


In the midst of two extremes

Amidst mundanity spent with thoughts of nothing in particular, in a random moment there opens a feeling of anxiety, and emptiness.
Not the kind that appears like a looming wall, but the shallow, foggy kind with no form.All the more frightening and the heart is drawn in.
It is this feeling of unease and emptiness amidst mundanity that I capture and express in my current series.There in the changing ‘Light and Shade’ I found the hint for my artistic expression.
The translucent light that passes through the crystal glass and the light which is reflected.
The blurred image from the light of a slide reflected in the darkened room.
The shimmering surface of water.
When recalling childhood, that light is always in my memory.
The shapeless light, strong at times as it shimmers, disappears into the shadows.
Between the extremes of ‘Light and Shade’ I am at once drawn to and also swing back and forth.With regards to my work, while considering the images that I want to capture, I have realized that besides ‘Light and Shade’ there are other extremes, opposing elements, that I want to include in one piece.  

Strength and Fragility.
Certainly and Inconclusive.

Spread and Contraction.
Life and Death.

We cannot say without a doubt that only what we can see with our minds is truth.
While going back and forth between extremes, I have used painting as a means to search for the hidden piece in mundanity.  

-About the Portrait Series-
Here is painted the portrait of a person on a postcard produced in early 1900s Europe. There is no way for us living in modern days to know what these women who lived 100 years before were like.
Does it seem that the photograph is representing the truth?
Do we have here a trace of her existence left by the woman or not?Between the present and past, this world and the other, there is without a doubt an infinite distance.