NO89 A Camel Going Through the Eye of a Needle™
I painted this picture based on my story, guided by the Holy Spirit.
Then Jesus said to His disciples. gIt is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.h
When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished, saying, gWho then can be saved?h
Jesus looked at them and said, gWith men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible. g
Then a rich Pharisee listened to this and said to Jesus, gIf you are the Son of God, do it and show us.h
He said this because the Pharisees were always testing Him, asking that He show them a sign from heaven.
So, Jesus saw through his heart and said, gVery well. Then let Me show you, and let one of you bring Me a needle.h
Then a woman handed Jesus a needle. It was an ordinary needle. Jesus opened His mouth again, saying, gThen bring Me a camel. g
Just then an Arab who would sell a camel in the market was passing by, so the Pharisee sent someone to bring the camel to Him.
All of them paid great attention to what was going on. Then Jesus approached the camel, He pulled out one of its hairs and said to everyone, gWhat is this? g
They all answered, gIt is camel hair. gThen Jesus showed that He easily pulled it through the needlefs eye. They looked at and were taken aback by His deed.
But when the Pharisee saw it, he was triumphant with a chortle and shouted to the people who could hear, gRabbi! Is that the sign of the Son of God? I can do such a thing too.h
Then Jesus said to the Pharisee. gSurely you can do what I have just done. However, I can create a single camel from camel hair that has passed through the eye of a needle.g
Everyone looked at each other in astonishment and debated whether such a thing could be possible. The Pharisee remained frozen, staring at a point in mid-air.
Jesus looked at them, saying to everyone, gWhy are you so surprised, and do you reason among yourselves?
Don't you know that when you were conceived in your mother's womb, you were smaller than a camel's hair?
After ten months and ten days, the seed of your life finally emerges from your mother's womb as a baby.
This single camel's hair contains all the plans for creating this camel. Therefore, God can create a total camel from a single onefs hair.
In the same way, the One who sent Me into My mother's womb is the Spirit of God who has existed on earth since the beginning of the world, as told by Moses.
Moreover, God made a son of man in His image.
Therefore, most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.
And I, the Son of God, don't do it now so that this man will not become a greedy person who sees this work and then shaves all the camels' hair off.
God's work must be something that brings good things to people.
Because, God is good. No one is good but only One, that is, God.
And the very hairs of your head are all numbered by God.
This camel should remain one camel, for God has numbered it.h
Then Jesus gave the woman back the needle, tossed the camel hair to the sky, looked out over the crowd in an uproar, and shouted.
gHe who has ears to hear, let him hear: Believe Me by Words.
Blessed are those who have not seen and believe, for their name will be written in the Book of Life and will receive the water of life freely in the kingdom of heaven as this camel does.h
When he heard this, the Pharisee kicked up the dust from the ground with his foot in a fury, glared at Him, and spat out the words;
gYou fool! You are deluding the people with your nonsense words!h
And he departed away quickly. But the disciples and many of the people believed in Him.
After this, Jesus gathered His disciples and taught them, saying, gThe Pharisees often try to set traps and destroy for Me.
But I'll tell you. love your enemies. And bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.
So, maybe sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust.
Because, in the world, you will have tribulation. But be of good cheer, look at Me, I have overcome the world.h
Reference Bible passages:
Genesis 1-2, 26. 1 Samuel 17-40, Isaiah 9-6, Psalms 22-10.@
Matthew 1-23. 6-24.10-30. 11-15. 12-14. 15-12. 16-1, 19. 19-17, 24, 25, 26. 22-22. 26-63, 64. Mark 10-25~27. Luke 1-35. 4-3~13. 10-20. 11-17,53,54. 18-25,26,27.
John 1-42. 4-10. 6-70. 8-44, 58. 10-36. 13-27,29. 16-33. Romans 5-14.
1 John 5-6,8,11. Revelation 1-11. 10-13. 20-12. 22-17.
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