Sample JAVA program to visualize the electron's orbit of the Carbon (+4.25e) of Bohr model.

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This program is a little long. So if you copy and paste the below program source code into a text editor, you can easily compile and run this.
This program's class file name is cavis2, so save this text editor as "", and compile it.
In this program, the central positive charge is supposed to be +4.25e instead of +4.0e.

In this program, the carbon nucleus (gray color) is at (9285.6MM, 12499MM, 11857MM).
Here we use the new units, ( 1 MM = 10-14 meter, 1 SS = 10-21 second, 1 MM/SS = 107 m/s ).
Each coordinate of electrons (+X (MM), +Y (MM), +Z (MM)) in the text box means "relative" position from this nucleus.
"nuc (MM)" means the distance between the nucleus and each electron.
"VX: VY: VZ" means the ratio of each component of the electron's initial velocity vector.
So, (VX: VY; VZ)=(100:100;0) is the same as (VX: VY: VZ) = (10:10:0).
When you choose the number (= wn) of de Broglie's waves (0.1 -- 2.0) in the scrollbar, and click "orbit" button, this program starts to compute the electron's orbit until de Broglie's waves contained in the orbit becomes wn.
And then, if you click "retur" button, all electrons return to the initial(starting) conditions.
You can change the coordinates and the direction of velocity vector freely.
(Enter the values into the textbox, and press the Enter key.)
And when you enter the value r (MM) into the textbox next to "radiu" button and click this button, the size (radius) of the four electrons' tetrahedron change.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class cavis2 extends JPanel     // visualization of carbon atom 
 {                                            // nuclear charge = 4.25
  public static void main(String arg[])
 {                                      // set frame
   JFrame frame = new JFrame("visualization of oxygen");
   J2DPanel j2dpanel = new J2DPanel();
 class J2DPanel extends JPanel implements AdjustmentListener, ActionListener
    double pai=3.141592653589793; double epsi=8.85418781787346e-12;
   double h=6.62606896e-34; double elc=1.60217653e-19;
   double me=9.1093826e-31;  double den=4.25;     // den= nuclear charge=4.25
    JTextField elp[][]=new JTextField[4][7];     // coordinate and velocity text
    JTextField impho=new JTextField(7);
    JButton b1=new JButton("orbit");            // button definition
    JButton b2=new JButton("retur");
    JButton b3=new JButton("radiu");
    String ope[]={"0.1","0.3","0.5","0.7","0.9","1.1","1.3","1.5","1.7","1.9","2.0"};
    JComboBox coom=new JComboBox(ope);          // de Broglie's wave selection
    double rtw=Math.sqrt(2); double rth=Math.sqrt(3); double rsi=Math.sqrt(6); 
    double rfi=Math.sqrt(5); int marki[]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};  // marki=marking
    double hpr[][]=new double[4][7]; double hhpr[][]=new double[4][7];
    double nux[]={9285.64, 12499.90, 11857.08};    // nux=nucleus coordinate (MM)

   public J2DPanel()
   JPanel p=new JPanel();  p.setLayout(new GridLayout(7,8));
   String vv,zww; int aaa=0; 
   for (int el=0; el <=3; el++) {     // elp[el][0-2]=each electron's coordinate
   for (int pos=0; pos <=2; pos++) {
   elp[el][pos]=new JTextField(7); elp[el][pos].addActionListener(this);

   for (int el=0; el <=3; el++) {
   for (int pos=3; pos <=6; pos++) {  // elp[][3-6]=other parameterts of electron
   elp[el][pos]=new JTextField(7);
   if (pos > 3) {elp[el][pos].addActionListener(this);}
                                       // layout

   String mida[][]={{"Nucleus", "X = 9285.6", "Y = 12499", "Z = 11857", 
   "  ---  ", " --- ", "  --- ", "  --- "},
    {"Electron","+ X (MM)","+ Y (MM)","+ Z (MM)", "nuc(MM)","  VX : ", "  VY : ", "  VZ : "}};
   for (int ett=0; ett <=1; ett++) {
   for (int pos=0; pos <=7; pos++) {
   p.add(new Label(mida[ett][pos]));}}

    for (int el=0; el <=3; el++) {
    p.add(new Label("ele "+el+" "));
    for (int pos=0; pos <=6; pos++) {
    p.add(elp[el][pos]); elp[el][pos].setText("0");

   p.add(b1); p.add(coom); p.add(b2); p.add(b3); p.add(impho);
   p.add(new Label("  ---  ")); p.add(new Label("  ---  ")); p.add(new Label("  ---  "));
   impho.setText("4890"); coom.setSelectedItem("2.0");  
                                        // hpr[0-3][0-2]=initial coordinates of electrons                         

  double sd1=4890.0; double sd2=sd1/rtw; 
  hpr[0][0]=sd1+nux[0]; hpr[1][0]=nux[0]-sd1; hpr[2][0]=nux[0]; hpr[3][0]=nux[0];
  hpr[0][1]=nux[1]; hpr[3][1]=nux[1]-sd1; hpr[1][1]=nux[1]; hpr[2][1]=nux[1]+sd1;
  hpr[0][2]=nux[2]+sd2; hpr[1][2]=hpr[0][2]; hpr[2][2]=nux[2]-sd2; hpr[3][2]=hpr[2][2]; 

    double zah1=0.0; int zai1=0;
    for (int el=0; el <=3; el++) {
   for (int pos=0; pos <=2; pos++) {            // calculate coordinate to two decimal places
                                               // change to the relative coordinate
   zai1=(int)(100*(hpr[el][pos]-nux[pos]));  zah1=zai1/100.0;       
   elp[el][pos].setText(Double.toString(zah1)); hhpr[el][pos]=hpr[el][pos];
                                                 // initial velocity vector of electron

  double velo[][]={{0,100,0},{0,-100,0},{-100,0,0},{100,0,0}};
  for (int el=0; el <=3; el++) {             
  for (int pos=0; pos <=2; pos++) {
  hpr[el][pos+4]=velo[el][pos]; hhpr[el][pos+4]=hpr[el][pos+4];
                                                     // set initial velocity vector of electron

  double inik=0.0;                        // initial distance between nucleus and electron
  for (int el=0; el <=3; el++) {      
  hpr[el][3]=inik; hhpr[el][3]=inik;
  aaa=(int)(inik*100.0); inik=aaa/100.0;  // calculate the diatance to two decimal places
  }  // method  end
  public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e) {

   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)  {
     String ss;
    int RR; double Rf1,Rf2,Rf3,Rf4; int teis=0;
    for (int ett=0; ett <=3; ett++) {       // when coordinate texts change
    for (int sws=0; sws <=2; sws++) {       // marki[2] becomes 2 only after orbiting  
    if (e.getSource()==elp[ett][sws] && marki[2] !=2 ) {
    ss=elp[ett][sws].getText(); Rf1=Double.parseDouble(ss);  
    Rf2=(Rf1+nux[sws])/71.428;   // plus nuclear coordinate and change to pixel
    Rf3=Rf1+nux[sws]; hpr[ett][sws]=Rf3; hhpr[ett][sws]=Rf3;
                                  // upper and lower limits of coordinate                                     
    if (Rf2 > 319 && sws==0) {Rf3=319*71.428;teis=1;}  
    if (Rf2 > 349 && sws==2) {Rf3=349*71.428;teis=1;}
    if (Rf2 > 349 && sws==1) {Rf3=349*71.428;teis=1;}
    if (Rf2 < 1) {Rf3=71.428;teis=1;}

    RR=(int)(100*(Rf3-nux[sws]));  // change to relative coordinate
    if (teis==1) {elp[ett][sws].setText(Double.toString(Rf1));}

   if (e.getSource() == b1 && marki[2] !=2) {marki[0]=1;}
   if (e.getSource() == b2) {marki[1]=1;}    // b2=return to the starting points
   if (e.getSource() == b3 && marki[2] !=2) {   // change radius of tetrahedron
   marki[4]=1;                          // marki[4] becomes 1 when coordinates change
   ss=impho.getText(); Rf1=Double.parseDouble(ss); 
   hpr[0][0]=Rf1+nux[0]; hpr[1][0]=nux[0]-Rf1; hpr[2][0]=nux[0]; hpr[3][0]=nux[0];
   hpr[0][1]=nux[1]; hpr[3][1]=nux[1]-Rf1; hpr[1][1]=nux[1]; hpr[2][1]=nux[1]+Rf1;
   hpr[0][2]=nux[2]+Rf2; hpr[1][2]=hpr[0][2]; hpr[2][2]=nux[2]-Rf2; hpr[3][2]=hpr[2][2];

    for (int ett=0; ett <=3; ett++) {
    for (int sws=0; sws <=2; sws++) {          // calculate the values to two decimal places
   RR=(int)(100*(hpr[ett][sws]-nux[sws])); Rf1=RR/100.0;

  public void update(Graphics g)  {

  public void paintComponent(Graphics g)  {

  double kro,krr,krk,pot,pota,potb,gx,gy,gz; int ex,ey,ez,xk,yk,zk; String ww,pyw;
  double rhp[][]= {{0,0},{0,0},{0,0},{0,0}}; 
   int qpp[][]=new int[4][3];  
   double ggx,ggy,ggz; double ttav,toav; int tttav;
   ggx=0.0; ex=0;
   if (marki[2] != 2) {                       // get values from textfield 
   for (int ett=0; ett <=3; ett++) {
    for (int sws=3; sws <=6; sws++) {
    ww=elp[ett][sws].getText(); ggx=Double.parseDouble(ww);
    hpr[ett][sws]=ggx; hhpr[ett][sws]=hpr[ett][sws];
   if (marki[1]==1 && marki[2]==2) {          // return to the starting points
    for (int qz=0; qz <=3; qz++) {
   for (int ka=0; ka <=6; ka++)      { 
   if (ka < 3) {ggx=hpr[qz][ka]-nux[ka]; ex=(int)(100*ggx); ggx=ex/100.0;}  
   else {ex=(int)(100*hpr[qz][ka]); ggx=ex/100.0; }
   marki[1]=0;  marki[2]=0; 
   if (marki[2] !=2) {           // before calculation of electron's orbit

   toav=0.0;                    // toav =total potential energy
   for (int yp=0; yp <=3; yp++) {   // calculate repulsive forces between electrons
   for (int kj=0; kj <= 3; kj++) {
   if (yp < kj ) {
                                   // kro=distance between electrons
   if (kro==0) {kro=5000.0;}
                                   // pot=potential energy between electrons (eV)
                                  // rhp[][0]=potential energy of each electron
   rhp[yp][0]=rhp[yp][0]+pot/2;  rhp[kj][0]=rhp[kj][0]+pot/2; 
   } }
   for (int rv=0; rv <=3; rv++) {
                                   // kro=distance between C nucleus and electrons
   if (kro == 0) {kro=5000.0;}
   hpr[rv][3]=kro; hhpr[rv][3]=kro;
   ex=(int)(100.0*kro); ggx=ex/100.0;  // calculate to two decimal place
   elp[rv][3].setText(Double.toString(ggx));  // show nuc(MM)
   ttav= (-den*elc*elc*6.241509e18)/(4*pai*epsi*kro*1.0e-14);
   rhp[rv][0]=rhp[rv][0]+ttav; toav=toav+ttav;   // add potential energy
                                    //  distribute each kinetic energy based on each V 
   gy=-148.024/4.0;          // -148.024=total energy(eV) of carbon (of four valence electrons)
   for (int rv=0; rv <=3; rv++) {
    rhp[rv][1]=gy-rhp[rv][0];     // rhp[][1]=kinetic energy (eV) 
   }   //  if (marki[2] !=2 ) end
                               // ----------orbit calculation start  ----------
  if (marki[0]==1) {    // put orbit button
  double sj[][]=new double[4][13]; double wn=0.0; double nvx[]=new double[3];
  String pew=(String)coom.getSelectedItem(); 
   if (pew == "0.1") {wn=0.1;} if (pew == "0.3") {wn=0.3;}
   if (pew == "0.5") {wn=0.5;} if (pew == "0.7") {wn=0.7;}
   if (pew == "0.9") {wn=0.9;} if (pew == "1.1") {wn=1.1;}
   if (pew == "1.3") {wn=1.3;} if (pew == "1.5") {wn=1.5;}
   if (pew == "1.7") {wn=1.7;} if (pew == "1.9") {wn=1.9;}
   if (pew == "2.0") {wn=2.0;}
   for (int kj=0; kj <=2; kj++) {
  nvx[kj]=nux[kj]*1.0e-14; }       // change MM to meter in C nucleus
   for (int yp=0; yp <=3; yp++) {
   sj[yp][9]=0.0;                   // sj[][9]=number of de Broglie's waves
   gy=Math.sqrt((2.0*rhp[yp][1]*1.602177e-19)/me);  // gy=initial velocity (m/s)

   for (int kj=0; kj <=2; kj++) { 
   sj[yp][kj] = hpr[yp][kj]; sj[yp][kj+6]=sj[yp][kj];  //sj[][0-2], sj[][6-8] =each coordinate
   sj[yp][kj+3]=(gy*1.0e-7*hpr[yp][kj+4])/gx;    // sj[][3-5] =each component of velocity(MM/SS)
   sj[yp][kj+10]=0.0;                  // sj[][10-12] =each component of acceleration (MM/SS^2)

   double ac=(elc*elc)/(4*pai*epsi*me);
   do {
   for (int yp=0; yp <=3; yp++) {
   for (int kj=0; kj <=2; kj++) {
   sj[yp][kj]=sj[yp][kj+6]+sj[yp][kj+3];  // electron's position(MM) after 1SS
   for (int yp=0; yp <=3; yp++) {
   sj[yp][9]=sj[yp][9]+(me*gx*1.0e-7)/h;       // add de Brogli's waves
   for (int kj=0; kj <=2; kj++) {
   sj[yp][kj+6]=sj[yp][kj+6]*1.0e-14;        // change MM to meter
     for (int yp=0; yp <=3; yp++) {       // interaction between electrons
   for (int kj=0; kj <=3; kj++) {
   if (yp < kj) {                    // gy=distances between electrons
   for (int rv=0; rv <=2; rv++) {
   gx=(1.0e-28*ac*(sj[yp][rv+6]-sj[kj][rv+6]))/(gy*gy*gy);  // set acceleration(gx) at sj[][10-12] 
   sj[yp][rv+10]=sj[yp][rv+10]+gx ;sj[kj][rv+10]=sj[kj][rv+10]-gx ;
    for (int yp=0; yp <=3; yp++) {                   // gy=distances between electron and C nucleus
   for (int rv=0; rv <=2; rv++) {
   gx=(1.0e-28*den*ac*(sj[yp][rv+6]-nvx[rv]))/(gy*gy*gy); // gx=acceleration by nucleus
   for (int yp=0; yp <=3; yp++) {
    for (int kj=0; kj <=2; kj++) {
   sj[yp][kj+3]=sj[yp][kj+3]+sj[yp][kj+10];  // change velocity vector

    } while (sj[0][9] < wn );     // repeat above until de Broglie's waves becomes wn
    marki[2]=2;                 // marki[2] becomes 2 only after orbit calculation
   for (int yp=0; yp <=3; yp++) { 
   for (int kj=0; kj <=2; kj++) { 
    hhpr[yp][kj]=sj[yp][kj]; ggx=sj[yp][kj]/71.428;  // ggx=pixel 
                                        // upper and lower limits of coordinates
    if (ggx > 319 && kj==0) {ggx=319;  hhpr[yp][kj]=ggx*71.428; }
    if (ggx > 349 && kj==1) {ggx=349; hhpr[yp][kj]=ggx*71.428;}
    if (ggx > 349 && kj==2) {ggx=349;  hhpr[yp][kj]=ggx*71.428;}
    if (ggx < 1) {ggx=1; hhpr[yp][kj]=ggx*71.428;}
   yk=(int)(100.0*(hhpr[yp][kj]-nux[kj])); gx=yk/100.0;  // calculate to two decimal places
   ggy=(1000*sj[yp][kj+3])/ggx; ex=(int)ggy; hhpr[yp][kj+4]=ggy;
   elp[yp][kj+4].setText(Double.toString((double)ex));         // print each component of velocity
    ex=(int)(ggz*100.0); ggx=ex/100.0;  // calculate to two decimal place
   elp[yp][3].setText(Double.toString(ggx));  // show distance between nucleus and electron
    }   // if (mark[0]==1) end
   if (marki[2] != 2 || marki[0]==1 ) {      // show each particle on the screen
   for (int yp=0; yp <=3; yp++) {
   pota=Math.sqrt(60)*4.25;              // velocity line length (pixel)
   potb=Math.sqrt(hhpr[yp][4]*hhpr[yp][4]+hhpr[yp][5]*hhpr[yp][5]+hhpr[yp][6]*hhpr[yp][6]) ;
                                         // qpp[][0-2]=each component of velocity for print
    ggx=(pota*hhpr[yp][4])/potb; qpp[yp][0]=(int)ggx;
    ggx=(pota*hhpr[yp][5])/potb; qpp[yp][1]=(int)ggx;
    ggx=(pota*hhpr[yp][6])/potb; qpp[yp][2]=(int)ggx;

   int nmx[]=new int[3]; int hpk[][]=new int[4][4];
   for (int kj=0; kj <=2; kj++) {
   nmx[kj]=(int)(nux[kj]/71.428);   // change to pixel in nucleus coordinate
    for (int yp=0; yp <=3; yp++) {
     for (int kj=0; kj <=2; kj++) {   // change to pixel in electron coordinate
   g.setColor(Color.cyan); g.drawLine(345,310,345,660); g.drawLine(675,310,675,660);

   g.setColor(Color.lightGray);       // show C nucleus on x-y, x-z, y-z planes

                             // show particle and velocity vector of electron 0 
   g.drawLine(hpk[0][0]+20,660-hpk[0][1], hpk[0][0]+20+qpp[0][0],660-hpk[0][1]-qpp[0][1]);
   g.drawLine(hpk[0][0]+350,660-hpk[0][2], hpk[0][0]+350+qpp[0][0],660-hpk[0][2]-qpp[0][2]);
                               // show electron 1
   g.drawLine(hpk[1][0]+20,660-hpk[1][1], hpk[1][0]+20+qpp[1][0],660-hpk[1][1]-qpp[1][1]);
   g.drawLine(hpk[1][0]+350,660-hpk[1][2], hpk[1][0]+350+qpp[1][0],660-hpk[1][2]-qpp[1][2]);

                                 // show electron 2
   g.drawLine(hpk[2][0]+20,660-hpk[2][1], hpk[2][0]+20+qpp[2][0],660-hpk[2][1]-qpp[2][1]);
   g.drawLine(hpk[2][0]+350,660-hpk[2][2], hpk[2][0]+350+qpp[2][0],660-hpk[2][2]-qpp[2][2]);

                                             // show electron 3
   g.drawLine(hpk[3][0]+20,660-hpk[3][1], hpk[3][0]+20+qpp[3][0],660-hpk[3][1]-qpp[3][1]);
   g.drawLine(hpk[3][0]+350,660-hpk[3][2], hpk[3][0]+350+qpp[3][0],660-hpk[3][2]-qpp[3][2]);

                                            // show each electron's number
   for (int rw=0; rw <=3; rw++) {
    g.drawString(Integer.toString(rw),hpk[rw][0]+347,665-hpk[rw][2] );
    g.drawString(Integer.toString(rw),hpk[rw][1]+677,665-hpk[rw][2] );
      }                  // if (marki[2] !=2 || marki[0] =1) end