Quantum "supremacy" scam.

Top   Quantum supremacy is illusion

Quantum computer is fiction.

[ Useless quantum mechanics needs fictitious computer. ]

(Fig.1)  ↓ Money-making science by globalits,   

Quantum computer is scam.
It is said to exploit fictional parallel universes to compute simultaneously and faster ( this p.4 ).

Still No evidence for quantum speed-up or parallel worlds.

Only IBM and D-Wave are controversially 'commercial' quantum computers. Both of them are still useless and Not faster than ordinary computer.

The media, academia and corporations such as IBM, Microsoft, Google, even irrelevant automakers collude with each other to get taxpayers' money like globalists' money-making tool = climate change,  self-driving car.

No matter how much money and time are wasted, quantum computer is still in its early stage, with No progress.

Just recently, Google claimed "quantum supremacy", but their quantum computer is still impractical for us, so meaningless research and news.

First of all, Google quantum comptuer is Not a computer or calculator.

They just randomly oscillated 53 superconductor's bits between 0 and 1 states respectively to generate some "random result or number".  That's all.  ← No calculation, No supremacy,  just media-hype.

The 6th paragraph of this page says "Quantum computers are not ‘supreme’ against classical computers because of a laboratory experiment designed to essentially (and almost certainly exclusively) implement one very specific quantum sampling procedure with no practical applications."

So this Google quantum computer did Not achieve the original purpose such as factorizing using Shor's algorithm in parallel worlds.  Instead, they just got some random (= disorderly ) meaningless numbers, so useless.

Quantum mechanics invented 100 years ago is unrealistic and useless, relying on fictitious quasiparticles to explain all physical phenomena.

Quasiparticle is unreal, having fake (= effective ) mass and charge, which are freely-adjustable to deal with different phenomena, so meaningless in predicting new reactions.

To hide the inconvenient fact that the current quantum physics is useless with No progress, academia spreads fake news to deceive people into falsely believing their researches are worth taxpayers' money.

If you carefully read each quantum technology news, you will notice they make No progress, just using misleading phrases to get your hopes up.

Weyl fermion is an unreal, massless quasiparticle.  The second last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "set up a new field for topological magnets ?"  ← They did nothing useful.  "Topological" has too broad meaning.

The second paragraph of this news just says "the formation of quasi particles .. will be useful for quantum computation ?"  ← just talk about "imaginary future", still useless now.

Quantum mechanics supports a ridiculous idea called "superposition" where a single cat can be dead and alive at the same time using parallel worlds.  Of course these fantasy parallel worlds cannot be observed, so meaningless.

They often just mix classical lights with different polarizations and call it superposition of photons ( this p.1 left )  ← quantum mechanics is irrelevant.

What is this fictional "superpositon" useful for ?  The second last paragraph of this news just says "It may hint at quantum mechanics not being applicable .. ?"  ← useless research.

The last paragraph of this news just says "I'm optimistic that future experiment will test .. ?"  ← just talking about "imaginary future", still useless now.

This title just says "could potentially be used for quantum computing ?"  ← still nothing is realized.

The last paragraph of this news says "We could still be a while from that point .."  ← still useless.

The first paragraph of this news just says "It may still be decades before quantum computers are ready to solve problems that today's classical computers aren't fast or efficient enough to solve."  ← still useless.

The first paragraph of this news just says "a device that can potentially bypass Moore's law .. ?"  ← still nothing is realized.

Quantum entanglement = spooky action cannot send any real things or communicate, so meaningless, useless concept.

Photon (= light ) entangle (← ? ) says nothing about practical use, as seen in this.

The last of this news about fictitious teleportation just says "To test this version, the team will launch a new satellite .. ?"  ← still nothing useful is realized.

The last paragraph of this news using unreal spin just says "quantum material with spin-orbit are popular candidates for .. ?"  ← talking about imaginary future, still useless now.

The last paragraph of this news just vaguely says "If we shake it .., it becomes something very interesting ?"  ← still nothing is realized.

Neutrino is electrically neutral, but it is often mentioned for its antimatter.  Of course, it is impossible to distinguish between neutrino and antineutrino.

They just use the word "anti-neutrino" based on how to generate neutrino.  Physicists cannot directly measure or distinguish anti-neutrino, so meaningless concept.

The last of this news just vaguely says "Neutrino are so hard to measure .. hold the key to understanding why we're here ?"   ← "imaginary target", still (anti)-neutrino is useless.

Dark matter is still hypothetical and undetectable, so talking about its AI is meaningless.

About imaginary black hole, the last of this news just says "astronomers will need to consider models .."  ← artificial model-dependent, useless research.

The first paragraph of this news just says "that could explain mysteries of the universe .. moved one step closer .. ?"  ← still useless, just wasting taxpayers' money in meaningless collider, telescopes and "fictitious target".



2019/9/27 updated. Feel free to link to this site.