ヒカリバコ フィルターを通して見る世界 ‘Hikari-bako The World through the Filter’
2013年度の福岡県立美術館のコレクション展「夏休み特集:没後45年 坂本繁二郎と静物画」に関連するワークショップとして「ヒカリバコ フィルターを通して見る世界」を企画・監修しました。
As a workshop in relation to the 2013 Fukuoka Prefectural Museum of Art Collection ‘Summer Feature: Sakamoto Hanjiro 45th Memorial’; The artist planned and supervised the project ‘Hikari-bako The World through the Filter’.
As the comthe artist and Sakamoto Hanjiro is the adoption of ‘Light’, being the origin of the modern day camera, ‘camera obscura’ was decided as the workshop subject.
As the comthe artist and Sakamoto Hanjiro is the adoption of ‘Light’, being the origin of the modern day camera, ‘camera obscura’ was decided as the workshop subject.