



"Let's also talk about unemployment. What can be done for the millions of Americans who've lost their jobs?"
(Michael Moran / Chief Economist, Daiwa Capital Markets America)
"Well, provide fiscal support. If you look back in the spring, Congress provided a generous package of fiscal support and that helped the economy a great deal during the summer months."
"I think we're going to see a similar-type package, much smaller in size, but still one that will provide good support."
"We'll have enhanced unemployment benefits for individuals, we'll probably have some rebate checks, that is, effectively, tax cuts, and we'll probably also get aid to some key industries such as the airline industries, and state and local governments, which will help keep the economy going, and I think bring many of the individuals back to work."
(Catherine Kobayashi)
"Mr. Moran, thank you very much for being with us."
(Michael Moran / Chief Economist, Daiwa Capital Markets America)
"My pleasure. Thank you."