Einstein is right !  ← fake news


The current physics is still useless.

[ Unreal quasiparticle and fake target = quantum computer. ]

(Fig.1)  ↓ Fake news and image of quantum physics.   

Quantum mechanics invented 100 years ago is unrealistic and useless, relying on fictitious quasiparticles to explain all physical phenomena.

Quasiparticle is unreal, having fake (= effective ) mass and charge, which are freely-adjustable to deal with different phenomena, so meaningless in predicting new reactions.

For useless quantum physics to get research funds, physicists needed to create fake target = fictional quantum computer which is supposed to exploit fantasy parallel worlds for faster (← ? ) parallel computing ?  ← still  Not reality.

To hide the inconvenient fact that the current quantum physics is useless with No progress, academia spreads fake news to deceive people into falsely believing their researches are worth taxpayers' money.

If you carefully read each quantum technology news, you will notice they make No progress, just using misleading phrases to get your hopes up.

Phonon is unreal quasiparticle expessing some vibration of solids.  The phonon is just abstract, nonphysical math objects (= b ) with No physical figure ( this p.4 ).  So the phonon is useless and meaningless for practical use.

The third paragraph of this news using unreal phonon just vaguely says "The advancement could be key to .. the potential of atomic world ?"  ← It's about imaginary future, still useless now.

The second last paragraph of this news using unreal phonon just says "The researchers hypothesise that .. might lead to good superconductors ?"  ← still useless.

Here, these researchers use unreal "bogolon quasiparticle model" with No physical shape, so meaningless research.

The second last paragraph of this news using unreal phonon also just vaguely says "In the future, .. the next step will be .. ?"  ← still useless, nothing is realized now.  Again, it's about imaginary future.

The last paragraph of this news just says "mechanism of quasiparticles made the cuprates an appealing candidate ?"  ← still useless now.

The second last paragraph of this news using unreal magnon quasiparticle just says "In their future work, .. they hope to .. ?"  ← About imaginary future, sill useless now.

The "ringing" of black hole proves Eistein is right again ?  Fake news, again.  This "ringing" seems to mean doubtful gravitational wave.

First of all, it's impossible for black hole to "ring" or vibrate, because the time is stopping around the black hole seen by the distant earth.

Secondly, Gravitational wave is too weak to believe, it is said to change only one-thousandth of a tiny, tiny proton radius, which cannot prove Einstein, much less his rigorous test.

Thirdly, gravitational wave does Not belong to Einstein relativistic theory.  This is why the wave is called unreal "pseudo-tensor" (= Not Einstein true tensor ).

So this too weak and contradictory gravitational wave can Never prove Einstein theory.  Actually physicists just repeat meaningless "Einstein test → Einstein is right !" based on imaginary distant objects, endlessly, without its practical use.

New theory suggests that primordial black hole may compose dark matter ?  Why do they focus only on very distant imaginary black hole instead of the earth in search of hypothetical dark matter ?  ← meaningless fantasy theory.

Topological insulator is also a vague concept of materials with some special electric conductivity.  Quantum mehanics can only describe it using unreal massless quasipaticle.

The last paragraph of this news just says "system is not yet small enough to be useful, .. Next steps will be .. ?"  ← still useless.

The first paragraph of this news just says "quantum system are fragile .. useful quantum computers have yet to come to fruition."  ← still useless.

The last paragraph of this news just says "there are still years of additional work required .. ?"  ← still useless.

The first paragraph of this news just says " so far can't outperform traditional machine as yet."  ← still useless.

The last paragraph of this news just says "their expriment did not reveal anything new .. "  ← meaningless research.

The second last paragraph of this news just says that this research tries to explain imaginary quark-gluon and nonphysical gauge using fake model of ultracold atomic gas and laser light.  ← meaningless research.



2019/9/20 updated. Feel free to link to this site.