Stellar aberration is compatible with aether (= light medium ) dragged by the earth.

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Einstein relativity is false

Aberration and Michelson-Morley experiment can be explained by the medium (= ether ) moving with the earth.  Einstein relativity is unnecessary.

(Fig.1)  Light emitted from star causes ripple (= light ) in oblique direction when hitting the medium (= aether ) moving with the earth, which can explain stellar aberration, and Michelson-Morley experiment.

Einstein relativity was proved to be false.

Einstein relativistic theory and its Lorentz transformation are based on Michelson-Morley experiment allegedly showing the constant light speed c irrelevant to motion of observers (= earth motion around the Sun ).

But in fact, Michelson-Gale-Pearson experiment showed the measured light speed c was changed by the earth rotation (= spinning, observer's motion ), which is called Sagnac effect that disproves Einstein relativity and can be explained by the medium (= aether ) moving with the earth, but unfixed to the earth spinning like atmosphere.

Einstein relativity ignoring the real medium (= luminiferous aether ) and the Michelson-Gale experiment tried to rely on (unphysical) Lorentz transformation of spacetime to explain the constant light speed c irrelevant to the earth's motion, which causes serios twin, kinetic energy and length paradoxes.

Stellar aberration is compatible with ether (= medium ) dragged by the earth.

Textbooks often give wrong explanation that stellar aberration where the light emitted from distant star is a little tilted seen by the moving earth (= like the tilted raindrops seen by a moving car ) rejects the medium (= ether ) moving with (= dragged by ) the earth ( this p.2,  this p.7 ).

But as shown in the upper Fig.1, when the light emitted from the distant star hits the medium (= aether ) moving with the earth, it generates the light ripple in the medium in the oblique direction (= due to the medium motion, and action-reaction principle ).

In Fig.1-right, the light emitted from a distant star appears to move in the oblique direction due to the motion of the earth (+ medium, aether ), which naturally generated ripple in the oblieque direction (= when light hits the earth medium ), which is compatible with stellar aberration.

Textbooks' wrong explanations try to treat this flexible medium (= aether ) as an unrealistic rigid body (= instead of the liquid-like medium generating ripple or light wave ) reflecting the star's light without causing any ripple (= even when light his the medium or aether ), which is unphysical, false, disagreeing with the experimentally-observed light interference.

As a result, stellar aberration can be naturally explained by the medium (= ether ) moving with (= dragged by ) the earth, and the paradoxical Einstein relativity is unnecessary.

Snell's law shows the medium moving with the earth (= ether drag ) is real, compatible with stellar aberration.

(Fig.2)  Snell's law shows the light from star remains tilted also in the medium dragged by the earth, causing aberration.

Aether (= light medium ) dragged by the earth can naturally explain stellar aberration using Snell's law.

When the medium is moving with (= dragged by ) the earth at a velocity of v, the light emitted from the star appears to be traveling in the slightly oblique direction at a velocity of the square root of (c2 + v2), which is almost the same as c (= light speed ), because earth velocity v is much slower than the light speed c.

The light speed inside the medium moving with the earth is almost the constant c, which can explain Michelson-Morley experiments, which do Not need the paradoxical Einstein relativity.

Using Snell's law, the angle (= θ2 ) of light in the medium dragged by the earth is almost the same (= oblique direction ) as the light angle (= θ1 ) in the outer space (= Fig.2-upper ), because the light speeds of the earth medium (= v2 ) and outer space (= v1 ) are almost the same c.

↑ As a result, the medium (= aether ) dragged by the earth can naturally explain stellar aberration (= light is tilted by the earth motion ) according to Snell law.

In the standard textbooks' (wrong) explanation of the aether drag theory with no aberration ( this p.2-right ), the speed of the light entering the medium moving with the earth must suddenly become zero, which is impossible, according to Snell's law (= light angle θ2 = 0 in no aberration, which needs the unrealistic zero light speed in the earth's medium, as shown in Fig.2-lower ).



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