July 2007. Michigan, USA |
"Thanks so much for many encouraging messages from abroad after the
Japan earthquakes. Fortunately, my family, relatives, and friends are all
fine. I hope that we can get over this tough time with love and friendship."
(March 27, 2011)
Effects of landscape and ecosystem properties and processes on plant species
occurrence, diversity, and evolution; application of landscape ecology
to conservation, restoration, and management of terrestrial ecosystems;
ecology and management of wetlands and riparian forest ecosystems: ecology,
biology, and evolution of woody plants of temperate zones in Japan and
North America. [Fields of Study: Conservation Biology, Forest Ecology,
2006, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, United Graduate School
of Agricultural Science.
Dissertation: “Application of the landscape ecosystem approach for conservation
of the endangered Japanese red maple and the wetland ecosystems that support
it.” Advisor: Dr. Akira Kameyama (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
and Dr. Burton V. Barnes (University of Michigan).
1998, University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources and Environment.
Master’s thesis: “The effects of clear and partial cuts on oak regeneration
in northern Lower Michigan.” Advisor: Dr. John A. Witter (University of Michigan).
1996, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Department of Agriculture.
Associate professor, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University,
April 2024 – Present.
Associate professor, Certificate Programme on Nature Conservation, University
of Tsukuba, April 2014 – March 2024.
Assistant professor, Tomakomai Experimental Forest, Hokkaido University,
April 2013 – March 2014.
Post-doctoral research fellow of the Monitaling-Site-1000 Project, May
2012 – March 2013.
Post-doctoral Fellow. Research fellow of the Global COE Program, Yokohama
National University, April 2010 – March 2012.
Post-doctoral Fellow. Research fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion
of Science (JSPS) for young scientists. Department of Biological Sciences,
Tokyo Metropolitan University, April 2007 – March 2010.
Visiting Lecturer. Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. "Restoration Ecology" October 2008 –February 2012.
Government Officer. Forest Technician. Forestry Agency of Japan, April
1999–March 2003.
Saeki, I., S. Hioki, W. A. Azuma, N. Osada, S. Niwa, A. T. Ota, and H. Ishii. 2024. Legacy over a thousand years: Canopy soil of old-growth forest fosters rich and unique invertebrate diversity that is slow to recover from human disturbance. Biological Conservation 292: 110520. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110520.
Press release (English):
Press release (Japanese)
Inomata, T., and I. Saeki. 2023. The elevational distribution of Fagus crenata regeneration at low elevations in the Shirakami Mountains, a World Natural Heritage site in Japan. Journal of Forest Research, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1080/13416979.2023.2294510
Niwa, S., N. Osada, and I. Saeki. 2023. Young climbers successfully avoid
predators: survival behavioural strategy of juveniles of the land snail
Ezohelix gainesi. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 138(1): 27-36. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13157-022-01639-2
Saeki, I. and Y. Li. 2022. Restoration contributes to maintain ecosystem
services and bio-cultural linkages between wetlands and local communities:
a case from a botanical diversity hotspot in Japan. Wetlands Article No.
Komatsu, W. and I. Saeki. 2022. Feeding habits of the exotic invasive slug
Limax maximus: A basis for risk assessment of herbivory on forest and agricultural ecosystems.
Management of Biological Invasions 13(4): 644-658. (Rresearch with student)
Katsuda, K., I. Saeki, K. Shoyama, and T. Kamijo. 2022. Local perception
of ecosystem services provided by symbolic wild cherry blossoms: Toward
community-based management of traditional forest landscapes in Japan. Ecosystems
and People 18(1): 275-288. (Research with student)
Press release (English):
Press release (Japanese):
Saeki, I., A.S. Hirao, and T. Kenta. 2022. Genetic variation of a relict maple Acer miyabei: Uncovering its history of disjunct occurrence and the role of mountain
refugia in shaping genetic diversity. American Journal of Botany 109(2): 309-321. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajb2.1803
Selected as Highlighted Article:
Press release (English):
Press release (Japanese):
Iwasawa, H., M. U. Saito, and I. Saeki. 2021. Effects of urbanization on
medium-sized and large mammals in the lowland area around Mt. Tsukuba.
Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology 26(2): 1-13. (Research with student;
in Japanese with English summary)
Katsuda, K., I. Saeki, and T. Kamijo. 2020. Regeneration patterns of Cerasus leveilleana (Koehne) H. Ohba and C. jamasakura (Siebold ex Koidz.) H. Ohba in Satoyama forests of Sakuragawa City, Ibaraki
Prefecture, Japan. Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology
46(1): 27-32 (Research with student; in Japanese with English summary)
Ohta, T. and I. Saeki. 2020. Comparisons of calcium sources between arboreal
and ground-dwelling land snails: implication from strontium isotope analyses.
Journal of Zoology 311: 137-144. https://doi.org/10.1111/jzo.12767
Saeki, I., S. Niwa, N. Osada, W. Azuma, and T. Hiura. 2020. Contrasting effects of urbanization on arboreal and ground-dwelling land snails: Role of trophic interactions and habitat fragmentation. Urban Ecosystems 23: 603–614 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-020-00930-6
Saeki, I., A.S. Hirao, T. Kenta, T. Nagamitsu, and T. Hiura. 2018. Landscape
genetics of a threatened maple, Acer miyabei: Implications for restoring riparian forest connectivity.
Biological Conservation 220: 299-307. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2018.01.018
Press release (English): https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/02/180228103249.htm
Press release (Japanese): https://www.hokudai.ac.jp/news/180302_pr.pdfl
Saeki, I., S. Niwa, N. Osada, F. Hyodo, T. Ohta, Y. Oishi, and T. Hiura.
2017. Adaptive significance of arboreality: field evidence from a tree-climbing
land snail. Animal Behaviour 127: 53-66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2017.02.022
Press release (English): https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/03/170331120239.htm
Press release (Japanese): https://www.hokudai.ac.jp/news/180302_pr.pdf
Saeki, I., F. Koike, and N. Murakami. 2015. Comparative phylogeography of wetland plants in central Honshu, Japan: Evolutionary legacy of ancient refugia. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 179: 78-94. https://doi.org/10.1111/boj.12301
Saeki, I., A. Kitazawa, A. Abe, K. Minemoto and F. Koike. 2014. Phylogeography of a rare orchid, Vexillabium yakushimense: Comparison of populations in central Honshu and the Nansei Island chain,
Japan. Plant Systematics and Evolution 300: 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00606-013-0854-2
Saeki, I., S. Iida, F. Koike, Y. Kobayashi and K. Hiratsuka. 2012. Chloroplast
DNA phylogeography of Sanguisorba officinalis: an indicator of the Satoyama landscape. Journal of the Japanese Society
of Revegetation Technology 38(1): 115-120 (in Japanese with English sumamry) https://doi.org/10.7211/jjsrt.38.115
Saeki, I., C. W. Dick, B. V. Barnes, and N. Murakami. 2011. Comparative
phylogeography of red maple (Acer rubrum L.) and silver maple (A. saccharinum L.): impacts of habitat specialization, hybridization and glacial history.
Journal of Biogeography 38: 992-1005. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2699.2010.02462.x
Osanai, A., A. Kameyama, and I. Saeki. 2010. Effects of Water Level and
Competing Species on Growth and Reproduction of Penthorum chinense: Basis for Habitat Restoration. Wetland Research 1: 33-42 (in Japanese with English Summary) https://doi.org/10.24785/wetlandresearch.WR001004
Saeki, I. 2010. Juvenile sprouting ability of the endangered maple, Acer pycnanthum. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 6: 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11355-009-0068-5
Saeki, I. and N. Murakami. 2009. Chloroplast DNA phylogeography of the
endangered maple, Acer pycnanthum: the spatial configuration of wetlands shapes genetic
Diversity and Distributions 15: 917-927. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1472-4642.2009.00609.x
Saeki, I. 2008. Sexual reproductive biology of the endangered Japanese red maple (Acer pycnanthum). Ecological Research 23: 719-727. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11284-007-0431-7
Saeki, I. 2007. Effects of tree cutting and mowing on plant species composition
and diversity of the wetland ecosystems dominated by the endangered maple,
Acer pycnanthum. Forest Ecology and Management 242:733–746. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2007.02.009
Saeki, I. 2005. Ecological occurrence of the endangered Japanese red maple, Acer pycnanthum: base line for ecosystem conservation. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 1:135-147. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11355-005-0015-z
Saeki, I. 2005. Application of aerial survey for detecting a rare maple
species and endangered wetland ecosystems. Forest Ecology and Management 216:283-294. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2005.05.040
Barnes, B.V., I. Saeki, and A. Kitazawa. 2004. Occurrence and landscape
ecology of a rare disjunct maple species, Acer pycnanthum, and comparison with Acer rubrum. Environmental Reviews 12:163-196. https://doi.org/10.1139/a04-007
<Primer Note / Short Communications / Study Notes>
Yamanaka, M., N. Hikida, R. Utiyama, and I. Saeki. 2022. Discovery of a
whirligig Beetle, Gyrinus japonicus (Coleoptera, Gyrinidae), at an Agricultural Pond in Ishioka City, Ibaraki,
Central Japan. Bulletin of Ibaraki Nature Museum 25: 13-15. (Research with student; In Japanese.) PDF
Niwa, S. and I. Saeki. 2020. First record of Carabus insulicola in Tomakomai,
Hokkaido, and identification of source population by DNA analysis. Edaphologia
106: 19-23. 【Short Communication】(In Japanese with English summary.) https://doi.org/10.20695/edaphologia.106.0_19
Li, Y. and I. Saeki. 2018. Values of seepage wetlands: relationship between
wetlands and local communities in Iwayado, Nakatsugawa-city, Japan. Wetland
Research 8: 81-97. 【Study Notes】(Reserach with student; In Japanese with English summary.) https://doi.org/10.24785/wetlandresearch.WR008010
Saeki, I., S. Niwa, and N. Osada. 2017. Predation of a rare arboreal land
snail (Euhadra brandtii sapporo) by introduced common raccoon (Procyon lotor). Venus 75(104): 83-87.【Short Notes】 https://doi.org/10.18941/venus.75.1-4_83
I., A. S. Hirao, and T. Kenta. 2015. Development and
evaluation of microsatellite markers for Acer
miyabei (Sapindaceae), a threatened maple species in East Asia. Applications in
Plant Sciences 3(6): 1500020【Primer Note】 https://doi.org/10.3732/apps.1500020
<Review / Opinion>
Saeki, I. 2015. Conservation biology at field research stations: five potential
roles in forest ecosystem management. Biodiversity 16: 42-46. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14888386.2015.1008573
Saeki, I., M. Yokogawa, N. Sashimura, K. Ashizawa, M. Ohtani, M. Kawano, K. Akashi, and R. Furumoto. 2013. Endangered ecosystems: an approach beyond conservation of species. Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology 18: 187-201. (in Japanese with English summary.) https://doi.org/10.18960/hozen.18.2_187
Saeki, I. 2011. Acer pycnanthum. Curtis's Botanical Magazine 28: 141-153. ( Invited Arictle) https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8748.2011.01738.x
Saeki, I. 2006. Natural history of Japanese red maple (Acer pycnanthum
K. Koch): Review. Natural History Reports of Inadani 7: 83-92. https://doi.org/10.20807/icmnhr.7.0_83
Okada, I. 1998. Restoration and management of coppices in Japan. Ecological Restoration North America 17 (1&2): 31-38. https://www.jstor.org/stable/43436546
Presentations in International Meetings |
Higashi, Y. and I. Saeki. 2022. Taxonomic and functional diversity of woody
plants in urban forests: a case study in Tsukuba Science City, Japan. The
12th Conference of the International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological
Engineering (ICLEE). (Oral) Online.
Saeki, S., S. Niwa, N. Osada, W. Azuma, and T. Hiura. 2019. Contrasting occurrences
of arboreal and ground-dwelling land snails along an urbanization gradient:
the role of predation and fragmentation. 29th International Congress for
Conservation biology. (Oral: Speed Talks) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Saeki, I., N. Namba, and W. Mukaimine. 2018. Terrestrial and freshwater
mollusks on the University of Tsukuba Campus. Proceedings of the 17th World
Lake Conference. (Poster) Kasumigaura, Ibaraki, Japan.
Saeki, I., A.S. Hirao, T. Kenta, T. Nagamitsu and T. Hiura. 2018. Landscape
genetics of a threatened maple, Acer miyabei: Implications for conservating
riparian forest connectivity. The
8th EAFES (East Asian Federation of Ecological Societies) International
Congress." (Poster) Nagoya, Japan.
Li, Y. and I. Saeki. 2017. Seepage wetlands as local heritage: Relationship
between wetlands and local communities in Iwayado, Nakatsugawa-city, Japan.
International Symposium "Local Communities and Nature Conservation."
(Poster) Tokyo, Japan.
(Student's Poster Award)
Saeki, I., A. Kitazawa, A. Abe, K. Minemoto, and F. Koike. 2013.
Phylogeography of a rare orchid, Vexillabium yakushimense:
Comparison of populations in central Honshu and the Nansei islands,
Japan. Asia Pacific Orchid Conference. (Oral) Okinawa, Japan.
Saeki, I., F. Koike, and N. Murakami. 2011. Identification of hotspots of genetic diversity: Overlaying multiple
phylogeographic information of endangered wetland plants in central Honshu,
Island, Japan. International Congress for Conservation Biology (Oral) Auckland, New Zealand.
Saeki, I. 2009. Application of the landscape ecosystem approach for conservation
of the endangered Japanese red maple and the ecosystems that support it.
First ASIAHORCs Joint Symposium (Postor) Nagoya, Japan.
Saeki, I., N. Murakami, and B. V. Barnes. 2008. Comparative phylogeography
of American and Japanese red maples based on chloroplast and nuclear ribosomal
DNA . 93th annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America. (Postor) Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, USA.
Saeki, I. 2006. Effects of tree cutting and mowing on plant species composition
and diversity of the rare maple-dominated wetlands. International conference
on ecological restoration in East Asia. (Oral) Osaka, Japan
Saeki, I. 2006. Plant species composition and diversity of the wetland ecosystems dominated
by the endangered Japanese red maple. International symposium on wetland
restoration 2006. (Poster) Otsu, Shiga, Japan.
Saeki, I., and B.V. Barnes. 2004. Occurrence and landscape ecology of a
rare disjunct maple species, Acer pycnanthum. IUFRO International Workshop, Landscape Ecology 2004, Conservation and
Management of Fragmented Forest Landscapes. (Oral) Tsukuba, Ibarak, Japan
Saeki, I, and B.V. Barnes. 2004. Occurrence and landscape ecology of
a rare disjunct maple species: Acer pycnanthum. 89th annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America. (Oral) Portland,
Oregon, USA
Pro Natura Foundation Japan. 2,000,000 yen, 2023-2025.
Grants-in-Aid for Research Activity scientific research C. Japan Society
for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). 4,420,000 yen, 2020-2024.
The Asahi Glass Foundation. 3,600,000 yen, 2020-2025.
Grants-in-Aid for Research Activity scientific research C. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). 4,940,000 yen, 2017-2020.
Mitsui Environmental Fund. 6,000,000 yen, 2014-2017.
Fujiwara Natural History Fund. 400,000 yen, 2014-2015.
Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up. Japan Society for the Promotion
of Science (JSPS). 2,730,000 yen, 2013–2015.
Nacs-J Pro Natura Fund. 1,300,000 yen, 2011–2012.
Post-doctoral Research Fellowship. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
(JSPS) for young scientists, 2007–2010.
Research Institute of Environmental Sciences Fund, 300,000 yen, 2006–2007.
The Japan
Science Society Fund, 510,000 yen, 2005–2006.
Foundation Fund, 800,000 yen, 2003–2004.
Laboratory of Environment Coexistence, Kyosei Studies,
Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University
Address: 1-2 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
Email: saeki.hus ++ osaka-u.ac.jp (please change ++ to at mark)
Ikuyo Saeki Profile in Japanese