Quantum is virtual.


Virtual scattering by proton ?

[ Virtual photon and quarks are unreal. ]

(Fig.1)  ↓ Electron is scattered by virtual photon ?   

This study is outrageous and unscientific.

They claim an electron is scattered by a proton through virtual photon, which is unreal.

The current physics tries to interpret physical phenomena using fictitious particles, which prevents advancing science such as nuclear fusion.


Pseudo-spin is unreal.

[ Explaining classical phenomena by unreal quantum things. ]

(Fig.2)  ↓ Classical light interacts with matter.   

This experiment is nonsense, they try to explain classical light and matter using unreal pseudo-spin.

This is why quantum mechanics is useless, forever.

They have given up clarifying true atomic mechanism, instead, focus on creating artificial fake particle with fake mass and spin.


Quantum chaos is useless.

[ Chaotic atoms = many states = parallel worlds !? ]

(Fig.3)  ↓ Chaotic and disordered atoms are useless.

This studiy's logic is nonsense.

They oscillate atoms by laser light and make them chaotic including many different states.

Their stupid logic is many chaotic states coexisting in parallel worlds, which could be used in fantasy quantum computer in future.

This is untrue.  Chaotic and disordered states can never be used in useful computer.


Spooky entanglement is useless.

[ Entanglement is fantasy, sends No information. ]

(Fig.4)  ↓ This is just classical light with atom.

This expriment is just about classical light interacting with atoms.
That's all.  No spooky entanglement.

Fake news try to connect spooky entanglement with quantum computer or information.  But entanglement = spooky action is useless.

Because spooky entanglement can Not send any real information.


Quantum walk (← ? )  is nonsense..

[ Classical light is photon's quantum walk ? ]

(Fig.5)  ↓ This is just classical light through glass.   

Quantum walk is nonsense.

They just treat weak classical light as photon's quantum walk.

Quantum mechanics only shows nonphysical math symbol with No concrete figure as each photon ( this p.2 ).

So these photons are useless.



2018/5/18 updated. Feel free to link to this site.