Collins のシリアル番号 |
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Collinsの機器のシリアル番号と製造年月日の関係をK0DAS、RODの調査結果を中心に紹介する。 |
1.75S-* <75S-1/2> 1958 Serial 1 to 751 1959 Serial 752 to 2052 1960 Serial 2053 to 3185 and 10,415 to 10,583 1961 Serial 10,584 to 11,788 Note: there appear to be quantity 290 75S-3/3A units included in this serial no. range also. <75S-3/3A> 1961 Serial no. are intermingled with the 75S-1/2 for this year 1962 Serial 10,000 to 10,999 and 12,000 to 13,175 1963 Serial 13,500 to 14,648 <75S-3B> 1964 Serial 15,000 to 15,480 1965 Serial 15,481 to 15,949 1966 Serial 16,000 to 16,500 1967 Serial 16,501 to 16,901 1968 Serial 17,000 to 17,380 1969 Serial 17,381 to 17,719 1970 Serial 85,000 to 85,120 1971 Serial 85,121 to 85,xxx (Some numbers appear to not be used) 1972 Serial 85,xxx to 85,882 (Some numbers appear to not be used) 1973 Serial no. are intermingled with the 75S-3C for this year 1974 Serial no. are intermingled with the 75S-3C for this year <75S-3C> 1964 Serial 10,000 to 10,480 1965 Serial 11,000 to 11,326 1966 Serial 11,327 to 11,515 1967 Serial 11,516 to 11,709 1968 Serial 11,710 to 11,862 1969 Serial 11,863 to 11,994 1970 Serial 13,000 to 13,287 1971 Serial 13,288 to 13,544 1972 Serial 13,545 to 13,769 1973 Serial 30,000 to 30,350 (includes approx. 120 75S-3B units) 1974 Serial 30,351 to 30,801 (includes approx. 210 75S-3B units) 1975 Serial MCN4000 to MCN4720 1976 Serial "Unknown" 1977 Serial "Unknown" 1978 Serial 12,xxx 1979 Serial C30,xxx (The "C" indicates manufacture in Toronto) 1980 Serial "Unknown" |
2.32S-* <32S-1/2> 1958 Serial 1 to 851 1959 Serial 852 to 1952 1960 Serial 1953 to 3143 1961 Serial 10,000 to 10,610 1962 Serial 11,000 to 11,469 and 11,700 to 11,937 <32S-3> 1963 Serial 10,000 to 10,999 and 11,400 to 11,740 1964 Serial 11,741 to 12,648 1965 Serial 12,649 to 13,368 1966 Serial 13,369 to 13,963 1967 Serial 100,000 to 100,516 1968 Serial 100,517 to 100,971 1969 Serial 101,000 to 101,407 1970 Serial 101,408 to 101,768 1971 Serial 102,000 to 102,313 1972 Serial 102,314 to 102,611 1973 Serial 30,000 to 30,384 1974 Serial 30,385 to 30,768 <32S-3A> 1970-73 Serial 30,108 to 30113 1974 Serial 30,733 to 30,799 1975 MCN4046 to MCN4376 1976 to MCN4400 1979 MCN 11,544 3.51S-1 1961 1 to 3 1962 4 to 352 1963 353 to 964 1964 965 to 1749 1965 1750 to 2535 1966 2536 to 3478 1967 3479 to 4830 1968 4831 to 5842 1969 5843 to 6721 1970 6722 to 7433 1971 7434 to 8197 1972 8198 to 8925 1973 8926 to 9363 1974 9364 to 10229 1975 MCN12000 to MCN12224 1976 13000D to 13985D 1977 C30,000 to C30,999 1978 C30,100 to C30,269 1979 T5001 to T5250 1980 ? 1981 ? 1982 ? |
4.KWM-2(2A) 1960年〜82年の間に約26,000台製造されたとされている。 詳細は以下のCCAサイトを参照。 |
6.その他 KWM-1、32V-1(2、3)、75A-1(2、3、2A)、51J-*、R388/Aは以下のCCAサイトを参照。 |
【参考資料】 1、2、3、4、6 :K0DAS、Rod調査結果 (CCAサイト) 5 :DK8ZJ、Maritin (CCA ML) |