mn@66@Hight Time
I needed permission to paint Mary's fatherfs sixteen-year-old daughter.
Because I needed to paint her in the nude. He permits it, or else it will be a trouble for me.
When it happened, he might punch me in heaven, I thought. So, I asked her in person.
Then she said," Asking my father is nonsense! I am a grown-up who can get married and even become a mother with responsibility.
So, that is on me. But does that make any sense?" I answered her, "Of course."
And I said that she is the only person who can stand in the place between the tree of knowledge and the tree of life.
And also, she can have the same experience as Bathsheba who was purified from her uncleanness by water with her clothes off.
And He who sees her is not David but an angel of God.
And he will see her, whose purification, according to the law of Moses, and she got pregnancy preparations.
Therefore he will go before God's throne and says, "She is ready." This is a final answer to God.
Then she answered, " I think your story is exciting. So, I hope you make a run at it. Because I got the feeling that I am in the sight of God always recently."
And I said, "Of course, I am going to paint the painting in which you win the bridal race of God."
She agreed and said, "Now I am engaged with Joseph, the lineage of David. But I have not seen him yet.
So, may I have a towel to hide my private place for Joseph's sake? You know what I mean." Of course. I agreed instantly.
But when the name David sounded, I found a way to represent her triumph.
She wins the bridal race of God with only a towel put on her shoulder, like David overthrew the giant Goliath only with a sling.
"High time" represents Mary standing in the same position as Eve and Bathsheba, who both committed sins
and represents her courage which simultaneously opens the way to our salvation from sin.
So, an olive crown will fit her very well.
June QOQP@July Oil 910mm~1167mm