Amazon new cat qubit is hyped, useless forever.

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Quantum computers are useless forever

Amazon made just one useless qubit (= still Not a computer ) with a lot of errors that cannot be corrected.

(Fig.1)  Amazon's new Ocelot contains just one logical qubit (= expressing just 0 or 1 bit state = still Not a quantum computer ) consisting of 5 (cat) qubits with high error rate that cannot be corrected, which is impractical forever.

Amazon's new (just one) qubit (= 0 or 1 ) is useless, still Not a computer

Amazon's new (fictional) cat qubits called Ocelot for the potentially useful quantum computing reducing errors published in Nature (2/27/2025) is also overhyped and useless.

Amazon just made only one (logical) qubit (= each logical qubit can express only 0 or 1 bit state, still Not a computer ) consisting of 5 data (= cat ) qubits and 4 superconducting (error-detection ancilla ) qubits ( this-middle-Ocelot: demonstrating the scalability,  this-middle-addressing two kinds of errors ).

This-4th-paragraph says
"The Ocelot logical-qubit memory chip comprises five cat data qubits, each housing an oscillator (= resonator ) that is used to store the quantum data. The storage oscillator of each cat qubit is connected to two ancillary transmon qubits "

A dead and alive Schrodinger cat qubit (= each qubit can take 0 and 1 using parallel universes ? ) is unseen, illusion with No evidence.

↑ This data (= cat ) qubit is a resonator (= oscillator ) connecting two superconducting (ancillar) qubits (= just classical circuits ) where two different phases of the microwave (= fictitious photons ) contained in one resonator express each data qubit's 0 or 1 state (= they baselessly claim each data qubit could take 0 and 1 dead-alive illusory cat superposition states ).

↑ Each qubit can contain two different classically-mixed microwave phase bit states 0 and 1, which classical qubit state (= just the middle state between qubit's 0 and 1 states ) is often misinterpreted as the unphysical (= unobservable ) quantum superposition (= a dead and alive cat qubit ) or a parallel worlds.

Amazon's new qubit is still error-prone, unable to correct errors.

This Amazon's new cat qubits are useless, error-prone, unable to correct errors, so the practical quantum computer is unlikely, impossible (forever).

Amazon's (just) one (logical) qubit error rate just increased, accumulated instead of decreasing, so an impractical error-prone qubit.

The error rate of this Amazon's new cat qubit increased by 1.65% in each (logical) qubit operation ( this-4th-last-paragraph,  this-2nd-last-paragraph,  this p.1-abstract ), which errors can Not be decreased nor corrected.

This-last-paragraph says
"The minimum measured logical error per cycle is on average 1.75(2)% for the distance-3 code sections, and 1.65(3)% for the longer distance-5 code."

↑ Each logical qubit operation cycle just increased the qubit error rate by 1.65% (= error worsening operation ) instead of decreasing., and the qubit error correction was impossible.

Physicists still can Not make even one errorless qubit, much less scale up a quantum computer.

About this hopeless Amazon's new qubits ↓

This 11th-paragraph says
"he believes a practical quantum computer could still be a decade or more away, no matter the approach"  ← It means the (hyped) quantum computers are useless forever.

This-last-paragraph says
"you still have the phase flip that you need to worry about and the errors there.... but I think there might be a longer way to go."  ← Error correction is still impossible.

This-3rd-last-paragraph says
"the very low error rate was still Not low enough to avoid having occasional bit flips. And, ultimately, the error rate improvements gained by increasing the size of the logical qubit aren't on a trajectory that would get you a useful level of error correction without needing an unrealistically large number of hardware qubits."

The last paragraph of this ( or this ) site says
"But they have many challenges ahead, from how to attach all the wires to how to link multiple chips together. Scaling is Not trivial"  ← Scaling up this cat qubit is impossible.

↑ Still far from millions of qubits required for a practical quantum computer, which is impossible to realize forever.

Gorvernments and corporations should stop wasting money on hopeless overhyped quantum computers, and allocate the money to making useful multi-probe atomic force microscopes manipulating atoms, curing diseases.

Despite half a century of fruitless researches, even one errorless qubit (= expressing just 0 or 1 ) has Not been realized.

Quantum computers are deadend, useless forever except for investment fraud aiming only at raising stock prices by controlling the hyped media backed by academia and corporations.

Governments and corporations should stop wasting money on the hopeless quantum computers and worthless AI which pseudo-science just makes our life unhappy, and should allocate the money to developing practical multi-probe atomic force microscopes manipulating atoms, curing diseases.



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