Condensed matter physics is fake.


Quantum mechnics relies on unreal quasiparticles.

[ "Future quantum technology ?" means "No progress". ]

(Fig.1)  ↓ Fake "future" target in quantum mechanics

This week physics  (12/4)    ← still No progress.

This week solid-physics is still full of unreal quasi-particle such as phonon ( this, this ), exciton ( this, this ), plasmon ( this ), polariton ( this ), magnon ( this ).

Other unreal quasiparticles are anyon ( this, this ), skyrmion ( this, this ), Dirac fermion, Majorana fermion, Weyl fermion.

The last paragraph of this news using unreal phonon-polariton quasiparticles just vaguely says "The possibility of strong vibrational coupling on the extreme nanometer scale could be used in the future for development of ultrasensitive spectroscopy devices ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Still useless research.

The 3rd paragraph of this news just vaguely says "tiny magnetic (unreal) quasi-particles called skyrmions that may offer a way to surpass conventional processing limits ?"  ← Just speculation (= use of word "may" ), still useless research.

The 4th paragraph of this news just vaguely says "sound particles, phonons (= unreal quasiparticle ), become audible to an accelerated observer in the silent phonon vacuum ?"  ← This research is just an imaginary theory about fake black hole as sound phonon, so meaningless.

The 7th paragraph of this news just vaguely says "If we know the theory to describe these behaviors, we may be able to design high-temperature superconductors ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Nothing is realized now.
Unreal quasiparticle is used in this research as shown in this abstract.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "They suggest their observations imply a new law-based on the solid-like electron properties involved with phonon (= unreal quasiparticle ) scattering ?"  ← Just speculation, still useless research based on unreal quasiparticles.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "this very special type of electron emission, which we can now explain for the first time, should play an important role ?"  ← Just speculation, still useless research.
Unreal quasiparticle plasmon and one pseudo-electron DFT (= density functional theory ) method are used in this research.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "Although we don't have an immediate application for our superconductor, we have established a proof of principle, which may lead to future practical applications ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Still useless research.
Unreal phonon quasiparticle and one pseudo-DFT method are used in this research ( this p.2 )

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "Such findings are of considerable fundamental importance and can also guide the design and interpretation of experimental architectures in molecular nanotechnology development ?"  ← Nothing useful is specified.
One pseudo-electron useless density functional theory method is used in this research.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "combining semiconductor quantum dots with other nanoparticles, will expand the possibilities of new material design ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future (= using the word "will" )".  Nothing is realized now.

The 2nd last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "the system may, for instance, offer sound isolation and acoustic cloaking; the researchers see the potential for their mechanical analog to add to the understanding of topological states ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Still useless research.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "This work sheds new light on topological quantum matter with non-Abelian (= unreal quasiparticle ) properties ?"  ← Nothing useful is specified.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "Overall, I find the article a highly interesting contribution to the topic of quantum backaction and a great combination of new theory and flawless experimental implementation ?"  ← Nothing useful is specified.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "telescope array, which will be transformational for this search because it will give us orders of magnitude more sensitivity. We are hopeful that searches with SKA will lead to the discovery of the axion ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Nothing is realized now.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "Although we did not see anything in the current data, there is great opportunity for the future ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Still useless research.



2020/12/4 updated. Feel free to link to this site.