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Akiyama Manufacturing


=== Privacy Policy ===

Chapter1. The Use Purpose of the Personal Information

Akiyama Manufacturing uses the personal information (Your Address, Your Company Name, Division Name, Department Name, Your Name, Your Phone Number, Your E-mail Address, Your Technical Information, and so on.) that got it from the Customer only for the following purpose.
  1. User registration in the internal of Akiyama Manufacturing
  2. Delivery of the product and the slip document and so on
  3. Notification of the License (User ID)
  4. Notification about our Product (Upgrade, Maintenance, and Support)
  5. Notification about the event (Sales campaign, and so on.) of Akiyama Manufacturing
  6. Technical Support to the Customer from Akiyama Manufacturing
  7. Collection of the Statistics Information of the form that the individual can't be specified
  8. Our judgment about the export control
Chapter2. The Use Purpose of the Personal Information that is being included into the License (User ID)

The Personal Information of the Customer which is contained to the User ID made by Akiyama Manufacturing is used only for the following purpose.
  1. User registration in the internal of Akiyama Manufacturing
  2. When the damage (Use of injustice of the User ID, the injustice copies of the User ID, and so on) was given to Akiyama Manufacturing, we will use it for specifying of the drain root and the legal procedure.
Chapter3. The Joint Ownership of the Personal Information

Customer's Personal Information is NOT Shared with the Third Party.

Chapter4. Disclosure to Third Parties

Customer's Personal Information is NOT Disclosed to the Third Party Except For the Following Purpose.
  1. Purpose of the Item2 of Chapter1 (Delivery)
  2. Purpose of the Item2 of Chapter2 (Legal Procedure)
But the Customer's Personal Information is disclosed exceptionally in the case shown below.
  1. When we got Customer's Agreement in advance about disclosing Personal Information.
  2. The official request based on the law from the public organization (Court, Police, and so on.)
Chapter5. Others

Akiyama Manufacturing can revise the above Privacy Policy.
To cope with the change in the various conditions, Akiyama Manufacturing will sometimes revise the above Privacy Policy.