Science stops progressing.


Material of "fictitious" particles ?

[ Quantum mechanics relies on unreal particles. ]

(Fig.1)  ↓ Hysterons = fictitious particles, so meaningless.

This news claims that they could explain some material by hypothetical (= fictitious ) particles = hysterons ?

Quantum mechanics is old useless theory, which tries to explain materials by unreal quasiparticle with fake (= effective ) mass.

Hysterons lack physical reality, it just consists of several artificially-adjustable parameters ( this p.3-,  this p.2 left ), so meaningless.

The last of this news says "the results are a further step to the small memories of the future ?"  ← still useless, nothing realized.

In this way, the present basic physics stops progressing by useless quantum mechanics.


Fictitious target = "quantum" technology ?

[ Useless quantum mechanics needs fake target. ]

(Fig.2)  ↓ Just using ordinary light, nothing realized.

This news of "100-times-faster internet ?" is fake news.

They just try to use ordinary polarized light as transmission, which is nothing new, as seen in radio wave (= already used ).

The last of this news says "Our device will unlock the potential of light for future quantum communications and computing ?"  ← still useless, nothing realized.

This news of "quantum soccer ?" has nothing to do with "soccer".
They just emit or absorb light between rubidium atom and mirrors.

The last of this news says "Our experiments are taking this future technology one step further ?"  ← still useless, nothing realized.

In this way, useless quantum mechanics made up "fake target" to deceive readers.


AI for quantum mechanics (?) is fake.

[ Molecular dynamics (mechanics) has NO electrons, so unreal. ]

(Fig.3)  This classical method doesn't consider electrons. ← impractical.

AI for quantum mechanical calculation is fake and useless.
They just use old molecular dynamics (= mechanics ) and density functional theory (= DFT ).

Molecular dynamics uses classical force field, which is unreal, because it does Not use electrons' orbital.

This force field is fake empirical potential with artificially-adjustable parameters, so it cannot predict any new atomic behaviors ( this p.10, this p.2 ).  ← useless.

DFT is also unreal and useless, because it relies on freely-selected fake (= effective ) potential, which is unknown and inconsistent with many experimental results.

Tha last of this news just says "this research demonstrates the potential of AI and chemistry ?"  ← still useless, nothing realized.

Quantum mechanics relying on fake potential and particles is useless, forever.



2018/10/26 updated. Feel free to link to this site.