AI in quantum mechanics is nonsense.


Still No progress in physics.

[ Quantum mechanics relies on fictitious particles and targets. ]

(Fig.1)  ↓ Quantum physics relys on misleading fake news.   

Quantum mechanics invented 100 years ago is unrealistic and useless, relying on fictitious quasiparticles to explain all physical phenomena.

Quasiparticle is unreal, having fake (= effective ) mass and charge, which are freely-adjustable to deal with different phenomena, so meaningless in predicting new reactions.

For useless quantum physics to get research funds, physicists needed to create fake target = fictional quantum computer which is supposed to exploit fantasy parallel worlds for faster (← ? ) parallel computing ?  ← still  Not reality.

To hide the inconvenient fact that the current quantum physics is useless with No progress, academia spreads fake news to deceive people into falsely believing their researches are worth taxpayers' money.

If you carefully read each quantum technology news, you will notice they make No progress, just using misleading phrases to get your hopes up.

This title just uses vague phrases "Getting a look under the hood of .. ? ", Not mentioning its practical use al all.  ← still useless, nothing is realized.

Topological insulator is also a vague concept of materials with some special electric conductivity.  Quantum mehanics can only describe it using unreal massless quasipaticle.

The first paragraph of this news just repeats meaningless catchphrases "Quantum computer promises to revolutionize ..  still being explored .. ? "  ← still useless, nothing is realized.

Quantum mechanics cannot deal with multi-electron atoms.  They just choose fake solutions out of infinite choices, which is completely useless, just wasting time.

When you hear dubious phrases "artificial intelligence", "machine deep learning" or "neural network", those phrases are empty, worthless in practical application.

Don't be deceived by them.  They just use those "cool-sounding phrases" for expressing the meaningless process of choosing fake solution in unsolvable multi-electron atoms of quantum mechanics.

The last paragraph of this news just says "There are still many challenges to solve before .. application.   opens the door for .. ?"  ← still useless, nothing is realized.

The second last paragraph of this news just says "In their future work, .. will first try to use .. ?"  ← still useless.  Just talking about "imaginary" future.

The last of this news also uses vague phrases "This could pave the way for development .. ?"  ← still useless, nothing is realized now.

The last paragraph of this news just says "for quantum computation, the experiment would need to be scaled up from .. ?"  ← still useless, quantum computer is still illusion.

The last of this news just says "more research and hopefully bring about .. ?"  ← still useless, nothing is realized.

The "order parameter" is a freely-adjustable artificial parameter, which is just nonphysical math object with No shape like unreal quasiparticle ( this p.8 )  ← meaningless concept.

The second last of this news just says "Increaseing our knowledge is essential .., which is now a scientific challenge."  ← still useless, nothing is realized.

Strong force = gluon or fractional-charge quarks cannot be isolated.
These doubtful particles are illusion only inside particle physicists' head.  ← No practical application, meaningless research.



2019/9/13 updated. Feel free to link to this site.