Quantum computers are useless for molecular energy calculation or drug discovery forever.

Top (quantum mechanics is unrealistic)

Quantum computer is just "fake science" with No hope of practical use.

[ Physicists try to create "deceptive hybrid computers" that are substantially classical computers, and quantum computers can do No meaningful calculations of atomic energies. ]

(Fig.1) Quantum mechanics or quantum computers can Not predict any atomic or molecular energies, so meaningless junk science forever.

Academia and corporations try to fabricate fake science such as (useless) quantum computer, misleading the world, preventing our real scientific progress and curing diseases forever, which led to politicizing "science".

Originally, the "science" should make our life more convenient and happier by (real) technological innovation, but the current mainstream "(pseudo-)science" is going off this rail.

Under this dead-end mainstream science, academia and corporations tend to pressure governments to impose unreasonable (science) restrictions such as vaccine mandate, gas stove ban, and raise the unnecessary "science tax" without fundamental technological innovation, which (pseudo-)science just makes our life inconvenient and unhappy by increasing our living cost against the original definition of "science".

The current stalled mainstream science enabled universities to skyrocket tuition as the only authorized organization judging what is "science (= apart from whether it is real or not )" and issuing graduation certificates, which torments students by massive loans, though universities should originally make students happier by teaching them useful "science" that is stopped from progressing by the academia imposing the superstitious religion as "mainstream science" for a long time.

All these harmful (pseudo-)scientific effects originate from the current unrealistic basic physics or quantum mechanics stopping the progress of applied science, molecular biology, medical research and all industries directly and indirectly.

Top journals (= flourishing as the only arbiter judging what is "mainstream science", regardless of its unreality ), corporations and the media need to collude with each other and continue to create meaningless pseudo-science, misleading people into thinking the current already-dead-end science may be progressing, restricting free speech and opinions against those empty mainstream science that is useless except as political tool.

Now the world is at a crossroads of whether we go back to the old Galileo era stifling free scientific opinions, or move ahead to real useful sceintific progress that would make people's life happy by curing the current intractable diseases and reducing living costs.  ← To push this real innovation, abolishing the current dead-end illusory science and stopping endless hypes are the first thing to do.

Quantum computers allegedly utilizing fantasy parallel worlds are useless forever, but the corporations and journals are hyping their unrealistic potential, which has an extremely bad influence on our science and innovation.

Despite many years of researches across the world, quantum computers are still far from useful computers or calculators, as shown in the recent miserable share prices.

Molecular or atomic energy calculation for effective drug discovery and medicine using these (useless) quantum computers is impossible forever, contrary to the media-hype.

Physicists, journals, corporations are constantly hyping and spreading exaggerated news to make the already-dead-end quantum computers look promising, and keep their stock prices from plummeting.

For example, the recent research news exaggeratedly claims "A scalable and programmable quantum phononic processor based on trapped ions (= each ion is used as one quantum bit or a qubit)" which was published in the latest Nature physics.

Contrary to this exaggerated "scalable" word, even this latest research could deal with only five qubits or five ions ( this p.2-right, p.8-method ), which fall far short of millions of qubits required for the future practical quantum computer ( this 2nd-paragraph,  this 11th-paragraph ).

The numbers of qubits (= still only less than 433 qubits ) of the current largest IBM quantum computers (= still Not computers at all ) are also far less than millions of qubits required for the future imaginary practical quantum computer, and their quantum computers' error rates are miserable, impractically high ( this Why it doesn't matter ), so useless.

But IBM desperately tries to make the current dead-end useless quantum computers with only 127 qubits with high error rates appear to be used for some medical research through the obvious publicity stunt cooperating with the medical clinic, avoiding mentioning its concrete scieintific meaning, using the vague uncertain furture word "will help accelerate".

This 11th paragraph just vaguely says (= without clearly saying their quantum computers are useful now, because they are useless ).
"We don’t yet know precisely which breakthroughs quantum computing will help us achieve–and which medicines, models, vaccines, and therapies they could make possible (= which means they still have Not realized any practical computers )."

The stalled quantum computer industry forced physicists to rely on the ordinary practical classical computers together with the current useless quantum computers as "deceptive hybrid computer" in order to make the impractical quantum computers appear to do something practical in the future ( this 2nd-last-paragraph ).  ← This will never happen, though.

Quantum computers are useless in quantum chemistry and molecular energy calculations forever.

Quantum mechanics is unable to solve any Schrödinger equations (= the only tool for quantum mechanics to calculate atomic energies ) of multi-electron atoms and molecules, so the quantum mechanics was proved to be completely useless for predicting atomic or molecular behavior.

Physicists gave up solving the unsolvable Schrödinger equations and try to artificially choose fake solutions or trial wavefunctionc called "basis set" with arbitrary numbers of freely-adjustable variational parameters out of infinite numbers of trial wavefunction candidates, and integrate Schrödinger energy equation (= H ) with the chosen wavefunctions to obtain fake total energies instead of solving the unsolvable multi-electron Schrödinger equations, which impractical mainstream quantum mechanical method is called "variational method".

↑ In this useless quantum mechanical calculation or variational methods, physicists cannot know or predict the true atomic or molecular energies, until they compare the calculated energy results with the experimental atomic energy values ( this p.1-last ), so all the current quantum mechanical calculation methods are meaningless, because we should just use the experimental energy values from the beginning instead of wasting an enormous amount of time in calculating fake total energies of unsolvable unpredictable Schrödinger equations.

Even this quantum mechanical approximation just choosing fake trial wavefunction takes an unrealistically enormous amount of time, and can calculate only several atomic energies ( this p.11 ), which calculation process based on artificially-chosen fake trial wavefunctions is just "art" Not science.

What makes the quantum mechanical atomic model useless forever is their unrealistic Pauli antisymmetric wavefunction or exchange energy forbidding us from giving concrete shape and size to each atom, forcing physicists to perform the unrealistically-time-consuming molecular dynamical simulations,  though humans already have the technology of observing and manipulating each single atom or molecule to know each atomic shape and treat each atom as a practical component for building useful molecular devices.

↑ Whether classical or quantum computers are used, the quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics are useless for molecular energy calculations or effective drug discovery forever, but physicists try to use the current impractical quantum computers for some molecular energy calculations in vain.

According to the unrealistic quantum mechanics, quantum computers can allegedly deal with multiple different trial (fake) wavefunctions simultaneously using fantasy quantum superposition, multiverse, or parallel worlds.

But of course, these fantasy quantum parallel worlds or superposition (= an unrealistic dead and alive cat state ) are unobservable and baseless, because quantum mechanics claims physicists can observe only one world or value (= only a dead cat or a alive cat can be observed ), when they try to look at the quantum superposition or parallel worlds.

In order to find the parameters of the chosen (fake) trial wavefunctions giving the lowest energies of molecules, physicists have to rely on adiabatic methods ( this abstract, p.7-last,  this p.1-right,  this p.11 ) where the whole systems or wavefunctions are supposed to gradually settle down into the lowest-energy equilibrium state, which pie-in-the-sky method of finding parameters of chosen trial wavefunctions giving the lowest ground state energies by quantum superposition and adiabatic mechanism is called "quantum phase estimation (= QPE,  this p.12,14,  this p.13-14,  this p.8-10 )".

But this adiabatic method of finding the lowest energy state was proven to be useless, Not faster than the ordinary classical computers, as shown in the failed D-Wave fake quantum computer or annealer which often gives the false lowest-energy solutions stuck in many irrelevant local energy minima.

So there is No evidence that quantum computers could calculate some molecular energies faster than the ordinary classical computers ( this introduction-2nd-paragraph ).

This latest paper (= p.2 abstract ) about quantum computer's molecular energy calculation says
"We conclude that evidence for such an exponential advantage (= by quantum computers ) across chemical space has yet to be found."

This latest Science journal's paper (= p.1-left ) also says
"a study concluded that there is as-yet No evidence of fundamental exponential quantum advantage in the task of computing molecular ground state energies."

↑ In this latest Science paper, researchers just "emulate" some (imaginary) quantum computers using the ordinary classical computers in vain ( this 5th-paragraph ) instead of using the current useless quantum computers.

As a result, contrary to the incredible numbers of the media hypes, there is No evidence of faster quantum computers experimentally or theoretically in any areas including molecular energy calculation.

Deceptive "Hybrid" computer called "variational quantum eigensolver (= VQE )" is just the ordinary classical computer.  ← Quantum computers can do No molecular energy calculations !

Despite long time researches across the world, quantum computers are useless and far from the (imaginary future) practical computer or calculator that is said to need at least one million qubits ( this p.2 2nd-paragraph,  this 11th-paragraph ).

Normally, physicists should give up these already-dead-end quantum computers with No hope of practical use immediately, but the current only atomic theory or unrealistic quantum mechanics does Not allow it, which pseudo-mainstream-science stops our real science and innovation forever.

So physicists started to combine the practical classical computer and the useless quantum computer and call it "hybrid", which is substantially ordinary classical computer with No quantum computer's advantage or speed-up ( this 3rd-paragraph ).

This deceptive hybrid method for molecular energy calculation is called variational quantum eigensolver (= VQE ) based on (useless) quantum mechanical variational method or principle choosing fake trial wavefunctions and calculating fake total energies by artificially adjusting parameters with No power to predict any molecular energies.

In this hybrid variational quantum eigensolver (= VQE ), the ordinary classical computer must perform most of the time-consuming molecular energy calculation based on Schrodinger equations and do the important part of finding and optimizing variational parameters θ for chosen trial wavefunctions giving the lowest molecular energies ( this 5th paragraph,  this Fig.1 ).

↑ So in the current deceptive hybrid quantum and classical molecular energy calculations, the useless quantum computers can do almost nothing, hence No quantum computer's speed-up.

This introduction-4th-paragraph says
", there are still No known use cases where a quantum computer has simulated something that could not be simulated on a classical computer, much less so for a chemistry with practical applications."

This abstract-1st-paragraph says
"Despite strong theoretical underpinnings suggesting excellent scaling of individual VQE components, studies have pointed out that their various pre-factors could be too large to reach a quantum computing advantage over conventional methods"

Physicists use only less than 16 bits or qubits as the quantum computer's part in this hybrid variational method.  ← Such a small number of qubits cannot perform any meaningful molecular energy calculation based on complicated Schrodinger equation that must be carried out by the ordinary practical classical computer with billions of bits or transistors = far superior to impractical quantum computers.

In order to give some (meaningless) task to the current impractical quantum computers, physicists had to artificially create very simple version of fake molecular energy (= effective Hamiltonian ) equation for the useless quantum computers with an extremely small number of qubits (ex. they created the effective pseudo-Hamiltonian energy equation usable for only two qubits allegedly representing H2 molecule, this p.8-left,  this p.4, ), and pretend that these useless quantum computers may contribute to "something" in these molecular energy calculation processes of deceptive hybrid computers ( this p.3, this p.4,  this p.2-right ).

The current largest quantum computer that peformed this hybrid quantum variational method is Google's Sycamore using only 16 qubits ( this 2nd-paragraph ) published in Nature that admits No quantum computer's advantage, as seen in this p.4-right-last saying
"we have yet to achieve practical quantum advantage over available classical algorithms."

IBM quantum computers used smaller numbers of impractical qubits (= only less than seven qubits,  this p.2-4 ), which are also useless with No quantum computer advantage over classical computers ( this 4th-paragraph ).

This 7th-paragraph says
"While BeH2 is the largest molecule ever simulated by a quantum computer to date, the considered model of the molecule itself is still simple enough for classical computers to simulate exactly. This made it a test case to push the limits of what our seven qubit processor could achieve.."

As a result, it is completely impossible for the current impractical quantum computers with extremely small numbers of qubits (= only less then 16 qubits or 16 bitstrings ) and high error rates to calculate actual molecular energies  forever, contrary to the media-hype.

The latest exaggerated news about the alleged "quantum computing for chemistry" using this deceptive hybrid variational quantum eigensolver also admits their quantum computers are still useless, Not faster, as shown in this 5-8th paragraphs,
"There is still a way to go before quantum computers can achieve what the researchers are aiming for.. Equivalent calculations can be carried out more quickly on a conventional (= classical ) computer.."

↑ Even this latest research in 2023 on the alleged (hybrid) quantum chemistry computing used the conventional classical computers for almost all of their complicated molecualr energy calculations and error correction, and their quantum computers consisted of only 2 ~ 6 qubits (= still Not a computer ) that are completely useless and unable to perform any meaningful molecular energy calculations for the complicated chemistry or biology ( this p.2-3-right,  this p.3, p15 ).

Quantum computer alone is useless, error-prone unable to perform any molecular energy calculations due to their too few qubits.  ← No quantum computer's advantage

All the current quantum computers are useless with too small numbers of qubits to calculate molecular energies.

As I said above, without the help of practical classical computers (which ordinary classical computer must conduct almost all important and complicated calculations in molecular energies using their "hybrid" computers ), quantum computers alone can do nothing, hence, No quantum computer's advantage.

Also in the latest (dubious) quantum computer's alleged calculation of hydrogen molecular energy by Quantiniuum, they used extremely simple version of (fake) molecular Hamiltonian energy equation whose coefficient parameters must be artificially calculated and adjusted by practical classical computers, because even their latest (still-useless) quantum computer consists of only eight bits or qubits ( this p.1-(1), p.4-III, p.5-lower,   this 3rd-paragraph ), which falls far short of today's practical classical computer's billions of bits.

Furthermore, quantum computers are very error-prone and unable to obtain right answers.

In this latest quantum computer's molecular energy calculation (using illegitimate over-simplified fake molecular energy equation artificially adjusted for only eight ion qubits ), they had to artificially discard 50~80 % calculated (wrong erroneous) results, and pick up only convenient values without legitimate error correction ( this p.13-Figure B1-(b)-discard-rate-d, p.8-left-2nd-paragraph,  this p.2 ).

This 7-8th paragraphs (or this 5th-paragraph ) say
"In a preprint study, the team claims to have overcome the challenge by using an error-detection code which saves quantum resources by immediately discarding calculations if the code detects qubits that have produced errors... The team used this code to make three “logical qubits” which are composed of multiple physical qubits (= only eight qubits = too small number to be a practical computer )"

This calculation is so simple using so small number of qubits that No quantum computer's advantage has been achieved.

↑ In this rough error-discarding method instead of legitimate error-correctinon, each time one error happens, they discard all the calculated results and start it all over again, which cannot calculate more complicated numbers.

As a result, quantum computers have No ability to calculate any atomic or molecular energies for drug discovery ( this 1st-sentence ), contrary to the media-hype.

D-Wave annealing machines are fake quantum computers with No quantum advantage.

D-Wave annealing machines for optimization problems have been proved to be slower and less accurate than classical computers, with No quantum computer's advantage.

So D-Wave also tries to rely on the practical classical computers as (deceptive) "hybrid" quantum-classical computers, which can Not outperform classical computers, hence useless.

In the latest D-Wave's research (= this p.5, 2nd-paragraph ) uses only vague (misleading) uncertain " future" words such as "expect", "with further development", "would" like,
"We expect that with further developments in the engineering of quantum computing devices, hybrid architectures similar to QVAE would surpass their classical counterparts..."  ← It still did Not surpass classical computer

↑ D-Wave annealers or (fake) quantum computer's optimization machines still can Not surpass classical computers despite their long-time (meaningless) researches, showing the prospect of hopeless, deadend quantum computers' industry.

Grover's search algorithm is a meaningless junk science with No quantum computer's advantage or speed-up.

[ All the current dubious quantum computer's advantages with No practical application can be replaced by the ordinary classical computers, meaning No quantum speed-up. ]

(Fig.2) Quantum computer Grover's search algorithm is Not "searching", because "answer" or location they want to search for must be already known beforehand and earmarked.

Grover's search algorithm is often misleadingly said to be potentially one of examples of quantum computer's advantage or speed-up in the task of finding the "marked target (← this is trick )" among multiple objects faster than classical computer.

In fact, this Grover's search algorithm has nothing to do with quantum computer advantange or speed-up, because the ordinary classical computer can easily copy what physicists try to do using this Grover algorithm and quantum computer.

First of all, this dubious Grover's search algorithm is unable to "search" for an object whose location is unknown, so meaningless and useless ( this p.1 ) except for quantum computer physicists' political tool.

For example, think about the case when there are multiple closed boxes and one of those boxes is supposed to include the target item-A that we want to find.

We have to open all boxes one by one to find the target item-A, which may take much time, and the quantum Grover's search algorithm is said to find this item-A faster using (fantasy) quantum mechanical parallel worlds or superposition, though this is Not true.

For the Grover's search algorithm to find the target item-A, first, we have to mark the box including the target item-A with negative sign (= this operation is called "oracle", this figure.4 ), which means we must already know which box or location contains the target item-A.  ← So Grover's search algorithm is Not searching for unknown target in unknorn location but just a meaningless concept just marking the target in already-known location.

In the upper figure, there are two quantum bits or two qubits-1 and 2, and each qubit can take 0 or 1 bit state.

Quantum computer theory unrealistically claims that each qubit can take 0 and 1 state using fatansy quantum superposition or parallel worlds simultaneously just by applying (classical) light wave pulse on them, which operation is called Hadamard gate (= H,  this middle ).

↑ So two qubits are said to be able to take four different states "00 (= qubit-1 is 0 and qubit-2 is 0 )", "01 (= qubit-1 is 0 and qubit-2 is 1 )", "10", "11" at the same time using fantasy parallel worlds and superposition.

Of course, these quantum superposition or parallel worlds are baseless and unobservable, because quantum mechanics claims when we try to look at these parallel worlds, they would suddenly collapse into only one state that is observed.

In Grover's search algorithm, when physicists want to "search" for "10 (= qubit-1 is 1 and qubit-2 is 0 state )" out of these four different superposition or parallel-world states, first, they have to (ear)mark only this "10" state with negative sign (= this artificial marking operation is called "oracle",  this 3rd-paragraph,  this middle-step#2 oracle function,  this step1:mirroring Frodo ).

↑ The fact that marking the target state is possible means physicists must already find and know the location of "10" state that can be manipulated by "marking (= oracle)", so Grover's algorithm is a meaningless junk science that cannot search for the target whose location is unknown = hence this target in the unknown location cannot be marked originally ( this p.9,  this middle-step-2,  this Grover's algorithm and amplitude amplification ).

After artificially marking the target state in the already-known location, the next operation tries to amplify only the probability of this (ear)marked "10" state, and eliminate all other states (= other unmarked 00, 01, 11 states are eliminated by artificial manipulation ), hence, eventually, they claim physicists find only "10" state out of four superposition states of two qubits.

↑ As you notice, this Grover's search algorithm is doing a meaningless thing just finding the already-known target state that can be artificially marked because of its already-known location, which can Not prove any substantial quantum computer's advantage or speed-up.

↑ This dubious Grover's search algorithm's operation allegedly exploiting (fictional) quantum mechanical superposition or parallel worlds can be easily copied and simulated by the ordinary classical computer, hence, No quantum computer's advantage

Because all physicsts do in this Grover's algorithm producing only "10" qubit state is just change two bits or qubits into "10" by changing the qubit-1 into "1" and the qubit-2 into "0" in the classical way due to already knowing the answer or target state (= "10" in qubit-1 and qubit-2 ) beforehand, without invoking the fantasy quantum superposition or parallel worlds.

So all the deceptive Grover's search algorithm tries to do is treat the ordinary classical operation as the (imaginary) quantum computer's superposition or parallel worlds using the black box marking operation or oracle, like the useless quantum supremacy

This p.1-left-2nd-paragraph says
"to our best knowledge, those are Not a practical one in the above sense; that is, there has been No proposal to implement the “practical Grover algorithm".

↑ If the current dubious quantum supremacy and advantage were true, those quantum computers would have already replaced our ordinary (classical) computers or laptops.  But the quantum computers are still completely useless, far from practical computers.

This means all the alleged quantum computer's supremacy and advantage are just illustion or media-hype.



2023/3/27 updated. Feel free to link to this site.