mn60 John fell in love. (A beautiful meadow)
This painting follows No 55.
Mary said to Jesus, "Have I brought you a big teaser, I wonder?" Jesus answered." No, I do not think so.
You have done a good job. Because you have found a lost sheep." Mary said to Him," In my eyes, she seems to be wasting heaven's gift."
Jesus said to her, "Mother, I say to you, I commend her because she is making friends for herself by God's gift. And they will make her a glorified."
Mary said to Him," But my sister has a feeling that some trouble is going to happen over brothers. So, she will come here to see them."
Jesus answered her, "Fantastic! We become a big family. My Father wants that." Two brothers treated Mary Magdalene with love.
But she loves Jesus. So, she desired to be loved by Him as a woman. However, she must have behaved like His sister.
According to the Gospel of Mark, it said that when Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene.
Also, John, who loved Mary Magdalene, was able to write that event more clearly and emotionally.
So, this story is told as a memorial to her in the whole world, and able to make her glorified.
Now Jesus looked over the Sea of Galilee which was made by the Father in the beginning. At the very good time.
But now the world has been under a curse by human sin. Therefore He is here to redeem our sins.
He said, "One thing is needed that you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and to love one's neighbor as oneself."
This painting represents Jesus's first commandment "Love".
Canvas 983mm 1240mm. 2020.November.