NO83 Mary's Teaching.
This painting is based on my story from the Holy Spirit.
Now, on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit fell on the disciples, and each one did wondrous works by the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word powerfully so that many Jews and Gentiles repented and were saved.
Peter, James, and his brother John were central to this. And every day, they gathered in the Temple with one heart, praising God and being favored by all the people.
One day, Mary told John, who had taken her in, gOne thing I have learned since living in Jerusalem. That is, many of us Jews also speak Greek.
When I was in Galilee, I thought that only Gentiles spoke Greek. But here the teachings of Moses are also written in Greek.
And the Jews are also learning from them. You hated Judas, who was once one of the Twelve Apostles, and you hated the Greek he spoke.
But Greek is the language that now carries the words of Jesus to the Gentiles and the Jews living in other countries.
We saw those who were all filled with the Holy Spirit on that day of Pentecost speak the other tongues with enthusiasm like drunks.
But even if they can speak by the Holy Spirit, they cannot convey the Word to those who come after them if they cannot write.
The work of the Spirit may also appear to those who are alive at the time, but if it is not written down, it cannot lead those who will follow.
You met Jesus while mending nets to catch fish in Lake Galilee. I remember well when I met you in Capernaum.
Jesus told you that He would make you fishers of men, and you, full of ambition, followed Him. But why did you follow Jesus, who had not yet done anything from John the Baptist?
Is it a reason why the soup I made tasted better than the locusts and wild honey that John the Baptist was eating? "
They answered honestly, gThat's one reason, but the point is what the teacher said. And His words had power."
When Mary heard that Mary murmured, with her eyes downcast, thinking back to the distant past.
hIn the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and the root of physical life, and can discern of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him.
You, O Lord, have knocked at the door of my life and visited my temple with the Word of life, eI will be His Father and He will be My Son.f I thank You for sending Our Lord Jesus to earth."
Then Mary opened her eyes and said to them in a strong tone, gEven at the time of the end, we will all be resurrected to make our case to God.
At that time, no one will be saved without Jesus' defense. Therefore, if you want to save people with the teachings of Jesus, first be able to weave and mend the web of words, which is your tool.
That word is Greek in this world. It is the language that Alexander the Great spread throughout the world. God used him to prepare the way of the Lord.
Judas, whom Jesus called with his works, died, but fortunately, Luke and Mark are living in Jerusalem. Peter is already learning from Mark, but it would be impossible at his age.
So, Mark has taken on the task of interpreting for him. But you are young and can do it.h John heard this and frowned. He hated studying.
Then Mary said to him,h John, you look like you have eaten bitter greens. Luke says that you and Peter are uneducated, ordinary people and that even they can understand the teachings of Jesus.
That is an encouraging word for uneducated people just like you, but you, who are still young, should not be so.
What is it that you can boast in the world through Jesus?@Is it wisdom?@Is it the fire from heaven that consumes the earth, as Jesus called you the son of thunder?
Is it the fact that you all entered the city with Jesus on a donkey through the golden gates of Jerusalem? The miracle of the healing of the lame?"
John answered, gLove. The love of the Teacher who loved me more than anyone else.h Mary answered,h Then write in Greek, 'John, the disciple whom the Lord Jesus loved most.f
There is no sweeter word than this. First of all, you start from this. Then anything else the Holy Spirit will tell you. h From now on, we will have tribulation. The immediate enemy is Rome, but they will soon fall into the Lord's arms.
However, a long time later, a false prophet will appear from the south to oppose the Lord. They will trample Jerusalem.
Many people will die in this battle. Later, their descendants, multiplied like the sand on the seashore, will gather on the banks of the Euphrates River.
For there is their sanctuary. And to kill one-third of the people who live on the earth.
When they come out of there, they behead and kill those who worship idols with the sword, because their god commands them to do so.
They are obedient servants who obey only their god. And they also kill those who follow Christ.
But we will survive, and the day will come when we will see the Lord again. The Lord will destroy them with the word of His mouth."
Then Mary told her brother James, sitting next to John,h What is the sword you are sharpening for? Is it to kill the pagans? Or is it to save your own life?"
James answered. gProbably both. In the Garden of Gethsemane, the teacher told us,' He who no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one.'
Peter said, 'Lord, look. Here are two swords, the teacher said, 'That is enough. I did not come on earth to bring peace, but a sword.f Then Peter told me to keep one of them as a precaution.f So I sharpen it daily.h
Mary answered, gYour bravery, manifested when you carry a sword, is your strength.
Your name will greatly encourage our descendants who will fight against the pagans during tribulation.
However, the sword can only defeat visible enemies. He who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword.
Here is the patience and faith of the saints. For we will all come back to life and fight with the Lord.
The former twelve tribes will all look to Jesus as Lord. Such a time will surely come. But Satan, who knows that he is perishing, will resist to the end and try to kill us all.
At that time, the world will be much bigger than it is now. A new world will expand with the light of the Lord.
So many nations will rise from the new earth by those who are encouraged by the light of the Lord and by my name, and one of them will be called the Great Nation in the name of the Lord.
This is all I can tell you from what I have heard from the Lord.h And Mary said to John, gYou will survive the tribulation and meet the Lord in this world to hear more about the time of end.
At that time, the language in which you will write down His words is Greek. You must learn this because the Lord has said so.
Do not make light of the Lord because He loves you. Instead, fear Him. Moses and David both feared the Lord. Because they knew His power of the Almighty.
So, David was in awe of the Lord and praised Him with an instrument of ten strings.
As the Bible says, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. And this is the command of the Lord Jesus.
For knowledge is the Word, and the Word is God, and only those who fear God can receive the grace of knowledge.h Amen!
March 2024@ Oil 910mm~1167mm