NO77 The TransfigurationiA stumbling stonej
I painted this painting with the 17th chapter of Matthew's Gospel and with the Holy Spirit.
The Bible said. Jesus took Peter, James, and John, led them up to a high mountain by themselves, and He was transfigured before them.
Then Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him. After that is my story with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said to them. gO Moses! You are the only one whom My Father has chosen face to face. Therefore you know the face of My Father.
So when once you two saw Me as a child by the sea in Phoenicia, no wonder you two called Me Son of Man.
So My mother Mary said, eIt is because of me that they called You Son of Man.f
And she said that My image on earth is the Son of Man, the Son of Mary.
So people do not recognize Me as the Son of God. And neither will you two.
So only now am I being allowed by the Father to be transformed into the Son of God.
Now you two will know who I am. But others will not know who I am now unless Heavenly Father tells them directly.
I have set before them a stumbling stone. For I must suffer for their sins, and be killed, and rise again the third day.
I will be lifted up to heaven, but I want to tell you two about what will happen on earth afterward.h
And continue said to Moses, gBefore I do that, however, I have something to say to you.
Thou hast transgressed the commandment of My Father, and hidest thyself from Him, and hast taken a Gentile for a wife, and hast borne a son in the land of Midian.
And you did not circumcise them. And your excuses, I have been a stranger in a strange land.
But My Father said unto Abraham, this is My covenant, which ye shall keep, between Me and you and thy seed after thee. Shall be right.
And you did not do this indeed. So, My Fatherfs anger was kindled by your excuses as a result, He wanted to kill you with His hand.
But because of the courage of your wife Zipporah, who cut the foreskin of her son on the spot, He did not do it but sent you to Egypt.
You had done those which He commanded by Him in remembrance of My Father's anger well in there.
But because of your sins, He did not let you enter Canaan, the Promised Land. And thou didst die in the land of Moab, and no one saw thy death.
For My Father, Himself buried thee in the valley of the land of Moab. Therefore you continue to dwell in their Book of the Law.
And still sit down on the big stumbling stone.
But I will send thee at the time of the end to the city of the land into which thou couldst not enter, and I will cause My Word to be preached to Gentiles.
The period is 1260 days. During that time you will be given special power, and if anyone tries to harm you, fire will go out of your mouth and destroy your enemies.
And you will have the power to turn water into blood, and to strike the earth with all kinds of plagues, as often as you wish.
That is like the plagues which you did to Pharaoh in Egypt.
But when thou hast finished thy testimony, thou shalt be slain by the beast that cometh up out of the bowels of the earth.
That is what I have decreed, that your law may die and live again.
Your dead body will lie in the street of the city for three and a half days, and then you will rise again with the breath of My life.
This is to show them that I am the God who gives you life, takes it again, and gives it again.
Only then will they be able to tell that I am the true God."
Furthermore, Jesus said to Elijah, "O Elijah! My Father took you up to heaven with alive, because He did not want to add you to their ranks of the dead.
So behold! Jews are still waiting for your return. Therefore, go to their city at the time of the end, and show them that you are the one who continues to live.
Then, with Moses, tell them My Words. In the meantime, they can do nothing against you, and anyone who would harm you will surely be killed.
And you will have the power to shut heaven so that no rain falls in the days of your prophecy as you said to Ahab.
But you shall die with Moses. The life you have now is for that time. But you will also come back to life with Moses.
Then they will know that I am the true God."
Moses and Elijah said, hWe give You thanks, O Lord God Almighty, The One who is and who was and who is come.
You will be the King and take great power and reign.h
And a voice came out of the cloud, and said, hThis is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him.h
@And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their faces and were greatly afraid.@@
Aprl 2023@ Oil 983mm~1240mm