NO 74 The birth of James (Like A Stone)
This painting is based on my story from the Holy Spirit.
It passed about one year after they came to Nazareth, and God blessed Joseph and Mary, and Joseph also deeply loved Mary, she had a boy.
He was James, half-brother of Jesus. When the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were completed, Mary held baby James and went to the stream near their home with Jesus.
Since nobody was there, they had a bath in the stream naked, for they were made from the same flesh and were not ashamed.
And Jesus was a child yet. Mary asked Jesus, gWhat are Your feelings about becoming an elder brother of James?h
Jesus answered and said, gI am proud of you and him. Because you make Me happy. Thanks, Mother.h
However, Jesus was envious of him a little. Because the mother focuses on baby James with all her love.
Jesus felt a little isolated from His mother. Mary perceived a fine difference in His expression and said to Him, gYou are a strong boy. I am proud of You.h
Jesus answered with pride, gOf course. I am.h Mary asked with a smile, hDo You fight with someone in the home village?h
Jesus answered with embarrassment and said, gSometimes. But not often.h Mary asked, gYou win?h Jesus answered, gSure.h
Mary asked seriously, gWhich of you made the first move?h Jesus replied instantly, gWhich one first does not matter, I win over anybody who is an adversary Me.h
But Jesus was not such a strong boy, in fact, the angels of God always helped Him in His
Their works had been running till His official life. For example, during the first time of His ministry at Nazareth, He went into the synagogue and read the book of the prophet Isaiah.
When His reading was ended, all marveled at the words. But Jesus continued saying,h I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own country.h
The reason for His saying was that Nazareth's villagers did not receive Mary who had given birth to Him about thirty years ago.
Then all those in the synagogue, when they heard those things, were filled with wrath, and rose and thrust Him out of the city, and they led Him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built, that they might throw Him down over the cliff.
But He went His way safely. Because the angels of God helped Him indeed. Of course, the devil knew that. He tempted Him, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him,
gIf You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down from here. For it is written, He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you, and, in their hands, they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.h
But Jesus answered and said to him, gIt has been said, eYou shall not tempt the Lord your God,fh So the devil departed from Him.
Whether or not she knew that she laughed and said, gFine! Very well! But listen to me. If a man slaps You on Your right cheek, also turn the other to him.
And if he slaps both, you should exhibit Yourself and beat him up. Because he is an ungodly person for You.
But if he withdraws his hand, you should ask him why, and if he regrets it, you should immediately hug him.
Then you will have a true friend. Without pain, no one can comprehend the human heart.
Because of that, You were born from me as the Son of man who can sympathize with our weaknesses.
When I got pregnant with you at Nazareth, many slapped my cheek, some smacked me twice, some only once. Therefore, I lost many friends but got some real friends too. Because of them, we can live here.
gThen Jesus heard that and said, gMother, I am very sorry to hear that. Since you did rightness for My sake, I canft forgive them.gJesus wept in front of His mother.
Then Mary said to Him. gI am so glad to hear that. But never forget mercy.h And they wept in each otherfs arms.
At that very moment, Jesus felt a little of victory in His motherfs warmth. Because He won James who monopolized His motherfs love at the time.
And Jesus told Mary straight into her face,h I will keep you safe forever.h And Mary answered,h Of course, You are a strongman who can do that.
However, look at those waterside stones. They are smooth. Do You know why they are smooth? They were rolled by the water from up to down.
A mountain stream smooths down the stones for a long time. So, first of all, You will be like the stone also.
The Bible said the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands and that it broke each kingdom into pieces made from iron, brass, clay, silver, and gold.
The stone shall be You, born at the barn with a horse as a midwife, without human hands. So I believe You shall rule all nations with a rod of iron.
And when David was young, and a shepherd yet fought against Giant Goliath, he chose five smooth stones out of the brook, took one, slung it, smote the Philistine, and slew him.
And that led Israel to victory. He knew that only smooth stones were used to hit a target straight. Although You are not related to him by blood, he is the ancestor of Your adopted father Joseph.
And Your Father in heaven loved him so much. And I got an act of courage from him to conceive You. So, You are the Son of God and the Son of David on earth.
Therefore, when the time comes, seek it at a waterside and use it. And it will help You certainly. Also remember we have the same blood as Asher, a tribe of the sea.h
Jesus replied to Mary, gOk, I got it. I learned your word by heart.h
After that, when the time was fulfilled, Jesus walked by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen.
Then Jesus said to them, gFollow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.h They immediately left their nets and followed Him.
And James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother followed Him also.
Jesus looked at Simon and said, gYou are Simon the son of Jonah. You shall be called Cephas.h (Which is translated as, A Stone) Also, they were fishermen who were also a tribe of the sea.
Jesus remembered His motherfs word. And in a certain place, He said, signifying by what Himself to be a stone.gAnd whoever falls on this stone will be broken, but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder.h ( Matthew Chapter 21:44)
This painting represents James, the second son who became one of the starting members of Jerusalemfs church, and was the half-brother of Jesus born from Mary, and Jesus as a Son of Man and as a stone cut out of the mountain without hands and shall break every kingdom until the millennium.
November 2022@ Oil 940mm~1240mm