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Einstein is false
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(Fig.3) A single electron splits into parallel worlds !?
Einstein rejected real "medium".
So the current physics needs unreal parallel worlds to explain a single electron interference in double-slit experiment.
If we admit some "medium" in space, we can naturally explain why even a single particle can interfere with itself in double-slit experiment.
We don't need unreal parallel worlds of quantum mechanics.
We only need real "medium".
(Fig.4) Light velocity changes in medium → Einstein was wrong.
Light refraction proves that light velocity c changes in different "medium", which contradicts Einstein relativity denying "light medium".
This light refraction obeys Huygens' principle, where difference in wavefront speeds in mediums gives refraction angle, it proves the light is wave, Not particle.
Whatever the incidence angle is, the ratio of incidence to refraction angles is constant, equal to the ratio of light speeds in mediums.
If the light is particle, which Einstein said, the light particle must scatter in random directions between different mediums, regardless of its speed.
(Fig.5) Light photon particle fast → slow → fast again !?
We know the light becomes slower and is bent, when it enters water from air.
And when light goes out of water, it accelerates and is bent back again ?
If light is a photon particle, the bending angle is random because of scattering. But refractive angle is fixed in each medium.
And this photon particle must be accelerated again when it exits water. There is NO strange thing to "reaccelerate" light in water !
See Relativistic mass is unreal.
(Fig.12') ↓ Electromagnetic wave contradicts Einstein mc2
In fact, Einstein famous mc2 is self-contradictory, and Not his original idea.
This Einstein equation of mc2 is just a copy of classical Maxwell equation. And Maxwell electromagnetic theory is right, and Einstein relativity is wrong, self-contradictory.
In 1800s, Maxwell showed the light wave has pressure = momentum p equal to energy E divided by light speed c ( p = E/c = mc → E = mc2 ), which was known before Einstein ( this 3rd paragraph, this p.9-2.22, this p.22, this 1.5-12th-paragraph, this p.6, this p.9-last, this p.7 ).
Also from de Broglie wavelength λ and light energy, we can get the light wave has mass m ( p = h/λ, E = hc/λ, momentum = p = mc = E/c → mc2 = E = energy ).
The original Maxwell equation obtained the relation of the momentum (= pem ) of the light electromagnetic wave is equal to Poyinting vector (= S ) divided by the square of light speed c ( pem = S/c2 = E/c, this p.5-1.29, this p.6, p.5-top, this-lower-Summary, this p.9 ).
From this Maxwell's relation and light energy density (= Eem = ε0E2 ← this E temporarily represents electric field, this p.12-2.84, this p.4-6, this p.1-2 ), we can get the light's energy Eem = pem c = mc2 ( pem = mc, c is light speed, m is photon's mass ), which is the authentic Maxwell's mc2 relation ( this p.5-upper, this p.20-second-paragraph ).
↑ In Maxwell's electromagnetic wave, its magnetic field (= B ) is known to be equal to E/c (= this E is electric field, c is light speed ), which originates from the fact that the electric and magnetic fields have the same energy (= electric field induces magnetic field of the same energy, and vice versa, this last ).
Einstein copied this Maxwell's mc2, and modified it in the wrong way.
It's a famous story that Einstein invented his ad-hoc relativistic theory based on classical Maxwell electromagnetic wave theory ( this 2nd-paragraph, this last paragraph, this middle, this p.2-upper ), though Einstein relativistic electromagnetic theory includes fatal paradoxes like twin time paradox.
Maxwell showed the light wave has mass m = E/c2, but Einstein said the light or a fictitious photon is massless (= like Maxwell's mc2, Einstein's relativistic mass m = E/c2 of a photon is Not zero ).
In Einstein mc2, the energy E is expressed only by a particle's rest mass m0 and its speed v, where if v is light speed c, its energy becomes infinity.
To avoid this mess, Einstein concluded the light (= photon ? ) is massless (= correctly, Einstein photon's relativistic mass = m=E/c2 is not zero, only its photon's rest mass is zero, which is self-contradictory ).
But this Einstein relativistic mass mc2 has fatal flaws, so Einstein is wrong.
If the light has "fixed values" of rest mass m0 =0, and speed v = c as Einstein said, the light energy E is also fixed at the single value, which cannot be varied.
But the actual light energy E can be changed by its light frequency or wavelength, which contradicts Einstein mc2.
Einstein said the space contains no medium, so his relativity has to use unreal parallel worlds and virtual particles to explain two-slit experiment and forces.
And the paradoxical Einstein relativity cannot explain de Broglie wave, kinetic energy, force change or light refraction.
So his theory cannot use "light wavelength" in the medium as a indicator of light energy E.
Actually, Maxwell realistic electromagnetic wave theory is perfectly compatible with the light energy expressed as E = hf (= f is light frequency, h is Planck constant ) in the photoelectric effect, using the electron's de Broglie wave interacting with the light.
Nuclear energy is potential (= Not kinetic ) energy, which needs some "medium (= potential energy must be stored in the medium between particles )" to express its energy, while Einstein's energy is illusion, disappears by observer's motion.
(Fig.13) Moving observer K' sees a rigid rod being bent ? ↓
Einstein relativity is unrealistic, it claims moving observer K' sees events of different times from past to futrue experienced by stationary observer K.
This strange world causes Lorentz contraction of a rigid object.
But "rigid" object means this object cannot be bent or elongated, so this is paradox.
A rigid rod is moving upward and then rightward, as shown in Fig.13 left. Strangely, it appears to be bent seen by moving observer K' ! This is paradox.
According to Lorentz transformation, from the viewoint of moving observer K', he sees the future event at x=1, and the past event at x=0 experienced by stationary observer K.
So moving observer can see events occuring at different times of stationary oberver like parallel worlds. This unrealistic world is Einstein relativity.
(Fig.14) Suddenly, a rigid rod can be bent ? ← paradox. ↓
A rigid rod is moving upward at first. This rod is trapped by the pole, so it cannot be moved rightward, when it is pulled.
At the point where the pole disappears, the rod can be moved rightward.
Seen by moving observer K', this event causes serious paradox.
At first, this rigid rod cannot be elongated, when it is pulled. But later, this rod can be elongated rightward ! Because K' sees different times of K.
A rigid rod cannot be bent or elongated, so this is true paradox, and disproves Einstein. It is irrational that this rigid rod suddenly becomes "flexible" and elongated !
And in K' frame, the left side of this rod is still trapped by the pole while the right side is elongated, it cannot know where the pole disappears, because it is unknown "future" event.
But the right side of the rod start to be elongated.
It means the right side of the rod "predicts" the future of where the pole disappears without touching it ? ← impossible !
This true paradox proves Einstein theory is false.
(Fig.22) Time stop, but black hole can move ? ← paradox.
The media say two black hole collided and merged into one. ← Fake news !
Einstein theory says time stops around black hole, seen from distant earth.
So, all things around each black hole must stop (= not move or collide ! )
When two black holes are approaching, a black hole keeps moving with respect to another black hole ? This is paradox.
Because a black hole appears to move at infinite speed = faster than light, seen from another black hole (= time stop ), which violates Einstein relativity.
Then, both of these two black holes slow down and finally stop with respect to each other, when they are approaching ?
This is also impossible, because all things around each black hole stop, so they cannot push or influence (= slow ) another black hole.
See Black hole is unreal.
(Fig.24) ↓ Light is bent by air, NOT Einstein gravity.
Einstein general relativity claims that light is slightly bent by gravity. But the earth's gravity is too small to observe it.
We can observe the light is strongly bent by the air due to classical light refraction. Light refraction is far stronger than gravitational lensing ( > 1000 : 1 ) !
Einstein relativity cannot explain light refraction, so they ignore it. Light deflection is not by general relativity but by classical theory.
Test of Einstein theory is targeted at stars too far away to confirm. They introduced artificial dark matter where gravity failed. ← nonsense.
(Fig.25) Too week Einstein time dilation is hidden in the air medium.
Einstein relativity is useless in our daily lives.
So we can say Einstein theory is unreal, and it'll be no harm, if we forget Einstein.
Einstein tests such as black hole and BigBang are meaningless, because they deal with just imaginary things which are too far away to confirm.
Einstein relativistic effect includes fatal paradox, and too weak to be useful, even if it is real.
GPS time correction doesn't need too weak relativistic effect.
Atmosphere has much larger effect than very tiny relativistic effect in GPS.
All particles inside large hadron collider cannot be isolated or confirmed, so doubtful, useless.
PET is due to "electron capture", which doesn't need unreal antiparticle.
So neither Einstein special nor general relativity is useful for our daily lives.
Their research is waste of time and money.
The media is fake, then, Einstein tests which the media repeat meaninglessly, are also fake news ?
In fact, Einstein is wrong. Correctly, Einstein is Not allowed to be wrong.
Physicists found many cases where Einstein gravity is invalid in galaxy rotation and gravitational lens.
Then, they invented invisible, undetectable, hypothetical dark matter to fix these contradictions. ← Einstein survived ?
Einstein rejected "ether" filling space, then, to explain Coulomb force, they invented "virtual photon", which is unreal and contradicts Einstein.
Again, Einstein's theory survived ! making lame excuses, "dark matter is not aether!", "virtual photon is just math tool !"
Whatever contradictions appear, Einstein is Not allowed to be wrong. Fake news media hide Einstein true paradoxes.
Academia uses Einstein fake science as a political tool to get subsidy from governments or raise university tuition.
2018/9/12 updated. Feel free to link to this site.