General relativity is fantasy.

  Top   Paradox

Black hole means Einstein general relativity.

[ Black hole stops time, No light cannot escape it. ]

(Fig.1)  Fantasy black hole is the only solution of general relativity.

It is said that you cannot see black hole swallowing everyhing. including light
So there is NO direct proof of fictional black hole so far.

A characteristic of Einstein relativity is time dilation where each clock ticks differently, depending on velocity and gravity.

The gravity of black hole is so strong that its clock time stops on the surface of black hole !  Of course, this is unrealistic and causes fatal paradox.

Time stops on the surface of black hole ?

[ Black hole solution shows clock time stops on it ! ]

(Fig.2)  Schwarzschild derived strange black hole solution.

Schwarzshild first solved Einstein general relativity to get a solution of strange black hole.

This solution shows that from the viewpoint of observers (= earth ) outside black hole, clock time slows down, as a clock is closer to black hole.

And finally, the time stops on the surface of black hole called event horizon !

Gravity slows down the clock time ?

[ As gravity is stronger, clock ticks more slowly. ]

(Fig.3)  The relation between clock time and gravitational strength.

According to Einstein general relativity, the clock runs more slowly as the gravity is stronger (= oberser is closer to the mass center ).

Clock time (= t0 ) near a massive star ( or black hole ) is slower than the time (= tf ) far away from the star.

In Fig.3, M is the mass of a star, and "r" is the distance between the center of star and a clock.  G, c is gravitational constant and light speed, respectively.

Clock time stops near black hole.

[ Time stops when a clock reaches event horizon of black hole. ]

(Fig.4)   when distance (= r ) is 2GM/c2, clock time stops.

According to black hole solution, when a clock approaches and reaches some point on the black hole, its time (= t0 ) stops relative to a clock time (= tf ) far away.

Time stops, when a clock is closer to black hole

[ which distance between clock and black hole is schwarzshild radius. ]

(Fig.5)  Clock time stops on the surface of black hole ?

The distance between the center of black hole and the point where time stops is r = 2GM/c2 called Schwarzschild radius or event horizon.

Hawking radiation cannot happen !

[ Because the time stops on the surface of black hole. ]

(Fig.6)  Hawking radiation never happens seen from Earth.

If the time clock on the surface of black hole stops, Hawking radiation (= black hole evaporate ? ) is meaningless, and never happens, seen from observers at a distance.

So any observers on the earth (= far away from black hole ) can see neither radiation nor evaporation of black hole due to severe time dilation.

Despite this fact, physicists all over the world devote their lives to Hawking's useless paradox like a kind of "cult" !

Colliding black hole is impossible !

[ Stopped time prevents black hole from colliding in LIGO. ]

(Fig.7)  Gravitational wave from colliding black hole is a lie !

LIGO, for-profit colleges claim that gravitational waves discoverd were caused by collisions between two black holes.  But this is a big lie.

Because the clock time stops around black holes, so two black hole cannot approach each other to collide !

Black hole cannot be formed !

[ Infinite time is needed to form black hole, so impossible. ]

(Fig.8)  Time stopping on black hole prevents its formation.

The clock time stops on the surface of black hole from viewpoint of distant observer ( on earth ).

So it needs infinite time to form black hole from collapsed star.
It means black hole does Not exist now, different from this claim.

Black hole is one of the largest scams in science history ( this myth #2 ).

But if they give up black hole, physicists would have nothing to do in Einstein relativity.  This is the reason unreal black hole survives.

Paradox in black hole !

[ We can approach black hole ? ]

(Fig.9)  Earth is approaching static black hole ?

In fact, Einstein general relativity includes fatal paradox in clock time.
In Fig.9, the earth is approaching a static black hole.

This is OK, because the clock time stops only in black hole, seen from distant observers.  So black hole looks "frozen".

From the viewpoint of observer on the earth

[ Black hole is frozen, cannot approach the earth ? ]

(Fig.10)  Stopped time prevents black hole from approaching ?

But from the viewpoint of an observer on the earth, how does black hole look like ?  Of course, the time on the black hole remains frozen.

So, the black hole looks "stopping", seen from the earth.
This is a paradox, because we are approaching black hole or not ?

We can approach black hole or not ?

[ Different observers see black hole approaching or not ? ]

(Fig.11)  From K ( K' ) observer, Earth ( don't ) approach black hole !

This is a fatal paradox of Einstein general relativity.
K observer outside the earth is watching the earth approaching static black hole.

In special relativity, each motion is relative depending on different observers.
Seen from the earth (= K' ), black hole remains frozen, cannot approach the earth.

So in K frame (= Fig.11 upper ), the distance between the earth and black hole gets shorter (= approach ) with time.

But in K' Earth frame (= Fig.11 below ), the distance between the earth and black hole does NOT change (= NOT approach ) due to "frozen" black hole !

This paradox is caused by the contradiction between general (= gravitational time dilation ) and special (= relative motion ) relativities !

There is NO evidence of black hole !

[ Black hole may exist at the center of galaxy ? ]

(Fig.12)  But galaxy center is too concentrated to observe !

It is said that the black holes exist at the center of galaxy.  Of course, we cannot see black hole itself from which NO light can escape.

Astronomers argue they can estimate the existence of black hole by observing star's motion around black hole.

The problem is galactic center is filled with so much dusts that we cannot see even stars around black hole !

NO visible lights are seen due to infinite dusts.

[ Only infrared light can be seen in galactic center ? ]

(Fig.13)  ↓ Evidence of black hole is very doubtful.

Galactic center is too concentrated and filled with too many dusts to see.
We cannot observe even ordinary visible light like other stars.

So physicists try to estimate stars' motion around black hole by observing infrared light of longer wavelength.

In our Milky way galaxy, they pick up "S2 star" to esmimate masses of black hole and stars around it using ordinary gravitational Kepler law.

But as shown in Fig.13, this estimation is too hard and vague to confirm unseen black hole.

Black hole estimation is doubtful

[ Star's elliptical motion around black hole is strange. ]

(Fig.14)  ↓ Star's velocity is too irregular ! → Black hole is doubtful.

They claim the S2 star closest to black hole can be used as a tool to estimate black hole's existence.  They supposed this star obeys ordinary Kepler law.

The problem is this estimated orbit of S2 star moving around black hole (← ? ) is very strange and contradictory.

If the star obeys only gravity, its velocity has to be faster, as it is clocer to the center in elliptical orbit.  But this star's velocity is too irregular ( Fig.14 ) !

This star S2 becomes faster, slower, faster, slower, as it gets closer to the center of black hole, which contradicts Kepler gravity law, so doubtful

Considering galactic center is too crowded with dusts, materials around the center are moving and dragged by collisions or other strong Coulomb forces ( NOT black hole gravity ).

So black hoke estimation using vague star around it cannot prove contradictory black hole.

There is NO experimental proof of time dilation.

[ GPS time is corrected by "4th satellite", NOT Einstein relativity. ]

(Fig.15)  GPS did NOT prove Einstein relativity.

They often say without Einstein relativity, it would cause GPS navigational errors of 10 km per day, so Einstein relativity is indispensable for GPS.

But this is a big lie.  Because clock times between satellite and receiver are Not the same from the beginning !  Receiver's clock is not so accurate.

So they correct the time difference between satellite and the earth using 4th satellite.  It means Einstein reltivity is unnecessary and useless from the beginning.

According to general relativity, satellite clock ticks faster by only 38 microseconds per day (← too small ! ).

Other atmosphere and leap second caused by irregular earth rotation affect GPS time much more.

If relativistic time correction is so small, they tried to measure GPS time difference after much longer time ( ex. 1 year ~ ) had passed ?

In fact, there was only one old case ( in 1977 ) which measured accumulated time difference for only 6 days ( this p.11 ), which includes many uncertain factors.

So it is very difficult and unrealistic to use GPS clocks to measure relativistic time difference ( this p.17 )

GPS time correction includes 'twin paradox', so wrong !

[ We cannot know which clock of two moving satellites runs slower ! ]

(Fig.16)  Moving clock runs slower → Twin paradox ! → GPS wrong !

The fact is Einstein general relativity shows fatal twin paradox in GPS, so false.

They argue a satellite clock ticks faster ( only 38 μs per day ← too small to believe ! ), combining time dilation and general relativity.  See this this.  But this far-fetched interpretation is wrong !

According to special relativity, moving clock ticks more slowly.
In Fig.16, two satellites are moving around the earth at the same speed "v" in the opposite directions.

The distances between the earth and both these satellites are always the same "r".
From the viewpoint of "A" satellite (← rest frame ), "B" satellite is moving, so "B" clock runs slower.

But from the viewpoint of "B" satellite, "A" satellite is moving, so "A" clock runs slower !
This is "famous" twin paradox.  GPS time correction includes fatal paradox, so wrong !

How does another clock tick, seen from one satellite ?

[ Rotating frame (= satellite rest frame ) includes "centrifugal potential". ]

(Fig.17)  Rotating frame = gravitational + centrifugal potential.

In special relativity, moving clock runs slower.  But it's impossible to prove twin paradox using only special relativity, which does NOT allow "U-turn".

So we have to use general relativity to prove twin paradox, and "GPS correction is wrong".
In fact, general relacitiy is very simple, which adds only gravitational potential to special relativity.

From the viewpoint of "B" satellite (= Fig.17 right ), the whole space is rotating in the opposite direction, and "B" satellite is "stationary", which feels the same amount of gravity and centrifugal force.

So in rotating frame ( ex. "merry-go-round" ), we have to add another "centrifugal potential" to gravitational potential.  Coriolis force doesn't do work, so NO potential ( see this p.7 )

The distance (= r ) between the earth and two satellites are always the same, so these two potentials are the same in A and B.  All we consider is time dilation in moving clock by special relativity ( this p.6 ).

As you see, from the viewpoint of one satellite (= A or B ), another satellite (= B or A ) looks to be moving, so A ( or B ) clock runs slower then B ( or A ) !  This is clearly a paradox.

Einstein relativity contradicts circular motion !

[ When an electron (= e- ) is moving around a proton (= e+ ), ]

(Fig.18)  Total energy = kinetic + potential energy is conserved.

In fact, Einstein relativity cannot explain ordinary "circular motion" of two things attracting each other.

When an electron (= e- ) is moving around a proton (= e+ ), their total energy (= sum of kinetic and Coulomb energy ) is conserved.

Energy is NOT conserved seen from moving observer !

[ Kinetic energy in circular motion contradicts Einstein theory. ]

(Fig.19)  ↓ Two kinetic energies of an electron are NOT conserved !

How does this circular motion of an electron look, seen from an observer moving at a speed v ?  Proton (= e+ )'s and potential energies are the same.

But when the electron is in upper position (= Fig.19 left ), its velocity is increased to "2v", and in lower position (= Fig.19 right ), its velocity is almost zero.

It means total energy inside the same electron's orbit changes and is NOT conserved, depending on an observer's motion !

This is clearly a fatal paradox in Einstein relativity.

10 dimensional string theory is final goal ?

[ Einstein relativity ends up in fantasy extradimensions ! ]

(Fig.20)  The only theory of everything is fantasy string theory !

Reason why Einstein relativity is wrong is that the only unified theory of relativity and quantum mechanics is 10 dimensional string theory.

There is only this unrealistic string ( or M ) theory as consistent theory of everything, so almost all academic posts are monopolized by string theory.

But as Feynman criticized this string theory, the present basic physics is a total failure.  We must not ignore fatal flaws in the present physics.


2016/5/6 updated. Feel free to link to this site.