Developing atomic force microscope with multiple probe tips grabbing single molecules is intentionally blocked by useless quantum mechanics.

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Today's atomic force microscope is useless with only one probe tip that cannot see 3D molecules.

(Fig.1)  Today's useless atomic force (or scanning tunneling ) microscope with just one probe tip can only see planar flat molecules.  Only multi-probe microscope can observe 3-dimensional molecules from different angles.

Today's one-probe atomic force microscope is useless, unable to observe or treat 3-dimensional molecules.

Technology of atomic force and scanning tunneling microscopes are deadend, stuck in only one useless probe tip with No progress for 40 years.

This current atomic force (or scanning tunneling ) microscope with just one probe can only observe flat molecules such as benzenes ( this p.4-7,  this p.2 ), which is useless, unable to deal with 3-dimensional molecules such as methane and ethane (at the atomic level), as shown in Fig.1-upper.

Even recent researches for the alleged 3-dimensional (= 3D ) atomic force microscopy just try to measure almost flat molecules ( this p.4-Figure.1 ) and guess the lower part of the molecules (= based on experience or machine-learning ), without attempting to increase the number of probe tips.

So today's atomic force microscope technology manipulating single molecules has been stalled, deadend.

Only multi-probe atomic force microscopes can observe and manipulate 3D molecules.

The only way to observe 3D molecules accurately in detail is to use multiple probe tips, and see the target molecule from different sides or angles, as shown in Fig.1-lower.

The multi-probe atomic force microscope can freely rotate and invert the target molecule to see atoms on various sides of the 3D molecule (= one probe is used to fix and hold down the target molecule, while the other probe touches the atoms of the molecule ).

↑ Touching and measuring the target molecule with multiple probe tips needs to define the real shape of the target molecule, which is prohibited by the current unphysical quantum mechanical shapeless atomic model, which is why physicists refuse to increase the number of probes (= fearing multi-probe atomic force microscope will make quantum mechanical unphysical model unnecessary, obsolete ), though they already have the technology.

Small sensetive quartz sensors are suitable for multi-probe atomic force microscopes observing single atoms.

Instead of the present bulky atomic force microscope detecting light reflected by cantilevers, we should use much-simpler, more sensitive quartz (= qPlus ) force sensors ( this p.4-qPlus sensor,  this p.9-methods ) that can detect the slight quartz' frequency change by small atomic force with very high resolution of ~pm ( this p.31-Fig.41 ).

↑ This current best atomic force sensor = quartz can be more sensitive (= generating more frequency f ) in smaller quartz crystal ( this p.4-right-1st-paragraph,  this-How does a quartz crystal microbalance work?,  this p.12-(52),  this p.3 ), which is suitable for practical atomic force microscopes with multiple miniaturized probe tips.

This p.3-left-4th-paragraph says
"sensitivity of a QCM (= quartz-crystal-microbalance ) is inversely proportional to the square of the (quartz) resonator thickness"  ← the smaller quartz sensor is more sensitive and better ( this p.3(or p.2)-2nd-paragraph uses less than 30μm small sensitive quartz crystal sensor ).

This qPlus quartz sensor, which can safely measure weak van der Waals intermolecular attraction as non-contact atomic force microscope, can also measure even strong Pauli repulsion through quartz' frequency change by actually touching (= grabbing ) the target single atom or molecule ( this p.1,p.3,p.6-methods,  this p.2,p.5-10 ).

Today's technology can attach a single atom or a molecule to the probe's apex to make useful multi-probe atomic force microscopes manipulating single atoms.

(Fig.2)  Today's technology can always realize atomic force microscopes (= AFM ) with multiple probe tips to which single atoms or molecules are tightly attached for observing single atoms.

The current technology can make a sharp tip with only one single atom in atomic force microscope.

Today's technology can already make very sharp probe tips with less than 1nm curvature (= sharp conical angle 30 degree ) of various materials (= metals, silicon, carbon, diamond..,   this p.2-right-3rd-paragraph ) in atomic force or scanning tunnelling microscopes ( this-8th-paragraph,  this p.41-43 ) with a single atomic apex ( this p.9-4th-paragraph ).

The scanning electron microscope (= resolution of 1nm ) often used to see the sharp probe tips cannot confirm whether only one atom (= sharpest ) or several atoms (= dull ) are attached to the probe tip's apex.

If the microscope's probe tip is the sharpest with only one atom attached, it can detect or distinguish the target single atom like in the normal atomic force microscope observing single atoms ( this p.4-5,  this p.1-last-paragraph~p.2,  this p.6-left-methods ).

When the microscope's probe tip is dull consisting of several atoms as shown in Fig.2-upper-left, the atomic force microscope using this dull tip cannot distinguish the target single atom (= the dull tip's several atoms touch the target single atom in the same way = same height, which makes the target single atom look a little bigger,   this p.3-Fig.2 ).

By applying voltage, artificial covalent bonds between probe tips and single atoms can be formed to make the sharpest tips.

↑ In the case of the dull probe tip, we can artificially bond the single atom to the dull tip's apex covalently by applying some amount of electric voltage through the probe tip touching the target atom, as shown in in Fig.2-upper ( this p.3-Figure.2 ).

In the same way, the present technology can attach a single molecule to the probe tip by the electrode (= or conducting probe tips ) applying voltage ( this p.2-left-last-paragraph,  this p.2-left-2nd-paragraph ) to the position of new artificial covalent bond (or chemisorption ) between the probe tip and the target single molecule ( this p.2,p.5-left ), as shown in in Fig.2-middle.

The target single molecule or atom can be freely moved to the designated places through weak adsorption to the tip apex (= by applying weak voltage to the conducting tip,  this 8th-paragraph,  this p.17-19,  this p.5-6 ).

Using these very sharp probe tips to which only one atom or one molecule attached, making practical atomic force microscopes with multiple sharpest probe tips is possible to observe and manipulate any single 3D molecules from various angles freely.

The CO molecule-terminated tip is also useful and robust enough to manipulate and lift taget molecules.

A CO single molecule adsorbed to a metallic single atomic probe tip (= Cu, Ag.. ), which is widely used now, is also useful and bonded to the metallic tip apex tightly enough to maipulate target single molecules like a single metallic atomic tip without being detached from the tip ( this p.1-abstract, p.4-Fig.3,  this p.3-right-2nd-paragraph ).

Today's unphysical quantum mechanical shapeless atomic model prevents the use of useful multi-probe atomic force microscopes.

(Fig.3)  Manipulating atoms with multiple probe tips needs realistic atomic model with shape, which is prohibited by today's useless quantum mechanical (shapeless atomic) model, DFT, time-consuming molecular dynamics.

Quantum mechanical unphysical atomic model hampers developing useful multi-probe atomic force microscopes.

Today's technology can already make useful multi-probe atomic force microscopes grabbing, carrying the target single molecules and forming artificial covalent bonds.

↑ But this manipulation of molecules by multiple probes needs to define the real shape of the target molecules, which is Not allowed in today's unphysical quantum mechanical shapeless atomic model.

The current useless quantum mechanics can only describe the whole molecules and tips' atoms as one pseudo-electron model called density functional theory (= DFT,  this p.4 ) with No real individual atomic or molecular shape.

↑ For example, in this (= p.6 ) atomic force microscope tried to describe the whole sample molecule and microscope tip by using only one pseudo-electron's coordinate r (= this p.3 expresses the tip electron density = nt(r) and sample density = ns (r) by using only one electron's r coordinate ) in the unphysical DFT model whose ad-hoc exchange potential functional cannot show concrete individual atomic shape.

So today's only molecular simulating method called molecular dynamics (= MD ) unable to treat a (rigid) molecule as a rigid real object with shape has to change each ( shapeless quantum mechanical ) atomic position though only pseudo-potential called force field little by little individually, which takes too much time to explain actual molecular motion.

↑ Today's unphysical quantum mechanical shapeless atomic model, one-pseudo-electron DFT, MD unable to describe the molecular motion manipulated by multiple probes is why physicists refuse to develop useful atomic force microscopes with multiple probes (= that will make the impractical quantum mechanical atomic model unnecessary, obsolete, which they fear ), though they already have the technology of making useful multi-probe atomic force microscopes.

Quantum mechanical time-consuming unrealistic model is useless, unnecessary, just hampering developing useful multi-probe atomic force microscopes.

To protect the useless time-consuming old quantum mechanical theory, academia intentionally prevents developing useful multi-probe atomic force microscopes manipulating atoms, curing diseases, though they already have that technology.

(Fig.3')  Physicists always try to use the impractical, time-consuming quantum mechanics or DFT model, which just hampers developing multi-probe atomic force microscopes.

Academia, scientists intentionally try Not to make multi-probe atomic force microscopes that will make today's useless quantum mechanics unnecessary, though they already have the technology.

In fact, academia, scientists have intentionally prevented developting useful multi-probe atomic force microscopes (= they do Not even try to make them ), though they already have that technology, in order only to protect the old useless quantum mechanical methods.

This is in stak contrast to today's physics wasting too much time and money only on hopeless deadend quantum computers and cryptography.

Just using the simpler atomic model with shape measured by atomic force microscope can identify and manipulate single molecules to build useful nano-devices.

The current technology can already make a practical atomic force microscope with multiple probes, which can measure and manipulate 3-dimensional molecules shape to build useful nano-devices.

The present atomic force microscopes can precisely measure even weak van der Waals attraction and strong Pauli repulsion around each single atom by touching the atom and measuring slight frequency change of the very sensitive quartz (= qPlus ) sensors ( this p.4-qPlus sensor ).

They can measure and know each atomic shape (and each atomic center position that tells us bond lengths ) characterized by the Pauli repulsive sphere (= a blue circle in Fig.3'-upper ) detected as the contact force between the microscope's probe tip and the atomic surface ( this p.4,  this p.4-8,  this p.33-45 ).

Just using this measured atomic shape is necessary, OK to identify the target molecule and build useful nano-devices by manipulating single molecules (with known shape ) through multi-probe atomic force microscope.

Quantum mechanics and its DFT's unphysical shapeless atomic model is not only useless, time-consuming but also hampering nano-technology.

But today's quantum mechanics unreasonably forces scientists to always use the useless, too time-consuming, unphysical density functional theory (= DFT = Kohn-Sham theory ) which tries to treat the whole molecules and microscope probe's atoms as one pseudo-electron or fictional quasiparticle model ( this p.5-right-middle~lower ) with No shape, which just hampers nano-technology.

Quantum mechanics (= Schrodinger equations ) and its DFT just choosing fake wavefunctions and pseudo-potential are unable to predict any physical values, so we do Not need to use them.

Quantum mechanical Schrodinger equations and DFT are unable to predict any (multi-electron) atoms or molecules (= fake ab-initio or empirical theory, this p.23-lower ), so we do Not need to use these useless quantum mechanics and DFT that are just too time-consuming ( this p.1-abstract-upper ) and obstructing technological development.

Quantum mechanical DFT model (= used in all the present atomic force microscope experiments, this p.2-Figure 1 ) must artificially choose fake exchange and intermolecular van der Waals (= dispersion ) potential whose parameters must be fitted to experiments ( this-last-calculation method uses empirical Grimme D3 dispersion potential, this p.19-Fig.19,  this p.5-1.3,  this p.3-6 ) with No ability to predict physical values ( this p.21-2.3.6,  this-lower-DFT Limitation ).

↑ Just using experimentally-measured values (= such as each atomic shape ) without wasting too much time in the useless quantum mechanical methods (= with No ability to predict anything ) is the most efficient, useful way of developing nano-technology through multi-probe atomic force microscopes.

Choosing (fake) electron wavefunctions (= basis sets ), adjusting their many parameters and repeating arduous calculations until converging to one self-consistent energy values by quantum mechanical DFT is too time-consuming and impractical.

Quantum mechanical Schrodinger equation and DFT must choose and insert fake ( one pseudo-)electron's wavefunctions consisting of many terms (= many basis set functions = χ1, χ2 ... χn ) and many coefficients (= c1, c2, ... cn,    this p.23,  this p.5-5. ) into the energy equations, integrate them (= which takes too much time ) to obtain (fake) total energy E, which is just art, Not science (= empirical method, Not quantum mechanical prediction,  this the choice of basis set-3rd-paragraph ).

This p.10-last-paragraph says
"The effectiveness of DFT is highly dependent on the choice of exchange-correlation functional, which may not accurately capture all correlation effect..
the calculations of exchange-correlation energies can still be demanding. "

Physicists have to repeatedly conduct many complicated calculations of total energies by integrals of the chosen wavefunctions (= electron density ), variation and updating their coefficients (= cn ), until they converge to some values minimizing the total energy within the chosen (fake) basis set wavefunctions, which is called self-consistent field (= SCF,  this p.9,  this p.2-8,  this p.3-2 ).  ← extremely time-consuming methods.

This SCF convergence says
"Conventional electronic-structure-theory-based methods like DFT rely on a self-consistent-field (SCF) process, where an initial guess for the electron density is generated and then iteratively refined... SCF convergence can become extremely time-consuming or even impossible."

The unphysical quantum mechanical shapeless atomic model has to conduct many painstaking useless calculations of (pseudo-)potential energies in many different atomic positions of probe tips and molecules, which is too time-consuming

Quantum mechanics and DFT unable to give actual atomic shape has to conduct many extremely time-consuming SCF energy calculations in many different positions of atoms of the molecules and microscope probe tip, as shown in Fig.3'-middle, which is called geometry optimization or relaxation consisting of multiple time-consuming SCF calculations ( this p.28-53,  this 2~4th-paragraphs,  this-p.18-2.3.2 ).

This quantum mechanics or DFT takes too much time to describe molecules measured by multi-probe atomic force microscopes, because physicists have to repeat the extremely-time-consuming calculations of the chosen (fake) wavefunctions' coefficients in many different positions of atoms of the molecules, (multiple) microscope probe tips 1 and 2 ( this p.6-1st~2nd-paragraphs ).

This p.4-DFT calculations (of this research ) say
"the calculations only take into account the sample molecule and the Cu2CO (probe) tip,  No macroscopic.. tip or the substrate were added to the calculations (= because of too time-consuming to consider the substrate atoms below the sample molecule in DFT,  this p.3-1st-paragraph ). For this reason, attractive forces could be underrepresented (= DFT calculations are wrong )"

"The interaction energies of the (microscope probe) tip and the sample molecule (without substrate) were calculated for various lateral positions with a lateral spacing of 0.1 Å and for tip heights ranging from d = 3.95 Å to d = 3.35 Å with a vertical spacing of 0.025 Å"  ← The time-consuming DFT calculations must be conducted in many different probe tip's atomic positions.

This p.5-2nd-paragraph says
"This and the relaxation of the whole tip-sample system make the calculations of entire Δf (= quartz sensor's frequency change by atomic force ) images including the relaxations too complex to be carried out within feasible time. The calculation of the Δf(x) line profiles (Fig.2D, this p.17 = just a very small molecule within ~ 8Å ) took about a week computation time on a large computer facility"

Just using the simple atomic model with experimentally-measured atomic shape is OK to identify and build useful molecular devices.

So just using real atomic shape measured by the (multi-probe) atomic force microscope is necessary to identify various molecules and build useful molecular machines, and the impractically-time-consuming quantum mechanics and DFT shapeless atomic model (= unphysical wavefunctions,  this-last-paragraph,  this p.15 ) are unnecessary, just obstructing nano-technology.

To protect old vested interests, academia forces the useless, time-consuming quantum mechanical (DFT) model which just hampers the use of practical multi-probe atomic force microscopes.

But today's academia and universities need these unphysical, useless quantum mechanics and DFT model which just prevents the developing useful multi-probe atomic force microscopes (= though they already have the technology of building the useful multi-probe atomic force microscopes ) and leads to raising tuition limitlessly.

To protect this old vested interests and unnecessary quantum mechanical (DFT) model, they purposefully refuse to build practical multi-probe atomic force microscope that will need the much-simpler atomic model using just the measured shape, which will make the too time-consuming quantum mechanics and DFT useless, obsolete, which the academia fears.

↑ It is too time-consuming to conduct DFT calculation of energies between one probe tip and the sample molecule from one upper side, so it is much more impossible and more time-consuming to calculate DFT energies between multiple probes and the (rotated) sample molecules from various sides (= The impractical DFT with shapeless atoms has to calculate many chosen wavefunctions' terms and pseudo-potential energies of multiple probes in many different positions around the molecule, which is unrealistic )

Efficient, speedy artificial chemical reactions are possible in multi-probe atomic force microscopes.

(Fig.4)  The use of many-probe, multi-probe atomic force microscopes can efficiently, speedily generate artificial chemical reactions and desired molecular bonds.

Fast, practical generation of artificial molecular bonds is possible in multi-probe atomic force microscopes.

Unlike the useless one probe, atomic force microscopes with multiple probes can observe, analyze, manipulate any forms of molecules and proteins (= in case of a large protein, breaking the protein little by little using artificial molecular bond dissociation through applying voltage enables us to know the precise outer and inner protein structure by the multi-probe atomic force microscope,  this p.21 ).

Of course, the practical multi-probe atomic force microscope can design and build useful molecular devices (= such as artificial efficient photosynthesis by making artificial catalysts and curing cancers ) by manipulating single atoms, using realistic atomic model with shape (= instead of the unphysical impractical quantum mechanical shapeless atomic model ).

Efficient speedy chemical reactions forming artificial covalent bonds between the designated atoms of molecules, which are impossible otherwise, are possible using multi-probe atomic force microscopes.

Many probe tips can find and observe designated molecules very fast.

In the process of the speedy artificial chemical (= molecular bond ) reactions, first we deposit distilled pure molecules over a substrate (= by vacuum deposition or something ).

If we put some different marks or narrow lines (< 10nm ) with slightly different heights (or different lengths, widths ) or consisting of different atoms on different positions of the substrate, we can know the positions of each probe (and deposited molecules ) immediately when tips touch the substrate surface.

Next, we can know the positions of target molecules deposited over the substrate by using non-contact (= high-resolution quartz sensor ) atomic force microscope with many probe tips (= each probe can move in z direction independently to detect target molecules with different heights automatically at very high speed. All these many probes are moved together in x,y directions ).

↑ A probe tip can be moved (= displaced ) up to the distance of 0.1% of the piezo electric material (= actuator ), so moving atoms 1μm needs 1mm piezo electric material ( this p.3-left,  this 4~6th-paragraphs ).

↑ Moving each probe of many probes in x-y directions independently needs much space of the piezo material (= 1mm × 1mm ) in each probe, while moving each probe only in z direction independently does not need so much space (= just tiny 1μm × 1μm space in x,y directions is OK ), which can increase the dense of probes (= many compact probe tips ) and speed up the atomic force microscope finding all target molecules deposited over the substrate.

After knowing the positions of target molecules on the substrate by many probes, we can move those molecules by an atomic force microscope with multiple probes (= manipulating single molecules freely in x,y,z directions ) from the substrate to some designated places where many artificial covalent bonds can be formed simultaneously by applying voltages between two molecules placed on designated positions.

As a result, the fast, practical mass production of artificial molecules with desired covalent bonds (= which are impossible in other ways ) is possible in the atomic force microscope with multiple probe tips manipulating single molecules.



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