Message from Mr.K
I am pleased to hear about the Z car Association which has organized the Z clubs of Japan. I offer you my congratulations. And I wish the great future of the association. Before the birth of 240Z, various DATSUN (such as 510) clubs has established each district. Their activity area extends to not only the rural area but also the world wide. U.S and Japan DATSUN clubs have already started international exchange. In 2000, some of the Japanese DATSUN club members shipped their own cars to U.S and had carried out the drive event from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. (2000 International Z car Convention in Las Vegas). I recognize they had great spirits and courage. This association is established backed those experiences. This Z Car Association is growing up with great footprints. Please have a wondeful Z car life with gentle manners. I wish the great future of the association. Y.K.
Contact us
Z Car Fiesta Association office
2678-252 Shimoarahari-machi,Utsunomiya-shi,Tochigi,321-0346 Japan
care of Ultimate
TEL : +81-28-649-0240
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