Physics is dead-end.


Two-slit experiment mystery unsolved.

[ Quantum mechanics avoids truth, stops science. ]

(Fig.1)  An electron interferes with itself = parallel worlds !?

Even a single electron can interfere with itself in two-slit experiment.  Quantum mechanics tries to explain it by fantasy parallel worlds.

The present physics does not admit the real medium in space (= quantum mechanics abandons reality ! )

So they misinterpret it as "an electron splits into parallel worlds before double slits to interfere with itself".

We have already known that a molecule can interfere with itself since long time ago.  This week physics just replaced two by three-slit, No progress.

Quantum mechanics escaped from reality into fantasy parallel worlds, and stops our science forever !


"Quantum network ?"  is fake news.

[ All "quantum" network, teleportation .. are just "scam". ]

(Fig.2)  ↓ All "quantum" concepts are just classical mechanics.

Quantum teleportation in China has nothing to do with real technology to send human like star trek.  So it's just useless science wasting money.

The present science news is filled with fake news just to extort taxpayer's money.

The words "quantum network, encrypton, internet.." are misleading.  They just use "classical light" with polarization, and call them "quantum".

So all govenments should stop wasting money in these useless science.


"Quantum computer for everyone ?"  is fake news.

[ Even simple factorizing 15 = 5 × 3 is impossible. ]

(Fig.3)  Quantum computer cannot even factorize 15 = 5 × 3 !

A recent news says they could outsource "quantum computing" to experts.  But this is fake news.

They claim their quantum computer calculated simple factorizing 15 = 5 × 3.  But in fact, they did Not do even this simple factorizing !

It is said that quantum computer can do multiple calculations simultaneously using parallel worlds.  But there is NO evidence of parallel computing so far.

The latest quantum computer's algorithm depends on "semi-classical" way of resetting and recycling a single qubit instead of parallel computing.

So quantum computer is a kind of investment scam.


Classical lights = quantum computer !?

[ They just prepared two polarized classical lights.  Period. ]

(Fig.4)  Horizontally or vertically polarized light. = parallel worlds !?

In this experiment which they call "blind quantum computing for everyone", they just prepared two polarized classical lights.  Period.

Using polarizing filters, they prepared two states where two lights have the same polarizations ( horizontal or vertical, see this p.3 ).

No computation here.  This experiment has nothing to do with "ultrafast quantum computer" !

Quantum mechanics misinterpret "1 or 2 states is unknown" as "1 and 2 states coexist in parallel worlds".


Physics is dead-end.

[ Quantum mechanics stops our science, forever. ]

(Fig.5)  Fantasy parallel worlds = quantum mechanics ?

This weak physics deals with two-slit experiment, quantum computer for everyone, quantum network.  ← All these news are fake news !

Each particle and molecule is known to interfere with itself in double-slit experiment since a long time ago.

This week's experiment just used 'three-slit' instead of 'two-slit'.  That's all.  Mystery of wave-particle duality remains unsolved in unreal parallel worlds.

Teleportation can not send real things like star trek.  ← useless technolosy.  Corrupt universities deceive non-experts by misleading video.

Quantum computer for everyone (← ? ) has nothing to do with fantasy 'ultra-fast' quantum computer.  Fake news.



2017/8/18 updated. Feel free to link to this site.