Unreal particles in solid physics.


The current physics uses unreal quasi-particles.

[ "Future quantum technology ?" means "No progress". ]

(Fig.1)  ↓ Fake "future" target = quantum ?    


Quantum mechanics invented 100 years ago is unrealistic and useless, relying on fictitious quasiparticles to explain all physical phenomena.

Quasiparticle is unreal, having fake (= effective ) mass and charge, which are freely-adjustable to deal with different phenomena, so meaningless in predicting new reactions.

For useless quantum physics to get research funds, physicists needed to create fake target = fictional quantum computer which is supposed to exploit fantasy parallel worlds for faster (← ? ) parallel computing ?  ← still  Not reality.

To hide the inconvenient fact that the current quantum physics is useless with No progress, academia spreads fake news to deceive people into falsely believing their researches are worth taxpayers' money.

If you carefully read each quantum technology news, you will notice they make No progress, just using misleading phrases to get your hopes up.


This week physics  (6/19)    ← still No progress.

This week solid-physics is still full of unreal quasi-particle such as phonon ( this, this, this ), magnon ( this, this ), polariton ( this, this ), plasmon ( this, this ).

Other unreal quasiparticles are exciton ( this, this ), skyrmion ( this ), fractional-charge anyon, monople ( this ), Dirac fermion, Weyl fermion ( this ).

The 2nd last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "it is possible that magnons (= unreal quasiparticle ) could be used in analog computing applications ?"  ← Just speculation, still useless research.

The 3rd paragraph of this news just says "simulating a situation in which a mix of three (unreal) quasiparticles creates a new quasiparticle they called electroacoustic magnons", and its 1st paragraph just vaguely says "a discovery that could lead to advances in data storage ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Still useless research.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "electron-phonon (= unreal quasiparticle ) interaction is long known to exist .. experiments as a way to extend our understanding of these exotic materials ?"  ← Nothing useful is specified in detail. = No practical use.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "This is of course not ideal when you want to make a device. Our next step is to design the material .. ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Nothing is realized now.  Unreal quasiparticle phonon is used ( this abstract ).

The 2nd last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "it is expected that this work will inspire many follow-up theoretical and experimental researches ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Still useless research.  Unreal quasiparticle roton is used ( this p.2 left, 1st paragraph )

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "We think it would be very interesting to use our system as a hybrid quantum system ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Nothing is realized now.  Unreal quasiparticle phonon is used ( this abstract middle )

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "lasers with narrow beams are developed and will be developed going forward in future ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Still useless research.  Unreal quasiparticle plasmon is used.

The 1st paragraph of this news just vaguely says "electrons—the subatomic particles that carry electricity—are elementary particles and cannot be split, fractions of electronic charge are not normally encountered. Despite this, researchers have recently observed the signature of fractional charges ranging from e/4 to 2e/3 in exotic materials ?"  ← Contradictory comments, so useless research.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "This work is an exciting demonstration that state-of-the-art knowledge in robotics can directly shape the future of quantum computing ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Nothing is realized now.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "We aim to transfer the insights from topological circuits to other metamaterial platforms in the pursuit of potential applications ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Nothing is realized now.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "The new outcomes will simply help the experimental confirmation of new topological insulators ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Still useless research.  Fictitious band model is used.

The 2nd last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "In the future, the quantum metrology protocol could enable the development of better performing radar technology ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Nothing is realized now.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "The work will offer unique capabilities for a variety of new applications in photonuclear reactions ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Still useless research.

The 2nd paragraph of this news just vaguely says "signatures of a cascade of energy transitions that could help explain how superconductivity arises in this material ?"  ← Just speculation, still useless research.

The 2nd paragraph of this news just vaguely says "Quantum communication uses photons to securely distribute a secret key .. However, real-world application between two users has been limited to around 100 kilometers. This is due to photon losses ?"  ← This description admits that a fictitious photon is just a weak classical light, which has nothing to do with fantasy quantum mechanics.

The 3rd last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "the atoms are confined to the same narrow area as the laser beam within the hollow fiber, thus maximizing the contact between the light and the atomic cloud. Therefore the probability of two photons hitting an atom ?"  ← This explanation just shows that a fictitious photon is just equal to a classical laser light.

The last of this news just vaguely says "I think our discovery is going to have tremendous benefit in terms of how compact you can make it ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Nothing is realized now.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "such a deeper understanding could help resolve the mysterious source of periodic bursts of radio waves, known as fast radio bursts, that emanate from neutron stars ?"  ← Research on imaginary objects which are too far away from the earth to confirm is meaningless.

The 2nd paragraph of this news just vaguely says "They have been looking into the possibility that dark matter is made up of "hidden sector" particles, which are lighter than particles ?"  ← Just speculation, still useless research.

The 7th paragraph of this news just vaguely says "As dark matter does not interact directly with the ATLAS detector, physicists look for signs of invisible particles, inferred through momentum conservation of the proton–proton collision products ?"  ← Wasting money in invisible, undetectable fictional particles in particle colliders.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "Applications range from tests of general relativity and searches for dark energy and gravitational waves ?"  ← None of these are useful for our daily lives, so meaningless research.



2020/6/19 updated. Feel free to link to this site.