No progress in physics.


Misleading phrases in fake science news.

[ "Future quantum technology ?" means "No progress". ]

(Fig.1)  ↓ Fake "future" target = quantum computer.   


Quantum mechanics invented 100 years ago is unrealistic and useless, relying on fictitious quasiparticles to explain all physical phenomena.

Quasiparticle is unreal, having fake (= effective ) mass and charge, which are freely-adjustable to deal with different phenomena, so meaningless in predicting new reactions.

For useless quantum physics to get research funds, physicists needed to create fake target = fictional quantum computer which is supposed to exploit fantasy parallel worlds for faster (← ? ) parallel computing ?  ← still  Not reality.

To hide the inconvenient fact that the current quantum physics is useless with No progress, academia spreads fake news to deceive people into falsely believing their researches are worth taxpayers' money.

If you carefully read each quantum technology news, you will notice they make No progress, just using misleading phrases to get your hopes up.


This week physics  (10/18)

Skyrmion is one of ureal quasiparticles for some magnetic vortex.
The last of this news just says "This is a first step towards .. ?"  ← still useless, unrealized.  Infinite steps are needed ?

Exciton is also one of unreal quasiparticles.
The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "which can serve as light emitters in next-generation devices ?"  ← about imaginary future, still useless.

This news talks only about imaginary future, too.  So still useless.
The first paragraph says "made two steps .. ?"  ← infinite steps are needed ?

The first paragraph of this news just says "a quantum computer could in the future solve problems ? "  ← about "imaginary" future, still useless.

The second paragraph of this news just says "computing in future technology ?"  ← about imaginary future again, still useless.

The third last paragraph of this news just says "With several hundred qubits, which is beyond the current state of the art .."  ← still useless now, just about imaginary future again.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "this could accelerate development of next-generation semiconductor .. ?"  ← about imaginary future, too.  Still useless.

The first paragraph of this news (= this research is just theory, not experiment ) just says "which are promising candidates for quantum speedups ?"   ← about imaginary future, still useless.

The second paragraph of this news just vaguely says "The new developments may help .. ?"  ← still useless, nothing is realized now.

Now to interpret the results of microscopy, all physicists rely on useless density functional theory (= DFT ) model, which cannot predict anything, just using fake energy.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "it will lead to new understanding .. ?"  ← Just doubtful speculation, still useless now.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "confirm the great potential of topological insulators ?"  ← about imaginary future, still useless now.

The last of this news just vaguely says "the team believe they are on verge of achieving .. ?"  ← Just "believe", still nothing useful is done.



2019/10/18 updated. Feel free to link to this site.