A step closer to unreal computer ?


Quantum computer = imaginary target.

[ "Quantum computer will be faster ?" is just a lie. ]

(Fig.1)  ↓ Quantum computer is still only two bits ?

This news says "one step closer to quantum computing ?"  ← How many steps are needed to realize fictional quantum computer ?

The latter part of this news says "SQC believes that quantum computer will have a significant impact ..?"  ← still useless, nothing realized.

"Believing uncertain future" is Not science, but religion.
Their so-called quantum computer is still only two bits.  ← Not computer at all.

Parallel-world quantum computer is just fiction, used as "imaginary future target" for academia to get taxpayers' money.

This research is just "theory" about unreal dead and alive cat, Not experiment, so meaningless.

This research just mixed two magnetic materials.

The last of this news says "this advance promises to open novel research ..?"  ← still useless, nothing realized.

In this way, all quantum mechanical researches are useless, so they need "imaginary future target".


Quantum mechanics uses unreal quasiparticle.

[ Quasiparticle is unreal with fake mass and charge. ]

(Fig.2)  ↓ Phonon is unreal quasiparticle.   

This research calls sound wave "phonon", which is just fictitious quasiparticle = nonphysical math symbol ( this p.4 ), so useless.

The last of this news uses vague phrase "studies open a new avenue for quantum information ?"  ← still useless, nothing realized.

This research is about "effective mass", which is fake negative mass.

What is this unreal mass useful for ?  The last of this news says "such clarification will help negative-mass research .. ?"  ← still useless, nothing realized.

In this way, the current basic physics always relies on fictitious concepts such as quasiparticle with fake effective mass, so useless. forever,



2018/11/30 updated. Feel free to link to this site.