NO 75 The Rape of Europa. (Mamafs story)
This painting is based on Greek mythology, which was told by Mary to her Son Jesus.
She told a story of how that, Zeus, the king of the Greek gods, was attracted to a pretty princess of Phoenicia named Europa.
Then one day, when she walked around on the beach with her maidservants, Zeus changed into a beautiful cow and approached her very gently.
And she saw it and became a lovely feeling. So, she wanted to ride on it and did.
That very moment, the cow gave her a ride on its back and ran away passing through the midst of maidservants.
Jesus was mad at him for his behavior toward her.@So, He wanted to help her with Father in heaven.
@Then Mary said, gNo! Zeus changed his name to Jupiter, worshiped by the Roman people as their god. Also, all of us are under Roman occupation.
So, first of all, our Salvation. Second of all, salvation of Europe.h
When He heard that, He was thinking for a while and empathized with her story. That was my story from the Holy Spirit.
@However, if you are Christian, you might ask me, why Jesus could believe in such a story that was made by humans. That's right. You have a point.
He is the Son of God, and all things were made through Him as the Bible is telling us.
God, who made humans, shall not believe other godsf story which was made by humans.
Therefore, here is the wisdom of a prophetess Anna who asked Mary to tell Him this story that was made by humans.
She knew that Mary was the only person who could put her thoughts in His mind and write it on His heart.
@Because even for Him as God, her telling stories are remembrances of an unforgettable happy childhood with His mother.
@Everybody has remembrances of an exciting story in childhood. I believe that Jesus had it too.
This painting represents the exciting story that was told to Him by His mother Mary.
@By the way, some Christian organizations tell us that Mary was isolated from the world because she was a nun since she was young.
But I donft think so. Because she should be the mother of Him and a teacher to Him for telling what is the real world around Him.
And also, I believe Father in Heaven had wanted that.
If it were not so, there was no meaning Jesus grew up in Nazareth, which was called the land of the Gentiles.
Because it was isolated from the center of Judaism. And you know Christianity was going to the Hellenism culture away from that.
Then what is Hellenism that the ancient Greeks loved? The point I understand, they loved a good symmetry of beauty.
They thought that gods lived in a house well mathematically harmonized, and they built up their bodies also in symmetry, offering to their gods at the stadium.
So, their motto is good spirits inhabit good bodies. Hellenism was made by Alexander the Great of Macedonia, which is well known.
When BC 336 his father died, he inherited his kingdom at the age of twenty, and he built up his own great empire which extended over Greece and India for only ten years.
His great works are those of fanatics. But there is a reason.
Several hundred years ago, from a period of time, the prophet Isaiah said,h Prepare the way of the Lord, Make His paths straight.h
Alexander answered it and had worked out two great jobs in his kingdom.
One of them is a common monetary and another is the common language of Greek.
Especially the common language of Greek helped missionary journeys to the new world.
Because before that, the Old Testament had been translated from Hebrew into Greek.
Therefore, there is the word that The New Testament began with Alexander, that's right, I think so too.
In this story, to put it briefly, Alexander was Gentile and technically did not believe in our God, but as a result, he made the Lordfs paths straight.
And first Paul and the Apostles and other saints walked and followed his paths with the Holy Spirit and the He who called out was Jesus.
However, who did turn His attention to the new world? I believe that is Mary, mother of Jesus.
@I have been thinking that Mary is the only person who can give a big influence on Him, so I needed clear evidence through my paintings.
Therefore, I will mention this painting. Europa, who clung to the cow into which Zeus changed, was clothed in a fine silk robe in purple.
This dye was a special product of Phoenicia, which was made from shellfish and was used in royal robes, and it was more expensive than gold.
Zeus brought back this purple robe to Greece. After this, Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, had a Greek background and dyed in purple her own shipfs sail.
And Caesar loved her and also loved this purple, so this became the Roman royal color that nobody could use except them.
And you see the mountain behind the representative architectures of Hellenism is Mt Hermon.
And after this, this is the mountain where Jesus, who had matured, will have met Moses and Elijah again for a discussion about preaching the Gospel to Gentiles and Jews.
Now I am typing this with the Roman alphabet on my PC keyboard. That had been invented in Phoenicia and grew both in Greece and Rome.
And this had been carried to Japan with Christianity, and I use it as usual.
While I was painting this I thought if Mary did not tell the story at the time to her Son Jesus, He did not preach the Gospel to us as Gentiles.
If that be so, as a result, I did not become a Christian, and neither write this.
However, it is impossible for those who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, who no longer think that.
Therefore, Thanks, Mary. You did right. You have told me that very clearly through this painting.
December 2022@ Oil 940mm~1240mm