How the media deceive people ?


The present physics is useless.

[ Physicists need "imaginary target" = quantum computer. ]

(Fig.1)  ↓ Science news use confusing phrases.    

The present physics is useless, stops progressing now.
But academia and the media need to make money even using useless science.

So academia made up "imaginary target" = unreal quantum computer, which is said to use fictional parallel worlds.

This news says that "superposition (= parallel universes )" leads to the "possibility" of quantum algorithms ?  ← still useless, nothing realized.

The original paper uses very vague expressions "it could form quantum-classical interface ?" just by applying microwave to some superconductor.

This news is just about some modulator, and exaggerates "it will pave the way for future high-speed quantum computation ?"  ← still unrealized.

This news also says that "in theory", it would allow quantum computer to perform calculations faster ?, but still useless.

This news is not experiment, but just "pie-in-the-sky" theory, and using misleading phrases that quantum technologies have great "potential" ?, they are "closer" to practical use ?  ← still nothing realized yet.

In this way, academia and the media try to deceive people and governments by using "imaginary target = quantum computer" to make useless physics look useful and steal taxpayers' money.


"Imaginary" target = Big Bang ?

[ LHC deceives taxpayers using imaginary target = early univserse ? ]

(Fig.2)  ↓ LHC just measures irrelevant garbage.   

Large Hadron collider (= LHC ) wasted huge taxpayers' money, but Higgs is still useless.  ← Nobel scam ?

LHC just measures meaningless irrelevant garbage and noises to speculate imaginary undetectable new particles (← ? ), which cannot be isolated or confirmed as real.

So physicists and the media need "imaginary target = Big Bang ?" to make people falsely excited and deceive governments in order to get subsidy.

They just collide some nuclei, which has nothing to do with early universe, which is just speculation.

This news says some unstable particle with unseen quarks may be created in only 1 in 10 billisons' collisions.  ← nonsense.

This news is about very unstable muon, and uses very vague expression "it should aid the development of hydrogen storage ?"  ← still useless.

In this way, LHC needs some "imaginary target" such as "early universe" or "origin of mass" to constantly get taxpayers' money for useless gigantic collider


Journals = fake news.

[ How journlas make "useless" physics look "useful" ? ]

(Fig.3)  ↓ Science news uses very misleading phrases.

This news claims that measueing some atomic magnetism "will" be possible to store a thousands of times more information ?  ← still useless, nothing realized now.

This news is also vague, saying that quantum cold gas anomaly (← ? ) will help unlock the fundamental physics ?  ← still nothing realized.

These science news are all about imaginary "future" things, their experiments have done nothing useful now.  This is the "trick" of science fake news.

The current physics relies on unreal quasiparticle, useless Schrödinger equation and its rough approximation density functional theory (= DFT ).

All the current condensed matter physics papers must use nonphysical math and useless DFT to explain experimental results ( this p.4, this p.3 ).

DFT treats the whole metal as if it were a single quasi-electron, and uses artificially-chosen fake potential.

Local-density approximation is the most often used, which roughly treats inhomogeneous molecues as if it were homogeneous.  ← unreal !

Of course, this unrealistically rough approximation often fails and each time DFT disagrees with experiment, they pick up other artificial fake potential (= functional ).

In this way, the current quantum mechanics is useless, forever.



2018/9/28 updated. Feel free to link to this site.