LED is unreal ?


LED by quantum mechanics is unreal.

[ Quantum mechanics always uses unreal quasipaticles. ]

(Fig.1)  ↓ Magnon, phonon, exciton are unreal quasiparticles.   

Energy-efficient LED is said to be important for climate change.
But the basic technology in LED hasn't progressed so much since its first discovery.  Why ?

This Nature paper tries to use fictitious quasiparticle 'exciton' in light emission by electron in LED.

Quasiparticle exciton is just an nonphysical math symbol without realistic figure ( this p.3 ), so useless forever.

What are these unreal quasiparticles useful for ?  The last of these news uses vague phrases "The results will stimulate research .. ?" or "In future, I hope .. ?"  ← still nothing realized.

These researches use unreal quasipaticles Magnon and phonon = nonphysical symbols to explain data from neutrons and light scattered by some material.

This paper tries to use fake (= effective ) electron mass to explain some superconductor ( this p.3 ).

The last of this news says "to explain black hole in higher dimension .. ?"  They try to link this metal to imaginary black hole meaninglessly ( this latter ).

In this way, the current useless quantum mechanical researches try to fabricate "fake" target such as quantum computer and black hole to get subsidy.


Unified theory is unreal 11 dimensions !?

[ Supersymmetic theory needs as many as 256 new particles ? ]

(Fig.2)  ↓ The current unified theory lacks reality.

The current mainstream unified theory needs fantasy 11 dimensional spacetime.

This paper says one of supergravity theories needs as many as 256 new ficititious particles under artificialliy-introduced supersymmetry ( this p.2 ).

Neither of these extradimension nor supersymmetric particles can be directly detected, so the current unified theory relying on fictional things has No grounds.

Physicists waste their time in meaningless theories.



2018/11/23 updated. Feel free to link to this site.