General  vs.  special relativity.


General relativity contradicts special relativity.

[ Einstein theory is inconsistent and wrong. ]

(Fig.1)  General relativity clashes with special relativity !

In fact, Einstein relativity includes fatal flaws.
General relativity and special relativity are incompatible !

Special relativity is based on "relative" space-time.  General relativity is based on "absolute" space-time around massive star.

So these two relativistic theories clash with each other, and proves Einstein is wrong, though all textbooks and the media conceal this fact.


Velocity is "relative" in special relativity.

[ There is NO "absolute" space in special relativity. ]

(Fig.2)  B ( or A ) is moving at v seen by A ( or B ) = relative ?

Special relativity postulates that there is no absolute space-time, and space-time can differently change depending on different observers.

Seen by stationary A, B is moving at the velocity v.
Seen by stationary B, A is moving at the velocity v in the opposite direction.

So we cannot definitely say that A is stationary, because seen by different observers, A is moving.


Black hole moves faster-than-light !?

[ The time on black hole stops, but it can move ? ]

(Fig.3)  Black hole time stops, but it is moving seen by B ? ← > c ?

On the black hole, the clock time stops seen by a distant observer B, which is moving at v.

Seen by B, the black hole must be moving at v in the opposite direction.  This is contradiction.

Einstein relativity claims that any objects cannot exceed light speed c in any reference frames (= cannot be faster-than-light seen by any observers ).

If the time around the black hole stops, and it can move, it means that black hole can move faster-than-light seen by B !

Because while the time stops, black hole can move instantly, seen by B.

This proves that Einstein general and special relativity contradict each other !


Twin paradox in special relativity ?

[ Moving clock ticks slower relative to stationary clock ? ]

(Fig.4)  Moving clock B ( or A ) ticks slower than A ( or B ) = paradox

Special relativity claims that moving clock slows down with respect to stationary observer, which causes twin paradox.

In Fig.4 left, clock B is moving, so clock B ticks slower than stationary clock A.

But seen from B, clock A is moving, so clock A ticks slower than clock B.  This is clearly paradox.

So in this relativistic world, "measuring times" ( ex. GPS ) is meaningless, because clock time runs at different speeds seen by different observers.


GPS time correction includes 'twin paradox', so wrong !

[ We cannot know which clock of two moving satellites runs slower ! ]

(Fig.5)  Moving clock runs slower → Twin paradox ! → GPS wrong !

The fact is Einstein general relativity shows fatal twin paradox in GPS, so false.

They argue a satellite clock ticks faster ( only 38 μs per day ← too small to believe ! ), combining time dilation and general relativity.  See this this.  But this far-fetched interpretation is wrong !

According to special relativity, moving clock ticks more slowly.
In Fig.5, two satellites are moving around the earth at the same speed "v" in the opposite directions.

The distances between the earth and both these satellites are always the same "r".
From the viewpoint of "A" satellite (← rest frame ), "B" satellite is moving, so "B" clock runs slower.

But from the viewpoint of "B" satellite, "A" satellite is moving, so "A" clock runs slower !
This is "famous" twin paradox.  GPS time correction includes fatal paradox, so wrong !


Moving clock ticks slower, which is related to "velocity squared".

Other factors with the same unit affecting time are gravitional and centrifugal potentials, both of which change with the orbital radius r ( this p.19 ).  In this case, this "r" is the same, No difference in two satellites.

In Fig.5 case, both satellites pass each other at the same position (= both satellites have the same potential ).

And both satellites' velocities are constant (= one is zero, another is 2v ) with the constant same potential.

It means there is No time dilation by "potential difference", each velocity is the only factor of time dilation.

This is real twin paradox where moving clock seen by another ticks slower, A(B) is slower than B(A) seen by B(A).

Einstein relativity is wrong.


Black hole cannot be formed !

[ Infinite time is needed to form black hole, so impossible. ]

(Fig.6)  Time stopping on black hole prevents its formation.

The clock time stops on the surface of black hole from viewpoint of distant observer ( on earth ).

So it needs infinite time to form black hole from collapsed star.
It means black hole does Not exist now, different from this claim.

Black hole is one of the largest scams in science history ( this myth #2 ).

But if they give up black hole, physicists would have nothing to do in Einstein relativity.  This is the reason unreal black hole survives.


Black holes collide ?   ← Fake news !

[ Time stops, but black hole can move and collide ? ]

(Fig.7)  Time stop,  but black hole can move ?  ← paradox.

The media say two black hole collided and merged into one.  ← Fake news !

Einstein theory says time stops around black hole, seen from distant earth.
So, all things around each black hole must stop (= not move or collide ! )

When two black holes are approaching, a black hole keeps moving with respect to another black hole ?  This is paradox.

Because a black hole appears to move at infinite speed = faster than light, seen from another black hole (= time stop ), which violates Einstein relativity.

Then, both of these two black holes slow down and finally stop with respect to each other, when they are approaching ?

This is also impossible, because all things around each black hole stop, so they cannot push or influence (= slow ) another black hole.


Why black hole is unreal ?

[ "Rigid" rod is elongated by black hole time dilation !? ]

(Fig.8)  ↓ Rigid rod passes black hole → elongate ?

Here is an example which proves Einstein black hole is wrong.

When a rigid long rod is approaching black hole surface at v.
The time at one end of the rod near black hole slows down and stops.

But the time at another end of this long rod does Not slow down, because this end is far away from black hole ( gravity ).

If so, this rigid rod is elongated, as long as the rod keeps moving !
This is serious paradox, because "rigid" body cannot be elongated !

This proves Einstein general relativity is wrong.


Gravity on the surface of black hole becomes weaker inversely proportional to the mass of black hole, so when black hole is very massive, gravitational force from black hole can be neglected.

Gravity around black hole is unchanged with respect to observer's viewpoint.  If the gravity changes by observer, an object needs "different kinetic energies" to escape from stars, this is paradox.


What does gravitational time dilation mean ?

[ Gravity strong ↑  →   Clock time ticks slower ↓  ? ]

(Fig.9)  Clock time on the earth (= Δt2 ) is slower than Δt far awar ?

Einstein general relativity claims that clock time runs more slowly as gravitational force becomes stronger.

While the clock time far away from the earth changes by Δt, the clock time on the earth (= feels stronger gravity ) changes by smaller Δt2 ( < Δt ).

Using the acceleration g, this time dilation is expressed as this.

M is the mass of the earth, and r is the distance between the center of the earth and a object (= clock ) with mass m.

Here we explain how this equation of gravitational time dilation was derived.


Clock free falls onto the earth.

(Fig.10)  Free-falling clock under gravity g

In Fig.10, a clock is falling on to the earth by gravity (= free fall ).

While clock time at r1 from the earth center changes by Δt1. the clock times at r2 changes by Δt2.

General relativity claims Δt2 under stronger gravity is slower than Δt1.  But this is a big lie !


From the viewpoint of falling clock.

[ The earth and all stationary clocks are accelerating upward. ]

(Fig.11)  Seen by the clock which is free falling under gravity.

Seen by free-falling clock under gravity, the earth and all other clocks appear to be accelerating upward at g.

General relativity claims that this free-falling clock feels no force, so it can be treated like inertial frame of special relativity with no gravity.

In Fig.9 left, two clocks at r1 run at the same speed, and in this frame under no gravity, this free-falling clock keeps running at the same original speed (= Δt1 ).


Moving clock Δt2 ticks slower ?

[ Seen by free-falling clock, stationary clock is slower (= Δt2 < Δt1 ) ? ]

(Fig.12)  ↓ Clock times seen by free-falling clock ?

Seen by free-faling clock, the stationary clock on the earth is moving upward at v, so its clock (= Δt2 ) ticks slower than free-falling clock (= Δt1 ) ?

Inserting calculated velocity v and acceleration g into special relativistic time dilation, we can get the equaiton of gravitational time dilation.

It means that gravitational time dilation in general relativity is calculated seen only by one single frame (= free-falling clock ) !

So this gravitational time dilation contradicts special relativity which forbids fixing one single absolute frame.


Seen by the stationary clock on the earth.

[ Free-falling clock ticks slower ( Δt1 < Δt2 )  ← paradox ! ]

(Fig.13)  Seen by free-falling ( or stationary ) clock, Δt2 ( or Δt1 ) is slower ?

In Fig.10, they compare clock times seen only by free-falling clock.  But seen by the stationary clock, this result becomes the opposite.

Seen by free-falling clock, the stationary clock is slower ( Δt2 < Δt1 ).
Seen by stationary clock, free-falling clock is slower ( Δt1 < Δt2 ) !

This is clearly paradox, and shows that Einstein is wrong, because general relativity contradics special relativity.



2017/5/5 updated. Feel free to link to this site.