The intelligence of creature
[List of video on the origin of metabolism] Origin of metabolism: a network of chain reaction via intermolecular coupling. [], (Uploaded on Oct 2, 2013). The mechanism that will form an organization of molecules lf in liquid water. [], (Uploaded on Aug 4, 2013) The mechanism that had formed the first protein. [], (Uploaded on May 24, 2013). ![]() |
[List of PDF files on the natural intelligence] [NE1], S. Karasawa, "Chiral amplification due to rotation of water molecules in spiral alignment at the membrane of the bubble;, Japan Astrobiology Network 2016, Sept. 22-23nd, pp.18, Sendai, ["]. [NE2], S. Karasawa, "The Earth's internal structure explained from a viewpoint of the condensed matter physics", Japan Geoscience Union meeting 2016, May 22nd, SIT07-1, Mehari Messe, []. [NE3], S. Karasawa, "The synthesis of organic substance through the deoxidization of carbon dioxide by oxisation of iron"Viva Origino Vol.44, Supplement March 2016, pp6, Naruto University of Edcation.[] [NE4], S.Karasawa, "Observations of the cluster of water at vicinity of ice in the carbonated water"[EgPosNE4],[Why does carbonated water form a spiral structure?], Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015,B-AO01-P11,May 27, Makuhari, Japan. (Movie):[] [NE5] S. Karasawa, "Prebiotic reactions in the bubble that was formed in carbonated water by iron atoms" Viva Origino Vol.42, No.3, Received: Sept.1, 2014, Accepted: Sept.24, 2014.[] [NE6], S. Karasawa, "Conditions to generate spiral movement of molecules in water indicated by the observations of bubble behavoor in vicinity of the ice of carbonated water" (an English translation),Viva Origino Vol.43, Supplement, pp.7, March 2015, Tokyo University of Science.[] [NE7], [EgPosNE7], S. Karasawa, "Mechanism of organization of molecules formed by intermolecular bunfing force" Origins 2014, The 2nd Joint International Cenference ISSOL, July 6〜11, 2014, Nara (Japan) [NE8], [EgPosNE8], S.Karasawa "Evolution of intelligence in a network of chain reactions ", International Astrobiology Workshop 2013, #1021, Abstract book pp.26-27, Nov.28-30, JAXA/ISAA Sagamihara Campus, Kanagawa, Japan. [NE9], [EgPosNE9], S.Karasawa "The system of molecules that was formed via thermal motion of molecules in water", Geochemical Society of Japan, Annual meeting 2013, S-2 3P27, Sept.13 Univ. of Tsukuba,Japan. [NE10], [EgPosNE10], [] S.Karasawa, "The mechanism that had formed the primitive liposome in the early Earth environment" Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013,B-AO01-P12,May 21, Makuhari, Japan. [NE11][EgPosNE11], S. Karasawa, "The synthesis of primitive surface protein by interaction among molecules at juxtamembrane in the water " (an English translation),The 38th annual meeting of the SSOEL-JAPAN, Viva Origino Vol.41 Supplement No.41, pp.45 (ISSN-0910-4003 CODEN: VIORE 6), Kyusyuu Univ. March, 2013. [NE12], [EgPosNE12], S. Karasawa, "Forming of intelligence that is intermittently opened to the real world -How a new-born baby acquires primitive intelligence-,The 13th International Multisensory Research Forum Conference, June 19rd -22th , 2012, Oxford University,UK [NE13] S. Karasawa, "The systematic thermal motion on pair of hydrogen atoms in the water where double helix structure is formed by intermolecular forces " (an English translation),The 37th annual meeting of the SSOEL-JAPAN, Viva Origino Vol.40 Supplement No.12, pp.19 (ISSN-0910-4003 CODEN: VIORE 6), Osaka Univ. of Pharmaceutical Sci. March, 2012. [NE14] [EgPosNE14] S. Karasawa, "The chemical evolution that was caused by adaptability of electronic structure on carbon atom" Origins 2011 The 1st Joint International Cence of ISSOL & Bioastronomy, Montpellier (France) [NE15], S. Karasawa, "The processes that primitive cell prepared to produce protein by using DNA -Evolution of primitive cell membrane for biochemical reactions - The 36th annual meeting of the SSOEL-JAPAN Abstracts No.11, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, is prepared to be presented on Mar.16, 20111. But, this presentation was not carried out due to the Eastern Japan earthquake March 11. The modified presentation was uploaded at [] on April 13, 2011. [EgPosNE16] S. Karasawa, " Evolution in ecosystem of bubbles", 4th Mars Science Laboratory Landing Site Workshop, Monrovia, California, Sep.27-29, 2010. [NE17], [PPTN17], S. Karasawa, " Inorganic production of membranes together with iron carbide via oxidization of iron in the water that includes carbon dioxide plentifully", Astrobiology Science Conference AbSciCon2010, Evolution and life, Apr. 26-29, League City, Texas, [Prebiotic Evolution: From Chemistry to Life U],Apr.27, 2010. The video [] was uploaded on April 20, 2011. [NE18] S. Karasawa, "The First Life that is organized from Organic Materials Deoxygenation of Carbon Dioxide in Sea Water caused by Oxidation of Iron", Viva Origino, Vol. 37, Supplement, p.6, Mar.17-19, 2009. [N19][abstractN19] S. Karasawa, " Attributes of Language Use Explained by Activities of Neurons ", The 5th International Workshop on Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences, Session.1, No.3. July 14-15, 2006. [PPTN19] [N20], S. Karasawa, " The Evolution of Creature that has been Caused by Activities", [written in Japanese] Research Reports, Miyagi National College of Technology, Vol.42, pp.7-14, March, 2006. [N21], S. Karasawa, " The Existence that Continues Activity ", [written in Japanese] Medeshima-Tuushin, Vol.42, pp.7-14, Miyagi National College of Technology, March, 2006. [N22], S. Karasawa, " The intelligence of creature ", [written in Japanese] The last lecture in Miyagi National College of Technology, Feb. 23, 2006. [N23] S. Karasawa "Decoder for neuron translation models for brain mechanisms ", Research report, Miyagi National College of Technology, 2000 [N24] S. Karasawa, J. Oomor,"Impulse circuits for a distributed control inspired by the neutroanatomical structure of a cerebellum", Intelligent engineering systems through artificisl neuralnetworks, Vol.10, p.185-190, ASME press, 2000. |