mn 54@Like Rachel (Immanuel)
Then they journeyed from Jericho. The path was going up from there.
Now when evening came there was a little distance to go to Bethlehem, Mary travailed in childbirth and she had hard labor.
Mary said to Joseph "I am dying like Rachel. Oh! poor my babe who will be named Ben-Oni.
It is fitting for Him. My sorrow, babe who can't see mother's face.
If I died, please bury me in Bethlehem. I am happy to die as a Hebrew. v
Because I also am a child of Abraham. Is Bethlehem a little distance from here?"
Joseph shouted "No! Mary No! you must live. Remember our Son's name is Jesus,
It's named by the Holy Spirit. And this wadi is dangerous, but we are all safe. We are with the Savior! Because we are making Immanuel's journey.
So, you never say die! Immanuel! Immanuel!" He shouted and encouraged her many times.
Joseph's story was the truth. When it heavily rained on the mountains, the water would have overwhelmed people.
And also, this wadi was a robber's road. Then, Jesus told the story named "a Good Samaritan" which happened there and is familiar to the world.
So, this road has been a danger since old times. Then they found the inn when they had been approaching Bethlehem.
But there was no room for them. So, they had to stay overnight at the barn with a horse. And Jesus was born there.
This story is well known all over the world. This is the painting based on the story of Joseph and Mary. Many people might imagine a happy Christmas scene in Bethlehem.
But this painting is telling that the fact must be very hard and God is with them. Immanuel.
Canvas oil 910mm 1167mm