Criticize adademia-2.

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present physics is useless.

quantum mechanic make No progress.

Quantum mechanics is useless.

Quantum condensed matter is unreal.

quantum mechanics is fiction.

Photon does not exist.

quantum computer is fake.

spintronics research is useless.

this week physics remains useless, too.

quantum physics is unreal.

spooky action is useless.

physics escapes into unreality.

why these physics is useless.

the present physics seeks fiction.

why quantum computer is scam.

why all these physics are useless.

quantum mechanics is fake news.

all these quantum physics are useless.

all these physics are fiction.

why these physics are useless.

why all these physics is useless.

this explanation.

quasiparticle, antiparticle are unreal.

Quantum spin is useless.

Quantum computer is fiction, too.

Nobel prize becomes harmful, if it is awarded to fictional gravitational wave.

All these physics are useless except for aiming at Nobel prize.

All the media and corrupt academia conceal today's physics is useless

The present journal's science is all useless !

No evidence of black hole !

So the current physics made No progress also this week.

Recent science stops progress !

This week physics is all fiction and useless.

Top journals deceive people by useless science !

Largest quantum computer is fake !

Quantum teleportation is useless !

The current particles are all fake !

See quantum computer is a lie !

Universities exploit and deceive students by stopping science !

All the current scicence is based on unreal concepts.

Einstein gravity lens proves to be wrong !

Electron spin cannot explain Pauli exclusion principle.

See the proof that Schrödinger equation is wrong !

All science fields including biomedical stop at useless basic physics !

All these imaginary particles are only inside virtual collider !

In fact, Einstein mc2 is unrealistic and wrong.

In fact, general relativity contradicts special relativity !

All these mess originates from quantum mechanics lacking useful model !

Now basic physics stops !

Quantum mechanics is useless for our technology !

All these messes originate from "occult" quantum mechanics.

Forget fantasy another dimension, and we should start real science.

Quantum computer is one of "fake targets" under useless quantum mechanics.

Our top priority should be to advance the real science for our daily lives, rather than doubtful climate change.

Instead of wasting time and money in fictional black hole too far away to confirm, we should focus on improving real technology on the earth.

Quantum mechanics stops computer science !

Continued from this criticism.

See also the previous version of criticizing top journals.


2017/6/23 updated. Feel free to link to this site.