Fictional  Flat-earth science ?


Quantum mechnics relies on fictional quasi-particles with fake mass.

[ "Future quantum technology ?" means "No progress". ]

(Fig.1)  ↓ Fake "future" target = quantum ?  

This week physics  (1/15)    ← still No progress.

This week solid-physics is still full of unreal quasi-particle such as phonon ( this, this ), exciton ( this, this ), polaron ( this ).

Other unreal quasiparticles are magnon ( this, this ), monopole ( this ), Dirac fermion, Weyl fermion ( this ).

The last paragraph of this news using unreal plasmon quasiparticle just vaguely says "plasmonic vortices in the experiment opens the way to perform ultrafast microscopy studies .. ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Still useless research.

The 2nd paragraph of this news just vaguely says "TI materials are promising to create future high-performance electronics .. Photon/phonons (= unreal quasiparticle ) transports on these waveguides are .. ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Nothing is realized now.

The 1st paragraph of this news just vaguely says "Modern computer technology based on skyrmions (= unreal quasiparticle ) which are only a few nanometers in size promises to enable an extremely compact and ultrafast way of storing and processing data ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Still useless research.

The 3rd last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "Electric-field control of skyrmion (= unreal quasiparticle ) density elicits hysteretic conductance, which could be harnessed for solid-state neuromorphic computing ?"  ← Just speculation, still useless research.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "There are still many challenges to overcome before Hermann and Noe's method is ready for industrial application."  ← still useless research, nothing is realized now.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "The more detailed understanding of quantum entanglement that the authors obtain could have many future applications ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Still useless research.

The 2nd last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "This new EBL-based technique will enable us to perform quantum simulation in two dimensions"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Nothing is realized now.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "The team sampled radio frequencies in the 1-GHz range, corresponding to axion masses of 5-11 micro electron-volt. Since no signal was seen."  ← still useless research, nothing is realized now.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "Investigating this mechanism that we know can generate matter-antimatter asymmetries, probing it from different angles, may tell us where the problem lies."  ← Just speculation, still useless research.

The 2nd last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "The KFE will continue its tradition of under-taking challenging researches to achieve the goal of mankind: the realization of nuclear fusion energy ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future".  Nothing is realized now.



2021/1/15 updated. Feel free to link to this site.