
T. The role of the engine to the "THRUST" of the aircraft 

Aircraft flies on the basis of the balance of four power ofLIFT, THRUST, DRAG andGRAVITY.
Engine shares the "THRUST" of them.
How is the engine generating the "THRUST"?
All engines rotate their blades (propellers, fans, rotors) and push the air backwards or  downwards to generate propulsion by the reaction.

Its rotational power sucks in air, mixes it with fuel and burns it, and uses its energy for
the engine itself and propulsive blades.

The methods to generate this energy can be roughly divided as follows.

@Piston engine(the principle same at the reciprocating engine as car engine)
                                                                                .....  Intermittent Combustion
AJet engine(Pure jet, Turbofan, Turboprop, Turboshaft) .....Continuous Combustion

It explains in more detail below;