobalt oxide (= L-Co, red ) compared to the achiral material (= M-Co blue, or Cu control green,  dP/dH= absorption ), which spin current was detected by the ordinary commercial radio-wave detectors that can change microwave or radio frequency into electric signal ( this p.2 ).  ← No expensive quantum sensors were necessary to detect fictional spin wave or magnon.

p.5-Fig.3-A,B shows the lifetime or relaxation time τ of spin current was only less than 1.28 nanoseconds (= this lifetime was much shorter in the chiral L-Co material absorbing spin current = only 53 ps ), which was measured by seeing the polarization change of the (classical) probe light reflected by the magnetization of material (= called Kerr effect ) where the temporal magnetization or spin current was induced by pump laser light.

p.5-left-1st-paragraph says "laser pulse initiates precession of the magnetization vector, i.e., magnetization precession (= imaginary spin current ), in the NiFe layer... A prominent large damping for NiFe/Cu/L-Co (= chiral ) occurs, with (spin) dynamics ceasing after ~1 period (~ 53 ps ), whereas the oscillations in the NiFe/Cu/M-Co (= non-chiral ) and NiFe/Cu (= non-chiral, control ) persist for over 1 ns (= magnetic fluctuation or spin current has extremely-short lifetime of less than only 1ns, which is completely useless for data storage or communication )"

p.5-left-1st-paragraph also says "TR-MOKE (= classical Kerr light rotation ) signal of the NiFe/Cu/M-Co and NiFe/Cu displays a relatively long-lived precession with a magnetization relaxation time τ of 775 and 685 ps (= actually too short-lived to be useful ), respectively. In contrast, the signal of the chiral NiFe/Cu/L-Co sample dampens over an order of magnitude faster, within ~69 ps (= hopelessly short lifetime )"

p.6-left-1st-paragraph mentions the fictional magnon quasiparticle.

This p.11 mentions "By fitting the data the effective damping factor was obtained (= just using experimental results, No quantum mechanical prediction )"

↑ As a result, the fictional spin current, spin wave or unstable magnetic fluctuation was too short-lived (= lifetime is less than 1 ns ) to be applied to data storage or computer information carriers, contrary to hypes.

And it is completely meaningless and useless to investigate whether the originally extremely-short-lived magnetic spin wave becomes more short-lived or not by chiral material, except for publishing papers in journals.

Fictional electron spin cannot be used for transmitting quantum information, contrary to hypes.

The 1~2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"The spin of the electron is nature's perfect quantum bit (= hype ), capable of extending the range of information storage beyond "one" or "zero." Exploiting the electron's spin degree of freedom (possible spin states) is a central goal of quantum information science (= impractical, unable to send anything )"

"Recent progress.. has shown the potential (= just speculation ) of magnon (= fictional quasiparticle ) wave packets—collective excitations of electron spin (= false, electron is not spinning ) -to transport quantum information over substantial distances (= wrong, fictional spin wave or faint magnetic fluctuation can travel only micrometers, Not substantial distance at all ) in a class of materials known as antiferromagnets"

"With their discovery,.. coworkers hope (= just hope, still useless ) to have moved a step closer to these goals. Their research is.. to advance quantum information by working across the quantum research ecosystem, from theory to application, to fabricate and test quantum-based devices and develop software and algorithms (= hype, this too-short-lived magnetic fluctuation can never be used for devices, software or anything )"

"To understand how magnon (= fictional quasiparticle ) wave packets.. group used pairs of laser pulses to perturb the antiferromagnetic order in one place while probing at another place, yielding snapshots of their propagation."

"Surprisingly, such interactions predict a speed of propagation that is orders of magnitude slower than the team actually observed (= No quantum mechanical prediction )"

"However, recall that each spinning electron is like a tiny bar magnet. If we imagine replacing the spheres with tiny bar magnets representing the spinning electrons (= wrong, again, electron is Not spinning )"

Faint magnetic fluctuation or fictional spin wave magnon quasiparticle can propagate only micrometers, which is too short to live up to hypes of transmitting quantum information.

↑ This research just illuminated antiferromagnetic material by light, generated the extremely short-lived useless magnetic fluctuation (= fictional spin wave magnon quasiparticle ? ) that can be detected as the change of reflectance of the probe light (= fictional spin itself was undetectable ), No practical use. It is too short-lived to use for transmitting any information.

This research paper ( this ↓ )

p.3-1st-paragraph says "the dynamics of spin waves, whose characteristic energies are below 1 meV, can be probed by ≈ 1 eV photons as a consequence of strong exciton-magnon (= fictitious quasiparticles ) interaction"

p.3-2nd-last-paragraph says "demonstrate spin wavepacket propagation over tens of microns (= fictional spin wave or magnetic fluctuation could propagate only micrometers, which is too short to use for practical information transmission )."

p.4-Figure.1 shows they illuminated CrSBr crystal by pump laser light to excite magnetic fluctuation or fictional spin wave, then after some short time (= only nanoseconds ns delay) they illuminated it by the probe light at some distance (= about only micrometers μm ) from the pump laser spot, measured the light reflectance change (= dR/R,  Fig.1-(c)(d) ) as a sign of fictional spin wave magnon (= spin itself was unseen ) at extremely-low temperature of 2.5K (= impractical ).

p.5-1st-paragraph says " a static magnetic field, which tips the spins from their in-plane, easy-axis orientation. The ensuing spin wave oscillations efficiently modulate the exciton energy, enabling magnon detection via measurement of transient reflectance at photon energies (= they just detected classical light reflectance, No fictional exciton, magnon quasiparticles nor spin wave were detectable )"

p.5-3rd-paragraph says "The images show that the spin wavepacket (= only light reflectance was detectable ) propagates with nearly isotropic group velocity, reaching distances of ~5 µm after ~2 ns (= fictional spin wave could move only microseconds, and its lifetime is only nanoseconds, which is completely impractical ), and provide unambiguous evidence of coherent magnon propagation"

p.13-Fig.5 shows the reflectance change of probe light which was reflected from the position at chosen distance ( only 4.82 ~ 10.66 micrometers ) from the position illuminated by the initial pump light. the time delay or intervals between the earlier pump and later probe lights were only several ns (= nanoseconds ), which shows extremely short spin wave lifetime.

p.14-1st-paragraph says they could measure only the extremely-short moving distance of 15 μm (= lifetime is only 5.3 ns ) of the fictional spin wave magnon quasiparticle, which is too short-lived to use as practical devices or data transmission.

This p.21-12. says the fictional magnon model parameters were extracted from the experiments of the field dependence of spin wave frequencies, Not from quantum mechanical prediction (← No evidence of spin or magnon quasiparticle ).

As a result, this research just measured the light reflectance to imagine the extremely-unstable, short-lived magnetic fluctuation or fictional spin wave, which is completely useless despite longtime researches except for publishing papers in journals.


There is No such thing as a quantum simulator.  It's just a hyped useless thing.

Cold atoms trapped in laser light "resemble" electrons inside solids ?  ← far-fetched analogy, Not a "simulation" at all.

The 1-3nd, 10th, 12-16th, 18th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"By analyzing images made of colored dots created by quantum simulators, ETH researchers have studied a special kind of magnetism. In the future (= still unrealized ) this method could also be used to solve other physics puzzles, for instance in superconductivity (= false, this research has nothing to do with superconductivity )."

"Up close it looks like lots of colored dots, but from a distance one sees a complex picture rich in detail: Using the technique of pointillism, in 1886 George Seurat created the masterpiece.

"Together with colleagues in Harvard and Princeton, Demler's group has now used the new method—which they call "quantum pointillism (= unfortunately, this research has nothing to do with Seurat's pointillism )"

"In a solid, however, this is not possible with conventional methods. At most, researchers can use X-ray or neutron diffraction to find out how the spins of the electrons relate to each other at two positions—the so-called spin correlation. Correlations between complex spin arrangements and additional or missing electrons cannot be measured in this way (= because electron spin is unreal )."

"Instead of electrons moving inside a lattice made of atoms, in such simulators the U.S. researchers use extremely cold atoms trapped inside an optical lattice made of light beams. The mathematical equations describing the electrons inside the solid and the atoms inside the optical lattice, however, are almost identical (= unscientific analogy. Electrons inside solids are completely different from atoms trapped in laser light )."

"groups were able not only to resolve the positions of the individual atoms, but also their spin directions (= this spin is Not a fictional superluminal electron spinning but an atomic nuclear magnetic moment ). They translated the information obtained from these snapshots of the quantum system into colored graphics that could be compared to the theoretical pointillist pictures (← ?  unscientific comparison, again )."

"his coworkers had theoretically calculated, for instance, how a single extra electron in the Nagaoka mechanism forms a pair with another electron of opposite spin and then moves through the triangular lattice of the material as a doublon (= this experiment used a much bigger cold atom instead of a solid's electron, so this theoretical calculation based on the unscientific analogy is meaningless )"

"According to the prediction (= this experiment just artificially manipulated laser light parameters, No prediction ), that doublon should be surrounded by a cloud of electrons whose spin directions are parallel, or ferromagnetic (= this research did Not use the solid ferromagnet nor electrons ). Such a cloud is also known as a magnetic polaron (= fictional quasiparticle model )"

"Moreover, if there was an atom missing in the crystal optical lattice of the quantum simulator—which corresponds to a missing electron or "hole" in the real crystal (= unscientific, a missing atom is anything but a missing electron or hole ) —then the cloud forming around that hole consisted of pairs of atoms whose spins pointed in opposite directions"

"He is confident that in the future his method will (= just speculation, still useless ) also be useful for solving other tricky problems."

"For instance, the mechanism that causes the magnetic polaron cloud to form could also play an important role in high temperature superconductors (= the 100-year-old obsolete polaron quasiparticle model with No progress can Not make a new finding )."

Quantum simulators cannot simulate anything.

Trying to make irrelevant cold atoms trapped in weak laser light mimic (anti)ferromagnetic electrons is meaningless.

↑ This research just tried to make cold lithium atoms trapped in laser light (= optical lattice ) mimic irrelevant (anti)ferromagnet with fictitious quantum mechanical spin. No practical use, No actual computer simulation and no quantum mechanical prediction.

First of all, this so-called quantum simulator consisting of extremely-cold Li atoms (= cooled to almost absolute zero = impractical,  this-last-paragraph,  this p.7-1mK ) trapped by unstable laser light cannot compute or simulate anything, because atoms easily drop out of laser light and disappear ( this-2nd-paragraph ), causing a lot of errors that cannot be fixed.

Contents of this research ↓

This research paper ( this ↓ )

Li atoms trapped by laser light = ferromagnetic solid ?  ← No.

p.2-Fig.1a,c mentions "for simulating fictional ferromagnetic polaron quasiparticle or electron spins, about 400 Li atoms were loaded in a optical lattice".

p.2-left says "The tunneling energy t and on-site interaction energy U that solely parameterize our Hubbard quantum simulator are tuned by changing the depth of the optical lattice and by controlling the magnetic field close to the broad Feshbach resonance of lithium-6.. This allows us to tune the ratio U/t.. (= By artificially manipulating laser light's strength and magnetic field trapping cold Li atoms, they tried to express the unphysical quantum mechanical solid = Hubbard model lacking real particle picture )"

p.3-Fig.2, p.4-Fig.3 show the vague distribution of cold Li nuclear magnetic moments' direction (= spin correlation = p.1-(1) = neighboring atoms' magnetic directions ) depending on artificially manipulated laser light parameters U/t, No actual computer simulation.

Just shining light on atoms whose energy levels slightly changed cannot simulate anything.

Correlation function C just vaguely showed whether neighboring atomic nuclear magnetic directions are the same (= red, fictitious ferromagnet ) or the opposite (= blue, fictitious antiferromagnet ).  No computation nor computer simulation was made in this research.

p.9-right says spin state means Li atomic nuclear magnetic direction expressed as two hyperfine energy levels (= spin itself is unobservable ).

↑ To detect this Li nuclear magnetic direction, they illuminated atoms with probe laser light that could distinguish these two energy levels, which was re-emitted as a detectable light ( this-last-paragraph,  this p.2-left ).

As a result, this research just manipulated unstable laser light to trap cold Li atoms, and measured their nuclear atomic directions with No computation or actual computer simulation, No practical use.  ← Their simulation just means trying to make cold atoms imitate irrelevant electrons inside solids.

Basically, it is impossible that the old-fashioned, archaic universities with more than 100 year history can keep the leading scientific position in the competitive technological or innovation world, competing with a lot of for-profit corporations and start-ups, unless they artificially created useless pseudo-science and imposed it on us as "(fictitious) mainstream science" colluding with academic journals restricting the freedom of really useful science.

↑ This unreasonably-forced fictional mainstream science only to protect vested rights of old academia allows universities to skyrocket tuition indefinitely despite the present higher education just causing skill-job mismatch.

And the present universities become places of "politics" rather than learning real science.


There is No such thing as a quantum simulation, again.

The 1st, 5-6th, 9th, 11th, 13th paragraphs of this hyped news say

"A team of researchers.. is making important progress (= No progress, rather regressing by decreasing qubits' number to only one ) in the field of quantum simulation and quantum computing based on Rydberg atoms (= actually, No simulation nor computation was done in this research using only one impractical qubit )"

"This is exciting because they are particularly stable and can extend the lifetime of a quantum bit enormously (= hype, this qubit's lifetime was only 2.5 milliseconds, too short to be practical ). They therefore have great potential (= just speculation ) for the development of more powerful quantum simulators (= they repeatedly try to make impression that there may be "promising quantum simulation", but actually No simulation was done in this research )"

"A circular Rydberg atom is a particular type of Rydberg atom (= which has high excited energy state, and circular orbit with large radius ) in which the excited electron follows a circular path around the atomic nucleus. Compared to other Rydberg states, these atoms have an increased stability and a longer lifetime. This makes them attractive candidates for use as qubits (= still very short 2.55 millisecond lifetime, very slow, high error rate, so Not an attractive candidate for a qubit at all )."

"The research team demonstrated the generation of very high-energy circular states of a strontium isotope with an astonishingly long lifetime of up to 2.55 milliseconds (= very short lifetime, this bit or qubit is broken in just milliseconds, completely impractical ) at room temperature"

"This so-called coherent control enabled the scientists to use microwave pulses to switch the qubit between different states (= just switched a single qubit between two energy states expressing 0 ↔ 1 by microwave for very short time of 2.55 milliseconds. That's all. No simulation nor computation was done )"

"Circular Rydberg atoms offer a multitude of possibilities (= just speculation, still unrealized ) for performing quantum operations and, in particular, quantum simulations (= they seem to be obsessed with the use of the quantum simulation hype )"

Just making one single atom or one qubit oscillating between two excited states by microwave with very short lifetime, No simulation and No practical qubit, contrary to hypes.

↑ This research just oscillated only one single Sr atom or one qubit between two excited states (= large circular orbits ) by microwave with very short lifetime of only 2.5 milliseconds, No simulation nor computation was executed in this research.

This research paper ↓

p.2-Fig.1a, c, e, f shows only one single Sr atom was trapped in optical tweezer (= laser light ) and electromagnetic field, and it oscillated between two excited states of 79C ↔ 77C (= large circular orbits with high-energy principal quantum numbers n = 79 and 77 ) by microwave (= MW ) for some time (= less than milliseconds ).

p.2-left-1st-paragraph says "Here, we create very-high-n (n = 79) circular Rydberg states of 88Sr atoms from an array of optical tweezers and demonstrate coherent control of a qubit encoded in circular states separated by two principal quantum numbers (= n = 79 and n = 77 states ) which is driven by a two-photon microwave (MW) transition...
We observe lifetimes of the circular Rydberg states as long as 2.55 ms (= too short-lived to be a practical bit )"

p.3-left-1st-paragraph says "Subsequently, the electron is transferred into the circular Rydberg orbit 79C ( n = 79; = energy level,  l = m = 78 = angular momentum ).. we first ramp up the electric field.. At this field, the initial Rydberg F state smoothly attaches to the Stark-shifted manifold of high levels (= stabilized the Rydberg atomic large circular orbit by manipulating electric field. ) "

p.3-left-2nd-paragaph says "We exploit SSFI (= state-selective ramped field ionization, Fig.1 ) for ensemble-averaged state readout. The ionization field is applied along the x direction via two of the ring electrodes and guides the produced ions toward a microchannel plate (MCP) mounted outside the electrode cage for detection (= they distinguished two atomic energy states or different circular orbits of n = 79 and n = 77 with different radii by their electric field difference.  Moving the heavy atom to detection plate is a very slow impractical method )"

p.3-left-2nd-paragraph also says "Recording the population transfer P = p77/(p79+p77) from 79C to 77C as a function of the MW (= microwave ) pulse length tMW reveals coherent Rabi oscillations (= meaning a qubit's oscillation between two states 0 ↔ 1 by microwave, which oscillating time is used for estimating a qubit's lifetime, this Fig.3-4 ).."

"we infer about εCRS = 70% preparation efficiency of the 79C circular Rydberg level (= success rate of preparing initial n = 79 state is only 70% meaning 30% error rate of one-qubit operation, far from practical computer )"

p.6-Fig.5 shows the atom could maintain two states n = 77 (and n = 79 ) for only milliseconds (= too short lifetime ) decaying into other n = 76, 78, 80 states.

↑ As a result, this research just oscillated only one single atom or one qubit (= far from millions of qubits required for practical quantum computer ) between two excited energy states between n = 79C (= large circular obit called Rydberg state ) and n = 77C for only milliseconds (= too short lifetime to be a practical bit ) with No simulation nor computation contrary to hypes.

Surface acoustic wave has nothing to do with hyped quantum internet

The 1-2nd, 4th, 6-7th paragraphs of this hyped news say

"Researchers.. have used surface acoustic waves (= just short-lived sound wave ) to overcome a significant obstacle in the quest to realize a quantum internet (= hype, this research has nothing to do with quantum internet, which is impractical forever )."

"In a new study published in Nature Communications, scientists.. describe a technique for pairing particles of light and sound that could be used to faithfully convert information stored in quantum systems—qubits—to optical fields (= hype, this research did Not use quantum bits or qubits at all )"

"In the last 10 years, surface acoustic waves have emerged as a good resource for "quantum applications" (= ambiguous quantum application, but actually No practical application of this research's surface acoustic wave ) because the phonon (= fictional quasiparticle for sound wave ), or individual particle of sound, couples very well to different systems"

"Rather than coupling the phonons to electric fields, Renninger's lab tried a less invasive approach, shining light on the cavities (= materials sandwiched by mirrors ) and eliminating the need for mechanical contact."

"We were able to strongly couple surface acoustic waves with light.. We designed acoustic cavities, or tiny echo chambers, for these waves where sound could last for a long time (= hype, this research just illuminated material generating transient sound wave only in very small 500 μm area for extremely short time ~ microseconds, which can Not be used for quantum internet )"

Just generating short-lived impractical sound wave in very small area (= only 500 μm ) cannot make quantum internet at all.

↑ This research just shone light on material at extremely-low temperature (= 4K = impractical ), and generated transient sound wave within only 500 μm area sandwiched by mirrors, No practical use, No quantum internet nor qubits appeared in this research.

This research paper ↓

p.3-left-2nd-paragraph says "Optomechanical measurements are made at a temperature of T = 4 K (= almost absolute-zero temperature, impractical device ) for two sets of cavities.. mirror spacing of L∼ 500 μm."

p.3-Fig.1 shows illuminating material of about 500 μm between mirrors by two lights, and exciting transient surface acoustic wave (= SAW ) of phonon's (= sound wave ) frequency Ω and wavevector q (= p.2-right )

p.6-Fig.4 shows quality factor (= sound wave's lifetime ) decreases in higher temperature (= far lower than room temperature, so impractical device ).

↑ This experiment just illuminating some material with light to generate transient sound wave has nothing to do with (hyped) quantum internet or quantum bits ( this p.2-1st-paragraph ).

In all other researches, physicists tried to make this transient sound wave or surface acoustic wave ( = SAW ) interact with only one or two superconducting qubits (= still Not a computer ) at extremely low temperature where relaxation time or lifetime of this transient sound wave was very short, only less than microseconds with low fidelity ( this p.4-left-2nd-paragraph,  this p.2-Fig.1,2, p.3 ).

↑ Unrealistic quantum internet and quantum computer are often used as fictitious scientific target for this kind of impractical quantum mechanical research intended only for publishing papers in journals and protecting obsolete vested interests of academia.

Quantum mechanical useless one-pseudo-electron DFT model + hyped AI cannot predict practical superconductors.

The 1-3rd, 5th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"Superconductors are materials that conduct electricity without resistance and are essential for several technological advancements, which include medical imaging and energy-efficient technology (= hype, superconductor needing extremely low temperature is energy-inefficient ). However, most known superconductors operate under extreme conditions such as extremely low temperatures or high pressures, which limit their practical use."

"Hydride compounds are a class of promising superconducting materials that possess high superconducting transition temperatures (i.e., H3S and LaH10) under ultrahigh pressures (several hundred GPa = 980000 atmospheric pressure, completely impractical )
Screening.. potential new materials.. remains a significant challenge."

"Researchers.. have leveraged a combination of quantum mechanics-based density functional theory (DFT) and artificial intelligence (AI) to address this challenge. By integrating these methods, they developed an approach that enhances the prediction and discovery process for potential (= just speculation ) hydride superconductors."

"The researchers used high-throughput DFT calculations to predict the critical temperature of over 900 hydride materials under a range of pressures, finding over 120 structures with superior superconducting properties compared to MgB2, which has a critical temperature of 39 K (= this research predicted only impractical superconductors, and did not experimentally verify them )."

"High temperature superconductors have the potential (= just speculation ) to revolutionize technologies across several industries. This work not only showcases the synergy of combining quantum mechanical simulations (= No such thing as a quantum simulation ) with AI, but also paves a path towards a future where the dream of a room-temperature superconductor may one day (= still unrealized ) be realized."

Just artificially choosing fictional pseudo-potential for impractical quantum mechanical model and AI cannot discover useful superconductors.

↑ This research just used database based on artificially-created pseudo-potentials of one-pseudo-electron DFT model and experimental values with No quantum mechanical prediction, No useful superconductors were discovered.

This research paper ( this ↓ )

p.2-1st-paragraph says "The discovery of superconductors with a high transition temperature (Tc) has been a longstanding goal.. hydrogen-rich compounds are ideal for high temperature superconductivity because hydrogen atoms provide strong electron-phonon (= fictional quasiparticle ) coupling (EPC)"

p.4-Methdology says "In order to compute the EPC (= electron-phonon or fictional quasiparticle coupling ) and Tc of hydride materials, we performed non-spin polarized density functional perturbation theory (DFPT),.. Topsakal-Wentzcovitch pseudopotential (= artificially-chosen pseudo-potential, Not a quantum mechanical DFT prediction ) was used."

p.7-Figure 1 says "and adding structures from literature (= just using the past experimental data in literature )"

p.9-2nd-paragraph says "Due to the highthroughput nature of these calculations and limitations to the theoretical framework, accuracy of the results may be impacted."

"Aspects of the calculations such as size of the q-point grid, choice of exchange-correlation functional, choice of pseudopotential ( this p.7-last ) and choice of the empirical constant µ∗ in Eq. 5 can all cause variations in the DFT results (= choice of artificial pseudo-potential, exchange functional and empirical parameters influences the result, which is Not a quantum mechanical prediction, let alone AI )."

p.14-Figure 5c shows this AI+impractical DFT "predicted" only impractical superconductors with extremely low critical temperature Tc (< 50K ) or extremely high pressure (> 100 GPa ).

p.16-last-paragraph says "In this work, we used the JARVIS-Force-Field (FF) 80 universal machine learned force field (= fictional pseudo-potential called force field of extremely-time-consuming impractical molecular dynamics or MD )"

This p.4-lower says "Catch: PBE functionals overestimate lattice constants (= one-pseudo-electron DFT functionals failed )"

↑ As a result, all the present physics, chemistry and industry have stopped progressing due to the impractical quantum mechanical methods such as one-pseudo-electron DFT, fictional quasiparticle model with No real molecular shapes, and the extremely-time-consuming molecular dynamics (= MD ).

This impractical mainstream quantum mechanics needed to create the overhyped AI and dubious quantum technology as fictitious scientific targets to make the current deadend obsolete physics appear to be progressing and (pseudo-)state-of-the-art.

Valley polarization switching non-volatile memory hype

The 1-4th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"In a study published in Science Advances, Prof. from... Chinese Academy of Sciences and.. Peking University have demonstrated for the first time the dependence of valley polarization switching (= actually, this research's "switching" is completely useless ) and polarization degree on the moiré period by twist engineering in electrically controlled transition metal dichalcogenide heterobilayers (hBLs)."

"Van der Waals (vdW) hBLs have attracted a lot of attention due to their electronic energy band structures and diverse physical properties for potential (= just speculation ) valley-based optoelectronic applications"

"Twist engineering is a powerful (← ? what this "powerful" means is unclear ) tool to manipulate the valley degrees of freedom of interlayer excitons (IXs = unreal quasiparticle model ). It provides an additional freedom to control the excitonic potential, thereby improving the controllability of the valley properties"

"In this study, the researchers demonstrated that the valley polarization of IXs (= unreal interlayer exciton quasiparticle ) can be effectively controlled by adjusting the twist angle. Both the degree of circular polarization (DCP) and the polarization switching are electrically controlled in fabricated WSe2/WS2 heterostructure devices with different moiré periods determined by the twist angle."

"Based on this polarization switching, the researchers have also demonstrated a valley-addressable encoding device that provides a platform for future (= still unrealized ) non-volatile memories (= hype, this research's impractical switching has nothing to do with non-volatile memories )."

Valley polarization switch that must be operated at extremely low temperature is too slow and impractical.

Fictional exciton quasiparticle model to explain the polarized light interacting with material at extremely low temperature can never lead to practical switching nor memories.

This research just measured the energies of the (classical) polarized light interacting with thin twisted material (= WSe2/WS2 ) under various voltage at extremely low temperature (= only 10K,  this p.3-Fig.2~p.4-Fig.3~p.5-Fig.4 = impractical ), and tried to explain it by fictional exciton quasiparticle model. No practical use of switching or memories, No quantum mechanical prediction.

The "valley" or valleytronics means just part of unphysical band model with fictional quasiparticle and effective mass

Contents of this research paper ↓

This research paper ↓

p.2-Fig.1A~C shows two layers twisted at some angle θ under various voltage.

Light excited quasiparticles excitons at extremely low temperature ?

p.2-left-last-paragraph says "To confirm the interlayer coupling, both Raman and photoluminescence (PL).. ). Figure 1E shows the PL of the heterostructure at extremely-low temperature (T = 10 K = impractical ),.. The green region shows the energy peaks of neutral exciton (= unreal quasiparticle to explain photoluminescence PL = light absorbed into or emitted from the material )"

Absorption of left or right circularly polarized light was changed by different voltages.  ← exciton quasiparticle switch ?

p.3-left-1st-paragraph says "Here, the DCP (= degree of circular polarization ) is defined by p = (I+ − I−)/(I+ + I−), where I+(−) represents the intensities of the σ+ and σ− circularly polarized emission with σ+ excitation (= the polarization means left-handed or right-handed circularly-polarized light interacting with the material, this p.4-last ).

".. a predominant co-circular polarization of IXs is observed with a positive applied voltage, whereas a reversal of polarization is observed when applying a negative voltage of −20 V. Thus, this polarization switching (= difference in the absorbed circularly-polarized lights depending on the applied voltage ) can be attributed to the modulation of periodic excitonic (= unreal quasiparticle) potential by electrical controlling"

p.4-Fig.3D shows the material absorbed more left-handed or more right-handed circularly-polarized light (= σ± ) depending on the applied gate voltage at extremely low temperature (= 10K = impractical ), which they call DCP (= degree of circular polarization ) or "switching."

One switching took 2 minutes, which was too slow to be practical.

p.6-Fig.5 shows this DCP (= degree of circular polarization or the material absorbing whether left-handed or right-handed circularly-polarized light ) switched by applied voltage (= Vg ), which switching speed was extremely slow, one switch took 2 minutes, which cannot be used for practical computer switching, much less non-volatile memories.

No quantum mechanicsl prediction.

This p.11 used one pseudo-electron DFT model with fictitious potential and reduced mass of the exciton quasiparticle, which were influenced by a broader set of (artificial) parameters.  ← No quantum mechanical prediction.

As a result, this research about very slow "switching" by applied voltage and light at extremely low temperature (= only 10K ), and fictional exciton quasiparticle model is also completely useless except for publishing papers in journals like hyped quantum computers.


Useless Quantum mechanics still cannot explain why ice is so slippery.

The 1-3rd, 5-6th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"A team of physicists affiliated with several institutions (= Peking university ) in China has uncovered the reason behind the slipperiness of ice (= actually, real atomic mechanism is still Not uncovered in this research ). In their study, published in the journal Nature, the group used atomic force microscopy to get a closer look at the surface of ice at different temperatures."

"Prior research and a lot of anecdotal evidence (= meaning quantum mechanics failed to give scientific mechanism so far ) have shown that ice is slippery, even when temperatures are well below the freezing point. Research has suggested this is because of a pre-melt coating that develops at the surface, which serves as a lubricant."

"In this new study, the research team used an atomic force microscope fitted with a carbon monoxide atom on its tip to get a better look at the structure of normal ice and its pre-melt coating."

"The ice Ih (= internal ice ), as expected, was arranged in stacked hexagons. The ice on the surface, by contrast, was only partially hexagonal. The researchers also found defects in the ice at the border between the two types of ice that occurred as the different ice shapes met one another."

"The researchers then raised the temperature in the chamber slightly, which resulted in more disorder as the differences in shape became more pronounced. The team then created a simulation (= unphysical impractical simulation ) showing how such disorder would impact the surface as a whole unit—it showed the disorder expanding all the way across the surface, giving the ice a liquid-like appearance that would be slippery if trod upon."

"They also note that they plan (= still unrealized ) to continue their study by using short laser bursts to heat the ice for very short amounts of time, allowing them to see what happens under warmer conditions (= they just claimed some "disorder" might cause slippery ice, made No mention of practical application, and did Not clarify atomic mechanism )."

Quantum mechanical unphysical one-pseudo-electron DFT and extremely-time-consuming molecular dynamics (= MD ) prevent practical application.

↑ This research observed individual atoms of ice by atomic force microscope, but tried to explain it by unphysical quantum mechanical one-pseudo-electron density functional theory (= DFT or Kohn-Sham ) which lacks real physical meaning, hence, the real mechanism of the slippery ice is still unclarified, contrary to hypes.

↑ In this research paper, this and this p.11(or p.10)-lower used unphysical one-pseudo-electron DFT (= density functional theory ) or Kohn-Sham theory that lacks real physical meaning ( this-last-paragraph,  this p.8-2.5.4-The band gap problem-3~4th-paragraphs ), so the real mechanism (= at the atomic level ) of slippery ice remains unclarified.

This research also used the extremely-time-consuming molecular dynamics (= MD ) based on artificially-chosen pseudo-potential called force field that could conduct only 2500 ns (= 2.5 μs ) simulation (= too short to simulate much longer important biological reactions ) of the "disorder" of water surface, vaguely.

As a result all the current physics and chemistry stop progressing by quantum mechanical unphysical one-pseudo-electron DFT model and the extremely-time-consuming molecular dynamics lacking real atomic shapes.

Useless quantum mechanical DFT, MD → Biology is deadend, too.

Atomic mechanism of protein-protein interactions remains unknown due to useless quantum mechanical model.

The 2nd, 4-5th, last paragraphs of this hyped news say

"However, our current understanding of such protein–protein interactions often lacks cellular contexts because they were usually studied in an in vitro system or in cells isolated from their tissue environment. Effective methods to investigate protein–protein interactions in a tissue-specific manner are largely missing (= the current mainstream science failed to clarify protein-protein interaction )"

"The team labeled proteins from specific cells with a bifunctional amino acid probe that allows the labeled proteins to be isolated and captures protein–protein interactions through photo-crosslinking (= atomic mechanism of protein-protein interaction has Not been considered in this research )."

"This new method, Methionine Analog-based Cell-Specific Proteomics and Interactomics (MACSPI),has allowed the team to identify many new tissue-specific proteins and protein interactions, helping us better understand how cells work in living organisms and study various biological problems, such as organ development and disease pathogenesis (= this research is about nematode or C.elegans that has nothing to do with human disease pathogenesis )."

"The team envisions (= uncertain future, still unrealized ) that the MACSPI method can be used in many multicellular organisms to profile proteomes and interactomes.."

The present biology that cannot utilize atomic interaction is a huge waste of time.

↑ This research tried to observe some protein labeled with fluorescence proteins using microscopes and antibodies specific to these proteins without considering atomic or molecular mechanism, so it can never lead to clarifying truth or curing diseases by controlling atoms.

This research paper ↓

p.2 used plasmids (= bacterial virus ) having genes of some proteins and GFP (= green fluorescence protein of jellyfish ) edited by bacterial CRISPR/Cas-9 immune system, which were injected into nematodes or C.elegans.

p.4~5 used photo-ANA (= antinuclear antibody ), p.8-Western blotting, p.9-immunoprecipitation based on antibodies obtained by immunizing natural animals to vaguely see whether antibodies attached to target proteins (= detailed atomic mechanism of these interactions was unclear ).

No quantum mechanical methods (= ex. DFT ) nor molecular dynamics was used in this biology research.

↑ Due to useless quantum mechanical physics, all the biological and medical researches are unable to utilize (real) atomic interactions, which fact prevents clarifying the precise disease mechanism and finding the effective cures, forever.

So researchers in the current physics and biology just aim to publish papers in academic journals instead of really aiming to find effective cures for diseases.  → Cancers, Alzheimer are incurable as long as the unphysical quantum mechanical model is blindly used.



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