Useless quantum stuffs

Top page ( Quantum mechanics is wrong, quantum computer is illusion )
Quantum information and internet are useless forever.

Quantum computer = imagination.

[ Quantum computer is the largest investment fraud. ]

(Fig.1)  ↓ Quantum information science is just "imagination", not physics.

Quantum information, and quantum computer and information are completely useless technologies forever, based on fictional science.

This paper is Not experiment, but just imaginary scheme of how linking future quantum computers.  So this paper is worthless.

Quantum computer is one of the biggest science scams where all corrupt academia, corporations, media collude to defraud taxpayers of money.

IBM and Intel's 50-bit quantum computer is still theoretical, Not viable.   D-Wave 2000-bit computer is Not quantum computer, Not faster.

People and governments are deceived into investing money in phony computer, forever.


Black hole is imagination.

[ Time stops ? → Black hole cannot be formed ! ]

(Fig.2)  ↓ Black hole is too far away to confirm.

This paper claims light and neutrino were affected by very distant black hole.

But if Einstein general relativity is right, time stopping does Not allow black hole to be formed.  So their claims are self-contradictory.

Fictional objects like black holes are too far away from the earth to confirm if they are real or not.

So these kinds of researches are just waste of money, except that only a handful of people involved get investment money from government.


Superconductor = unreal quasiparticle !?

[ Quantum mechanics clings to fictitious quasiparticles. ]

(Fig.3)  ↓ Measure electron ejected by light = unreal quasiparticle ?

In this study, they measured electrons ejected by light in superconductor.
And they claim it's unreal quasiparticles ( this ) !

Quantum mechanis has given up clarifying true microscopic mechanism.

Instead, they focus on fabricating fictitious quasiparticle with adjustable fake mass and charge  to explain physical macroscopic phenomena.

As long as we believe this old quantum mechanics and fictional particles, our science will never progress.


Bogus "quantum" communication.

[ Classical light = quantum communication ? ]

(Fig.4)  ↓ This just sends classical lights ( Not quantum ).

The title "quantum communication" is fake news.
Their quantum key is just classical light polarization.

They just call weak light "photon".

This weak light is very fragile and easily broken by eavesdropping, which is why they call weak light "quantum key".  ← "quantum" is irrelevant !

Quantum teleportation cannot send anything, so Not science.



2018/1/26 updated. Feel free to link to this site.