Quantum computer is science scam

Top (quantum mechanics is fantasy)
IBM quantum computer is useless forever.

IBM quantum computer is "scam".

[ Corporations, corrupt academia, media deceive people together. ]

(Fig.1)  ↓ This quantum computer is still of NO use.

Quantum computer is clearly investment scam.  Even after long-time reseach we cannot use useful quantum computer at all.  Waste of tax.

The media controlled by corrupt academia and corporations uses very misleading expression to get people's hope up for fictional computer.

This news exaggerates the title "reached milestone !", but later says "quantum computer is still in its early phase", which means "still useless".

Professor uses ambiguous phrases "quantum computer closer to practical use", which means "quantum computer is still unrealized", like "closer to reality" stated 14 years ago.

They try to emphasize only the part of "50 bits !", never say what their quantum computer can do.  Because they do nothing useful for us.

Their quantum computer ( they like to call it ) is NOT faster, because there is NO exprimental proof of exloiting parallel computing in parallel worlds.


Quantum computer = still only 4 bits !?

[ The name of "quantum computer" is deception. ]

This latest Science paper deals with quantum computer consisting of only four ions.

This is what their quantum computer is.  It's impossible to make useful computer only from 4 ions !

So the present quantum computer has nothing to with useful computer, but just science scam to defraud people of money.

IBM 20-bit quantum computer (← ? ) easily breaks within very short time (= 90 microsecond ), which means it can never be useful computer.


Dark matter is fiction, unnecessary

[ Dark matter is abundant ?  but why undetectable ? ]

They say dark matter is very abundant and exerts strong power to push all stars.  But NO dark matter is found around the earth.  Strange.

Even very sensitive detector cannot detect it.  So we can say there are NO dark matter pushing strongly stars around us.

But they try to create artificial particle, saying this new dark matter candidate (= axion ? ) may slightly affect neutron electric dipole.  Still not found.

This abrupt idea that neutron may be affected by dark matter axion, is completely nonsense rule made up just for their selfish imaginary theory.


Physics is deadend in fictional science.

[ This week physics has made NO progress, either. ]

(Fig.2)  Quantum computer, dark matter, spin are fiction.

This week physics is quantum computer with ion, dark matter, spin.  All these physics are useless, science scam to defraud taxpayers.

Quantum computer (= unrealized forever ) is clearly investment fraud by corrupt university and corporations involved in its advertizement.



2017/11/17 updated. Feel free to link to this site.